Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 161 Know yourself and the enemy

Clayton Bello was furious to see the person who should be staying at home the most.

Especially when Donna avoided the movement of his fingers, she was just like the bad students in his impression who escaped the teacher's punishment.

He bypassed the table and the drinkers, strode over, and wanted to grab the girl's ear to lift her back, but after reaching out his hand, he felt that he couldn't bear it, so he had to put his hand on her shoulder and take her back. Beside your own table.

"You came here alone again?" he asked coldly.

Donna lowered her head.

At this moment, the lieutenant finally figured it out. Donna's courage to come and go alone may not come from the teachings of her mother Cuitis, but from her own personality.

She is a very opinionated child, but her opinion at this time will only bring serious consequences.

There are a lot of wild beasts in the wild, and gangs of robbers are emerging in endlessly. Clayton simply can't imagine a single girl encountering them.

"Where did you rest at night?"

Donna looked up at him cautiously: "I'll climb into a tree and sleep without making a fire."

Clayton took a deep breath, feeling a dull pain in his body.

"It's quite safe." He praised without any hint of praise, and his expression was frighteningly calm.

Being watched like this, Donna's eyes rolled around, like a cat who was accused of scratching a ball of yarn.

This is what she deserves. Clayton made up his mind to find a way to let her remember it tomorrow - not tonight, she must have a good rest tonight.

He was really confused. No matter how bad Cuisi was, she was an excellent student in a church school. How could she educate such a wild child?

"Mr. Bello, is this your girl?"

Pei Lun received another bottle of wine, opened it, and looked at it.

Although Clayton Bello looks a little scary, if his skin were more red, his eyes were smaller, and the black dirt on his fingernails were cleaned, he would still be a handsome man.

The shape of this cute girl's nose is exactly the same as that of Mr. Bello, and the slightly curly texture of her hair is also very similar.

"It is. Yes, she is."

Clayton was very pleased with this opinion. He patted the hand on Donna's shoulder. When he turned his head and met the girl's eyes looking back, he gave her a fierce look. This was a necessary attitude. He couldn't let this girl think that she could get away with whatever she made.

"Give her some mercy." A drinker nearby shouted. "If I had a beautiful daughter who would come to me on horseback all day and all night, I would wake up laughing in my dreams."

People around him all agreed.

Clayton stood among them, still having the friendship of drinking together for several days, but no one supported him at this moment.

He looked at Donna. Although the girl didn't speak, she was somewhat proud.

The lieutenant had to admit defeat.

"It won't happen next time," he said dryly.

"I swear I will do what you want." Donna replied briskly, pulled a seat from the side and sat down.

Seeing that things were developing according to their own ideas, people quickly stopped paying attention to their affairs. At most, they glanced at the pretty girl a few more times, and then reinvested in the fantasy discussion of guarding against werewolves.

"Tell me, girl, why did you come to me?"

Only then did Clayton remember that he still knew nothing about the purpose of Donna's visit. He suddenly felt guilty when he mentioned this issue, because the matter in Gervaux was a little more complicated than he thought. If Donna hadn't come, he might have been worse than originally agreed. It will be a day or two later before I can go back.

But Donna's response quickly made him have no time to take care of this little emotion.

"On the night you left, there were many gunshots outside the house." The girl recalled. Although there was no fear on her face, Clayton could tell at a glance that she was telling the truth.

"I want to open the door and go out."

"Don't open the door." Clayton said firmly, even though he knew that this had happened in the past.

Donna choked: "I really wanted to open the door to see what was going on, but Mrs. Ross came and knocked on the door in advance and told me not to go out. I didn't go out until daytime, but there were no bodies on the street, only large stains of blood. Miss Charlotte When she came to see me, she also said there were gunshots in the parish where she lived.”

This situation was beyond Clayton's expectation.

"What did Mrs. Ross say?" he asked solemnly.

Mrs. Ross's son is an active officer in the military. If anything goes wrong, he will definitely notify his mother as soon as possible.

"She said everything was fine. These bad guys had finished fighting. She asked me to wait for you to come back. But the next night, we heard the sound of fighting all night again."

Donna paused, noticing Clayton's eyes narrowing.

"My dear silly girl, I understand that in this situation you will want to leave, which is usually the right choice, but you are a girl, not a man, and you cannot walk around without someone to accompany you. This is especially true when you are in a dangerous situation. But I think you not only did not tell Mrs. Ross about your decision, nor did you intend to communicate this with Ms. Charlotte, but you set off immediately after you made the decision, otherwise you would not I will rush to Jevoux alone today."

Although it was harsh to say so, Creighton did sense that Donna Bello had a dismissive attitude toward the two women he believed could help her.

They might be friends, but Donna would never ask them for help when she was in trouble.

Such reactions were uncommon among girls growing up in Batnu, where neighborly support was the norm.

Donna was silent.

Clayton didn't intend to blame her too much, but instead mentioned another thing: "I know your nature may not be considered well-behaved, but I am not the kind of elder who would regard this trait as a necessary advantage for a girl. So, you should go through my personal belongings?”

The girl couldn't hide her guilty expression.

"I hope the gun you found fits your hand better. Now you don't have to hide it. Gevault is not within the jurisdiction of the City Public Security Ordinance." Clayton swung the glass.

Donna blinked significantly faster than before, and her voice was much softer.

"I didn't bring the gun." If it weren't for the werewolf's keen hearing, he would have almost skipped this sentence.

Creighton Bello's expression froze on his face.

This terrible fact almost made him lose his mind. Even family affection could not make him ignore this terrible mistake.

He wanted to accuse Donna of being careless, but he couldn't say anything when it came to it, so his anger and regret could only be condensed into a sigh.

"Donna, listen carefully. Although the City Public Security Ordinance stipulates that people without a declared permit are not allowed to carry guns in the city, but if the environment becomes dangerous and you need a weapon for self-defense, then you should ignore those laws in a timely manner. Terms. No king in the world has the power to let his citizens sit and wait for death when facing life threats. Protecting yourself is the most important. As long as you do not actively kill people out of malice, I, as a guardian, will be responsible for all your actions."

His earnest words made his niece nod frequently, but there was no gratifying feedback. On the other hand, Julius on the side listened with rapt attention, and even unconsciously smiled at the corner of his mouth. After Clayton finished speaking, the wizard interrupted: "You and Elder Dais are quite similar."

Clayton cast a doubtful look.

"But he may be a little more uncivilized, 'Young horse, this law is not stipulated by me, why should I abide by it?!' He will probably say this when he encounters a clause that he doesn't like." Julius imitated The old man's tone made Donna laugh, but Clayton couldn't laugh at all.

"Don't get angry with the girl. At least she's safe and sound, right?" Pei Lun returned to the counter with the empty tray. He finished another round of wine, but was still not satisfied and opened another bottle in front of them. .

"I can't drink any more. There's still a lot left in the cup." Clayton declined, while Julius drank for a long time, and the water level in the cup barely dropped.

"Want our lady to have some too? Drink some wine to warm yourself up, and you'll sleep well soon." Pei Lun took out another empty cup: "I'll treat her."

"She's only fifteen," Clayton said.

"So what I got was beer." Pei Lun replied rationally.

Donna took Clayton's cup before they could react: "No, thank you, I just drink what's in this cup."

She took a proud sip, and small wrinkles immediately appeared between her delicate eyebrows.

The wine was so salty and sour that she found it unbelievable.

Julius laughed again, he was starting to like them.

Clayton glared at the wizard, then took his glass from his niece and drank it in one gulp, not giving her more opportunities to steal wine.

The hotel owner explained quickly, fearing that he would leave a bad impression on the other party: "Don't get me wrong, the wine tonight is salted. It's not usually like this. The bottle I have is still new. Do you want to try it?"

Clayton turned him down on Donna's behalf, and now a more serious problem awaited them.

"Perun, you should still have a room here, right?"

It is already very late now, and it is not suitable to stay at a local's house, especially when the men are drunk and the rooms in the hotel are full. His niece was fifteen years old, and Clayton had no intention of sharing a room with her, and he remembered that there was an empty room.

The guy who stole things but was unfortunately injured went to the city, and his room should be vacant.

"I have an extra place here." Pei Lun remembered that Bill was still a little sad, and he sighed: "But that bed is not suitable for such a girl, it is very simple. It is in the warehouse next to the kitchen. I There's been a lot of cotton padding, but it's still not warm there, and you can't raise a brazier there, otherwise it'll be easy to light something on fire."

Clayton couldn't help but look at Julius, hoping that he would be more conscious.

Julius blinked, and then nodded heavily as if he understood: "Mr. Bello, I completely understand what you mean. Donna can sleep in the same room with me. I promise to be a gentleman during this period."

"I can let you and Athena live in a room." Clayton declined his proposal. "Forget it, Donna, you go stay in my room and I'll stay downstairs."

He gave her the key: "It's the penultimate room at the end of the stairs. Don't go wrong."

Donna took the key, but seemed hesitant.

"I'm scared alone."

She seemed to want to share a room with Clayton, but the hint was rejected.

"Donna, you're fifteen, it's time to try sleeping alone."

And Clayton didn't think she had anything to be afraid of. If a girl who could survive alone in the wild said she would be scared sleeping alone, he would be a real fool if he believed it. This silly girl probably stayed with her widowed mother for a long time and thought that some methods of expressing intimacy between women could work on male relatives. This inappropriate understanding will be corrected later.

"Don't worry, I'm not angry anymore. Now go wash your face and go upstairs to sleep. We can talk about anything tomorrow," he warned.

Although the lobby was still very lively, it was indeed getting late.

Donna seemed to have something else to say, but seeing his serious expression, she could only nod in the end.

"Knock on my door if you need anything." Julius reminded her, but she received a look of distrust from the girl.

They quickly dispersed, and Clayton was led by Perun to his new bed. The environment here was better than he imagined.

The straw was covered with thick cotton and a layer of gray-yellow cotton. Although the brazier could not be lit, due to Pei Lun's previous investment, there were still many sheep living here. The temperature here has increased a lot.

The environment was similar to that of the farm boys in Butnu, and he had nothing to complain about.

There was some noise next door, but it didn't matter. Clayton sat here and thought about tomorrow's trip for a while, but gradually felt sleepy.

He had originally decided not to sleep during the days in Gevo, but now he changed his mind and felt that it wouldn't hurt to take a nap.

He lay down and soon fell asleep on the straw pile.

The lobby separated by a wall gradually fell into silence as time went by. People either rushed home in time to wake up, or simply passed out drunk on the tables and chairs here.

When the last oil lamp used up the last drop of dye and the entire lobby fell into darkness, a slender female figure crept down the stairs.

There is no other woman here, she is Donna.

She went to great lengths to prevent the squishing sound from the old, disrepaired wood, and she didn't even wear shoes. The cost was that the cold made her face turn pale.

Stepping over overturned bodies, vomit, and equally overturned chairs, she made her way through the kitchen and into the warehouse.

As she expected, her uncle was asleep.

Donna rubbed her hands gently, then realized the inefficiency of this action, so she simply put her palms to her mouth and breathed, which quickly restored their temperature.

This action is crucial, as low temperatures can make people more likely to wake up.

She approached Clayton softly, knelt down next to him, and stretched out her palms like a snake, making sure to keep her voice as quiet as possible.

Even in his sleep, Clayton Bello's sense of smell remained acute.

When Donna's palm came closer, his nose twitched a few times, but in the end it was turned away by the familiar scent of blood relatives, preventing him from waking up.

The palm touched his face smoothly.

Donna moved her fingers while holding her breath, and opened Clayton's closed eyelids with the gentlest movements.

What's under the eyelids is not the whites of ordinary people's eyeballs that turn up, but blood red.

Farm boys refer to young hired hands who serve farmers in rural areas, usually between the ages of five and eight. Their jobs usually include picking up grain and chasing away food-stealing birds.

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