Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 175 Warning in Fire

Creighton had no intention of desecrating the body, he just wanted to return the clown to his fellow circus members.

It's a pity that the circus director didn't appreciate it. The short guy nimbly avoided the corpse of his companion. His face was ugly and his chest was heaving violently, thinking that this was another trick.

However, Creighton just stood on the opposite side and did not continue the attack.

This gave them another hope. The animal trainer swallowed and said cautiously: "Can we still have peace talks?"

The lieutenant looked at him indifferently: "Last time, you rejected my proposal, this time it's my turn."

Werewolves don't like deception, and the circus people deceived them from the beginning, so he has no intention of letting them go. He is just waiting for his injuries to recover.

On his beastly face, the burned flesh was slowly squirming outward to produce hair, and the perforations under his ribs were gradually shrinking.

Woman Gilda read his thoughts and screamed.

"Help me kill this wizard first, and then deal with him together!"

The four strongest rabbits at her feet suddenly got up again and surrounded Julius, as if the coma just now was just a trap used to lure him deeper.

Seeing that Julius was in danger, Clayton waved his hand again, and the whip wrapped around the witch's neck, tightened it like a noose, and pulled the woman's body down. Without the clown's restraint, many of his movements were no longer scrupulous. .

The rabbit lost control and fell to the ground again. The wizard stabbed the dagger into the furry bodies, but the sound of broken clay was heard.

The witch was dragged toward Creighton with a whip, plowing a furrow in the wet earth.

She grasped the whip rope wrapped around her neck and struggled hard. The snake stick that was put down suddenly came to life. It went up the witch's neck, clinging to the whip and crawling towards Clayton's hand.

Creighton was unsure if it was poisonous and had to throw the whip away.

As soon as the witch was freed from the restraints, she got up with a blushing face. The trainer and the circus ringmaster each picked up a steel knife and rushed to attract Clayton's attention so that she could recover.

The ax blade of the Mosquito Slayer changed its target and slashed towards the beast tamer. The dwarf waved the steel knife and stepped forward, blocking the long handle with the guard of the weapon. The ax blade stayed in front of the beast tamer's face, illuminating a pale face. Face.

The circus ringmaster was so strong that Clayton couldn't hold down the weapon. He kicked the dwarf in the chest, knocking it back, and then followed up with another sweep. He noticed that the dwarf only saw the glinting ax blade, neglecting to protect the fortune teller, and that the beast tamer was too far back. A wide swing might be able to achieve success.

Seeing the giant ax coming towards her, the Gilda woman screamed again.

The fragments of the crystal ball that she had thrown at him suddenly flew up from the ground in dense clusters and plunged into Clayton's leg.

It wasn't a serious injury, and Clayton wasn't even sure if he was bleeding, but the sudden stinging sensation still made him stagger.

As a result, the female diviner was able to escape the pursuit of the mosquito killers, but the dwarf who had just gotten up was in bad luck.

He originally raised the weapon to intercept Clayton's sweep, so as to create an opportunity for the trainer, but this attack was interfered by his companions, and the height of the ax blade's trajectory was shorter than he expected. , so he just cut off one of his hands.

Feeling the fragrance of blood, the golden inscriptions on the Mosquito Slayer's blade were gradually replaced by red. The thorns protruded from the handle of the ax and inserted into Clayton's wrist. They expanded and contracted like blood vessels, moving into the holder's body like a vampire. Introduce the newly found power of flesh and blood.

The waves of warmth and the smell of the enemy's fear made Clayton excited, and somewhat relieved the burning hunger in his body.

He swung his giant ax again and took advantage of the situation to attack the weak dwarf.

The trainer rushed forward and raised the steel knife again, trying to block the blow for his leader.

However, the blood-sucked Mosquito Slayer's weight surged, and the intensity of this blow was completely different from the previous attacks he had received. The steel knife in his hand was directly interrupted, and the bloodthirsty ax blade cut into the top of his head. As it sucked blood, its weight continued to increase, even beyond the control range of Clayton's personal strength. He only relied on gravity and inertia. Just smoothly split the beast tamer in half.

The dwarf stood behind the poor man. From the vertical gap, he not only saw the fresh and wriggling internal organs, but also the murderer's weird head full of animalistic aura.

He held the broken arm and turned his head, wanting to confirm that the other companion was okay, but his hope was in vain.

The witch was reaching out towards Clayton, seemingly planning to cast a spell to save her companions again, but the green-haired wizard was already standing behind her. The dagger with the horn pierced the woman's waist, and the face under the hood looked... It wasn't painful, but the tip of the dagger protruded from the front.

Within a short period of time, everyone was dead.

The circus ringmaster fell into madness.

He screamed as he passed under the table that was intact from end to end on the battlefield.

The lieutenant wanted to lift the Mosquito Slayer again to deliver a fatal blow to the dwarf, but the doubled weight was both an advantage and a disadvantage. He was unable to pull the ax out for a while, and could only watch the dwarf pass under the table.

However, those short legs made a hole in the soil. The emergence of this hole caused another piece of soil to collapse. A table leg sank in, the tabletop tilted outward, and the still bright oil lamp above slid down the slope. The burning hot oil was poured on the dwarf's back.

There was also a lot of fuel hidden in the prosthetic body that the circus ringmaster wore before. After it was chopped into pieces by Clayton, a lot of the stock splashed on the dwarf, and it burned together at the moment.

But he didn't seem to feel any pain, he just looked ahead and stumbled past Clayton.

"It turns out it's already here! It's targeting us! So are you!"

The dwarf shouted incoherently, his voice hoarse and mournful like a crow losing its son, and the flames burned in his hair and back.

Clayton was also shocked by his momentum at the moment and did not catch up.

Of course, he didn't need to chase anymore. The circus director didn't make it into the dense forest.

The short figure fell down not far away, but the flames were still burning on his dark body, and the light illuminated the clearing in front of the forest, like a human-shaped torch.

Clayton looked at the corpse and felt a chill in his heart again.

It was not that he had never seen people go mad in battle, but the dwarf's cry before his death was full of malice and relief. He had never seen two contradictory emotions blended before, and his last words also contained a curse. .

He looked at Julius, hoping that the wizard would give his own explanation for this phenomenon, but Julius did not pay attention to it.

The wizard just stayed close to his assassination target, and even allowed the Gilda woman to lean into his arms to prevent her from falling.

Yes, although she is dying, she is indeed alive now.

Clayton put down his ax and walked towards them empty-handed, while restraining his half-animal form.

Julius's expression could be described as remorseful. When he saw Clayton approaching, he managed to squeeze out some relief on his face, but what he said was an apology.

"Sorry, I didn't know it was so difficult to kill someone."

"First murder?" Clayton asked him.

Julius lowered his head in silence.

In his arms, the dying person's heart was still beating, even in the same rhythm as his, but because of that knife, she was going to die now.

He had seen others kill people in the Presbyterian Church, and had also assisted Clayton in killing people, so he always thought that killing people was a simple matter.

It wasn't until now that he pierced a person with his own hands and felt the warmth of life gradually disappearing in his hands that he felt regretful and even at a loss.

Even though the opponent was trying to kill him just now and was an enemy that must be eliminated, Julius still couldn't forget this cruel feeling. Their heart beats at the same speed, which is almost a kind of telepathy in mysticism, but this life similar to him is about to die, and he killed it with his own hands.

Clayton took a breath. He walked up to the wizard and gently took off the hood of the dying witch, revealing the painful and pale face underneath. In this state of the Gilda woman, even if she is not dead, she is not far away from death. .

He studied it for a moment, memorizing the face, then stretched out his hand and quickly broke her neck.

"This is mine," he said.

Julius looked up in shock and saw Clayton's back staggering towards the other tents.

"I'll go find some food, you clean up the battlefield, and we'll talk later."

This unexpected development made the wizard gradually calm down. He regained some of his usual feelings, and the guilt in his heart was somewhat relieved. So he slowly laid the body flat on the ground and followed Clayton's instructions. Search for clues.

After a while, he found a strange object here,

That's another glorious hand.

The waxy-yellow palm was hidden in the severed prosthetic body of the circus ringmaster. Judging from its similar finger shape and palm print pattern, it should be a pair with the one kept by Julius.

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