Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 184 Circular Orbit

When Clayton found his people, he saw Danny, the jeweler's son, talking to Barbara in a low voice, while Barbara glanced at Julius from time to time.

After noticing Clayton, Danny seemed a little uncomfortable, but still said hello to him.

"I didn't know you were a Sheriff." His tone was more complimentary.

Clayton answered him: "Only when I was in Sasha City, I was the sheriff, and here, I am just an antiquities recycling dealer, so it doesn't matter if I don't say this identity."

Danny gave a stiff smile.

This answer is really full of loopholes. If Clayton doesn't plan to come to Gevoux as a sheriff, then there is no need for him to ask his father about the necklace.

Clayton himself understood this, and he was keenly aware of the young man's disdain, which may have been caused by the treatment he and Julius had last time.

"What, what are you talking about? Is it a secret topic that the Sheriff can't listen to?"

The lieutenant originally wanted to lighten the atmosphere with a joke, but Danny didn't appreciate it in his heart, and his face remained rigid.

"We were talking about New Year's Eve," Barbara answered him.

Perot coughed and raised his voice in a hoarse voice: "We will stay here until the end of next month, and then we will go back to the city. If anyone is willing to go together, we can take care of each other on the way. But Danny wants to I want to go to the city this month."

Law enforcement forces such as the Sheriff and the District Court are limited to urban settlements. There are still many bandit groups operating on the roads, and people who want to go out often go together.

Even if Sasha City is the nearest city, it would take them two days to get there by carriage, and the longer the time, the more likely they are to encounter accidents.

That's why Clayton was so upset when he found out that Donna came to Gévaux alone.

However, it would be a bit inappropriate for Danny to mention this at this time.

Clayton used his own experience to guide the young people: "It is not cost-effective to go to the city now. The environment in the city is not stable. And there are monsters and robbers outside the town. That corpse should teach you this. There are very few robbers. If you are alone, if they have informants in the city and find out about you going out, then it would not be a problem to prepare an ambush outside the town where the patrol team cannot guard you."

The bad reputation of werewolves that has spread in Jevo recently may be fake, but evil creatures and bandits are real.

"I also said so." Perot nodded.

No one wants to go to the city this year, and the only people who can hang out with Danny are their old couple, and maybe Clayton and his group.

Danny was obviously unwilling to contact the latter, so he had no choice but to persuade the Perots to leave early.

It's a pity that Perot was unwilling to help. He was unwilling to leave with Danny. This was because of his grievances with Danny's father and the need to conceal his wife's abnormal condition. However, he came back for a long time and faced his fellow villagers. Refusing the first request would appear stingy, which is exactly what people like Creighton need to provide with a well-founded excuse for refusal.

"Yes, it's really dangerous."

Perot showed a hint of the cunning of the elderly: "So we will go with our son during the New Year. If you are willing to come and keep us company, of course we welcome you, but not this month, our people are still It’s too little, and Barbara and I are too old to take turns keeping watch with you at night.”

He could see that this young man was in a hurry to go to the city, and that this demand might not continue to exist next month.

Danny glanced at the lieutenant. He didn't want to conflict with the sheriff, but it was also important to convince Perot.

"It is precisely because the robber is nearby that we should leave quickly to avoid living in danger. And if, as Mr. Bello said, the robber should be a local, he should not kill his fellow countrymen. Look at that dead man, he is a foreigner."

This statement was too ridiculous, and the panic caused Danny to lose his due logic. He just urged Perot, ignoring the conflicting reasons.

Clayton lost the desire to continue communicating and interrupted him bluntly: "Mr. Danny, did you hear this rule from the robbers, or did you imagine it yourself? Since you are planning to travel far away, I don't think you can Place your own safety on the possibility that the robbers will follow the rules. If you really want to go to the city now, then I suggest you bring your own gun and go out instead of trying to persuade others to accompany you on the adventure."

After the lieutenant finished speaking, without looking at Danny's face, he waved directly to Donna and Julius and walked towards the river.

The Sheriff made a judgment, and no one else could find fault with that conclusion, so he decided to close the case.

People die unexpectedly every year. The death of the animal trainer Macht may be bizarre, but in the past historical records, it is just a monotonous number. It makes no difference to the deceased whether he is killed by a monster or a robber.

The crowd gradually dispersed, and the Hook detectives were about to leave. Their work was not finished yet.

But Ian Lazarus did not move. He asked "Rabbit" Ace for a while. He wanted to check the body again.

Clayton Bello's conclusion has a very complete reason. Ian was not sure of overturning it in public for a while, but he knew that supernatural forces did exist in this world - the black sheriff ignored one point and thought It is indeed not a problem for adult men to bend such a slender iron bar, but if the two corpses are purposely sewn together, the difficulty is much higher than simply bending. Even if it can be done, at least It takes nearly a day.

The animal trainer had been missing for at least a day before he was confirmed dead. He thought the animal trainer's companions would not turn a blind eye to this.

If the time of death of the animal trainer Macht can be confirmed, then the scope of the murderer's activities can be roughly determined.

The young detective stood beside the corpse and thought, while waiting with a few other overly curious guys for the circus members to arrive after being notified.

About half an hour later, the local who went to notify the circus ran back in a hurry, but there was no one else behind him, and his expression looked flustered.

"Everyone is gone!" he shouted. "Their luggage is still there, but the horses are gone!"

Ian Lazarus jumped up, grabbed him and rushed out.

Under the leadership of this panicked local, they took a shortcut and soon arrived at the foot of the hillside where the circus tent was set up. Those colorful tents were still in place, dotting the desolate hills in winter with a joyful atmosphere.

But there was no sound at all, and all the circus people were gone.

In order to prove that he was not lying, the local man shouted twice more, but no one around him responded.

The detective asked him to go back first, while he pulled out two guns and cautiously walked into the camp.

Most of the tents were intact, and the sundries inside were neatly arranged. Only the largest white tent fell to the ground. The wedges that fixed the four corners of the bottom were pulled out, and the soil on the ground also showed signs of turning.

Ian looked around, and after making sure there were no other creatures around, he carefully pried up a piece of soil with his toes.

Even though the killer had cleaned up the scene, he smelled a stench of fuel and blood.

This is a very pungent substance and difficult to eradicate completely.

The boxes piled next to it were broken, and some fragments of clay were scattered on the ground. From the large fragments that were not completely crushed, the detective saw the shape of rabbit ears.

There was a fight in the white performing arts tent - Ian Lazarus judged this, but he could not judge the number of the two parties. There were no footprints at the scene for reference. It might have been disposed of by the murderer.

But this is also useful information. At least he knows that the murderer is experienced and it must not be the first time he kills someone, otherwise he would not be so alert.

The traveling circus wagon was parked next to the tent, the horses as missing as their owners.

Ian Lazarus walked around the hillside and found no other traces of fighting nearby. It seemed that all conflicts were confined to the white tents.

It was a short, violent encounter.

A picture quickly emerged in his mind - a werewolf or other monster rushed into the white tent and had a conflict with the circus members inside. After a short battle, the monster easily killed the animal trainer, and Others lost their will to fight and fled on horseback.

He simply restored the most likely scenario, but he still had doubts in his heart.

Why didn't the circus people call the patrol to back them up?

When the Hook detectives came to Jevo, they could see those tangled groups of hunters holding torches and shotguns. They had gathered specifically to deal with the "beast", and they had enough courage. If this traveling circus has always been stationed here, there is no reason to turn a blind eye to this powerful force.

Ian Lazarus mused, feeling like he was getting close to the truth.

These people did not call for the patrol when they encountered danger, perhaps because they were too nervous to shout loudly for fear that they would become targets of monsters. In that case, maybe they would be attacked at night, because darkness will amplify people's fear, and it is also people's fighting instinct to avoid exposing their position in the dark.

But what if it wasn't night when they were attacked?

These people did not flee in the direction of Jevo, nor did they call for help from the patrol, so the conclusions that can be drawn from this fact are a bit scary.

Perhaps they made the above decision precisely because they saw the murderer's face.

The patrol couldn't help, and the town wasn't safe.

The person who killed Macht, the animal trainer, may be a local in Gevaux and holds a high position. This makes the people in the circus have no intention of fighting, because the patrol will not help them, and entering the town is not easy for them. Entering the cage makes no difference.

When Ian thought of this, his body gradually began to heat up at this terrifying possibility, and sweat began to drip from his forehead.

If Gévaux was a town ruled by monsters, he didn't know what to do next.

Suddenly, a flash of thought flashed across his back, and he remembered a person with a major suspicion - that was Ms. Barbara who was traveling with him in the morning!

She had to go out to pick berries even though she knew that "werewolves" were raging, and she was not familiar with the surrounding environment. She even got lost outside the town like him!

If no one forced her to do this, how could she, a woman, be willing to leave the town alone and come to this desolate and deep forest where murderous intent lurks?

Perhaps it was the murderer who used violence and power to coerce her into observing the circus again.

The sun shone on Ian's body, and his fingers holding the musket turned white from excessive exertion.

He knew that there might be reasonable explanations behind these doubts, or that he might be thinking too much, but he didn't want to let go of this possibility and the opportunity to save others because of his negligence.

He thought of his parents who died at the hands of Darkin, and his brother who just passed away last month, and finally made a firm sign of the cross on his chest.

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