Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 192 Another delay

Padre Louis greeted them, but they were still filled with visceral fear at the sight of the monster.

They saw what had become of the fallen man—the evil thing—it was stretched out like a human body being kneaded into dough, and was about ten feet long.

Although it still retains a human head, its limbs are distorted and its skin is bloodless and pale from head to toe. The naked body has an unusually long neck, and the arms are also elongated, like two thin pokers, and the fingers are like two rows of awls, stretched upward in an ostentatious manner. The toes are like rabbit's feet, and there is a slender and curly tail like a monkey behind it, but it is as pale as its other branches, only the end is a deep red color like blood.

When it wants to move, it uses its protruding elbows and legs with anti-joint structures to crawl on the ground in an unnatural way.

Under the gaze of everyone, the pale monster stretched out its long awl-like claws and tore open the belly of the only horse in the stable in an instant, and stretched its long neck with human features into it and twitched. In the cracks of the mouth, he feasted on the fresh entrails of the poor animal.

The horrifying high-pitched screams ran through the entire hotel.

Even if they didn't witness what happened, the three people in the hotel lobby heard the sound coming from outside the wall.

Both Donna and Julius stood up nervously, but Clayton didn't move. He recognized that the scream was not from a human, but from a horse.

There was only one horse in the stable next to the hotel, the little chestnut mare that Donna had brought. They had fed it when they left the hotel in the morning, but the poor animal was now probably in serious danger.

"Let's stay here and don't go anywhere." Clayton repeated Goatee's words.

He saw that Donna's body was shaking slightly, but her eyes were firm, so he was particularly worried that she would act irrationally.

The gasps and cries were fading, but this weakness was troubling Donna's nerves.

Life is dying.

Her inspiration told her that it was the life she had come into contact with.

The girl gritted her teeth and almost got off the chair and rushed out.

Clayton put his hand on hers, warned in a low voice, and then comforted: "Don't be impulsive, I will buy you a new pony when you go back."

It didn't work, though, and the look Donna gave him back was nothing short of desperate.

"She sent me to see you." Donna looked at him sadly.

Clayton looked her in the eyes: "It's too late for us to get over now, but it's no one's fault."

No one knows why the leatherworker did not enter the building first, but attacked an awake horse without warning. The risk of doing so was much higher than killing someone.

After comforting his niece, he looked toward the backyard anxiously.

The stables almost hug the outer wall of the backyard, and the leatherworkers also have the possibility of climbing over the wall to access the backyard.

This may be easier than climbing the wall to enter the second floor after eating.

The patrol members also noticed this possibility, and they sent three members down to accompany them just in case.

People in the lobby could not see the scenery outside. They could only rely on the upstairs to convey information, and until the horse's whine ended, no shot was fired upstairs.

Clayton knew that this was due to the accuracy limitations of the firearm itself and the level of the shooter.

The army will use volleys to make up for the lack of accuracy of firearms, but there are not even conditions for volleys here - the stables are on the right side of the backyard, and only the rightmost positions on the second floor are suitable for shooting. It is easy to shoot bullets in other positions. Get to the wall.

They had to wait for the leatherworker to approach on his own until they were sure their shot was infallible.

The lights in the lobby flickered, and three patrol members placed their shotguns between the plates and stood guard in the direction of the backyard.

Clayton took out Perun's ancestral two-handed sword from behind the counter. He couldn't expose his strength. A two-handed sword was better than an ax in front of outsiders.


The gunfire finally rang out.

It was as if a bomb had been detonated in the hotel, and all the previously suppressed voices broke out.

Several low gunshots were heard from upstairs, followed by thunderous footsteps. All the gunmen moved to the room where the monster broke into for support. People downstairs heard Goatee shouting upstairs, asking others to aim at the monster. If you shoot again, don't point the gun at your own people.

The three shotguns in the lobby were ready to move, and the patrol members couldn't wait to leave Clayton and others and go upstairs to support them.

They soon no longer had this concern.

The sounds upstairs suddenly became clear, and then the noisy footsteps started beating like drums again, quickly moving towards the stairs.

It wasn’t just Goatee’s voice, other people were also shouting upstairs:

"It's gone down! It's going to your place! Let those three strangers come up!"

Before these supports appeared, the leatherworkers broke into their sight first.

The monster fell from the stairs and fell straight into the backyard. They could see this scene through the short corridor next to the counter and heard the sound of meat and bones hitting the ground. This must have been uncomfortable.

The patrol members guarding downstairs fired without hesitation. Their guns had already been set up here, and the evil thing broke into the crosshairs on its own.

Three gunshots rang out almost at the same time, and the leatherworker's pale body trembled violently. Everyone could see that it was injured, but they didn't know how many bullets it had been hit by.

However, the bullet's damage to it was not as high as expected, and it did not bleed much. It just shook its body and rushed through the short corridor into the lobby, arriving at Clayton's side faster than the reinforcements upstairs.

After getting closer, they saw the specific appearance of the leatherworker, and felt sick in their hearts.

The human head on the deformed body was soaked in horse blood and their appearance was indistinguishable, but they could still see its malicious expression. They couldn't accept that such a disgusting thing was actually an intelligent creature.

The three strangers did not come forward. Clayton followed Goatee's instructions and arranged for Donna and Julius to move to the stairs and prepare to go upstairs. At the same time, the patrol members around them decisively put down their shotguns and switched to flintlock pistols. The would-be leatherworker fired a second round.

After a brief and rapid volley of two rounds of musketry, white smoke rose from the muzzle of the gun, obscuring the gunners' view.

But it didn't matter, they believed they had just hit the target.

The three guns were gradually lowered, and the next moment, sharp white blood-stained fingers were pulled out of the smoke.

The finger that can easily disembowel a horse should have the same effect on the human body, but it is still slightly inferior to real steel.

A two-handed sword slashed through an arc, stirring up the smoke. The flash in the fire was accompanied by blood splashing out, and two of the leatherworker's fingers broke off and fell to the ground.

The sudden attack made the leatherworker jump back suddenly. It fell on all fours and lay on the ground watching the frightened young people. It is worth mentioning that this monster looked closer than Clayton looked at from a distance. It looked more slender and elongated, like some kind of giant snake-like devil crawling.

There is no need for a priest to explain it. Even those who see it for the first time will notice the sense of blasphemy and faint yearning that amplifies the extreme evil of human beings.

Kill it, or be it and stand in front of it, people naturally think so.

Of course, beings who are not human beings naturally do not have such instinctive feelings.

"Keep reloading and get ready for the next shot!"

Clayton forced the leatherworkers back and pointed his sword at an angle, using his experience to direct these young men to continue preparations.

Although he successfully contained the enemy's attack, the touch from the sword was very unpleasant. He felt as if he was cutting a starfish, and it might be harder - that kind of sea creature is not as soft as people imagined, Its body only has a tough outer skin and extremely elastic bones.

The leatherworker's body is so strong, I'm afraid that the damage it has received so far has not had the effect of inhibiting its mobility.

He tightened his grip on the hilt of the sword. This weapon was not the type he was good at, but it worked fine. Perun took good care of it.


Shouts came from the backyard.

Some members of the patrol chose the same path as the leatherworker. They landed in a more awkward position and may have been injured as a result, but they completely cut off the monster's escape route.

The door to the inn was locked, and it either tried to painstakingly dismantle it under musket fire, or it chose to fight its way through the crowd.

The leatherworker's face was stained with blood and lost his smile.

At the same time, the patrol's reinforcements on the stairs finally came down.

A total of twelve muskets were arranged diagonally on the railing of the stairs, and the muzzles of the black holes were all pointed at the monster.

Goatee's shout echoed through the lobby on the first floor.


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