Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 196 Linking the Past to the Next

As Danny's body sank, a few wisps of dark red floated in the Nidalee River, which was not originally clear.

Adelaide is drawing strength from this murder.

The meaning of revenge in the occult is the symbolic meaning of getting everything back. After killing Danny, she can do it, whether it is to change her identity and become a good fairy, or to enhance her existing power.

Donna watched the dark blood spread in the water, her eyebrows twisted together in confusion.

Beside her, Julius spat in the water. He felt that he had been tricked and was about to exchange sympathy with his employer, but when he turned around, he found that there was no trace of surprise on Clayton's face.

"Did you know this would happen?" he asked angrily.

"I have guessed such an ending. But..." Clayton looked back at the wizard: "I thought you should have expected it too. I saw you looking thoughtful several times."

Julius felt quite annoyed when he mentioned this matter.

"I always thought that it was done by other bounty hunters commissioned by Professor Christopher. After all, he bid so much money, it was not difficult to find a few eager spellcasters. After attracting local people to help hunt down the 'beast', he Just wait for the local hunters to be successful before plundering. This guess is so reasonable that I ignore the possibility of personal vendetta."

The acoustic conch that recorded the howling of wolves almost disturbed the atmosphere of the entire town. He never thought that such a big movement was just to leave one person behind.

"Oh -" he sighed, and asked curiously: "When did you find out?"

"It started with this little girl saying that the best friend she was looking for was a man."

Hearing this answer, the wizard raised an eyebrow: "Then you are really experienced."

Clayton disagreed: "It's just out of common sense."

"What common sense?" Donna asked him confused.

Clayton hesitated: "It may not be common sense to you."

This poor girl not only had no friends of the opposite sex, but also no sexual friends. He really didn't know how to explain this to her.

The river rippled again, and Adelaide emerged from the water. Her face was a little more alive than before.

"It's time to give us our due," Clayton shouted toward the water.

The Water Fairy has now absorbed at least two living sacrifices, but her power is not enough to make the werewolves afraid. As long as they insist on not entering the water, Adelaide's ability is not strong enough to interfere with them.

But Adelaide has a weakness in his hands. As long as she still cares about her father, the werewolf can threaten her with this news.

Fortunately, this girl is quite sensible.

Adelaide had no intention of breaking the contract. She stretched out a hand: "Of course, I have not forgotten this. Now please throw down that necklace."

"Just drop it?" Clayton confirmed again.


The ivory necklace was thrown down decisively, and Adelaide failed to catch it directly. However, the ivory material did not sink to the bottom in the water, but floated slightly, and floated against the current towards Adelaide as if it had magnetic force. Virtue.

She raised her palm and took a bite, then grabbed the necklace with her bloody palm.

As the portrait on the necklace came into contact with the water nymph's blood, Clayton's body couldn't help but begin to tremble, and he felt something begin to grow again in his empty body.

His vanishing fortune is returning.

Feeling this, his mood suddenly calmed down.

The main purpose of coming to the town of Jevo was over, and he was finally free to do other things.

"We're even," said the Water Banshee, her head gradually sinking into the water.


Clayton held back the feeling of discomfort and called her,

Adelaide resurfaced and looked at him in confusion: "I should have fulfilled your request. You don't have to worry that Danny's disappearance will make you suspected by my fellow villagers. I will handle this matter."

"That's not what I'm talking about." Clayton said: "I remember you just mentioned the monster. Were you attacked by the leatherworker? I need to know the details. It's best to tell me everything you know. The thing about Sevan is also Same."

"Sorry, I don't know who the leatherworker you are talking about was. We were attacked late at night and were not able to clearly see the appearance of the monster."

At the time of the attack, Adelaide was still just a human being, and there were still things he could not do.

However, Clayton still had doubts about this: "You must be hiding something else from me. I suggest you make it clear so that we don't have any misunderstandings later. After all, Gevo is a subordinate town of Sasha City. If there is such a big commotion, your priest will definitely report it to the city when he comes back, and then church members will come over to conduct a second investigation. By then, you and your father may no longer be able to stay out of the matter."

Until now, he was not sure how many monsters with different habits there were in Gevo, and they might have to stay here for two weeks or even more than two weeks.

All the behaviors of the leatherworker made him feel abnormal. After all, it was a monster transformed from a human being, not another creature with low intelligence. Even if it could play tricks, Clayton would not be surprised. And the subject mentioned by Professor Christopher The beast attracted by doom has not yet appeared, and the situation is actually more complicated than it seems.

"So, you can help me." Adelaide cleverly grasped the key point from the threat.

Clayton was pleased with her reaction, if she had reacted any slower, he would have had to be a villain in front of Donna.

"To be precise, it is the Sasha City Council of Elders who can help you."

He signaled Julius to take action, and the latter immediately perked up and gave her endless instructions.

He briefly described the status of the Presbyterian Council of Sasha City, and in particular reiterated the treatment and security of its members.

Although the wizard is dissatisfied with Adelaide, his father is advocating to dredge the river again. At this moment, the joining of a water nymph is undoubtedly a very beneficial help.

Adelaide is a spirit in the water. The moment she regained this identity, she was favored by fate. As long as she is willing to move to the dock area of ​​Sasha City, the planned construction work can be completed more smoothly.

The newly born Water Fairy did not refuse this invitation, but she hesitated slightly when mentioning her own affairs.

"Okay then, just think of it as a gift."

She told Clayton her story.

Adelaide hadn't lied about Danny's identity in the first place, he had indeed been her friend - once.

In fact, Sevan, Adelaide, and Danny all grew up together. For a certain period of time, they were brothers and sisters until the age of first love. As Clayton understood, the relationship between them happened. After a change, the two young men became Adelaide's admirers at the same time.

Adelaide also had a crush on Sevan, and the two became lovers.

In order to avoid Danny getting hurt, Adelaide rejected his pursuit and decided to hide their relationship with Sevan from the public.

Sevan did not refuse because his adoptive father Louis wanted him to inherit his legacy and become a life-long abstinent black monk. Open love affair would not only damage his friendship with Danny, but also trigger family conflicts between him and his father.

They originally planned to pick a good time to go to the city to look for work together, so that they could avoid people who knew them and no longer have to hide their love.

But this summer, Adelaide's eyes changed and the pores on her skin began to disappear.

Everyone noticed this change, but their suspicions were limited to thinking that she had used eye-dilating drops on the market, which was typical of young girls becoming more and more good at dressing up.

Except that Sevan and Danny knew that this was unusual because they often visited her, only Priest Louis noticed something strange and ordered Sevan not to approach her again.

However, this attitude became an opportunity for the three of them to notice her own changes. Together, they searched for Adelaide Lux's genealogy and the ancient records left by the town's parish, and finally determined Adelaide's ancestors. identity.

During the Great Stink Incident, her ancestors migrated here and threatened the local priesthood to surrender by connecting their destiny to the local water source, gaining the right to settle here. After that, they combined with the locals to found the Lacks family.

The passage of time later dispelled all vigilance. At the same time, the departure of the Dark Moon led to fewer and fewer women who were born to awaken their bloodline. Eventually, they completely forgot the deeds of their ancestors. The personnel changes in the local church also made this matter gradually become a mystery. secret.

It was not until this year that the secret was unearthed from the cracks of history by three people.

Since Adelaide had no further mutations, they unanimously decided to keep it a secret and let her live an ordinary life.

In September, a fleet of fast horses came from the city of Sasha.

The large church began to request its subordinate parishes to investigate and report on dark descendants. Sevan learned of the news, so he used his job as a helper in the church to destroy the records about the Lacks family in the library room, and communicated with Adlai Dexiang agreed to leave Gevo at the end of the year.

In October, church members and military soldiers came to Gevo. This operation came faster than they imagined.

The priests in Revo are all locals, and they cannot be cruel to fellow villagers inspired by the Dark Moon, but the priests from the city have no such scruples. They blocked the roads and locked up the ships. The obviously alienated "patients" were recognized at a glance and tricked by the priests into boarding their carriages, not knowing what the consequences would be.

Adelaide was spared as she was almost recognized, but Padre Lewis stood up to vouch for her.

But this is a deal, the price is that Sevan must become a black monk, and Adelaide must leave Gévaux.

Sevan accepted the arrangement.

They had their last date by the river at night.

Unfortunately, Danny was walking in the woods and accidentally bumped into them, and discovered the love between them that had been hidden from him for a long time. He immediately flew into a rage and quarreled with them over this distrust.

Then a monster rushed out of the woods and captured Adelaide and Sevan.

"Wait a moment."

Clayton interrupted her again, with a strange look on his face: "I remember you said Danny killed you."

The water fairy nodded slightly at him, and her dark green hair like algae rippled in the water with her movements.

"That's for later, please hear me out now."

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