Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 225 Blood connection

At noon, the white sun shines on the land, spreading a warm atmosphere on the streets.

Warmth did not make Barbara feel happy. She no longer had any need for the powerful celestial body. Six months of prayers and communion rituals failed to reverse her state of death, and she had accepted her identity as a vampire.

Now, the cold and darkness are her protectors.

However, as a first-generation vampire, she is not afraid of the sun, and it is still her right to walk freely during the day.

Today, under the warning of Clayton Bello, a werewolf gentleman whom the Presbyterian Church befriended, Barbara had to personally bring back the new descendant Ian Lazarus she created - although this was originally her own responsibility.

But if she had to say it herself, it wouldn't hurt to do it later.

Barbara still liked the child Ian very much, he was like the brother she once had, and because of this, she subconsciously resisted bringing him back.

If she had been in a forest rich in prey when she first transformed into a vampire, she wouldn't have had to eat so many rats. Thinking of the bald skin and ulcerated tails of those nasty sewer dwellers, the female vampire couldn't help but feel a little nauseous, as if her nerves hadn't been completely necrotic.

She was thinking wildly and avoided her husband's sight when she went out. Her skin exposed in the sun was as pale as freshly made paper, which attracted some strange looks.

Barbara didn't care about people's curiosity. Her mother was dead and her father didn't know where she was. The only people left here were people she didn't care about.

Perrault thought she could find peace again in the place where she was born, but he was wrong. There was no difference for her here from anywhere else - she was just dragged here by her husband like a kite, and the kite would miss the one who made her. Workshop?

This may be the last time they spend the holidays in Geve.

Some chaotic sounds resounded on the street, and panicked people were running up and down the street. Some spectators pushed open their windows and used high vantage points to observe the situation outside. People gathered behind them for some unknown reason, as if something was happening. Big thing, but it has nothing to do with Barbara.

She just subconsciously made a swallowing motion for the abundant blood.

Walking out of the town and into the forest, the female vampire relied on her natural perception of descendants to locate Ian Lazarus.

It was not far from the river bank and was a good location to get water.

Barbara couldn't help but think of the situation when she was transformed. She was also very thirsty at that time. Perot took all his savings and took her to a pub near her home, where they set a drinking record that will probably never be surpassed by humans.

It was through this rumor that the Presbyterian Church found her.

When she thought about it, she wanted to laugh.

Slowing down as much as possible, he finally arrived in front of the target, and Barbara's smile disappeared.

Ian Lazarus closed his eyes and leaned against a big tree as if dead. Even though there were no leaves on the branches, the shadow was enough to envelope him. Beside him was a corpse - human - that had been drained of blood.

Barbara didn't wonder why there were still passers-by here. Her eyes only stared at Ian's hands and chest.

A bullet hole appeared in the left chest of the newborn vampire, and a gun was firmly grasped in his hand.

This situation is clear at a glance.

Ian Lazarus killed a man in a fit of post-transformation madness, then realized how evil his transformation was and committed suicide out of guilt.

Barbara raised her hand to wipe her eyes. Because she hadn't drank blood in the past few days, no tears flowed out.

"I don't know what is more terrible than sleeping forever." She said sadly, but not very sadly, because Ian Lazarus had indeed not entered eternal sleep, even if he shot himself in the heart.

He just passed out.

Vampires don't "die" from such minor trauma.

Although Barbara felt sad for Ian's choice, she did not respect Ian's decision at all. This was her descendant, and she certainly had the right to decide her life and death, and Barbara happened to feel that if she had a choice, "people "It's better to keep yourself active and able to speak.

She looked at the corpse next to her, but could not recognize the other person's identity.

Without any hesitation, Barbara pulled a little more flesh from it and stuffed it into Ian's mouth, hoping that he would wake up as soon as possible.

In the process, she remembered the personal guidance of the respected gentleman Clayton Bello in the past, and destroyed any traces on the body that might reveal the murderer, and then stuffed Ian's upper body into the water to wash away the blood. This process reminded her of the process of bathing her first child, and more love was inspired in her heart.

But when she thought about the rest of the aftermath, she felt distressed.

"Ian, Ian, what should I do to you now?"

Barbara thought sadly that if Ian Lazarus woke up, he would definitely choose to commit suicide again. What would she do then?

She thought for a moment and made a decision.

It's better to go to Mr. Bello again, that gentleman always has a way.

But before that, she had to find a way to control Ian.

Donna's animal friends came back with no reliable information.

They said the Salvation Army had dispersed only twice, but they had never been to any place other than the inn and the grave robbers' quarters, and they had not had long conversations with anyone. But this is obviously wrong. If they have never found the contact, how can they know what Schmidt has done before, and can they use the law to attack him?

Therefore, this information was regarded as a misunderstanding caused by the animals' ignorance or poor detection.

Donna also hoped to make further inquiries and ask her friends who were a little further away from the bird to be brought in, but she was refused.

Even if she could communicate with animals, those animals would not fully obey her instructions. It was winter now, and all the animals were busy hoarding food and had no time to run errands for her, and she could promise too few nuts.

The effect was unsatisfactory, but Clayton didn't expect her to do anything.

Next, their afternoon tasks were to write letters, settle accounts, and discuss business matters.

The postman who was supposed to come to Gevaux hadn't arrived yet. Clayton thought they might be dead, but decided to write the letters first because it would save time. When he got to the city, he wouldn't have to do these tasks temporarily.

When night came, he played another trick and left his curious niece behind before dinner and went out alone to do errands.

By about half past ten, his work was finally done.

After the three unconscious human bodies were dumped in a dark street corner in turn, Clayton looked back and saw that none of the neighboring houses of that small house had lights on and the curtains were all tightly closed. There was nothing to worry about.

He bent down and lifted the three bodies onto his shoulders, and walked down the street without hesitation.

They were the thugs who attacked Selanie's hut during the day. They were not masked at the moment. The areas injured during the day were still covered with bandages, and there were no serious external injuries.

These people were just beaten unconscious, but this was not because Clayton intended to let them go. It was because the blood stains left on the street were difficult to clean up. He was too lazy to ask Barbara to do anything for him. This matter He just had to deal with it himself.

The purpose of his trip was to take these thugs into the forest and listen to the screams before taking action.

No one can humiliate his family and remain unscathed.

Clayton dragged his body, his steps heavy but not slow. The cold winter wind brushed his ears, but it did not dampen his interest at all.

He no longer felt cold, and he was still walking happily on the dark streets. If he hadn't been reluctant to break the silence of the night, he might have hummed a few words.

The antique dealer was rarely happy these days in Gevo, but this night was not bad - there was no need to worry about patrols coming on the road, because he suggested that the guards take a good rest tonight. They trusted him, and this trust made him feel good.

There are no electric lights in the countryside, and oil is considered a luxury here. In addition, a lot of wood and oil resources were consumed to maintain light at night. Now the locals have to pick up the virtue of frugality again. There are almost no lights in the town. Of course, no one will see it.

Looking at the overall situation, the whole thing was simpler than he expected. These three thugs were three brothers from the same family. They lived together and did not start their own families. He just followed the smell of blood he remembered during the day to find them. The person's residence, then walked into the house and gave each of them a touch at a speed that ordinary people could not react, and the matter was basically solved.

They had dogs, but of course dogs wouldn't bark in the presence of werewolves.

It was even following Clayton now, wagging its tail in defense of its new leader.

Clayton walked on this land that accepted him wholeheartedly, as easily as he was walking in his own hunting ground.

It was inconvenient to carry three heavy human bodies on his shoulders, but Clayton still had the physical strength to carry them all for an hour, all the way to the outside of the town, even in human form.

But what Clayton didn't expect was that just as he was dragging three bodies through an alley, a man in black suddenly bumped into him. All the people Clayton was carrying fell down, and the sound of flesh hitting the ground happened four times in a row.

Because the smell of garbage in the alley and the sound of rats digging things covered up the traces of human actions, Clayton didn't notice him first. Likewise, this man backed out of the alley with his back to the alley exit, so he didn't realize there was anyone else here until he bumped into Clayton.

The werewolf should have knocked the man unconscious when he didn't turn around to see him, but he recognized the man who was sneaking around late at night.

Moreover, the fourth human body that landed on the ground made him interested.

"Good evening," the werewolf said brightly.

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