Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 233 Pressing forward step by step

"No one has ever entered this town with such muskets, except you. Of course you can restrain those who live in the barn, but what about those whom you send out to lead the horses? If they disobey What will happen if your order comes back? You need to prove that you and your people are innocent, otherwise you will not be allowed to stay here," Lewis said.

The mayor stood on tiptoe desperately trying to give the priest a questioning look.

This development is certainly good now, but it is not among the results of their private discussions.

Losing face in front of these townspeople, Francis showed extreme displeasure. He shook his hand violently: "Is this your way of hospitality? Drive the owners of the land out of their own territory, just because you can't catch them together." The real murderer?"

"Didn't you understand what I said just now?" The priest asked him in disgust: "So why don't you try to check your subordinates? Maybe you already have enough wealth, but your subordinates are not In this way. Lawrence is a jeweler in the town, and his wealth is very considerable. The evil in the human heart can easily be encouraged by wealth."

"That wouldn't be done by my people, they know the discipline and I pay them."

Francis looked at the mayor. The bald head illuminated by the fire was brighter than the street lights in the city: "Your mayor seems to have not spoken yet. Shouldn't he be the one who makes the decision? Mr. Jeffrey, what do you think?" look?"

"Uh" Mayor Jeffrey said slowly: "Mr. Ravenel, I think the priest is right."

Francis' face froze.

He miscalculated the local unity.

At this moment, the new representative of the hunter group finally arrived. He came here panting with a gun on his back. His clothes were messy, and a few buttons were buckled. He didn't look very great, but his presence impressed everyone present. The townspeople felt a little more at ease. The hunters who arrived earlier than him included him in their protective circle.

"What happened?" were his first words.

After someone told him about Louis and the mayor's decision, his second sentence immediately turned into support.

"I agree, Raven Lyle needs to get out of town with his men."

Francis' eyes almost burst out with fire: "This is unfair. We haven't prepared enough supplies to supplement our travel needs. That's the rations needed for twenty-two people and more than a dozen horses. Moving out of the town is a threat to us." It’s the same as death!”

Had he not been playing a well-connected tycoon, he would have spewed more profanities.

However, this attitude already explained the problem. The other Salvation Army soldiers immediately changed their posture and held their rifles. It was a posture that could be used for rapid shooting.

It’s just that the townspeople took the initiative to propose a solution to this problem without asking anyone to speak.

"We can deliver food to you, but you have to pay. Because of the long journey and possible dangers, you have to pay more than the market price." The person who spoke was not tall and had a beautiful face. He has a very philistine look.

This is a local vegetable vendor.

Not only him, but also the bakers and butchers of Gevaux quickly came forward.

"As long as you have money," they said.

Since Raven Lyle owns such a large piece of land, he should be able to afford the money.

Louis nodded in agreement, ignoring Francis' gradually distorted face: "Yes, we are not doing this to let anyone get hurt. This is for everyone's safety."

The mayor gradually entered the state. He took out a cigarette, lit it for himself, and took a nice puff.

"Mr. Ravenel, this measure is also to protect you. Think about it, an evil monster that can devour cattle and sheep and attack humans has been wreaking havoc in the town recently. It has not received the punishment it deserves, and tonight there are more A human murderer has appeared, but we were not aware of it before. This is really our fault. As the mayor of the town, I ask you, guests from afar, to share these dangers with us. Ashamed."

When he said this, Mayor Jeffrey's face glowed red.

"Since you have complete control over your men, taking them away temporarily is the best option. In this way, we can clean up these freak murderers without any worries, and the one we catch in the end will definitely not be yours. Man, don't you think so?" He looked at Francis beamingly.

It can be seen that every local here has been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Pressing harder and harder like this, they are going to take action.

Realizing this, the man with the pseudonym roared: "This is our land, we are not going anywhere!"

The Salvation Army soldiers set up their rifles and faced off against the people around them who were also taking aim. However, in terms of the number of weapons and the number of people, they were completely at a disadvantage.

It's not just the hunters who have guns, there are also many local people who have weapons. Because they feel that their lives have been seriously offended, many people have abandoned their usual cowardice and are willing to stand up against them.

Seeing this scene, these rebels couldn't help but feel nervous.

No one knew how determined these locals were in expelling them from the country. They tried so hard to escape from their former colleagues and extraordinary beings from the church, but ended up dying at the hands of a group of farmers not far away. They absolutely cannot accept this.

They had the upper hand before, so there was a lot of room for concession.

What's more, the dead people may have been killed by their companions. The investigation results will be unfavorable to them. If they move out of the town now, it will be more convenient for them to escape in the future.

Realizing this, some Salvation Army members soon lowered their guns spontaneously. The angle was not large, but it already explained their attitude.

Francis glanced around at his own people, his lips twitching as if they were alive. He wanted to say something to refute these locals, and at the same time alert the idiots under him, but he couldn't make any sense.

The task assigned to them by the coordinator has not been completed yet!

The mayor blew out a smoke ring: "Oh, after dinner, I went to the church to check some ancient information. At that time, the land purchased by your ancestors only included part of the river bank and swamp area. This town was not included in the transaction list. , Perun's ancestors were expelled for violating the "Nobles' Rights Act" after trying to sell part of the real estate. All real estate belongs to the state. Now the direct owner of Gevo is our Majesty the Queen. If you bring it now It is only appropriate to say this if you want to live in the swamp."

“Such a word” refers to “our land” of which Francis just spoke.

The suspicion of killing four people threw the doubtful legitimacy of the Salvation Army itself into the dust.

Realizing that he was powerless, Francis' resentful eyes swept across the crowd in front of him. His voice was slightly tired, but he still tried to sound fierce: "Even so, Mr. Schmidt still has to be a guest at my place. His crime I haven't been fully punished yet, I think you will understand this if you are so reasonable."

After saying that, he waved his hand and left with the unsteady Salvation Army members.

The werewolf who was paying attention to the situation below almost laughed out loud, but was unable to do so due to the serious atmosphere returning to the street below.

The death of four fellow villagers was also a big deal for the locals. The victory over the Salvation Army just now could not completely alleviate people's sadness. It was not profound, but it was hazy like fog and enveloped everyone's heart.

It was inappropriate for Clayton to join them at this moment. He knew that he had his own merit for this victory, and that was enough.

Thinking about what would happen next, he came down from the roof, turned around and walked towards Barbara's house.

The matter has been resolved, it's time to call Donna back.

Lots and lots.

Donna stood outside the door, waiting for the person inside to open the door.

All the windows in the house are bright, and its owner is probably still awake, but he may be afraid of the dark.

Perot seems to have this need.

But if Barbara and Perot were asleep and no one came to open the door, she would use magic to solve the problem. Anyway, if they were awake, they would definitely not refuse her.

The door opened.

Julius held the charm and looked at her warily.

"I'm really sorry!"

When Donna saw this face, she didn't even think about what she should say, and she forgot to ask why he was here, her mouth started talking involuntarily. Realizing she was apologizing, she tried in vain to squeeze out a tear or two to prove her sincerity.

Donna's heart raced.

Who can tell her why Julius came to Barbara's house instead of the hotel?

She really should have stayed by her uncle's side, even if she had to be beaten. Uncle Clayton also promised to accompany her to apologize, but now she had to face Julius alone.

The green-haired man stared at her gloomily, then moved his gaze behind her, as if to see if Clayton was coming.

Of course, he couldn't see anything.

The wizard moved and moved out of the way. For the first time, Donna felt afraid of entering the door, but she went in anyway.

Many charms carved from wooden and bone materials were scattered on the floor of the living room. Oil paint as thick as blood painted complex spells on them. Donna could only recognize the meaning of a few of them. There were several charms on the carpet at the door, and their colors were exactly the same as the carpet. She stepped on one of them and almost slipped.

There was obviously a reason for this fierce defensive behavior, and all Donna could think about was the curse she had placed around the unconscious wizard not long ago.

This may have made him suspicious.

"I hope the trap I designed before didn't hurt you." She said guiltily.

Julius closed the door, turned around and looked at her strangely: "You don't think I'm afraid of those little curses you put, do you?"

Donna raised her eyebrows in confusion: "Isn't it?"

"Don't be stupid. Just those three-legged cat-level tricks, it took me less than two minutes to dismantle them all. That's because I just woke up and was dizzy, otherwise I could have done it faster."

"Ouch--" Donna's guilt was swept away, and she began to feel regret.

The wizard seemed to have forgotten the little discomfort she had caused before, because there were more important things that needed his attention.

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