Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 270 Alien Favors

"At that time, the man jumped out of the window, turned around and ran along the alley. He ran like a gust of wind and almost succeeded. But I didn't think about anything at the time. I immediately put on my wolf skin and turned into a wolf, and rushed forward. Bite him down."

As Donna described her exploits, Clayton's eyebrows twitched with increasing frequency.

From the bottom of his heart, he didn't want his niece to be like him, but the situation was not optimistic.

She hasn't turned into a werewolf yet, but she has already started biting people.

"Donna." He had to interrupt her: "You really know what you are doing, right?"

"I saved everyone."

Donna's affirmative answer silenced Clayton.

"I know that the man I dragged back died in the hands of Julius, and I bear half of the responsibility. There seems to be a smell of blood in my mouth now, and the feeling of biting raw meat is very disgusting, but I don't I feel regretful. Uncle, please believe me, even so, I believe I did the right thing."

If she hadn't stopped the man from escaping, he might have gone to inform someone else or come back with a weapon to exact revenge.

Donna didn't know what these people were planning, but she knew they were doing something detrimental to her own side.

As long as the identity of the enemy is clear, she will have no mercy.

Clayton's face was hidden in the shadows, and his voice was a little low:

"very good."

He said no more.

Back on the road, they walked not far when they saw the person they wanted to see walking towards them.

Mayor Jeffrey.

He had no one else as his entourage, he was the only one here.

The slightly bald middle-aged man staggered up to them and stopped in front of them. The smell of alcohol and cigarettes had not yet dissipated from his body, and his expression was dazed, with the aftertaste of intoxication, but he gave the impression that Very precise.

He came to them.

As soon as they met, he began to blame Creighton: "Mr. Bello, since you are back, you should inform us. Our people thought you were missing or died with the leader of the rebels. Now you still have Some people are looking for you in the woods."

This was indeed Clayton's problem. He immediately apologized, but Jeffrey did not pursue the matter further. He was more interested in another thing and wanted to know the answer urgently.

"So the guy who calls himself Raven Lyle is dead?"

"I chased him and killed him, but there were still sounds of wild beasts in the woods. It was getting late, and I didn't bring a torch or gun, so I hurried back. His body should still be there, and your people should be able to find him. , but I recommend going during the day.”

Jeffrey was very satisfied with the result: "That's good. It seems that none of them ran away."

Creighton had to remind him: "There are still some people who left with their horses."

"Yes, but they will come back. The people chasing them are much more professional than the people involved in the battle this time. They are all good players."

Having said this, he turned his attention to Clara.

This girl has a childish face, but her figure looks taller than Clayton.

"I've heard that this is your niece Clara."

His eyes kept scanning the "body" under Clara's head up and down, and his cloudy eyes were filled with great surprise, as if he was trying to figure out what the proportions of the body under the armor were. After all, compared to this body, Clara was The head just looks out of place - it's too small.

Clayton narrowed his eyes. This careful look made him alert, as if the other person could really see through the emptiness under the armor.

"Yes, what's wrong?"

Jeffrey seemed to be simply amazed by this figure. After hearing his question, he did not answer for a while, but was stunned for a few seconds.

"It's nothing, it's just that girls this tall are not common."

The answer made sense, and Clayton accepted it, turning to the mayor to bring up business. The Salvation Army members who were still alive were all prisoners of the Jevo people, and of course he needed permission to question these prisoners.

Mayor Jeffrey agreed without any hesitation. He took off a bunch of keys from his waist, took one out and handed it to Clayton.

"They are locked in a barn by hunters. This key can open the barn door, but they have shackles on their legs and you can't take them out."

"It doesn't matter, but my questioning methods may cause bloodshed." The werewolf informed him in advance.

His request was ferocious, but the mayor didn't seem to care about this kind of thing: "Mr. Bello has helped us a lot. If this helps you, it doesn't matter if the wanted criminals die. As long as it doesn't break anything." Their faces are enough, city people will pay with their faces."

Clayton readily agreed.

Fingers and toes are more susceptible to pain, followed by teeth, which do not hurt the prisoner's face.

All business seemed to be over, but the mayor suddenly asked Clayton with concern. "By the way, I heard that Miss Selani is living with you recently. How is she doing?"

This question was puzzling. Clayton didn't understand what he meant, but he still told him according to his own thoughts: "Miss Seranie has been helping to take care of Miss Aita these days. We all respect her."

"So she is indeed at Sr. Perot's house now."

"That's right."

After getting the answer he wanted, Jeffrey left with satisfaction.

It wasn't until he left that Donna asked in surprise: "Is he going to have sex with Miss Seranie? Because she is a prostitute?"

Clayton glared at her unhappily: "You know a little too much, ladies don't say such things."

Donna pouted.

Her uncle had left the pasture to her and her mother. After seeing livestock breeding, how could she not know these things.

When she saw what the bull did to the cow, she naturally knew what happened between men and women looking for pleasure.

Donna knows it all.

Clayton quickly stopped paying attention to her verbal indiscretion because he had other things to worry about.

"You should be careful about Mayor Jeffrey. I suspect that he also has secret connections with Chude Osmar."

"How can you see this?" The girl turned to look at Clara in surprise - the devil has the ability to see through emotions, but Clara noticed her eyes and immediately shook her head: "Donna, don't look at Clara, Clara doesn't know either .”

Of course, Clara knew nothing.

"It's time for you two to learn common sense!" Clayton stared gloomily in the direction where Jeffrey disappeared.

"I took my daughter and niece to torture the most evil scum. Is this something a normal person would do? Mayor Jeffrey was not surprised at all. This almost means that he knows how extraordinary you are. . And the only people here who know that we are extraordinary beings are Chud Osmar and his servants."

Donna still didn't understand why it was unusual for her to watch her uncle torture others, but she knew now was not the time to ask questions, so she didn't say anything to refute.

Clayton turned around and saw that she was not very convinced, but he didn't care, so he stretched out his hand and waved:

"This is too close to the square, and there are many people gathering nearby, so it is not suitable for us to do anything. Let your bird friends spread the news. If Mayor Jeffrey cannot be trusted, others should also know about it. Let them Be prepared for a 'visit'. He's just an ordinary person, they should be able to handle it." It's also convenient to kill people indoors and hide the body.

The little witch immediately called a bird and sent the message back at the cost of being pecked several times on her hand.

Clayton was pleased to see that she still had the notes and charcoal she used to write the letters with her. This shows that she has always taken the maintenance of the team's communication system to heart - she has a sense of responsibility!

After completing the preliminary work, they did not delay any more and went directly around the square to the public barn across the street.

This place is less than half a mile away from Perot's house. If something happens to Jeffrey, Julius can quickly spread the news.

After the lieutenant's advice and guidance, the two wizards will regularly initiate communications with each other after separation. If one party interrupts, the other will know that danger is approaching. Although this is tiring, it is safer than sending messages when danger is encountered. Much more.

The front of the barn was unguarded, but an oil lamp hung in the doorway.

Clayton opened the lock with the key given by Jeffrey, pushed open the two creaking doors and went in.

Donna took down the oil lamp and followed Clara inside.

A few thin walls hold up a dome that looks shaky, but it's actually a little stronger than it looks.

This barn does not belong to any one person. Only on special days, the ground here will be filled with grain paid by the residents of the town, waiting for the tax official from the city to take it away in a horse-drawn carriage.

Today is not that special. There are only four people lying here.

The four Salvation Army soldiers were chained in stall-like compartments, leaning against a pile of straw and humming.

In view of what these people did to the old hunter Schmidt, the Gewo people were not very kind to them. The only kindness was to spread some straw on the ground to prevent them from freezing to death quickly.

But such a little straw is obviously of little use.

The Salvation Army member closest to Clayton was mumbling in the cubicle. The lieutenant went around to look at this man and found that his face was red. He was obviously suffering from high fever. Even if no one killed him, he would not live for three days.

The other three people are not in good condition either.

The uninvited guests had no way of hiding their footsteps, but they remained motionless, as if waiting for death.

Walking up to one of them, Clayton motioned for Donna and Clara to stop, while he rolled up his sleeves and squatted down, turning the man's eyelids with his hands to reveal the whites of his eyes.

"Scum! Are you still alive?"

His ears caught the rough greeting, and the prisoner's pupils slowly moved to the center of his eyeballs.


"I'll catch one! I'll catch one!"

He woke with a start like the resurrection of the dead, and reached out suddenly to seize Clayton's clothes.

"Let us go, or else." He pulled down hard, trying to lower the other person's neck to a position where he could pinch it. However, the other person's body did not move, and he was hung by his own hands.


Clayton slapped him, shook his hand away, stood up and kicked him again, causing the prisoner to curl up.

This ferocious sight made Donna shrink her neck, and the oil lamp in her hand swayed, illuminating the shadows on the wall.

Then she saw her uncle turning around and looking at her kindly, pointing at the poor man on the ground and saying: "My dear, I know you really want to learn some skills from me, and I will use him to teach you the first lesson soon - How to inflict pain in the most effective way.”

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