Werewolf hunting rules

Chapter 291 No one in sight

The people who were chasing from behind all stopped. All they saw was that the man whose voice could not be identified as male or female pushed the scarf and put his mouth to the rider's neck, and then the rider fell unconscious.

This horrific scene is unheard of.

Everyone who tried to stop the dispute froze in the end and watched helplessly as the two chased away again.

After they disappeared, a shout rang out from the crowd:

"Go and fetch Padre Lewis!"

Now only the priesthood knows how to deal with this kind of thing.

The people immediately divided into many groups and went in different directions. Some of them went to the church, others to the house of Padre Louis, and some to inform the son of the mayor and other respected elders in the town.

In the end, some people still refused to give up. They rode on old donkeys and continued to chase, determined to subdue this bizarre figure and Osmar.

Barbara didn't know much about book learning, but she also had things she was good at.

She used to be good at housework, but now she's good at killing people.

She reached out and pulled out a crossbow bolt that had penetrated her chest, and her steps didn't stop for a moment.

"Mr. Osmar, what do you want from us?" Barbara asked Osmar seriously as she chased him. Osmar did not look back and made a sound that seemed to be a cough or a laugh. The sound of sound.

At the same time, several more gunshots rang out from behind, and projectiles flew past them.

Strangely enough, at least thirty bullets flew towards them after Barbara decided to kill Osmar in the street. Even if the gunmen only intended to shoot Barbara, there should have been one or two stray bullets flying towards Osmar. , but he has remained unscathed so far.

Mr. Clayton Bello once said that the shooting accuracy of these muskets was terrible, and the point of impact could not be determined after more than twenty paces.

Barbara kept this knowledge in her heart, but even though she tried her best to dodge with the extraordinary speed that vampires are proud of, she was still hit by six lead projectiles, which suddenly increased the local's musket hit rate to one-fifth. situation.

Barbara thinks this may be Osmar's ability at work, but what is his ability?

She only knew that he could change his body shape, had abilities similar to divination, and that his blood smelled good.

Just when she was thinking wildly, Osmar suddenly made a mistake in her steps, and her escape route changed. She no longer ran directly on the flat ground, but quickly climbed to the outer wall of a house on the street using both hands and feet. .

Before Barbara could react to this sudden change, he was already climbing to the third floor.

But why? No matter how fast, climbing will not be faster than moving on the flat ground. Barbara suddenly realized that no matter how Osmar's ability works, the consumption must be extraordinary, and once he is no longer on the same plane, he There is no need to continue to worry about dodging bullets.

She also quickly moved towards the building, placing her hands against the wall and climbing up in the same posture, no slower than him.

The moment he was about to climb onto the roof, Osmar's body stopped. He easily grabbed the protruding eaves of the four-story building, his body swaying slightly, and a smile on his face as he looked down.

Barbara didn't know what he was laughing at. She only knew that the other person seemed to have opened his wound during exercise, and the noble blood surged on the surface of his skin again.

For this sumptuous meal, she had made up her mind. As soon as her hand touched a brick crack on the third floor that was strong enough to use her strength, she immediately kicked off her legs on the wall, jumped up diagonally, and moved her hands downward toward Osmar. He grabbed his hanging legs covered in black trousers.

She could almost imagine the delicious taste of blood coating her tongue.


Another ill-timed bullet flew and hit her arm.

Barbara's body stagnated in the air, her hands only grabbed it in vain, and then fell straight down.

When her body fell to the level of the second floor, the window suddenly opened, and the window sash hit her face hard, causing her to completely lose her balance. She rolled backwards and rolled half a circle before falling to the ground, with the sound of broken bones. Clearly audible.

The male owner of the house looked out of the window and exclaimed when he saw the person lying on the ground, then retracted and closed the window tightly again.

After watching this good show, Osmar climbed onto the roof and jumped to another roof.

Barbara climbed up with difficulty and saw the hunters chasing after her again. They didn't dare to get close, but they were still good at firing guns from a distance.

As the muzzle flashed, large clouds of smoke rose.

The vampire's body was shaken by the beatings, and he lost the ability to fight back. However, these townspeople who usually hunted and farmed did not understand the key points of eliminating demons. They did not take the opportunity to cut off Barbara's head or drive a wooden stake into her body. Heart, and didn't even try to chop off her hand.

They just stood there, waiting expectantly for the vampire to fall on his own.

They didn't try hard enough, so of course this kind of thing couldn't wait.

Barbara's muscles worked in a way that was not consistent with ordinary people's strength. Her body was still supported even when it was about to collapse. When the volley fire was over, her broken and broken body was raised like a snake again. She glanced at the rooftop where Osmar disappeared, and turned her gaze to these frightened mortals.

They may have known her once, they may have been related to her, but none of that mattered now.

They dared to obstruct her in every possible way on the crucial matter of "eating Osmar" and then tried to kill her. They already deserved death!

Kill them and no one will blame her!

The vampire didn't hesitate anymore. She put down her kindness and rushed into the crowd behind her with her thin figure. The smell of blood suddenly spread rapidly in the air.

Osmar escapes the vampire.

Or rather he made a tactical retreat.

He doesn't like to use derogatory words about himself. He always counts everything, even escape is included in his calculations or in a future that has not been shown but is hinted at by fate.

Maybe before Barbara took action, he didn't know that the other party would really be so brave, but he was prepared for this possibility.

He does not need to know everything because everything will transform according to his wishes.

It was just a coincidence that he met Kuok, and the child brought the news that the key to the ritual was in Sasha City; the circus that had harmed Kuok appeared here, and he lured the dark descendant to kill; the doctor happened to like Fishing, so attracted by his skills, was willing to lend him his house so that he could visit here often and confirm the status of the magic circle from time to time; Adelaide died in hatred for the death of his lover and his friends, Sure enough, she transformed into a water fairy and became a useful material in his ideas.

Even if Adelaide sensed something strange and forcibly left Gévaux, she also brought him a new victim.

Chud Osmar jumped nimbly on the rooftops. The pain and cracks on his hands could no longer shake his heart. The chase just now brought him to the other side of the town without knowing it. Now he only Wanted to go back to the doctor's house.

This female vampire really caused him a lot of trouble. Even if he could handle it, he still felt annoyed.

He didn't know when these people planned to attack him, but the idea of ​​cutting off Kuok's head really shocked him. His grief almost made him go crazy, but then he remembered that he had done something for him many years ago. The things Quaker did.

This child has already met the criteria for a sacrifice. He has already opened part of the "door" and lost the ability to die.

But now, Osmar no longer plans to continue sacrificing Kuok.

"Let him be restored after the sacrifice," he thought, and then he began to worry about the angry attitude that Kuo Ke might take after discovering these traces of witchcraft.

Even if this is just the result of the residual malice from earlier years that has settled to this day, it is natural that he has to take responsibility for it.

"Are you troubled?"

A sudden question rang in his ears. Chud Osmar had no time to think about who was approaching him. He jumped hard and jumped to another rooftop.

There was now a person standing where he used to stand.

A woman with blond hair and red eyes, but her hair and skin were completely dyed red with blood, and her appearance was indistinguishable.

That was Barbara who had let go of all pretense, and she was catching up again!

But the vampire's condition didn't look very good. She stood there panting, looking extremely exhausted.

Vampires don't need to breathe. Osmar knows what this phenomenon is - when vampires absorb blood that is not even enough for themselves to fully absorb, their bodies will be close to collapse. If they cannot control it, the excessive blood will flow out of their bodies. Break out of the body.

Only by constantly exerting power and consuming this blood can the vampire's own "health" be guaranteed.

Even if he has no fear of killing, he is still just a newborn. Osmar sneered. It seemed that he had to deal with this person here before he could continue to do his own thing.

Of course he would not be afraid of this woman, even if she wanted to eat him wholeheartedly and had accumulated a lot of strength for this purpose.

He had been through this situation many times, each time ending in the death of another person.

"Are you planning to eat me?"

Barbara held her knees and nodded vigorously.

"It seems that you discovered what power my blood has, and I have to kill you."

Chud Osmar took off the white silk glove on his right hand, exposed the black palm covered with blood scabs and cracks, and grasped it hard. "What a pity. This is a shameless duel. You can get everything by killing me, but you are of no value to me at all. If you kill you, I can only get a pile of garbage."

He also took off his left glove. Compared with his right hand, his left hand still maintained a certain degree of integrity.

The hair on the back of the hand has been stained with blood for a long time, forming a black appearance. The five nails are thick and pointed, like the palm of a werewolf.

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