, Respected by All Nations – Chapter 9

Covered by night.
Bach Thieu Duy lived in a hut.
Happy Fire adventure.
Inside the house, the light was dim.
Dim candlelight, illuminating the faces of several people inside the room, a terrifying gloom appeared.
Bai Thieu Duy’s face was pale, he sat on a chair, his eyes flashed with hatred and poison, he lowered his head and looked down at his right wrist.
In the eyes of anger, almost condensed into substance, it is necessary to want to burn down the nine major heavens.
“Li Xun, you are very good!!”
“Today, I remember this matter, Bai Shaowei!”
Bai Shaowei’s hoarse voice came out, as if Jiu Youzhi Xia Motou opened his mouth, making people’s hearts grow cold, too scary.
No matter who hears it, the hairs on the back of his neck want to get goosebumps.
“Senior brother, that Li Xun is already the Origin Qi Realm, it is estimated that after today, he will become an Inner Sect disciple, do we want to… Or stop it.”
An Outer Sect Disciple, with an unsightly face, he opened his mouth in a whisper.
The people in the arena, the highest strength, Bach Thieu Duy, is only a guess of the tenth body, all of them together in one place, and are not opponents of Li Xun at all.
I can’t fight the people all day, later onthe more you can’t fight back.
That Li Xun himself is good, one day entering the inner sect, having the sect’s resources inclined, the future will definitely fly to the sky, if they continue to oppose Li Xun.
Isn’t that Lao Tho Tinh hanged, bored with life?
Bach Thieu Duy suddenly turned his head, a pair of eyes that wanted to bite someone else’s eyes, looked at the disciple who opened his mouth just now, and said coldly: “My one hand was cut off by Li Xun, you tell me the nature of it. already ?”
“Senior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
When Bach Thieu Duy looked at his disciple directly, his whole body trembled, even when he spoke, he was not agile.
This person, Bai Shaowei, is a six-year-old person who refuses to accept it, don’t consider yourself as his subordinate now, only when angering him is not happy, this relationship point can’t save his own life at all.
“That’s not a good idea!”
Bai Shaowei said coldly: “Today’s matter is not only me who hates, but also seven of you!”
“Li Xun is immortal, you and I can’t sleep!”
To speak.
He stood up, went to the head of the bed, took out a bag, and slammed it on the table, in the middle of the Spirit Stone splashing on the table.
Roughly simple scan, at least more than a hundred Low Grade Spirit Stones.
There are Outer Sect disciples here, all of them are enthusiastic, this is a large amount of money, they have a year of perks, and there are not so many.
“This is what I have accumulated for the past four years, I intend to give it to Senior Brother Zhao Heng, ask him to find an opportunity in the future to take Li Xun on a picnic…”
Speaking of this, Bach Thieu Duy’s eyes flashed with a fierce light, his left hand was on his neck, and he crossed his arms and legs in a chopping motion.
Words rotate.
Bach Thieu Duy’s eyes remained on the remaining seven people on the face of the island, and finallyHe put the bag on top of that bag and said slowly: “This is more than a hundred Spirit Stones, still a little bit, killing an inner disciple is not such a simple matter.”
“I know all of you these past few years, there’s been a lot of savings, so let’s contribute, maybe we can see Li Xun on the road soon!”
“This. . . . .”
On the other hand, the seven outer disciples looked at each other with two faces.
Pamper yourself a moment later.
A disciple took out more than ten Spirit Stones and placed them on the table.
There is a leader.
Other people, even if their hearts are aching, can only force Bai Shaowei to be lustful, treasure themselves, and take them all out.
There are other seven people of wealth.
On the table of the Spirit Stone, which has been stacked into a small mountain, inside the whole room of the Spirit, it is full of concentration to the climax.
“Very good!”
Bach Thieu Duy nodded with satisfaction, he put all the Spirit Stones together, poured them all into himself in a cloth bag, and said in a low voice:
“Early tomorrow morning, I will bring Linh Thach, go see Zhao Hanh senior brother, within a month, I will definitely see off Li Xun walking on Hoang Tuyen Lo!”
“Huh huh!”
“What about an inner disciple? Make fun of me, Bach Thieu Duy, even if you are an inner disciple, you must die!”
Say that last one word.
Bach Thieu Duy’s body was already killing intent, like a devil’s head, needing to bite others.

But at this moment.
A loud buzz.
The cottage door was suddenly broken by a giant force.
Followed by, there was a battle of Leng Phong, which was originally the flickering fire of the morning and night, extinguished in an instant, and the whole room suddenly fell into darkness.
“Who do you say died?”
With indifferent words, he slowly drifted in from outside the door, wandering around inside the room.
Bach Thieu Duy and other outer disciples suddenly stood up,The room’s spirit was watched outside the door.
“Luc Truong Ha!”
Three letters came out.
Luc Truong Ha lifted his feet and walked into the room.
Seeing clearly Luc Truong Ha’s face behind, here every person’s heart sinks into the bottom of the cup.
The entire Xuan Duong Sect outside the sect, how many people do not know, is the best friend that Ly Tuan has, is Luc Truong Ha?
Today, the group of people, just teased Li Xun, Luc Truong Ha’s back foot has already reached the door, the other party’s goal of coming first, it can be said that it is too obvious.
If transparent, then the opponent’s purpose.
The other one has nothing to say.
Bach Thieu Nhat Ma Duong Tien, rushed towards Luc Truong Ha, behind him, seven Outer Disciples followed closely, they were extremely well-matched, as soon as they took action, they stopped Luc Truong Ha all dodging. time.
That Li Xun is the Primordial Qi Realm, eight people himself, fighting and not eating the other party, the friendship is intact.
But you, Luc Truong Ha, just guessed the body of the ten weights, just like that, you can’t help but beat a person to the door, you can’t help but have a point that you don’t take people for granted.
Bach Thieu Duy thought to himself, even if his group of people plucked one hand, they could easily hold Luc Truong Ha.
Luc Truong Ha is not a genius.
Maybe the next second…
Lu Changhe raised one hand, he held it with the other, a white light bloomed on his fist, making everyone’s pupils shrink, and a premonition rose in their hearts.
“Tmd is the Origin Qi Realm again!”
People In The World Of Cultivators, With Everyone Can Divide Five Years
In this world, no one can make fun of me, only I go to make fun of others!!!

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