, Respected by All Nations – Chapter 19

One night of nothing.
The sun has not risen yet, Ly Tuan soon opened his eyes.
In washing face a phen behind.
He stepped up and walked in front of the Tripitaka.
Two minutes of gossipg left-hand lake.
The Kinh Kinh was watching from afar.
It is a ten-story high-rise building, each floor has a hundred meters, ten floors together, about a thousand meters high, from a distance, like a mountain, standing there quietly.
Go to the Tang Dynasty Pavilion first.
An elder in purple suddenly appeared, blocking Ly Tuan in front of him.
He glanced at Li Xun and said faintly:
“The identity of Ngoc Bai!”
This is the entry into the Secret Scriptures, Ly Tuan prepared early, and soon brought Ngoc Bai’s identity to him.
The purple-robed elder took over the identity of Ly Tuan Ngoc Bai, his consciousness swept it, his brows suddenly furrowed, he glanced at Ly Tuan and said in surprise:
“This is the time you became an inner disciple, did you go to the Jingjing Pavilion once?”
Ngoc Bai’s identity has a great effect, not only can it be used to enter and exit the sect, but also use the identity of Ngoc Bai to go to the master sect.
After completing the master’s mission, gaining contribution points, you will remain in the status of the jade card.
Each time you enter the Treasury, you will also record your status in the jade card.
Covering from the Sutras, what exercises do the parties practice in?
But now that Li Xun has reached the ultimate cultivation level of the Yuan Qi Realm, he can be in the jade card, but he has not entered the records of the Cantonal Pavilion at all, which cannot help but shock the elder.
Because of this delegate.
Li Xun did not practice the Inner Sect, only relying on the Outer Sect to generate Qi Refinement, and then tried to cultivate to the peak of the Primordial Qi Realm.
Li Xun nodded.
“The will is not wrong.”
The purple-clothed elder’s face was strange, although it was praise, but there was a strange meaning in his eyes, after all, not many people would let go of the unpracticeable exercises.
Need to die together with a copy of LuAir Decision.
“Can come in.”
The purple-robed elder returned the identity of Ngoc Bai to Ly Tuan, opened his mouth and said: “After you become an inner disciple, I go to the Tang Jing Pavilion once, you can stay in the middle of the three floors, choose two sets. justice.”
“Thank you, elder.”
Ly Tuan clasped his hands, turned around and walked into the Center of the Treasury.
Because it was too early, in such a large Treasury, there were not many people visible at all.
Three floors below, Ly Tuan did not have too many stops, quickly went up the stairs.
Soon, they came to the middle of three floors.
That purple-robed elder has three floors in his mouth, but in fact, minus the tenth floor preaching, because only the teacher and the elder (talented) can go up to the tenth floor.
From the beginning of the Fourth Floor, until the Sixth Floor, all of them are inner disciples who choose local exercises.
The 4th Floor sent the same, only the inner disciples could contact, refine alchemy, refine the gas, set up the army, and wait for books (of all kinds) along with some strange writings and stories. At a glance, he went up to the fifth floor.
The fifth floor immediately disagreed.
This place is all about practicing exercises, but like the Sixth Floor, there are all kinds of divine powers, magic spells, and the rest are specialized to use tricks on the opponent.
“For the enemy’s means, on the contrary, it is easy to say, I have a Spear Dragon Strike, I must find a copy that uses the Divine Ability, but practicing the exercises…”
Li Xun self-assessed in his heart, his eyes were on the fifth floor, one by one on the bookshelf.
“Chaotic Primordial Spirit, low-grade Xuanyuan, no attributes, characteristics of True Yuan are strong, violent, ten percent damage …”
“Qianyuan Technique, Low-Grade Mysterious, Golden Attribute, sharp True Yuan characteristics, suitable for sword cultivation.”
“Long Spring Classic, Low Grade Mysterious Grade, Wood Attributes, Characteristics…”
… . .
“Evena little less mean.”
Li Tuan shook his head slightly, at the time of initiation, every disciple of Xuan Duong Sect had tested his own qualifications, and Li Tuan knew that he was suitable for the fire attribute practice.
But the fire attribute cultivation technique had not satisfied him until now.
On the contrary, the rest of the books are of the attributes of the exercises, and he looks very good, but unfortunately, his attributes are not the same.
“I have more than one Pure Yang Body, this physical body should still be suitable for the fire attribute exercise?”
Li Tuan has an uncertain point.
At this point, if it is possible for me to invest, that’s fine.
In the Central Sutras, there are so many exercises, as long as you use the system to reverse them, you can see, in the end, which version of the practice is most suitable for you.
At a bookshelf go forward too.
Li Xun’s eyes moved slightly, looking at a copy of the exercise on the top floor.
“Zi Nhat natural law, low-grade Huyen-level, fire attribute, characteristics of extreme strength and yang, trained to greatness, has the majestic Phan Son Chu Hai.”
“This doesn’t seem to be wrong.”
Ly Tuan stretched out his hand, took the Tu Nhat Thien Dharma from above, then came down, took it into his hand, and then discovered that in the lower right corner of this exercise book, there was also a note.
“Zi Nhat Heavenly Law for Huyen Duong Tong, the tenth of the Seven Great Teachers, invented.”
This time, Li Xun immediately understood.
Just now, he was still curious, a low-grade version of Huyen Level, how will there be a majestic Phan Son Chu Hai, feeling that his family is enlightened by the teacher.
Even though he didn’t have this power, he still had to give his family an ancestor, a layer of gold on his face.
However. . . .
If it’s an enlightened teacher, it’s also proved on the other side, this book of exercises, of course, has its own unique place.
Definitelyh must compare with other things Huyen Level low grade, a bit aggressive like that.
“Just it!”
Ly Tuan took out the identity of Ngoc Bai, stuck to the upper side of the practice, “Mr” with a small echo, the central book of each religion appeared in the golden light body, and immediately flew into the middle of Ngoc Bai.
That is the content of the Purple Sun Heavenly Law, in the status of a jade card, it only knows how to last for three days.
After this time, the content will immediately disappear.
“Next, just look for a copy of the halberd.”
Li Jun looked upstairs.
He still wants to find a body of the body plus a copy of the defense technique, only regret that the quota is not enough, the two of them consider below, can only temporarily skip these two volumes.
Waiting for (all kinds) to turn around and wait for (kinds of) the dedication of the master is enough.
In thinking a little about Body Fa Divine Power, and Defensive Divine Ability.
Go to the front door to the sixth floor.
Li Tuan just wanted to lift his feet.
The sound system, in his head, resounded.
« jingle, congratulations to the owner, discovered a blue guy who can invest, invest in At Moc green Thuy Quyet a copy, can get a boat from Ngu Linh boat (lower grade flying spirit treasure). »
Demonic Fairy Religion
UNIQUE-Strange-Strange, warning: Entering the hole is easy to go crazy!!!

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