, Respected by All Nations – Chapter 39

The Qin clan.
In the hall.
A few people in the picture are sitting.
The highest position, a middle-aged man, sat upright.
His eyes are wide open, golden light is all around, his aura is like a deep sea, the photographer’s heart is strong, his body is flowing with divine light, there is a kind of fearless terror and majesty.
He’s not someone else.
It is the Qin clan, the contemporary patriarch.
Tan Thien Hai.
He was in charge of the Qin family for 500 years, this 500 years of the middle Qin family, from Luo Ye to the third family, gradually became the first family, he can say that the merits cannot be ignored.
He thinks that the Qin clan is the only clan, knowing that it is still glorious below.
Only sorry.
Tian did not fulfill his wishes, his little son under his pillow, was born with Bach Moi, he didn’t have any cultivation talent, but instead was a natural daughter.
But in short, girls have to get married.
One day you get married, it’s a different house.
It was impossible for him to give such a large Qin family to his daughter.
This time.
Luo Ye City is close to a few of the big clan’s strongholds, and they all know that the Qin clan has no successor, so all of them have an eye on this mass of powdered incense.
Every family wants to bite a piece of meat from abovefat to come.
The Tran Thi Nhat Clan is just one of them.
Qin Tianhai glanced in the hall, sat in his right hand next to a young man, raised his tea cup, took a light sip, and leisurely said:
“Patriarch Chen, this is the first time you have come to my palace?”
In this world, there is also a tea ceremony to see off guests.
But Qin Tianhai changed three bowls of tea, the young man below him seemed to be invisible, sitting there like before, as steady as Taishan.
“Returning uncle, it’s only the fourth time.”
Tran Huu Thuong smiled and said.
“Don’t call me uncle, Qin Clan One Clan and Chen Family One Clan, don’t have such close relationship, calling me Qin Clan Chief is fine.”
Qin Tianhai waved his sleeve and said slowly.
“Reckless juniors, don’t blame patriarch Qin.”
The smile on Tran Huu Thuong’s face did not decrease, but in the depths of his eyes, there was a flash of worry.
The Tran Thi clan is equally powerful.
Similar to the Qin family, they are all loyal to Luo Ye here, but in this few hundred years, it is a bit lonely, from the original first, from the position to the second.
Maybe a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Even though the Tran family is lonely, it’s not the first generation of this clan that the rich and emerging can compare.
According to Tran Huu Thuong, he himself repeatedly entered the subject, giving him a lot of face.
If he wakes up, he’ll stop.
If the other party doesn’t feel it, he doesn’t mind waiting for Qin Tianhai to sit down and take action to cover the Qin extermination clan.
“Patriarch Qin, what juniors said before, I don’t know what patriarch Qin thinks?”
Tran Huu Thuong smiled brightly and opened his mouth to ask.
The whole Luo Ye city, are rumored to hear that the Qin family’s eldest daughter has a face like a fairy,Like a fairy descending to earth, but the problem is that not many people have met him at all, and Tran Huu Thuong is no exception.
However, this is not important. . . . .
Qin Xue Yi’s face is similar to him, his purpose is just to take over the Qin clan and move to take control of the whole Luo Ye city.
Even if Qin Xue Yi looks very miserable, he will still hold his nose and say before he gets married.
At the same time.
Wait (of all kinds) to swallow the first clan after that, in retirement: leave your wife as well.
“If Patriarch Chen Shao came here today, just like before, for the sake of his family, then Patriarch Chen can go back.”
Qin Tianhai said in a low voice.
Chen Huu Shang raised his eyebrows and asked, “Patriarch Qin, why is this?”
Several times before, although Qin Tianhai also rejected himself, he has never been so forthright, today is the first time.
From the depths.
In Tran Huu Thuong’s heart, there was a hunch that was not good.
“Not lying to the patriarch Chen, my little girl will soon be engaged to the eldest son of the Li clan chief.”
Qin Tianhai said slowly.
“Li Shi?”
Tran Huu Thuong thought about it carefully, coldly said: “Thien Nguyen Thanh Ly?”
Qin Tianhai nodded.
Seeing Qin Thien Hai’s reply, Tran Huu Thuong’s heart sank.
The worst situation appeared.
In front of this place, of course, he killed one of the Li clan, giving him a moment of shame.
Thien Nguyen Thanh Ly is not a small force, people have similar deep insides, have not come for thousands of years, the strength of the clan is very strong.
As a matter of fact, their Tran family is one of the clans, and they are not willing to provoke the Li family.
But the problem is, this time usurping the Qin clan, forThey say, it is also the most necessary time.
Just being able to usurp the clan.
Behind him, the Chen family will not care about breaking the wrist with Thien Nguyen Thanh Ly.
Think here.
Chen Huu Shang’s eyes trembled, and he coldly opened his mouth to say: “Could it be that the Qin patriarch has forgotten that Tianyuan City is several thousand miles away from Luo Ye City?”
“Or perhaps, patriarch Qin thinks that the Li clan can protect the Qin clan?”
“What do you mean by this?”
Qin Tianhai’s eyes widened, and a large and majestic side appeared, like a high mountain, suddenly fell from the sky, and placed each person on the shoulder of the temple.
Tran Huu Thuong felt this pressure, and suddenly changed color.
Also lucky.
Finally, an old man in black came out from behind him, helping him to destroy this ancient majesty.
This black-robed old man, served by his family of Tran family, is no less powerful, although not as good as Qin Tianhai, but neutralizing an aura is still not difficult.
“It’s just the face of the word.”
Tran Huu Thuong’s face was restored to its original appearance, and Feng said indifferently.
“Are you threatening me?”
Qin Tianhai’s face was pale, he had one hand behind his back, the blue veins on the back of his hand burst, and there were several times when he thought of taking a direct shot and knocking the opponent down here.
But thinking that this is the hall of the Qin clan, there is also an old man in black behind the other side, but he struggled to endure the impulse to take action.
. . . .
At the same time.
Outside hall.
Behind a fake mountain, Qin Tuyet Yi dressed in a white dress, stood there quietly, she wandered out of the ceiling, elegant and beautiful, Ruo Xian, a pair of clear and cold eyes, staring into the hall situation.
“This, Tran Huu Thuong, deserves to die!”
Qin Xue Yi gently opened her mouth, but the words werecalm, but when it contains murderous intent, it makes people tremble in fear.
“Miss, be careful, we’re too close, be careful of being overheard.”
Call Tieu Hoan first, just in time to remind.
“They can’t see us, can’t hear us.”
Qin Tuyet Yi stretched out his hand and pointed at her who had just put down a few Spirit Stones and said.
In her previous life, with 100,000 years of cultivation experience, it wasn’t useless, at least he now arranges an illusion array with her hands, she is confident in the whole Luo Ye city, no one can. see clearly.
Not even my own father.
“When will the young lady know how to arrange a battle?”
Xiao Huan scratched his head, something he couldn’t think of, it seemed that since last night, his lady had some disagreements, but where the differences were, she couldn’t see it.
Thinking about what the lady said just now.
Xiao Huan felt that he was still necessary and reminded a young lady.
As long as she is under impulse, really kill the Tran family Young Patriarch, because then, the trouble can be huge.
“Miss, in a few more days, the eldest son of the Li clan is coming, as long as you get married, the Li family will leave the hospital for our family and relatives, then. . ..”
Xiao Huan muttered in his mouth.
But the words are not finished yet.
Outside the Qin residence, a servant rushed in.
“Initiate the patriarch, the eldest son of the Li clan has arrived!”
Demonic Fairy Religion
UNIQUE-Strange-Strange, warning: Entering the hole is easy to go crazy!!!

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