, Respected by All Nations – Chapter 52

“Introspective practice?”
Li Xun left for a while, he turned around, looked at Qin Xue Yi suspiciously and asked, “What do you mean, Miss Qin?”
Based on Ly Tuan’s memory.
Huyen Duong Tong seems to have an inner sect test every year.
This kind of experiment is simply to make an Inner Sect disciple, go to Xuanyang Mountain Range to get close to some demon beasts, based on how much each disciple hunts and kills, and then gives the sect a donation. .
Money three names know how to obtain some exercises, pills, and weapons. . . . . Waiting(assorted) to reward.
After all, it’s just a high-ranking Xuan Duong Sect who wants to make his disciples gain some killing experience.
Nor does it force each student to attend.
What makes Li Xun curious is that this kind of experiment has been around for many years, and Qin Xueyi reminded himself at this time, could it be that this year’s inner sect experiment happened by accident?
Calculating the time of speech, this year’s inner sect practice, seems to be today!
In other words, the inner sect trial has now begun.
Each trial, while three days, in other words, there are still two days of time, this year’s inner sect test can be finished.
“Specifically, I’m not clear …”
Qin Yueyi shook her head.
These words, she did not intentionally hide.
Actually she is really unclearng, in the previous life, when Huyen Duongzong Inner Sect tried to practice, something happened, she was only a late-stage Yuan Qi Realm, and had not yet begun to rise.
At that time, Li Xun was just at the Qin Clan’s marriage proposal, the reason was to avoid the inner sect test that time.
But life is different.
Ly Tuan has a flying spirit treasure in his hand, the speed is too fast, it is estimated that within a day, he can respond to Huyen Duong Tong, maybe he can handle this inner sect test.
So she can only expertly remind one sentence.
“Isn’t it obvious.”
Li Xun did not continue to ask questions, he clasped his hands and said: “No matter what, I am grateful to Miss Qin for reminding me.”
Saying a word of thanks, Ly Tuan turned to leave.
At shift over the rear body.
His mouth curled into a smile.
“False rebirth!”
These three words, almost instantly, appeared in Li Xun’s mind.
That night, in the Qin clan in the back garden, when Qin Tuyet Yi revealed that she knew how to set up an alchemy array, Li Xun also had some doubts, but at that time, he really didn’t dare to confirm.
This is the world of Mystery, the level of genius and evil is really many.
One-pointed multi-use, can also achieve people at the same time, maybe very few, but definitely there!
After back.
When entering the fate of Saints behind, Qin Tuyet Y’s car was light and familiar with the road, which greatly increased the doubt in Ly Tuan’s heart, until now.
Qin Xue Yi opened his mouth to remind himself to be careful in his inner sect practice.
He was finally able to confirm.
Qin Tuyet Yi is of course a reincarnated person, otherwise, her news is also too intelligent, today Xuan Duong Sect has just started the inner sect test, but what is she doing tens of thousands of miles away? be able to receive news?
Only one wordWhat I like is that she is in a different time and space, exposed to the same thing!
. . . . .
Go to the secret place outside.
Ly Tuan sacrificed to Ngu Linh boat, lifted his feet and walked over.
After he entered the small cabin on the ship, the Yu Ling boat turned into a stream of light and quickly disappeared into the horizon.
In the boat compartment.
Li Xun leaned in front of the window and said in his heart: “System, reward!”
The voice just ended.
In front of him, suddenly appeared a jade slip, which he quickly held in his hand.
The jade slip is not large, wish it were three square inches, with four characters engraved on the top.
The Sixth Century.
“Heaven-level middle-grade sword magic, I don’t know if there are any strange places.”
Ly Tuan thought so in his heart, and his consciousness probed into the jade card.
About an hour behind.
Li Xun withdrew his divine consciousness and took out a weapon.
It is impossible not to say.
Heaven level middle-grade sword technique Than Thong, extremely terrifying, after practicing to the great city, Nhat Dao slashed the spirit, not joking at all.
Looking at the horoscope after that.
Li Xun also remembers wanting to start practicing swordsmanship.
This idea, just appeared, was suppressed by Ly Tuan, the most taboo of Cultivation is to hesitate, today I look at the six worlds of the sword quite well.
Immediately began to practice swords.
If it’s the future, what should the system do with a set of emperor-level swordsmanship gods?
Can’t you just start practicing swords yourself?
Putting aside the random thoughts in his mind, Li Xun took the jade slip in his hand and took it directly, he had already decided in his heart, turned to look for a few specialized knife training sects, he had nothing to do. take a walk around.
Can you still touch not up who can invest?
. . .
One day time later.
Huyen Duong Tong saw it in the distance.
Ly Tuan is sitting at the officeStanding in front of the window, looking at the direction of Xuan Duong Sect, in his mind, he was thinking about what Qin Tuyet Yi would say to himself.
Inner discipline is dangerous!
But what is the danger, Qin Tuyet Yi did not say.
This can only be based on your own speculation.
“Magic Invasion?”
Ly Tuan thought about it carefully, it seems that Xuan Duong Sect is relatively close to Demon Sect, which is also a blood demon sect, which is compared with Xuan Duong Sect.
The other is a disciple.
If he really dared to kill the inner disciples of Xuan Duong Sect at will, it is estimated that the entire Blood Demon Sect would not be able to see the sun of the second day.
“Not a demon, could that be the Demon Race?”
In the middle of Xuanyang Mountain, there are still many monsters, but there are achievements, not many at all.
This is the main headquarters of Xuanyangzong, the elders will not allow it at all, there are already achievements in the existence of the demon race, usually it is one to kill one.
With the elimination of the demonic path and the Demon Race, he really couldn’t think of any danger that could arise.
Go to Huyen Duong Tong beyond a hundred miles.
Ly Tuan took back the Ngu Linh boat and flew directly in the air towards the mountain gate.
Haven’t gone to the front of the mountain.
Several people with pale faces, covered in blood, supported each other’s bodies in white clothes, attracting the attention of Li Xun.
This costume on a few people, is clearly the dress of the disciples of Xuan Duong Sect!
Behind a few of them, there was another person, whose state was even more miserable, lying directly on the stretcher, the whole body, almost bandaged into a banh chung.
Was carried to the mountain by two inner disciples.
“Did something really happen?”
Li Xun felt a heavy feeling in his heart and was about to go over and ask about the situation.
« jingle, congratsCongratulations to the owner, found a white guy who can invest, invest in Hoi Nguyen Dan, you can get ten blocks of High Grade Spirit Stone! »
« jingle, congrats to the owner, found a white guy who can be invested, invest in a living spirit pill, can be cultivated for ten years! »
« jingle, congratulations to the owner, found a white guy who can invest, invest. . . . »
When he was about to run to Li Xun, his face suddenly changed, he looked not far away, the few inner disciples on their bodies, at a speed visible to the naked eye, rose a layer of white light.
The original witness to the injury of a colleague, this kind of serious, painful mood, was instantly replaced by joy.
“Brothers and sisters, I don’t want to do that, I’m really forced by the system.”
Li Xun suppressed his smile, walked over to a few inner disciples in front of him with a dignified expression, and said in a deep voice, “Brothers and sisters, what happened here?”
“How will I turn into this form?”
Demonic Fairy Religion
UNIQUE-Strange-Strange, warning: Entering the hole is easy to go crazy!!!

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