129 The Chief and the Angel (3)

Suddenly, the sky became as dark as the deep sea.

In the east, a large full moon was sticking out its head.

“Damn, you are really talented. The best thing.”

-Flapping, flapping!

As I poured out my compliments, the ark flapped its wings as if she liked it.

Then, in an instant, a few dozen meters hooked back! gone away

It was funny and funny, and it made me laugh out loud.

It was a different feeling from the weightlessness of rides like the gyrodrop.

I looked down while enjoying the cool old-fashioned atmosphere.

As we crossed the high, black mountain and passed through the greenish basin in the dark, the imperial palace was at our feet.

Even thinking about it again, it didn’t make sense. How close were you?

“It must be the first time to see the Imperial Palace from the sky.”


Prince Sedric did not answer, but he did not look displeased.

Her black hair fluttered softly.

Thanks to the power of the ark, he hung from me with very little air resistance, and he was half-flying.

Thanks to this, the prince’s body, connected by vines, felt like a small dumbbell.

It will be difficult to fly for a long time, but it was ok for a short time.

“there! A divine lantern is flying.”

I was excited and my voice got louder. It may be a mistake, but the prince seemed to have sighed.

The orange lanterns that got closer hovered around us as if greeting us, then slowly disappeared over the mountain behind us.

I stared blankly at the scene and discovered something more peculiar.

“There are writings on the back. Did you know?”

The prince ate my words badly.

Without hesitation, I carefully grabbed one of the lights.

There was a sentence that someone had written in crooked letters on the outside.

“I want the prince to always be in good health. Congratulations on becoming a fetus. I’m still young, so I don’t know what that is.”

Ipcho-ri drew an arc. I thought it was written by a child.

I looked down at the prince, but there was no emotion in his sunset eyes.

I let go of the lamp I was holding and gently grabbed the next one.

This time it was quite mature handwriting.

“I was very impressed with the way the prince drew his sword during ‘The Great Subjugation of Demons’. You sat down in the hall. I didn’t see it.”

I murmured. The prince raised his chin and gave a pathetic look.

what, man I don’t know how hard it must have been to say goodbye to you and Kristel back then.

“The next story is,”

The wind blew his forehead, and it was cool.

I entrusted the best driver, Dukshim, to autonomous driving and read the light.

‘After seeing His Majesty the Prince from a distance, I am now a beekeeper, who used to sell wine. Honey drips from my eyes, can you do it?’

What is this, pass.

‘I’m a 20-year-old aristocratic woman, and all my peers risked their lives for the Prince.’

“Let’s do it in moderation.”

I pushed the light fixture hard.

It was written on the premise that there was nothing to see, so the content became more and more speculative.

Who doesn’t know that the main male is handsome?

“Were there any offensive remarks?”

“Then let’s have some fun.”

i replied The prince snorted briefly as if it was understandable.

When the ark fluttered once, the two bodies ‘pong’ and came out of the group of lights.

It felt like I was squeezing through a crack in a glowing balloon.

There was only one line on the last lamp I saw.

‘Congratulations on your birthday.’


·······What will you give me as a birthday present?

From https://readwn.com

On the forest road or in the village of Eights, I was so engrossed in Hwangung that I didn’t even think about it.

I have received something, and now that I am a friend, I couldn’t just let it go. I glanced at the prince.

at that time,


“100 million!”

Perseverance skyrocketed. Cold sweat ran down his back as he fell.

Captain, is it turbulence?!

“Courage, huh.”

I made a suffocating sound. Suddenly, the city of the Yellow Capital was spread out on the ground.

It cannot be compared with the night view of Seoul, but it was bright and beautiful with torches and magic lights lit everywhere.

I marveled at the sight beyond the sparsely rising lights. really cool…

“for a moment.”

My voice sank.


“Are they all humans?”

Feeling my chest tighten, I asked the prince.

I thought the dark part was a road, but it turned out to be a crowded crowd.

Thousands of handkerchiefs and bouquets of flowers were shaking, making my eyes dizzy in a different way than before.

No, I thought it would be at the level of a great beast subjugation at best. That’s…

“There are more numbers than usual since it was held on the eve of the bookkeeping ceremony.”

The prince spit it out calmly as if ‘Tomorrow morning, a cockatoo egg would be good’.

I could feel the courage slowly lowering the altitude. I took a deep breath as I wrote the arrogance.

There was no change in his determination to bring the prince to Inje.

My stomach was churning because of the tension, not the flight.

Slowly, the loud cheers of the people could be heard.


Going crazy. Just drop him off and go back to Juliet Palace.

That thought filled my mind.



– Diversity, Diversity!

Elizabeth spurred the horse and ran. The village lights appeared in front of him.

The corners of his lips rose slightly. This time, I was convinced that I would find my friends.

Although she had only lived for twenty-four years, those who traveled all over the country to subdue magical beasts and practiced swords had a unique intuition.

Count So led the Imperial Guard through the dark town entrance.

The nearest town to the damn war portal’s destination was ‘Eights’.

– Hehehe!

“Woah, woah!”

Junma stopped quickly and raised his front legs.

Elizabeth and her men all looked at one place.

There was a strong smell of roasting pork.

The front yard of the small house located at the entrance of the village was full of familiar faces.

I thought I’d be here, but I was embarrassed to meet you so quickly.

Confusion and joy resided in the gray eyes at the same time.

“…Princess Kristel?”

“Sir Elizabeth!”

“It’s Sir Elizabeth!”

Kristel and Eva, who had their cheeks full of meat and lettuce, got up and ran to her.

The convex clown was filled with joy. Elizabeth smiled brightly and got off her horse.

The three of them came together and hugged each other.

The guards, who had worked hard for several days, applauded from behind.

Elizabeth burst out laughing because it was so ridiculous. what is this

“Sir Elizabeth, you have worked hard. I thought you would find us.”

Kristel mumbled the meat and was thrilled.

“Yes, Uncle François did a great job. You, too, worked hard to stay out of schedule.”

Eva chuckled at Count So’s answer.

Even the little princess and Kristel were dressed in simple commoners’ clothes.

While I was checking for any injuries, I heard a voice like a breeze.

“Welcome, Sir Mutte. You are a little late.”

When he lifted his head, the tip of his mint-colored eyes curled slightly. Little Haines was also visible behind him.

Elizabeth asked the rich man in silence.

“Sir Haines, what do you mean?”

“You two have already left for Claire Square. With divine help.”

“If it’s a god…”

The Count’s eyes widened. Eva, who was in her arms, chimed in.

“The Ark of Biryeom. Perseverance!”

It reminded me of the pale purple creature I had seen from Evelynn’s bell tower that protected Prince Jesse from Lord Haines.

From https://readwn.com

Obviously, he accompanied the prince in the form of a small wren, so he must have helped him this time as well.

Elizabeth was fed up. A warm feeling of disappointment and relief spread from the end of the Myungchi.

“We are going to leave early in the morning, but we will rest and go together. How tired everyone must have been.”

Christel said, stroking her back.

Tomorrow is the Crown Prince’s ceremonial ceremony, so we didn’t stay up all night to find a new job.

But Elizabeth nodded her head.

It felt like meeting friends for the first time in years, and I just wanted to lie down with the tension all over my body.

Things were going well, and soon his fiancée would be able to see the prince.

She looked back at the men who had followed her, and tapped her chin once.

The ignorant boys roared with cheers.

“Of course, alcohol is prohibited. Don’t forget the bedtime.”


My shoulders dropped at the strict command. Kristel smiled brightly and waved her hand toward the front yard.

“We have a new guest, seniors! Don’t worry, they’re not scary at all. Just add meat!”

“It’s our friend!”

Eva added, carrying Herrit.

A woman, who had been frozen with the strangers, bowed down to me.

If you look closely, you can see that it was Agnes, a keeper of the palace, with meat tongs.

A gasp escaped between Elizabeth’s lips. How the hell did you get here?

“Lord rimless. I have something to tell you.”

The paladin who did not leave his side said softly.

Elizabeth patted the horse’s neck and looked at him.

Lord Haines held out a transparent pebbles.


“It is a holy stone. My son and Princess Blanquere found it near here.”

Elizabeth wrinkled her brow slightly.

The ‘Sacred Stone’ that he knew is something that only appears in history books, and has never been found in the Empire.

I stared at him to see if there was any other meaning, but the answer that came back was short.

“Yes, that’s what you think.”


‘All of Lister’s tombstones are engraved with their middle name.’

Romero Claire Lister.

It was the name of the father of Emperor Celine Lister, the tragic lover-slayer, and the warlord who erected his statue in the central square.

Sara Beliard sat alone in the carriage and wrote down in her notebook the podium as it came to mind.

From https://readwn.com

Of course, she was invited to the opening ceremony tomorrow, but there was a reason why she came directly to Claire Square without having another reporter for <Biweekly Lister>.


Baron Beliard’s attendant knocked on the wagon.

Sara knocked on the door, and the door opened immediately.

The noise of about 20,000 people gathered in the square poured out indiscriminately.

She looked at the servant through her glasses.

“Not yet?”

“Yes, Sir Beliard! The imperial carriage procession is also quiet. You don’t seem to be coming this year!”

The servant responded as if screaming. She gestured for her answer. The door closed quickly.

“Is it a health problem?”

said the old man to himself.

The fact that the prince did not participate in the rehearsal in the morning spread outside the imperial palace, and most aristocrats already knew.

Adding some background to this made it easy to hypothesize.

He was very ill as a child.

There were times when I fell into the ‘Prince’s Sleep’ and could only stay awake for a few hours a day.

It is said that after Guk-seo’s death, his condition has improved a lot, but Sarah’s journalistic sixth sense denied that.

The prince may still be under a curse,

‘It may sound cheeky, but please don’t think of it as a curse.’

Suddenly, the words of a certain prince resonated in my head. She bit her lips bitterly.

That was then.


Sarah sighed and turned her head. It was such an explosive cheer that it hurt my ears.

The plaza where nobles and commoners mixed together seemed to be leaving.

She reflexively opened the carriage door. All eyes were on the sky.

Thousands of hats thrown by bystanders crossed the field of vision.


“Liester! Lister! Lister!”

It was the wing of the Lord.

– Flap, Flap!

Two Inyeongs appeared in the grace of Manwol.

The blonde hair shining in the moonlight and vivid purple eyes seemed to be out of this world.

Prince Jesse Penetian, with huge wings of lavender, was descending on Claire Square, guiding the prince with colorful vines.

Sara recognized the flowers in full bloom on the vines from afar. It was a tulip.

“Prince! Prince! Prince!”

“blessing! blessing! blessing!”

Madness was young at the crowd’s chant.

The prince had a white face and a yo-yo smile, but the experienced reporter knew it was a mask to hide his difficulties.

Amethyst’s gaze wandered here and there as if looking for a place to bless, and soon led the prince beautiful like a statue to one place.

Sarah nodded and threw her glasses off.

“Oh My God······.”

“Long live the Prince! hurray!”

The place where the prince dropped off the prince was the seat of the statue of Emperor Romero, escorted by the Guard.

The loose tulip vines adorned the prince’s feet.

His ebony hair and sparkly eyes radiated an enchanting brilliance and sat next to his great-grandfather.

Sarah shuddered with a thunderous tremor.

– Flutter!

Soon, the prince spoke and moved away from the prince. He seemed to have said something.

The prince looked at him with the momentum to shoot him down at any moment, but he never put it into action.

The prince smiled brightly at him, and in an instant soared into the night sky.

The crowd is now starting to shout his name.

“Jesse! Jesse! Jesse!”

With trembling hands, Sarah Beliard hurriedly found her notebook.

Then the quill broke and scribbled. Benevolent eyes and one and only wing…

‘A fallen angel in the crowd.’

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