159 Matapju’s Forest (1)

A warm and peaceful few days have passed.

The Juliet Palace smelled of autumn and marron glace.

Although the Crown Prince boasted a flaming temper, the King’s letter did not burn due to Christel’s activity.

Even if it was a letter that had no meaning to me, it could be a precious thing to Prince Jesse when he later woke up.

After much deliberation, we put the scrolls in a large chest, loaded them onto a wagon and carried them to the Juliet Palace.

When I said that it was an ingredient for the food I would eat, the passers-by seemed to agree.

If I put it upright, it barely fit in my safe. It was fortunate.


By the way, why did you want to burn Chin-seo? Do you hate Shin-guk so much?

I glanced at Prince Sedric sitting next to me.

The curtain by the window, receiving the autumn breeze, tickled his hair.

The prince, who felt my gaze, stopped moving the quill.

“Now I will tell you about the head of our family.”

Eva’s voice resounded through the drawing room, no, the improvised classroom.

Yesterday and today, there was a lecture on ‘Blanquer’s Culture and Tradition’ conducted by a little princess.

The Blanquer family was famous for being closed, and had little contact with the imperial family or other great aristocrats.

It was crammed right before leaving for the Duchy, but if the Duke’s daughter, Eva, was teaching directly, it would be very useful.

“My mother, Duke Cecil Blanquer, is one of the most powerful wizards of the Empire. Of course, he’s level 8 and his specialty is ‘light’. You have directly controlled many border frictions so far, and your very existence is called a deterrent. I don’t know what it is…”

The little princess holding the chalk mumbled what was going on behind the scenes.

Sir John, who was assisting with a blackboard by his side, smiled softly.

“It means that the opposing party does not dare to attack because the duke is afraid of the counterattack. awesome.”

“I didn’t mean that I needed an explanation!”

Eva’s eyes were sharp. The paladin pulled his white hair behind his ears and pulled out his tail.

Juliet’s court servants who filled the classroom laughed.

Kristel, who was sitting on the left, also burst into laughter.

She glanced at the little princess teacher, then reached out to my desk and teased the quill.

The letters began to waltz on the white paper.

‘There’s a note test later’

Mouth gaped open. I didn’t mean that, really?

‘Professor Eva, you’re too tight’

Her handwriting was blown away. I gasped and smirked and slapped my pen.

‘Who are you going to the masquerade with?’

‘It’s a secret’

‘I guess the rumors about having a partner are true, then’

‘Prince’s handwriting resembles a prince’

Christel snorted. Her eyes met and she giggled. is this an insult?

– Ki-eung

At that time, Demi, who was patrolling the students’ feet, stood with my calf.

The boy was in tears because the class was boring.

Leah and Perry were busy catching their tails from behind.

I put Demi on her lap and continued the conversation by patting her.

‘How are you, Duchess?’

It was a simple greeting, but it also had other meanings.

We’re the Duke of Sarnez in the Imperial Palace… Five days have passed since I witnessed the scene.

I carefully looked at Kristel’s expression. She casually wrote the answer.

‘Yes, because my father took me out as a duchy that afternoon.’

I put down my pen and read the next sentence.

‘You have a lot of work’

‘My mother doesn’t know what’s going on, even if I wish she didn’t know’

‘Are all nobles like this?’

‘By the way, the two of you are also going to the masquerade, it’s ridiculous’

At the last words, his expression frowned a little. Kristel shook her head.

Then, as if he had remembered something, he opened his eyes and clasped his pen.

‘The Marquis François Duheme is also in attendance! I heard it from Sir Elizabeth earlier.”

It was unexpected news. I glanced at the Count Sou, who was sitting in the front seat.

She was diligently taking notes of Eva’s explanation.

The Marquis I met at the Imperial Palace on the day of his appointment looked very busy, and he was even serious when he said that he would not attend the masquerade.

But, somehow, it seemed like he made time.

It seemed like it would be an event where a lot of friends would gather for a while.

The moment I look back at my blue-gray eyes,

– Hwareuk!


A fireball the size of a fist fell from the right!

When I bit my body because I was cold, the fire ignited a little, and then it went out with a ‘chi-ik’.

Neither the paper nor the wooden furniture was burned. I wrinkled my face and looked at the prince.

From https://readwn.com

Orange eyes filled with dissatisfaction. what did you do well!

“What are you doing now?”

“Prince, did you do anything else behind the scenes?”

Eva’s voice rang out. It was tumultuous for a moment. It really felt like I was back in high school.

“that is······.”

I blurted out my words.

We had conversations, so we lied that we weren’t talking about anything else.

Kristel pretended not to know and buried her face on the desk, and Sir Elizabeth looked back at me, biting her lip.

Soon, the little princess’s eyes changed terribly.

“Tell me about the magician’s specialty.”

“·······Speciality is a magical talent that shows the innate mana sensitivity of a wizard. Oftentimes, the discovery of a special talent reveals that the child is a wizard. An ordinary wizard has one skill for the rest of his life, and he doesn’t need a magic formula to activate it. In the case of the Crown Prince, he has the special skill of metal.”

I replied politely. ‘Ooh’ came from all directions.

Sir John said, ‘You are wonderful’. I didn’t expect this kind of reaction, so the ball became flaky.

Then, Eva was the face that had properly activated the grumpy warning.

The child looked at the paper on the tea table and read it over and over again.

“In the Penetian New Kingdom, there is a tendency to compare wizards with priests and despise them. Describe the tendencies of the new country, focusing on the ecology of the beasts and the effects of the beasts on our lives. 4 points.”

·······Are you a subjective essay type?

Eva was also bewildered, ‘What does this mean?’ ‘ he cried out to Sir John.

It didn’t seem like the problem he had prepared.

Not only Kristel and Count So, but also Benjamin, Canael, and David looked at me with anticipation.

I calmly cleared my mind.

He seemed to know who gave Eva the question paper.

The words were a bit difficult, but the question itself was easy. It’s all something I learned a few months ago.

‘The mana recorded in the Bible is ‘the power remaining after the Lord has used it’. That’s the original text. The rest of the wonders other than water and fire, air and earth.’

Cardinal Bootier’s voice rang in his ears.

‘But some priests interpreted this as a power that was abandoned by the god. Unlike the ether, it was demeaned to be a vulgar and dirty energy.’

“I was humiliated. Moreover, the authority of a priest in the new kingdom is absolute. There is a view that the higher classes they have hired have lowered the wizarding profession, so it is not surprising that they have developed that tendency over generations.”

I slowly curled up.

“It’s the same with witches. They are born of natural mana and unconditionally harm humans. As the by-product of mana, the beasts are confused and evil, the magicians who deal with mana will not be seen as good from their point of view.”

Then he added quickly.

“Of course I don’t think so.”

Without a single paladin, Lister relied on the power of swordsmen and wizards to expand their territory and defend their borders.

Most of the high-ranking wizards of the Empire were celebrities and were respected as much as most archbishops.

I did not intend to come as a hostage to such a country and say that priests are superior to wizards or that mana is filthy.

After I finished speaking, I raised the corners of my lips vaguely,


This time, applause poured in from among the students.

Sir John wrinkled his eyebrows and said, ‘It’s perfect,’ and Eva poked his side in annoyance.

The tips of their ears grew hot because they were shy, but I was happy that the two of them seemed to have just become friends.

The prince snorted when he heard the answer.

Turning around, he was looking at documents related to political affairs that had nothing to do with Eva’s lectures.

I put my arm on his desk. Just then, the phage appeared.

‘You are the prince who is doing other things in class’

Then the man frowned. I fixed my eyes on Eva and only moved my hand.

‘I’m not going to go out with everyone, so please take it slow’

‘Don’t treat me like a child’

Excited, he even made an unexpected comment and glared at me.

I ripped the thread apart and scribbled it out.

‘Can I help you if it’s not important? I can read and write

Then the father’s movements stopped.

I looked over and over to see if I had made a mistake, but it didn’t seem like it was meant to be a problem.

If you watch British dramas or something like that, the king also discusses government affairs with friends he is comfortable with.

“Do you know what you mean?”

. His question convinced me.

Cancer, not all Western styles are the same. Above all else, I am a pawn.

“Prince, another thing!”


Damn, Eva got caught again. Demi whimpered as if suing her.

Sir Elizabeth and Kristel gave a high-five and giggled. One of them got stabbed.

“I don’t know if you are doing well in class. No one else and the prince is a bad student!”


I straightened up and apologized.

When I was in school, I often heard the sound of a schoolboy, but I don’t know how I got a bad label by possessing it.

Eva waved her red ponytail and asked questions.

“There is a long, tall building in the jungle of Blanquer estate. This tower was designed by the first owner, who was an archmage. Tell me what its name and purpose are, who its owner is, and what you call him.”


I rolled my frizzy hair.

All the web novels and clichés I’ve read so far ran through my mind.

If it was the tower that the Archmage envisioned, after all.



“There is nothing the prince doesn’t know.”

The interior was buzzing. Eva’s eyes grew colder.

“The purpose of the creation was to study magic…. Border defense and surveillance. The owner of the tower will be called the master of the tower, and the current owner, Duke Blanquere, is probably in charge.”

“It’s really going up. I hate it!”

Eva shouted.

While I was surprised, the little princess grabbed the hem of her dress and went outside.

To be precise, he was about to leave, but after realizing that he had forgotten to greet him, he bowed down to the prince and me and then disappeared.

‘I’ll take a 10 minute break and take the note test!’ I forgot to warn you. It’s scary.

“This time the prince made a mistake.”

Count Sow turned around and sat down. Canael came and prepared a snack in front of us.

With David’s help, Benjamin began to feed his servants the beak.

The father sighed.

“is that so? Thank you, Canael.”

“Princess Eva wants to serve as the prince’s tutor. I will be upset if you answer anything so quick.”

“If the prince had known that, he would have conquered the continent earlier.”

Christel said, taking a large sip of the mousse au chocolat.

I tilted the walnut-stuffed kartr khar without slicing it. Is that just an insult?


The next day was the day to finally depart for the Duchy of Blanquere.

A long procession of carriages lined up again in the Imperial Palace.

Sir Elisabeth whistled and waved the guards in a polite manner, and the Master, who came out to see him off, was wiping the prince’s hair.

I was serious alone in front of the seawater pool.

“Are you really going? Are there many strangers there?”

– woo

Tite stretched her neck and cried.

After receiving confirmation from him three times, I wrapped the white body around the towel that Benjamin gave me.

The courage sitting on the prince’s shoulder beeped towards me.

How did you even think of leaving Tite behind? You were like a temporary guardian.

I had nothing to say and smiled bitterly.

Eva even said that she was grateful that she had set up a tank in the lord’s castle, but the little boy had just arrived at the imperial palace.

It seemed like I was going out for nothing, so I was worried.

– Whoa, whoa.

“Okay, let’s go with my brother.”

The prince got on the carriage first, and I stood at the gate with the gods, stalking Tite.

The cardinal said with benevolent eyes.

“Come and have fun, disciple.”

“yes. I will go and contact you.”

“I’m happy. Cedric doesn’t have that kind of aegyo.”

She smiled brightly enough to deepen the wrinkles in her eyes and kissed my cheek.

Then he whispered quickly.

“If you go to the Duchy, you better not take out your headdress. The people there will hate it.”

I blinked my eyes. She pulled herself away with a calm face and performed ventriloquism.

“And watch out for Modest Bakari-kun. I see the prince as a dangerous person.”

······ Does that little boy with glasses go too?

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