165 Exit (1)

I strode towards the railing.

Marquis François Duhem looked at the unfamiliar girl and said kindly.

“Therese, greet the prince.”

“This is Therese Duem. I see Prince Jesse Penetian, the moon of the new kingdom.”

A princess who looked still in her teens bowed down to me.

If it was the same Duhem, it was highly likely that she would be one of the three younger sisters of the Marquis.

Because the only blood I knew of him was Sir Herve Duhem and Princess Antoinette.

“hello. There, I’m sorry.”

After a brief ceremony, I dug into the siblings.

I know it’s not polite, but this one was more urgent.

The Marquis looked at him with bewildered eyes, but looked under the railing without hesitation.

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Occasionally! Come on! Shrubs broke and groaned.

“······· Well done, I got it! Bring the rope!”

“ね, let this go! Do you know who I am?!”

“Take off your helmet! From pitching!”

ha······. A sigh of relief flowed out at the sight unfolding before his eyes.

The soldiers of the duke family rushed to the flower bed, and were in the process of subduing the ‘armored man’ by pressing down.

He was lying about halfway between the balcony I entered and the balcony on the right.

Duke Cecil Blanquer’s words that he would shut down the castle and catch the suspicious at the scene were true.

For a moment, the tension was relieved, and the strength in the shoulders and legs fell.

Princess Therese stood clinging to the Marquis, perhaps frightened.

I leaned my body against the railing and glanced to the right. And I was terribly surprised.


“It’s Duke Sarnez. You entered with me! I put on her favorite <Phantom of Padtroy> makeup.”

The Marquis explained in the same tone as usual. The princess relaxed her expression and smiled a little.

But I couldn’t laugh together.

The duke, standing alone on the balcony on the right, was frozen as if surprised by someone’s visit.

The uninvited guest threw off his skull mask with rough hand movements and stared at him.

Black wings resembling bats, and blue hair rolled up like goat horns.

And the blue-grey eyes shining like the autumn night’s markab. devil girl.


I murmured.

She, who was in the ballroom, also seemed to know that I was chasing a suspicious person and followed her.

I didn’t know if it was fortunate or unfortunate that Kristel checked over there for me.

There was no sound, but the atmosphere was bad.

I swallowed dry saliva and opened my eyes tightly.

should be calm I had to calm myself down and organize myself.


So, hearing Bakari’s revelation, we found a suspicious person who smelled of ‘the shadow of death’ and ‘the stench of conspiracy’.

He kept asking ‘Have you planted the tulip roots well?’ as if it were a password.

Then I followed someone and threw myself into the flower bed through the balcony where the Marquis Duhem is or the Duke of Sarnez over there.

This meant several things.

first. Maybe one of the two great nobles is really… Either he had a plot he couldn’t talk about and conspired with the armor man.

“Leave this! Give me the helmet! Shit! Turn it off!”

“Oh my God, it’s the peacock!”

“I was pissed off. Call the Knight Commander!”

‘Oh My God.’ The Marquis Duhem was astonished. I opened my mouth wide.

Below, an unimaginable curtain was unfolding.

The first-floor terrace was already full of spectators, and there was no room for footsteps.

Balconies everywhere were filled with guests. I muttered in embarrassment.

“It’s Robert Blanquer.”

······second. It is possible that he only used the balcony to escape after he finished conspiring with a third party.

I raised my head and looked at the marquise.

The pale pink eyes twinkling in the moonlight did not avoid me.

“Marquis, have you ever been here before?”

“Unfortunately, we didn’t have that kind of entertainment. Because I was chatting with Therese. The introduction is late, Prince. You are my youngest sister!”

He said as he wrapped around the little princess.

Therese rounded her eyes, just like her brother, and buried her face in his shoulder as if embarrassed.

I couldn’t find anything to say. That was then.

– Rumble!

Something like thunder sounded over the mountains.

Those who were outside became quiet as if they were covered in cold water. Following,

-Kugu Palace…



The earth shook, and screams erupted from inside and outside the castle.

The tremor, which was fine at first like the vibration of a cell phone, gradually grew like an earthquake.

The Marquis hurriedly grabbed Therese and me as they staggered and spewed mana.

His eyes met for a moment, and there was no speck of sincerity in his eyes.


– Kiyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

“No, nothing is wrong. yes. Is nobody hurt?”

The Aemuldanji, which Benjamin had brought to him in a hurry from the castle tower, I worked hard to calm him down.

The fearful Leah did not want to fall from her bosom, so Demi and Perry entrusted it to Sir John and Canael respectively.

Dirty Sim was turning into mocha bread from the crown prince’s crown.

About 30 minutes have passed since the sudden earth pounding.

All the guests invited to Blanquere’s lord’s castle, their servants, and the castle’s family members all gathered in the square.

I was able to evacuate here the fastest thanks to the ‘teleportation’ skill of the Marquis Duhem.

Eva’s eyes lit up as if she had just woken up, and Prince Sedric and Kristel threw away their wigs and stood by me.

David looked a little sad for some reason.

“Are you two injured?”

“We are fine. The prince?”

“I’m fine too.”

I had a short conversation with Kristel.

She was standing next to the Duchess Isabelle, carrying Titte, and her expression was not good, perhaps because of what had happened on the balcony.

Duke Sarnez was a few steps behind. Modest Bakari was also seen on the servant’s back.

“I can’t believe it. What is this?”

“It seems that the demon has awakened! The East is also wild.”

“It’s not uncommon. Eight or nine years ago, something like this happened at a masquerade.”

The nobles, who were half-dressed, poured out words mixed with concern and excitement.

In general, he had a high voice because he had drunk too much.

The duke’s soldiers were escorting everyone around the wide square.

The borders often have friction and there are many beasts in the mountains, but they were really cold-hearted.

“Here, mother is coming.”

Eva pointed to one. We looked away for a moment.

Duke Blanquere accompanied by her husband and the knights commander was entering the square with swift and elegant movements.

Although the situation was quite tense, there was no gap in his face.

The captured Duke of Blanquere was dragged behind her.

The nobles fluttered their fans and whispered something.



The duke showed a restrained manner toward the prince who stood at the front of the group, then gave Eva a brief glance and removed his luck.

“On a day when there should be only joy and blessing, there is no shame in letting such an ominous event occur. This is a message that one of the two dungeons in the mountain range within the territory was opened unexpectedly. All of the Knights are now ready for battle. The goal of me and Ma Tower is to suppress the hordes of beasts by dawn and seal the dungeon.”


Her tone of voice was as blunt as reading a luncheon menu.

However, it was only us and the group that were quiet, and the nobles were now loud and sharing their anxiety.

Looking at the silence of the crystal bell, the distance between the Demon Beasts and the Lord’s Castle was considerable.

I blinked and met the prince’s gaze. Orange eyes glowed calmly.

In the worldview of Toegye-gong, the word ‘dungeon’ meant a very bad cave where the demons rushed in.

They were mainly located on high ridges and, like active volcanoes, required special attention.

At the time of the great subjugation of the Demon Beast, the dungeon opened at the Marquis of Duem was opened once a year, and the clearing was carried out in time, so the residents of the territory could live in peace.

I learned from Eva that the two dungeons in the Duchy of Blanquere were also thoroughly maintained.

Although it is not a regularly active terrain, it is said that it can detect the appearance of a demonic beast immediately because the mana tower located deep in the jungle detects mana 24 hours a day.

So, is this a coincidence? Did the dungeon explode when the two main characters were in the territory?

It can’t be. I was whispering

“It is most likely because of the gods.”

“I will.”

The father answered lowly.

The only thing people recognized as a god was the magic sword of Mars he possessed.

But actually, sickness resides in my body, and Kristel is the same, and that’s just the perseverance that everyone thinks of as ‘the prince’s cute wren’.

If you include the shrine of trees in the forest, there are a total of five gods in one estate.

Beasts showed instinctive aggression toward new things, so it was not strange that the sleeping dungeon exploded.

·······I guess this is what Nicky said?

-That’s right. But let’s not forget the most important being.

A warning came to mind that the gods are getting stronger as they come together, and that it is impossible to know what will happen if they really meet.

I rubbed the area near the heart he was pointing at.

It seemed uneasy, so Kristel reached out and covered the back of my hand.

suffocating laughter

“it’s okay.”


she whispered Why did the back of the head sting? The peacock’s words continued.

“I have no authority to prevent guests from returning to their respective residences or estates. However, it is recommended that you stay in the castle until noon because the beasts that leave the dungeon can attack the mountain road. That should be enough for me and my knights to take care of the dwarfs.”

“This is crazy. I will get out of here.”

An old man grumbled as he put on his jacket.

Some nobles sympathized with her and shouted loudly.

The duke shook his head as if to respect it.

When you see a movie or something like that, people like that are always the first.

No, you’re an elderly person, so you shouldn’t think like this. I shook my head back.

“And I have one more thing to tell you.”

“Isn’t this an emergency, Duke?”

someone suddenly asked. It was a complaint that the words were long.

The duke continued his speech without blinking his eyes.

“As you may already know, my son, Robert, is here with His Majesty the Crown Prince… You have dishonored the honor of Prince Jesse, your guest, and caused a scandal. It’s a shame, but there have been times when I’ve painted the name of the family in the past. And today, I even committed trespassing.”


This time, everyone shut their mouths and stared at us.

The back of my neck felt warm.

I tightened my chin so as not to be too conscious of the eyes of strangers.

Eva, standing next to her, had the same expression.

“So my husband and I decided that Robert was not worthy of our family heir.”

“mother! Duke!”

The little peacock shouted in a hoarse voice.

I saw the little princess clenched both fists.

It seemed that she was barely holding back from wanting to hold Sir Elizabeth or my arm.

I smiled as I looked at Eva like that.

After all, children thrive when everyone helps them.


“From now on, my second child, Eva, will be the Duchess of Blanquere.”


The aristocrats exclaimed. Even when it wasn’t the case, some even applauded.

Eva looked up at me with a bright smile like a blooming beauty in the middle of the night, and hugged my waist as if she was head-butting.

It hurt a little, but I was much happier than that.

“ha ha ha.”

– Kyeung!

Leia licked Eva’s cheek, Kristel whispered congratulations, and Sir Elizabeth kissed the little princess’s head, saying that she had worked hard.

From the child’s body, tiny golden grains spurted out.

He felt so good that he couldn’t control the ether.

And the duke and wife looked at us as if they were a stranger, with somewhat disturbed eyes.

I stroked Eva’s back and bit my lip.

I’ve heard that there are parents who don’t have maternal or paternal love, but how can it be so clerical?

“Then you may disband. Your Majesty, if you will, I will take you to the castle tower. I’ll post a report as soon as the situation is over. Let me tell you the result of interrogating Robert.”

At the same time as the duke’s words, the nobles began to disperse.

The Prince clenched his chin, and Confucius, who had been a duke a minute earlier, shouted with a reddened face and kicked into the air.

The knight commander who couldn’t see put a gag in his mouth.

It was an ordeal to protect the dignity of the owner.

“Go to your room, Prince. I will take the bath water.”

I nodded at Benjamin’s words.

In the midst of the crowd wearing all kinds of decorations, I saw the Duke of Sarnez and the brother and sister of the Marquis Duheme getting on their wagons.

Those people… Can’t you just let me go?

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