180 Detox (6)

‘First of all, it was confirmed that Sunflowers affect the ether, not the vessel.’


I was out of breath.

The conversation between the emperor and the cardinal continued after that. Cedric couldn’t take it any longer.

Even though I knew I had to endure it, I wanted to get away from the sound, light, and gaze for that moment.

I thought I should sit down and discuss the future with my mother, but it disappeared.

Since we decided to dispose of the sacred stone and medicinal herbs together, from now on, I wanted to be alone.

He moved quickly. It was a childish and impulsive decision.

– Bump!

-Shoot aaa

When I went out to the balcony, a gentle breeze blew in.

But his body and head were so hot that he couldn’t freeze them with any cold air.

So I didn’t care. I’d like to stay here all night if possible.

It was enough to burn my heart alone in a place no one noticed, sprinkle ashes, and return to the Crown Prince.

He knew well that his mother and godmother must have been as desperate as he was. Black hair fluttered aimlessly.


The ‘bowl’ cannot be fixed.

If the repair of the soul was possible, humans would have become immortal.

Knowing that this is an old truth, what did he expect?

A gloved hand clenched a fist.

The edge of the balustrade, which was carved out of the rock, was broken.

– click

Then, the unlocked door was opened and an uninvited guest entered.

I could tell who the opponent was without looking at their faces or voices.

It wasn’t hard to feel him even from hundreds of steps away.

There was only one person in the whole continent who had the energy like a treasure hung around the prince’s neck.

Even though he had just regained his strength, the etherealed ether remained the same.

A person who fills a place called ‘cold palace’ with unnecessary warmth.

“get out.”

Cedric growled without looking back. I didn’t want to talk to him now.

I realized that I was in a very vulnerable state. I couldn’t see it like this.

“I will be quiet.”

Then the muffled voice returned.

The priest did not invent affection, nor did he ask useless questions.

Then, there was a pretending of popularity to sit on a chair.

Cedric couldn’t congratulate him anymore, to the point of being ridiculous.

A life of being swept away by the ether and blinded was fed up.

I wondered why he was born with this fate, and for what the hell he was testing himself and his family so much.

no······. Admittedly, such curiosity had not been volatilized earlier.

Cedric was similar to Frederik, but different.

Although he believed in the Lord, he hated it.

– Beep!


The prince murmured, as if perplexed. A small flapping sound was also heard.

“Tucks, why are you here? Did you come out without sleeping?”

– beep beep

“You want to give it back? You say you do.”

It was an awkward tone. The father let out a sigh.

“Tomorrow, tomorrow.”

– beep

“That’s right. He is the nicest wren on the continent.”

Cedric couldn’t stand it and looked back. Their eyes met immediately.

Even in the dark, the prince’s eyes twinkled like an amethyst.

He ran out of luck with a slightly troubled face.

“sorry. I tried to stay still, but courage came out of the blanket.”


It was the second most outrageous sight Cedric had seen recently.

The first was the moment the prince broke into his bedroom adjoining room.

This time he was holding a teacup with sage tea in one hand and a thick blanket on the other side.

A large tart Tropezien was placed on a plate above the lap.

The wren sat on the prince’s shoulder and tilted his head naturally.

In the gap between his beaks was the imperial insignia that the prince had recently stolen.

Cedric crawled his brows at the peasant eyes asking if there was any dissatisfaction.

“What is that?”

“David prepared tea for me. The blanket was provided by Sir Elizabeth, and the tart was made by me. You must be cold and hungry.”

the prince explained. laughter flowed.

The fact that there were people who thought that the fire attribute paladin would get cold, even the fact that it was his entourage, was terrifying.

But the most ferocious thing was the prince in the face.

Cedric forgot the memory of a few minutes before he had ordered him to leave, and fired.

“It’s a no-brainer.”

“If you talk to me later, I was going to give you some refreshments. You might need it.”

“What if I ignore you?”

The prince finally lowered his eyebrows. It looked like he hadn’t even thought about it. Foolish······.

“Still, it’s better than being alone when you’re having a hard time, isn’t it?”


“There are opponents to ignore, um. That doesn’t mean you should ignore me.”

He smiled and continued. ‘You have to show basic respect between friends.’

Then he looked at the emperor and the cardinal through the balcony door.

He had a calm face as if he could wait forever.

Respect and affection overflowed in his gentle gaze. There was no need to skip it.

The prince had already given his heart to everyone here.

Cedric clenched his teeth in that impeccable deception.

If you’re excited about the Empire, can’t you be satisfied with that?


admit it He didn’t want the prince to return to his new country.

He wanted to choose Lister himself, without coercion by the power of the treaty and the authority of the imperial family.

The prince looked down at the priest’s feet silently.

“Do you really not drink tea? It’s all cold.”

···········I swear to the Lord, I did not intend to tie them up by hurting them.

Neither would the grown-ups ever support that approach.

But there was a fire burning inside.

The abnormal and illogical Paladin’s violence flowed through the weakened reason.

A spark rose from between his clenched fists. The magic tool gloves were burning.


It didn’t matter. He was a man who lived his life burning hundreds of pairs of gloves.

And the prince was still, his only chance.

“Then I’ll just take one sip.”

An ominous noise was overshadowed by the soft words. The paladin slowly raised his left hand.

My inner desires and fears began to whisper terrible words.

‘He will leave someday.’

‘If you can’t hold it, it’d be better to set it on fire.’

‘Why is runaway bad?’

The wren’s urgent chirping went away beyond the eardrum. At the same time, my eyes were dyed red.

Blood vessels swelled in his temples, and the swamp of pain opened his mouth. Whoops…!

– Click!

That was then. Someone slammed the balcony door and came out.


– Jeez!

Immediately, the command of fire fell, and the prince’s arms were frozen white up to his shoulders.

Then my mind was blown. The back of my neck became chilly and I felt a chill down my spine.

The man checked the prince with his orange eyes wide open. The eyes that look at yourself are…

“Are you okay? Until recently, I was very noisy. Sir Sarnez, if you do this, you will get a frostbite on your arm.”

“The one you need to worry about right now is the prince!”

Cristel de Sarnez exclaimed as if frustrated.

The astonished prince looked at her without looking at the bird.

There seemed to be a rough blue in his blue-grey eyes.

“What else is wrong, my lord? Speak up.”

“Sir Sarnez. Probably now…”

“No, it was just a flashback. The prince almost became a noble barbeque.”

she said sharply. The prince’s eyes widened.

Not being able to feel the ether of others, it was a natural reaction.

But a little while ago it was really dangerous.

Cedric ignited a flower fire, melting his left arm and closing his mouth.

The eyes of the two men and women were directed towards him.

“Don’t even think about running away. Even the teacher felt it in the room.”

My teeth were ripped apart. Johann Haines was a master with a secretly tenacious and annoying corner.

As I was contemplating whether I should jump off the balcony like this, the prince spoke up.

“If it’s because of the bowl, it’s okay to talk about it later. Please do it when you want to.”


Cedric looked at him in surprise. I didn’t expect it to have gotten that far.

No cheap pity or fear reflected in the purple mirror. He continued speaking slowly.

“The Aether is back, so I can help you again. Do you even have a necklace that I gave you?”

‘You haven’t written it yet.’ he said to himself. Christel added, crying.

“It’s going to be shit. Please write when you need to.”

Then it poured out like a waterfall.

“The fire can always be put out. However, in order to prevent fire, you must tell us the circumstances before and after. If you’re tied up by yourself, how do you know when it’s going to explode next time?”

– Beep beep!

The gods roared together. Cedric did not give an answer.

Revealing one’s secrets to anyone required trust worth risking their lives.


“If you tell me, I will tell you a secret.”

Christel declared bitterly. This time, the eyes of the two men focused on her.

“It’s not a common and common story. It’s such a shocking secret that you may not believe it. You might say you’ll never see me again. But it’s real, so I’ll take it.”

“Sir Sarnez.”

“I also wanted to tell someone. I can’t stand it for the rest of my life. The two of you are very welcome. As the prince said, I will wait for the Crown Prince to speak first, but since there is no promise, I am offering a stimulant.”


Then the prince’s eyes fluttered dangerously.

From https://readwn.com

Oddly enough, seeing that face, Cedric felt curious about Kristel’s ‘secret’.

I don’t know why, but I had a feeling that her story was hiding a great secret.

Water-colored eyes glared at the man.


She raised a small fist with incomprehensible words.

After being silent for a moment, Sedric raised his arm quite familiarly.

It was a deal he had nothing to lose anyway.

Because if you didn’t open up your insides for the rest of your life, it would have been like nothing.

“I accept it.”

The prince clenched his fists, dripping cold water. The prince made a small ill sound.

That’s how the commotion ended.

The night when the crescent moon swells with power.

Much has been deciphered, and new decipherables have emerged.

For example, Jesse Penetian, looking at the starry sky with a worried expression, was like that.


I was really nervous that day, but luckily nothing happened.

It means that the Prince did not suddenly confide in him about his physical condition, or that Kristel confessed that he was the possessor.

In fact, it was only peaceful for over a month.

Slowly but steadily, I regained my strength, and in the meantime, the green grass in the Imperial Palace greenhouse grew rapidly, and the emperor and the cardinal searched the country in search of the remains of patients with nephropathy and the New Kingdom Army.

By the time winter entered, it felt like everything had returned to normal.

Juliet’s ban was lifted on the same day that the emperor visited.

As usual, I went to the temple for confessions and learned the teachings of Cardinal Boutier.

He observed Sir John’s class, took the red pandas for a walk, and watched Tite’s backstroke for two hours.

Then, the memory of that time gradually faded. Even a perforated expanse.

“It’s the last day, so there will be a lot of people everywhere. Please be careful.”

“Benjamin is also going with you. Do not worry.”

When I looked at the middle-aged man, I was refreshed.

Then, he put on an imperial coat and wore thick boots that Pierre had brought.

November 30th was a very special day.

Because it was the end of the harvest festival that made the whole country and the zodiac.

“Prince, the carriage is ready!”

Canael, who appeared in the doorway, smiled and said.

The boy was very excited at the thought of walking through the streets of Sir Elizabeth.

I hugged the gods and got up from my seat. Demi whimpered and wrapped my ankle.

It was a high level to prevent the fruit shuttle from going out. laughter broke out

“I will come early. I want to take hyung too, but there are too many people.”

– Kururu

The red panda cried with its mouth open, and climbed up the table.

Then he curled up on a certain history book and lay down.

I now knew what book he was referring to just by looking at a part of the cover.

Because Demi was completely obsessed with certain words these days.

“The Chronicles of the Pope”. ‘Pope’. Our Shinsoo had a big dream.

“okay. Later, when purple smoke rises on the border that the Pope appears, Demi lets you take a look in the first row. Even if I ask your Majesty.”

– Kyeung!

He calmed him down with a voice mixed with laughter, rubbed his stomach and back a lot, and then left the room.

Several royal wagons and members of the Guard could be seen out the window.

My heart was pounding because it was an outing for a while.

As Sant’s housewarming gifts were carefully packed, the cold and refreshing air brushed his cheeks.

I got into the carriage with a bright expression on my face.

Sant naturalization celebration party, harvest festival, group get-together with friends.

It was just fun and comfortable keywords!

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