not start cleaning (4)

“·······We will talk about the ‘Blessing of Changhae’ at a later date. That’s not the point of the day.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Emperor Frederick quickly organized the emergency.

The audience bowed their heads politely.

Even if he was confused and curious, it was only natural to wait as long as the monarch had said that.

Master advised him to go to one of the emperor’s living rooms and rest, but Isabelle and Kristel politely declined.

The two mothers and daughters said they would watch Simon de Sarnaise’s judgment until the end.

He also said that he wanted to be courteous to those who sinned.

So I stayed with Joan and Duhem’s siblings and the Berang family.

The chaplain, Laura, brought hot quince tea for everyone. Sir Elizabeth continued the process.

“This time I will bring in witnesses, Your Majesty. This is Duke Cecil Blanquer, mother of Prince Robert Blanquer, who recently passed away.”

After that, the trial proceeded smoothly.

Not only the witnesses, but also witnesses who provided important clues to the resolution of the case appeared one after another.

Duke Sarnez answered all the questions graciously, but his eyes were blank as if his soul had been lost.

It seemed that Isabelle’s scream was engulfed in her chest.

Whether it’s belated regret, sorry, whatever.

“A nanny found this in the hands of a dead Robert. Part of the envelope sent by the Duke of Sarnez.”

Duke Blanquere, dressed in black mourning clothes, held up a small magic tool glass box with his gloved hand.

Inside were mottled pieces of paper.

As the Crown Prince’s aunt and the emperor’s sister-in-law, she stayed at Struda Palace, not Thuzaur Palace.

Next to them were the Duchess and Duchess, who were all black as well.

The women were wearing black veils, so it was difficult to recognize their expressions.

I couldn’t take my eyes off of Eva because I was worried.

They seemed to be getting along well when I saw them yesterday, but the emptiness of losing a family was the law that came without notice.

It would have been even more difficult to bear in a position like this.

“On the brink of death… It looks like it felt weird. He threw the envelope directly into the fireplace and retrieved it with his bare hands.”

“Oh My God.”

“The hands of the corpse were burnt dark red. It was said that the grip was so tight that it was difficult to open it even before the stiffness came after death.”

“How could such a death exist?”

The Duke of Blanquere testified quietly, and the nobles sighed as they covered their mouths or looked up at the ceiling.

The archbishops closed their eyes and offered prayers in silence.

Duke Sarnez was now shaking his shoulders with his neck dropped.

I clenched my teeth thinking it was a good thing I didn’t bring the kids.

The end of Robert Blanquer was disastrous.

Even after thinking of such a “handling method,” I got goosebumps all over my body to see the peacock who would have had an elegant day as usual.

An 8th grade wizard who had a duel with Prince Sedric last summer. His specialty is magnetism.

The Duke took advantage of Confucius’s evil feelings toward me and sent him as a message.

He didn’t feel sympathy for the dead.

He had no intention of wasting his talent just because he died at a young age.

The last letter he wrote to Eva was full of slander and greed.

Although he was confined in a villa, it seemed that he often acted against the servants. However······.

“The pieces of Confucius’ envelope had a very small amount of poison on them. It is highly volatile, and if it is not stored in an airtight container, it will not leave even a trace within three or four days. Fortunately, the response was clear. It was not a plant poison that is relatively easy to detoxify, but the poison of a beast.”

Sir Elizabeth’s father, Sir Michel Mutte, who was present as a witness, reported.

As a prominent botanist and surgeon, he contributed decisively to this case.

The emperor raised one eyebrow.

In short, the Duke of Sarnez did not trust Robert even though he used it.

It was because the attitude was light and he liked to be conceited. So I wanted to use people as ‘disposable’.

He poisoned the mouth of the envelope sent to him and waited for death.

By the time Confucius changed the envelope and burned what he had sent, he thought he would naturally stop breathing.

The prediction soon became a reality. However, the Duke overlooked Robert’s original poison.

He had a foreboding of death, and he did not know that he would vomit blood and search the flames with his bare hands.

“that······. it is impossible. Confucius Blanquer received my oracle. I was not allowed to do anything that could harm Duke Sarnez and me!”

‘Isn’t the evidence fabricated?’ A shrill voice raised the question.

All eyes turned to the woman.

Another criminal who had been silent all along was Eugène Kessie.

The old man’s eyes gleamed beyond the white peaks.

“Even so, I tried to point it out, Archbishop.”

When Sir Elizabeth removed the title of ‘Eunha’, Kessie sharply opened her eyes.

Count Soh continued talking without hesitation.

“Before you came here, you testified. He said he had given oracles to several people to help Duke Sarnez. Who, including Confucius Blanquer, when and where the spell was cast, now and here, in every detail.”

“.·······If you do that, please promise that you will not receive a severe punishment.”


The archbishops groaned and shook their heads at the old man’s answer. Some even took off their bishop and fanned their hands to see if their stomachs exploded.

The emperor’s bloody eyes were still, as if he had heard no nonsense.

‘Look at the situation, Archbishop!’ Someone shouted, but Kessie glared at him with poisonous eyes.

Embarrassed, I checked the prince and attendant sitting next to me, but I wasn’t mistaken.

It wasn’t someone else’s gaze, it was really aimed at me.

why? Maybe this is the ‘check-in’ that Benjamin was talking about?

“There was definitely something like that when I was brought in. If you cooperate, he will not punish you with the death penalty…!”

– Whiriririk, Whoops!


What was flashing! Casey screamed.

‘Heh heh!’ The timid spectators hurriedly backed away.

Embarrassed, I stretched out my back and leaned over.

In front of the old man’s knee was a familiar dagger,

“… Prince?”

Is it you this time?

“You can haveten death with that speech.”

The man spoke to the archbishop like a hungry black panther.

“Do you want a lowly bat to live in the land of the sun?”

When he looked down quickly, the dagger that should have adorned the side of his boots was nowhere to be seen.

He couldn’t use magic indoors, so it looked like he threw it out himself.

However, neither the two adults nor his teacher, Sir John, were scolding him.

I opened my mouth and then closed it.

I can’t even say anything because it’s a case of having received home education so clearly. Because this is what I saw and learned…

“B, I met Confucius Blanquer at a masquerade. It was the day the sky opened and the golems trembled.”

It even ate me! Sir Elizabeth drew a dagger with a familiar face and took it.

Casey continued his statement like a clearing housekeeper.

“The Duke of Sarnez first met Confucius on the balcony and proposed a scheme. After he was captured by the Duke of Blanquer, I volunteered to interrogate him. There is no archbishop in Yeongjuseong, so I thought there was no reason to deny my power. So, pretending to listen to his confession, he placed an oracle in a solemn position. The rest will meet secretly at Sarnez’s lord’s castle…”

Every time the old woman spoke one word at a time, the audience’s faces were filled with astonishment.

Starting with the commander of the Imperial Guard, most of the elite soldiers and knights that Duke Sarnez had personally trained and dedicated passed through her oracle.

With the archbishop’s powerful indoctrination combined with his loyalty to the duke, freedom from bondage would have been virtually impossible.

So, the Imperial Guard wanted to kill us without hesitation, and the garrison without hesitation attacked Duhem Lord’s Castle.

It was like putting the emperor’s name tag on the two puppets without fear.

Suddenly, scenes from the masquerade went through my mind like a flashback.

Customers circling round and round to the music. A ballroom where lions and witches, angels and demons come together.

A chandelier that shone with ecstasy.

‘Have the tulip roots been planted well?’

That was the clue I heard from Robert Blanquer.

‘It was different from the usual foresight. My eyes were darkened and there was the stench of conspiracy.’

Bakari-kun’s prophecy was the second clue. It was never enough. and······.

‘Galaxy. If you suddenly do this,’

‘Suddenly what? I told the Duke last night that I was leaving.’

When the dungeon suddenly opens and the lord’s castle is sealed off, Archbishop Eugenie Kessie makes a fuss about leaving the castle.

I now understand why she wanted to get out of there.

Now that he’s done his job, he probably doesn’t want to be in a dangerous area anymore.

Anyone who values life so much.

“Do you not know how the dying Robert Blancher broke the oracle?”

the emperor asked abruptly. Casey looked at her with trembling lips.

“Because he was different from you.”


“He was an idiot who knew no one in the zodiac. I rotted the peacock’s stomach a lot. However, I knew how precious honor was. Because there was something infused throughout my life.”

“your majesty!”

“I didn’t want to die of such shame. Even if both hands were on fire, he wouldn’t want his name to be tainted. I didn’t move out of revenge against you guys. So it was not affected by the trust.”


“Jim is not a priest. It’s funny how the Archbishop doesn’t understand more than this body.”

Kathy closed her mouth and shook her head. Some silence passed.

The emperor glanced at the scribes who were writing diligently under the stairs, and then blinked at the commander of the neighborhood guard.

meant to continue.

“······Yes. On the day of Confucius’ death, an autopsy performed by a surgeon at the lord of Blanquer found poison in his body. We have also obtained testimonies and records that match the beast poison found in the rimless Exotic envelope.”

“But it also came from the body of the deceased Confucius, Andrésie.”

“I beg your pardon!”

Count So and her father explained in turn.

The nobles murmured loudly at the out of nowhere ‘Andrégie’.

Confucius was the culprit in the terrorist incident at the establishment ceremony of the military academy.

The emperor and the cardinal waited with calm eyes as they spoke.

Sir Michelle’s gray eyes sank deeply.

“The Crown Prince, suspicious of the foam on the lips of the dead terrorist, requested an autopsy from me. An autopsy revealed a poison reaction. The impact of the magic tool explosion was the direct cause of death, but it seems that Confucius was poisoned before the execution of the terror in case he survived. It must have been to hide the background.”

“Oh my gosh!”

“How can a man think like that!”

“I was only fifteen, fifteen! What does such a child know!”

“Don’t make excuses for your great-grandmother. Aren’t you the devil too!”


Nobles and priests alike all shouted at the Duke of Sarnez. The duke lowered his gaze and silently received a finger pointing.

I gripped the warm holy stone beads tightly. It was almost the same situation back then.

Even at the time of the judgment of Count Andrégé, who had left a sick child for generations, the audience had this kind of atmosphere.

I thought that everyone here that day was of one mind.

He believed that in his anger at evil deeds and mourning for Grandmother Pom and Henriette, there was only sincerity.

But it wasn’t.

Simon de Sarnez, even at that moment, planned to use the Count’s underage son.

He encouraged a child whose judgment was not mature and led him to self-determination.

I closed my eyes tightly and shuddered.

I may be mistaken, but I felt the flames inside the beads heat up even more.

“It must have been to use a child who was blinded by false beliefs to cause terrorism and destroy the public’s feelings for the prince. In addition, he became a victim himself and resigned from the suspect early on. Did you think that Confucius’ parents would have no remorse since they were in prison?”


A harsh voice answered the emperor’s question. Sighs flowed from everywhere.

The middle-aged man stared intently at the man who was once a gun barrel.

“Your plan would have been perfect. Even if I hadn’t sprayed ink on the envelope Confucius Blanquere sent to Sir Beliard. No, even if Beliard hadn’t brought it to Jim.”

The peacock shook his head. The tip of his chin trembled and opened up.

It was an unexpected reaction. A cardinal tied a horsetail to the bootie.

“That’s your mistake, Simon. You don’t see people as people. It does not take into account that human beings show various reactions to various variables. Did you think it was just a piece on your chessboard?”

“Why, why does it matter to your majesty,”

“Because Lord Beliard is indebted to the prince. You were unknown.”


“Isn’t it simple? You will be disappointed.”

Indeed, emptiness spread across the peacock’s face.

Conversely, a smile escaped from the face of the sneering emperor.

“You were not enough for betraying me and leaving your country behind, and you dared to despise the great nobleman, who was my servant and the blood of the imperial family. In addition······.”

That was then.

– Whoa!

The door to the audience room opened without notice, and an imperial knight in silver armor appeared.

The eyes of the emperor and the prince narrowed at the same time. All eyes were focused on him.

The man walked quickly, making a squeaky sound, and knelt down in front of the stairs.

For some reason, I was having a hard time breathing. Suddenly, I had an ominous feeling.

“Your Majesty, please kill me! An urgent message has disturbed my precious time.”


Then the young man took a deep breath and slowly raised his head.

It was as if our eyes met for a moment.

“Penetian’s… The Crown Princess of the New Kingdom has sent an urgent letter. The scroll bears the symbol of ‘the king’s deputy’.”

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