God’s Peace (5)

In an instant, a thought like a lightning flashed through me!

“Sant. Could you come over here for a moment?”

I whispered softly.

As if reading the serious mood from me, the priest who was handed the envelope nodded his head with his gentle eyes closed.

The cake was now held by Laurence. As she began to explain the ingredients, Bakari-kun, who had been quiet the whole time, opened his eyes.

We slowly moved towards the fireplace, looking at the eyes of our friends.

I didn’t want to overshadow Canael’s birthday celebration with a serious story.

Even so, the boy was not relieved because of the circumstances around us these days.

As much as today, I wanted to make you smile without any worries.

The red pandas caring for Tite by the cradle stared at me.

Bravery and Herit also tilted their heads.



“haha. It’s nice that the wood fire is warm.”

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Of course, he could not escape from the tenacious gaze of his mates.

I smiled and beckoned to the blue-grey and orange eyes that were strangely following me.

It’s not a big deal, so I’m just pretending not to know for a moment. not good

“I am sorry. I just read the writing on the envelope.”

“oh. That’s right. it’s okay.”

As I whispered my apology, Sant shook his head with a friendly face.

It was a reaction that didn’t seem like a big deal. I swallowed dry saliva and opened my mouth.

“then······. Are you going to the neutral zone? It says ‘Pilgrimage to the Temple of the Boundary’.”

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Of course, now that I can’t go out without a thorough identity guarantee, it was highly likely that Sant would have a hard time leaving the country as well.

But even if it was a straw, I wanted to catch it for now.

I found out that if it’s a gold line, you’re welcome!


Then, the reddish-brown eyes resembling the rosewood trees widened slightly.

The priest could not give an answer right away, and his mouth frowned in embarrassment.

No matter how urgent it was, I was sorry for rudely asking about my private life.

I added quickly.

“If it makes you uncomfortable, you don’t have to answer.”

“No, no. Because I believe in the prince. It’s not uncomfortable either.”

The young man replied kindly.

While he smiled and scratched his cheek, Canael, realizing my absence, looked around.

I quickly grabbed Piadon from the plate on the window table and bit it.

Between the fresh scent of lemon peel and lemon juice, the soft and rich taste of sheep cheese spreads in your mouth.

Honey sprinkled like crotch eyes added a rich sweetness.

He handed the two pieces to Sant too, and as soon as their eyes met Canael, he opened his eyes.

Instead of moving his lips, he did not forget to point at the cheesecake with his finger.

I went out and came for a snack. keep playing


Then the boy smiled brightly and shook his head, and began to unpack the gifts his friends had prepared one by one.

I just sighed! gulp.

“It’s fine now. It’s delicious, so eat a lot.”


Sant tilted his head that he did not understand English, but when I poured coffee, he happily received it.

For reference, the Americano that Kristel drinks like water was eventually nicknamed ‘Cafe Chris’.

In the words of Marquis François, it is a word used in the Imperial Palace, so it is only a matter of time before it is used in social circles.

The young priest ate half the cake, drank a little Café Chris, and spoke softly.

“that······. The fact that I became a naturalized citizen of the Empire did not like it very much in my hometown. In fact, it still is.”

“It is.”

I listened to the warm rooibos.

Sant followed Sir Johann and his father in the fall of last year to acquire Lister citizenship.

I hadn’t heard of the detailed process, but only knew that the imperial family carried out the work with ease.

I remember being surprised at how easy it was for an ordinary foreigner to naturalize.

At the last housewarming, the priest told me such a story.

It was difficult at home because no one recognized him as he was, so he ran out to the Holy See despite the opposition of his parents.

In the empire he came across by chance, he said that his ‘lack’ became ‘normal’ and it was good.

There were times when it was difficult for the paladins, but…

‘There is no one who expects me to have great abilities, asks about my future hopes, or asks burdensome questions… I’m really happy. Now my heart is light and I can breathe more easily.’

Sant said so and was sullen.

<Reason, Sensibility, and Divinity>, which is serialized every other week, was also one of the reasons for naturalization, but what was most effective was the fact that he was comfortable in mind and body here.

We only listened to it and didn’t delve further.

The details of the story were all household chores, because he thought it was right to wait until he told them.

I didn’t want to break his peace.

‘It’s a pity that Priest Sant can’t go. It is said that the problem of naturalization has not been completely resolved.’

‘Sir John, is the priest okay?’

‘Don’t worry, my lord. That house is famous for being eccentric. But I will give up soon.’

At the end of last year, I remembered a conversation I had with my friends while going down to the Duchy of Veran.

In other words, the problem of naturalization was not completely resolved because of the ‘unusual home’.

At that time, Sir John said that the Santne family would soon give up…

“Are you supposed to withdraw from naturalization?”

“Oh, not like that!”

Sant’s voice grew louder. I looked around in surprise.

Demi raised her tail.

Canael, who was opening Joan’s gift, looked at us with his eyes wide open.

I grabbed three pieces of the sable.

Then he shoved the cute serrated biscuits into his mouth at once.

The crunchy, crunchy, sweet taste brought a smile to my mind.

This time, he explained the situation by moving his fingers without saying a word.

Sant says he doesn’t want to dip the sable in coffee. So there was a loud noise for a while.


Then the boy moved his mouth and groaned.

Except for the Paladins, everyone again focused on opening the gift.

For a moment, François squinted his eyes at us. Thank you, I will only trust you.

“Prince Calamar, have you decided where you are going for your honeymoon?”

“Go, suddenly?”


·······I wish I could believe it, but I couldn’t do anything right now.

I glanced at the strawberry-red couple and looked back at Sant with a serious expression.

The priest devoured the Fiadon and continued whispering.

“It’s not like that…. Father wants to see your face. I haven’t seen him since I ran away to the Vatican.”

“May I ask when you ran away?”

“I came out as soon as I turned 16.”

Sant said humbly.

Even though he looks mature, he’s still 19, so it’s like he hasn’t seen his family for over three years.

As I sighed at the fluff, he shook his head.

“Yes. Although I am not close with my parents, I thought it would be good to tell them that they are getting along well. But just in time, my father said that he would provide a guarantee of identity.あ. The Feast of Advent is the biggest festival on the continent. Around that time, he said that it would not be easy to come to the neutral zone.”

To the end of the word, a round hand scrambled up and down the envelope.

To be honest, I had no idea how big the ‘Great Feast of Advent’ was.

Because there was no Christmas here, and even on New Year’s Day, we were in no mood for the Simon de Sarnaise incident.

Because of the heavy snow, the interior of the Imperial Palace was not yet decorated.

In the Bible, ‘December 25 is Christmas Day.’ Just as there is no verse that says, even in the Protestant Bible, ‘February 22 is a solemn holiday, but let’s take care of it once and for all.’ There were no such words.

Did I read the description too closely?

“I wish I could say hello to my parents. Then how is this…”

I gently pointed to the envelope.

The question was how did you receive your father’s letter in a situation where the whole country was locked down.

Then Sant snorted.

“Isabel-sama gave it to me. To be precise, Isabelle-sama’s parents are famous caravans that travel to and from the neutral zone… It was commissioned by my father, who was visiting the Holy See at the same time. It is said that this item has also passed Your Majesty’s quarantine, Prince.”

I rolled my eyes and opened them.


“Shall I bring you?”

evil! I quickly shut my mouth that was about to scream.

I shrugged my shoulders and turned around to see familiar toothpaste-colored eyes. Aigoo, Father Herit!

“I’m sorry, my lord. What kind of interesting story are you talking about?”

Sir John raised his eyebrows. It was a face full of regret.


“I think I heard from ‘Would you like to come over here for a moment?’”

You’ve been following me since the beginning!

Perhaps there was resentment in my eyes, he smirked and left the place.

Then I begged Isabelle to forgive her and escorted her back.

It wasn’t that he was sneaking, no one noticed the movement except for his two disciples.

There was no sound of footsteps even though the carpet was laid. that’s awesome

“Prince Jesse?”

“I apologize for the conversation, Isabelle. If you don’t mind, I have a question for you.”

First of all, I sincerely apologized. She turned to her daughter and blinked.

He looked curious as to why he had found himself and not Christel.

I returned Sir John to my friends (“Please dry François a little. I have children, but I think the progress is a bit irritating.” “Leave it to me, my lord.”)

I heard that the Viscounts Langbouilles received a letter from Sant’s father in the neutral zone, was it possible to enter at any time?

Is it true that leaving the country becomes easier during the holidays? What exactly does ‘Pilgrimage to the Temple of the Boundary’ do? In addition······.

“You are very curious, Prince.”

“sorry. So many questions.”

“no. It’s always nice to see your enthusiasm.”

‘It must be one of the reasons why my daughter admires the prince.’ Isabelle let out a sweet smile.

Then, in a gentle tone of voice, he quickly answered the question.

Sant, who was a member of the Vatican, kindly elaborated on the details she did not know.


“Originally, it is said that during the Great Holidays, the borders facing the neutral zone will be fully opened. The same goes for Penetian.”

“That’s right.”

The priest nodded. The reason I didn’t know the situation in Shinguk was that everyone thought it was the same now.

The position of the ‘Bad Boy of the Gubakdegi Playboy’ was very comfortable at times like this.

It was said that the Solemnity of Advent was celebrated on this Sunday after the war.

But it never goes to March.

“You said that the pilgrimage to the temple of the boundary that begins at this time can be visited by anyone regardless of rank, and the temple building will be completely open. The general deputy in charge of the Neutral Zone diocese gives a baptism and a homily to commemorate the solemn feast. But this year, it will be difficult to start from Lister due to the situation. Even so, the Viscounts and the couple are the people who lead the largest caravan in the Empire, so they are constantly coming and going there under His Majesty’s protection.”

“It is correct.”

Isabelle gracefully affirmed. I fell deep in thought.

If it’s a religious event big enough to open the border between the two countries, I think you can talk to Emperor Frederic well.

Shall we make a request to the master first?

If you tell him to go along with the caravan of Viscount Rambouye, and even Sant and the Paladins, who have a guarantor, he might grant you permission.

Go ahead and promise that you will be right back if Elisha isn’t there…

“Prince, His Majesty the Crown Prince, it will be difficult for you to leave your schedule.”

Suddenly, David’s voice rang in his ears. I woke up with a cold again!

“. I even thought about it.”

“It’s a habit I’ve learned not to disturb my precious sleep.”

The middle-aged man smiled softly, cleared the empty plates and refilled our teacups.

Even the acting to not ruin Canael’s party was perfect.

While Isabel and Sant shared a pretzel, I took a sip of hot tea and looked at David.

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Over his shoulder, the prince was also secretly observing.

Just before our eyes met, I lowered my eyelids. It is difficult to empty the schedule.

“Well, since you’re a prince, you must have a lot of work to do.”

It would be in trouble if I suddenly asked him to leave. Again, like last time, I might have to drive the government affairs.

“Heh heh heh. You might see that.”

How did the si-jong look so happy?

A curious light appeared on my face, he coughed a few times before approaching me cautiously.


“As the Prince knows, His Majesty Sedric is young. It is twenty-five in blooming spring and autumn. He is bright and full of strength day and night, and the beauty of his eyes is unmatched in the empire.”

“Oh my goodness.”

“Yeah, what…”

Isabelle seemed to have noticed something already, and I shivered and affirmed the fact.

What are you trying to say?

“Shouldn’t you be seeing the heir soon?”

already? I spread my chin wide like a broken doll.

The eyeball instinctively looked for Christel.

Her pink hair was swaying with her concave eyes resembling her belly fat.

The voice of a high-pitched laughter was clear and high as usual.

Even though the soul is an office worker, ‘Kristel’ is too young to have children!

But I was the only one looking at her. Even Isabelle did not point to her daughter.

David’s indifferent voice pierced the eardrums.

“So they told me that the daughter of the Duke of Mendy would be attending the dinner this Saturday.”

‘Please don’t let the words leak out.’ he added secretly.

In an instant, I felt the blood evaporate from my body.

Suddenly, my hands and feet became cold and my backbone was tense.

What, what and how…?

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