Great Escape (2)

– Awesome!

– aaa

The wind dwindled, and the pure white light gradually faded.

‘Ha ha ha ha ha······!’ Hanan Rumayan’s voice echoed in the tomb.

It wasn’t even true liberation yet, but it was a smile that felt the happiness of those who enjoyed freedom.

My whole heart was blown away when I heard it.

Whew! Her last touch ruffled our hair.

I opened my eyes while hugging Demi. The son-in-law was as quiet as a lie.

It was the deepest part of the Chaum ruins, where gold and silver jewels flashed and the high ceiling overwhelms uninvited guests.

The appearance of the king was gone.


Before we could check Isabelle’s condition, another spectacle began to unfold before our eyes.

Spirits shaking in blood were rising from the ceiling one by one.

Knights and musicians, boots and porters. Craftsman, scribe, astronomer….

All of them were followers of Hanan.

They were the king’s friends who had kept her here for a thousand years.


Marion reached out. Then a little ghost greeted the girl and flew off with her guardian.

‘Hehehe.’ Everyone had a smile on their face.

There was an illusion of light returning to their empty eyes.

As the altitude increased, the soul body became whiter and brighter.

Those who lost their language, memory, and even loved ones spoke to us.

– I believe you. Come again when the sacraments are fulfilled.

-On that day, we will go to the Lord’s arms!

-Hello Hello hello······

– Good luck!

Some people came to bow before us, while others swam a few laps inside.

Whoa, whoa-! A long tail of light embroidered the four directions beautifully like a comet.

It felt like I was lying in a grave, but looking at the distant night sky. Demi stretched out her front paws and groaned.

Suddenly, the corners of his lips rose, and his heart was filled with warm sensations.

Even Sir John, who was always indifferent, seemed to have a lot of thoughts.


-I will not forget!

-Thank you, thank you, thank you…!

“You’re welcome.”

I answered quietly. The spirits, no, the spirits soared into the sky smiling brightly.

‘Wow, we’re free!’ Someone shouted that.

A roaring cheer roared all around, and soon it disappeared like the morning mist.

That was the end.



Where the soul of a thousand years left, only a few breezes remained.

We stared at the empty space for a while-



Startled by the staggering doll from the other side, I ran.

Warak, Kristel embraced Isabelle. I developed a quick healing circle.

Fortunately, her condition was not bad.

His consciousness was clear, his body temperature was not fluctuating, his skin was not pale.

It just seemed a little bit startled. Through the circle of ‘calm’, the ether was hurriedly released.

The prince said lowly.

“It was reckless.”

“Yes, Your Majesty…….”

Isabelle smiled softly and stroked Kristel’s cheek.

The main character buried her face in the palm of her hand, and had a tearful expression on her face with worry and resentment.

“Tell me, you could have talked to us. How can you make a decision like this on your own?”

“Then I wouldn’t have done it.”

The woman whispered. That was true. Kristel’s water-colored eyes fluttered.

“I heard who this is and what kind of person it is. The voices were resounding all the way down the road.”


‘Mom also wanted to protect our daughter.’ Isabelle said that and smiled at everyone.

Her feelings were understood and there was nothing to say.

Kristel was Isabelle’s only daughter, who had been ill for years without waking up.

Although not a drop of blood was mixed, she was the one whom she loved more than anyone in the world.

Even if I suddenly became strong one day, even if I no longer feel sick, it was natural for me to be upset as a mother.

In addition, Kristel recently lost her ‘real father’. I must have wanted to be by your side anyway.

“Here, I can hear him speak.”

Isabelle pointed to her heart.

‘Can you feel the ether of this body? You just did.’ He clumsily followed the king’s tone.

Sir John replied with a smile.

“Indeed, it is a very powerful force.”

That was then.



‘Kee!’ Joan staggered and hugged Perry tightly. The ground was shaking violently.

It was not a temporary phenomenon. We looked at each other as we cared for the children.

Even the image of the friend in front of her was spreading up and down.

Maybe that’s what I’m thinking?


“Wow, is it collapsing?”

Sant murmured ominously. Marion was in tears.

shit! Then yes. The ending of a movie exploring the ruins was, in all likelihood, a collapse!

“India! What about India?”

“Hold on to worry. I’ll take you to your aunt’s place.”

Kristel said, soothing the girl.

Then his big eyes lit up at us.

“I have a knack for escaping rooms.”


“I got all the clues and routes, so just trust me.”

She lifted her up and asked if she could walk.

Isabelle replied that she could run. Kristel immediately pointed towards the altar.

“Then let’s all run over there!”



-Kugugua River…! Kwawawa!

We ran wildly up the hill of gold coins.

It was slippery and there were so many hidden treasures that it was easy to fall, but Sir John helped everyone.

The wind pushed my back and made me stand up, so I moved very quickly.

Gravel and dust were already falling from the ceiling.

‘Qurreur!’ A terrifying sound was also heard in the distance, breaking rocks.

It felt like goosebumps up to the capillaries. If you make a mistake, you will be buried alive as a group here!

– Gugugugu!


Kristel hurriedly called for the master. Suddenly, we were near the statues of four angels.

As Sir John stepped forward, she pointed straight to the ceiling.

“Hey, see that diamond-like transparent gemstone? It’s small, but it’s not a painting, it’s a real decoration.”

“yes. I see it.”

“Turn it back like a doorknob! I don’t know the direction, it’s old, so you may have to use some force. If that doesn’t work, press firmly as if you were dealing with a magic tool. You must never break it.”

‘Paat!’ The white hair and the wind blew together and headed high.

There was no explanation to follow, but Sir John did not ask any further questions.

While the cardinal carried out the disciple’s request, Kristel looked around the party.

She shrugged and smiled, as if we were looking pretty stupid.

“You see the angel statue on the right over there? A man with a bayonet. If you look closely, he is the biggest of the four.”


“But if you say ‘yes’ there, you can’t get out. You have to roll your head in a room like this. I’ll see you again. He’s the tallest, and the second biggest is the angel across from him. I wore a sapphire necklace. The difference in size is noticeable, isn’t it?”

“Ah, that’s right.”

I answered blankly. Kristel, on the other hand, was firing like a pistol.

It was amazing how he spoke without biting his tongue.

Kururu! Meanwhile, earthquakes continued.

“The third biggest one is the angel over there! Looking down at the pile of gold. Finally, the smallest angel is this one buried in gold coins. He is pointing an emerald arrow into the sky.”

From https://readwn.com

Our mouths opened slowly (except Prince Cedric).

She smiled and shook her head.

“Yeah, are you feeling it? The size order is a clue. Very kind. Even the gaze of the angels and the direction in which the jewel is placed are included in the clue. The biggest angel’s greatsword has a ruby embedded in it, and it’s facing the opposite sapphire angel. But he is standing with his body twisted. So you’re looking at the purple quartz-studded angel in the corner over there, not the front. Quartz Angel? I’m looking at the floor, the emerald angel lying here buried. So, what is the last angel pointing to? That diamond on the ceiling. They are placed in a confusing way with the murals, so you can’t see them unless you know and find them. That’s our way out of here.”

“Oh my God!”


“Oh my gosh.”

Admiration came out of nowhere. Marion looked up at Kristel with respect.

Joan and Sant clapped their hands as if possessed.

The situation was so tense that I was sweating, but the only thought I could think of was ‘crazy’.

How the hell did you go to the escape room cafe?


“There is also a gentle correct answer! Here, the monkey gold statue is at the front as if introducing the angels, right? If you look closely, your eyes are diamonds. They told me to look for the same button from the start.”


– Aww!

‘Ahhh!’, ‘Ahhh!’ Sant and Joan were stunned.

At the same time, one side of the ceiling was opened, and black dust poured down like a waterfall from above.

Isabelle calmly comforted the two of them, but it was difficult to calm them down.

Crazy, that’s not dirt, it’s a snake. You’re coming this way wagging your tail!



“Are you still hungry after eating that much?”

The prince took the lead, chanting softly. Sreung! The black swordsman cried.

A bright red light lit up at the tip of the sword’s blade. Wait, ‘Even if you eat like that?’

“Are these vipers from the trap you opened earlier?”

I asked in a whisper. He licked his chin.

“okay. It smells like blood.”

“Did there already have food there?”

“The uninvited guests ahead of us.”

– Exactly!

He quickly took off his gloves and snapped his fingers.

Whoops! When the man’s fingertips lit up with flames, the snakes spread their jaws wide and said ‘mandibular’.

I couldn’t come any closer because I was scared, but that was a temporary measure. The other side of the gold garden was dyed with a swarm of black snakes.

With such a large number, the threat alone will not end it.

With a triangular head and a body dark like fallen leaves, it seemed as if they were protesting, ‘I have a poisonous poison’.

How can a road pass from the basement to the ceiling! No, that’s not what’s important.

If all the tomb robbers disguised as archaeologists died in the snake room, then India—

-Kiggi Geek…

– Gugugugu!

Then, something heavy moved from behind. We nodded our heads.

A very mysterious scene was unfolding before my eyes. Kristel became more and more energetic.

“The altar….”

The top of the altar did not open, nor did the decorations rotate.

The altar itself was moving round and round like a clock.

Anyone could see that was the secret door to the tomb!

After completing the assignment, Sir John gently landed next to me.

Even if he broke one toothpick, it seemed like he had more effort than that.


“thank you. Let’s go, Marion!”

Christel shouted, pushing the child on the back. The girl ran towards the altar as if flying.

We ran without delay. Sir John escorted the rear.

At that moment, a small head popped out of the space under the altar!

“uh? sister!”


Marion called out her brother’s name like a scream. The ten-year-old’s eyes widened.

The child had no visible scratches on the outside. In the midst of disappointment, there was a roar of laughter.

It was a miracle.

“sister! You came really fast!”

“Idiot! Why follow someone you don’t know! You are such an idiot!”

“Sorry. I didn’t know he was a scammer!”

“no! It’s their fault! But you’re an idiot!”

Marion hugged her brother and wept.

Black-haired India, who resembled her sister like twins, only smiled.

I would like to let the children enjoy the reunion, but unfortunately I do not have the time.

zero car! I apologized quickly and hugged India. Marion was played by the prince.

I glanced behind me and saw Sir John cutting the snake’s head with a translucent sword.

months! Sasak! Ahh.

“hi! It’s the aunt who knocked on the lid outside. Is there a way out there?”

“yes I have it. I kept hiding here!”

When Kristel asked, India boldly pointed down.

Joan shoved the excited divine beasts down and pushed Sant’s back.

While I was watching Sir John’s performance (to be honest, I only watched it for 4 seconds), I was caught and dragged away by the prince.

I’m out of breath!


But Isabelle suddenly ran towards the gold mine.

We looked back at her in awe.

It was in the opposite direction from the altar, the ceiling was collapsing, and even snakes were infested, so it was too dangerous!



“He told me to take this!”

She said hurriedly picking up items from the treasure pile.

It was the pure white whip in which Hanan was sleeping. I definitely didn’t want to leave it there.

If it was a cardinal’s weapon like that, he would have the power of a relic by now—

– Aww!


There was a sound of thunder from the ceiling.

Sant was now on the verge of fainting, and it happened in the blink of an eye.

I was startled by the sight I didn’t want to believe.

For the first time in my life, I learned that when a person is too surprised, both legs become stiff and cannot move.

A huge mural was falling over Isabelle’s head.


Kristel cried out for the throat to burst.

She was holding Tite and had already gone down halfway under the altar.

Sir John was not able to react as quickly as usual as he was dealing with the incoming poisonous snake.

The prince who was holding Marion was also too late. A terrible goose ran down my spine.

No, no, no, no…!

– Quajijik!


“Huh, uh…”

A terrible noise pierced the eardrums. India in her arms gently shook my shoulder.

I slowly opened my tightly closed eyes. And in a different way, it was cool.

– Quajiic, hooded!

“Oh my goodness······.”

A thick and drab vine that had bloomed from Isabelle’s hand stood proudly holding the stone wall.

There were only slender crumbs falling over her head.

It was like a flash of reaction.

Isabelle herself must have been very surprised, so she looked down at her heart once and then looked up at the stone repeatedly.

The wonder didn’t stop there. As she moved her arms lightly,

– Wheeik!

– Aww!

A slate two spans thick fell onto a swarm of snakes!

-Shhh! Shhh!

– Sarrr!

A handful of unspoiled vipers began to run frantically into the corner of the burial chamber in a frantic curve.

Isabelle said, ‘I’m sorry. I’m sorry for making you sick.’

We watched her with harsh thoughts and anxious eyes.

Red pandas stick out their little tongues and say, ‘Ahhh…’ did.

For a moment I couldn’t remember what we were doing.

– Kurreung!

It seemed that Hanan’s laughter was heard again from somewhere.

Earth elemental cardinals are awesome…

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