Discovery of Destiny (6)


A sharp low-pitched sound echoed right next to him. I looked up at him, startled.

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On the hottest night in the desert, two little suns were rising.

Under the luxurious turban, her black hair fluttered like a part of the night sky.

After entwining his eyes with him, he seemed to have come to his senses.

He took a long breath and gave an honest answer.

“I think I’ve seen someone I know, but I don’t think so, and I’m confused.”

Because I have no acquaintances here. Except for my friends, I was alone.


Then the prince made an openly displeased expression.

I was surprised because I didn’t expect such a reaction. Christel, who was ahead, looked back at me.

The other friends didn’t seem to hear it, but the Paladins certainly caught my words.

because it wasn’t far.

“Was it a friend from a new country?”

The main character handed me a small piece of shimit and asked.

Isabelle offered the prince a glass of Ayran. I think I just bought a late-night snack.

Street food eaten at such a place would be several times more delicious than usual. thank you

“that······. I do not know. Maybe I just got it wrong.”

I said. It wasn’t a gimmick, it really was.

The emotion that resembled sadness evaporated in an instant, and it was now unclear whether it was real or an illusion.

It seemed to be very intense for a moment, but then there was no trace of it.

I was worried about tickling, but that was it.

In the darkness of thousands of people, it was impossible to find a person who could not even see their face properly.

I immediately shook my head and smiled. it won’t matter

“Never mind. Oh, there!”

and pointed to one.

‘Wow!’ The crowd gathered in a circle, shouting and clapping their hands.

As you can see, more and more people were coming. Joan whistled.

I didn’t know what it was, but it seemed like a great show was going on.

Prince Sedric let out a silent sigh as he gave his eyes that he wanted to go.

I know all your questions, ma’am.


Gigolt Night Market was like heaven for a child.

It was the best time to have a ‘transformation walk’ with Dad added.

– Whoops!

“Heh heh!”


Cornelissa ran out with her big eyes shining.

To say that he is a person who breathes fire from his mouth, like a dragon you see in a fairy tale book, my heart was full.

The child was only eight years old.

He was too busy running around with no reason to think back and forth or time to do that.

Besides, this was my first trip.

Excited, the princess dug into the crowd while hugging her sweets and toys.

‘Amy!’ Abamama called my last name like a scream, but it didn’t matter.

Cornelisser had never been lost since birth.

Among those who always loved and protected me, I literally grew up like a princess.

So it was natural not to be afraid of this place.

Treasures that had never been in danger did not know what a danger was.

It was strange that there were so many people, and it was also strange that no one was sleeping.

It was a starry world with twinkling lights everywhere.

“Once more! Once more! Once more!”

“Wow, Youngcha.”

Cornelisser creaked hard and moved forward.

At first, I was at a loss as to how to get through the heavy and large crowd, but everyone looked at me and moved my feet little by little.

They were kind. What my brother said was right.

He said that there are many kind people outside the royal castle.

The princess shuddered and slipped out of the front row.

– Clap clap clap clap!

“Oh My God! Look at that, honey!”

And his black eyes flew open like royal drops. I stopped breathing instantly.

Clowns in red and white were building towers using only their bodies.

It was different from the acrobatics I sometimes see at Penetian Royal Castle.

They are already on the 2nd floor, 3rd floor… We were now challenging the 4th floor!



– Hurr!

Another clown spewed fire from his side. ‘Wow!’ The atmosphere grew even hotter.

Is this a fire attribute paladin? Do paladins do tricks in the desert?

I had never heard of such a story. Cornelisser watched the show in disbelief.

Eventually, the last clown jumped in place. It looked like they were trying to challenge the 5th floor.

Everyone clasped their hands in sweat with tension.

At the back of the concert hall, dancers dressed in colorful were standing like flowers waiting for the result.

The princess swallowed her saliva. It was the first time I was so nervous about someone else’s work.

No, I’ve never been so nervous about my work!


The musician pounded the shabby drum. The crowd became quiet as if frozen.

Cornelisser clasped the items he had bought as a gift and was fussed.

– Doo-doo-doo!

– Tat!

Finally the acrobat jumped up. Pop, pop, pop! Whirlik, damn it!


The five-story tower was completed. The woman on the top threw some lemons and started playing!

“Uh-huh! Awesome!”

“Awesome! It’s amazing!”

“How can a human body be like that!”

A great cheer erupted.

There was as much applause as when my sister returned from the battlefield.

Despite the noise as if her earlobes were falling off, the little princess stood nailed and blinked.

It was the first time I had seen such a shocking sight.

To be honest, the clown’s leap I just saw was cooler than her sister’s golden flame or her mother’s big sword!



The child smiled broadly. At the same time, older musicians were playing the music.

The dancers, who were lined up in a row, came up to their noses with their movements as light as feathers.

Even though he was barefoot and his limbs were clearly visible, no one pointed a finger at him.

Such a dance was also unfamiliar to Cornelisser.

Clink, clap! The excited audience threw sparkles into the center of the stage.

Upon closer inspection, it was a coin. Oh, you’re paying for a great show. The princess nodded her head.

Everything is unfamiliar, but I was able to do this.

I was taught that generosity was the basic knowledge of royalty. The little boy immediately rummaged through his pockets.

Here was the gold coin that Abamama gave me…

– Cheol-duk, Cheol-po-duk! Clap!


Then he poured out the present in his arms.

Cornelissa crouched down in tears.

In fact, I had never lifted so much luggage, nor had I ever looked for anything else with it.

I’ve been doing well so far, but suddenly it’s like this.

The child frantically picked up the nearest horn and bracelet.

Snacks that had not yet been tasted had to be thrown away.

– Tuk!

– Too Wook!

“Hey, wait!”

But the situation was getting worse.

When the performance was over, the spectators scattered and kicked the child’s present.

I know it wasn’t intentional, but I was offended.

The bouquet I was going to present to my brother had already been swept over there.

When I saw the half-smashed figure, my eyes lit up with tears in my eyes. A dark cloud formed over his little face.

“Abama Mama…….”

Water quickly mixed in his voice. Cornelisser then looked around.

It was an unknown face.

All of these busy people looked a lot bigger and wilder than me.

Abamamama, let alone an attendant and escort, could not be found.

When I realized that, my mind suddenly went white.

I couldn’t think of a way to the accommodation.

I couldn’t even remember where I was last with my father. Suddenly my hands and feet became cold.

I was alone now.

“Mother Mama…….”

I was terrified Then, tears like chicken dung fell.


“Gosh. I must have lost my way.”

At that moment, a very familiar voice was heard from heaven.

Cornelisser shook his head slowly. no······. It didn’t have to be.

Because my opponent knelt to make eye contact with me.

“You must be very surprised. Did you come with your sister?”

he asked kindly. With a bunch of broken and trampled bouquets in her arms.


I couldn’t believe it.

It was the face I missed so much. It was someone I saw every day in my dreams.

But when I woke up, I couldn’t remember anything, and my heart was always pounding.

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Obviously, we drew pictures together, ate delicious food, and played hide and seek, but when we woke up in the morning, no one was there.

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Only the fact that it was so was etched in my mind.

Details flew away like a lie, which made me angry at first.

It seemed like an idiot for not being able to think of such a thing.

So, for a while, I slept with a diary by my bedside.

to write something Anything. Because it’s good even if it’s very small.


But he was right in front of him. Cornelisser burst into tears and held her in her brother’s arms.


mama was like that If you pray earnestly, the Lord will hear you.

From https://readwn.com

Only today did the princess realize that she had not lied to me.

“The Marquis rang even more!”

“No, that’s…”

“Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh… Whoops!”

Cornelissa wept.

I was afraid that if I let go of my hand even for a moment, my brother would disappear, so I grabbed his shoulder with so much force that the tips of the joints were dyed white.

My brother was the same as the last time I saw him.

There was no change in the soothing hand and the soft voice.

The clothes were a little different, but it was okay because I changed too.

Glasses and pale pink eyes were awkward, but I was okay with it because I put eye drops on my eyes.

I didn’t give her a deep hug or call her by name…

“I think I lost my companion. May I take you to your accommodation and ask for help?”


“You are bothering me.”

“Don’t do that. With the help of the manager, we will be able to find the guardian quickly.”


I had a very, very, very, very strange feeling. Cornelissa stopped crying.

And slowly lifted her wet cheeks.

I waited for more than a hundred or two hundred days, but it did not come…

In the end, I saw my brother, whom I met after a year.

“Would you like to wait here a little longer? man you have a lot of time I’ll stay with you until you come.”

Tears flowed nonstop like rain. My vision cleared and then blurred again.

The familiar blonde hair and beautiful eyes were obviously those of someone the child knew.

It was my favorite person in the world.

“Aww, keep crying. I must have been very scared.”

“Iknow, right. Is this the bouquet you dropped? very pretty Do you remember where you bought it?”

He smiled awkwardly. It was a tone that was trying to appease me somehow.

The man was now taking a handkerchief out of his bag.

In the meantime, the warm gaze towards me was the same as it had been a year ago. By the way······.

“Uncle, uh. Call me Serenite. The lake comes from a nice place. May I ask your name?”



Cornelisser said stingingly. The man immediately panicked.



“Are you talking about uncle?”

“It’s not like that! I hate you!”

puck! The child used evil to push his brother away. He was startled and slapped his buttocks.

The princess cried and stared at the handkerchief that had fallen on the floor.

He also stared at the flower bouquet dropped by his brother and the snack that had become sandy.

It was hard to breathe, as if drowning in water. It was very sad and much more terrifying than that.

Cornelisser also shot at the men guarding him.

The girl’s sharp cry pierced everyone’s ears.

“Don’t play weird games!”

Thieves. All must have been thieves. They stole my brother’s memories.

“go away! away!”

-puck! puck!

The child jumped at the biggest man among them.

And slapped him in the leg with his fist.

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Orange eyes were burning brightly from a very high place.

My brother was terrified and grabbed me.

“Hey, sorry! sorry uncle Then I’ll just watch from afar—”


“no! I mean, you’re not!”

Back! shouted again. Then he ran without looking back.

Afraid of getting an answer, I closed my eyes tightly and covered my ears.

And he moved his legs much faster than running in the royal corridor.

A gentle voice came from somewhere in my head.

‘Then I fell and got hurt. Don’t run around.’


‘ruler. It’s all about.’

‘From now on, don’t act like a pony indoors. promise.’

It was scary. More than the war that the servants devote themselves to, more than the death that the royal court-baek explained…

The fact that he didn’t recognize me was even scarier. It was like a nightmare.

I decided not to cry while waiting for my brother, but the tears kept coming.

“Black. whoops Ugh.”

– Dub!

At that moment, a small body springed up. Cornelissa was startled and fussed.

Her fine chocolate-colored eyes looked at him and drew a curve.

“Our dandelion. What is going on, how are you crying?”

“Heh woah, Abba Mama……!”

The child hurriedly grabbed his father’s neck and burst into tears.

As if he was holding his own lifeline. As if it were the last hope.

“Shhh… How did you leave your father without a word? I was very surprised.”

“Uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh…!”

“Did you even get hurt? I am very worried.”

dory dory. The princess shook her head, which was buried on her shoulder.

Werner hugged his daughter warmly and closed his eyes.

And slowly raised her eyelids. His sharp gaze was directed in one direction.

blonde man.

“It was then. It’s been safe…”

The narrow pupil trembled. A chilling sensation ran through my body.

Werner blinked at the headmaster and immediately set out on the road to the caravanserai.

He almost tripped over his feet several times, but he was happy.

He was about to leave this place. If you had a clear advantage, you had to act quickly.

Now, I finally found a way to be happy.


“It is a blessing from God.”

The illegitimate child does not recognize Cornelisser.

A dazzling fate was helping me.

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