lion talks (1)



A dazzling flash of light emanated from the paladin who laid down all the dry grass of the field, tore the dry land, and knocked down hundreds of soldiers in an aftermath.

It was because the holy spear in his hand was constantly scattering enchanting rays of light.

It was also because the blonde hair in long braids reflected the sun’s touch.

Elissa Penetian, who fell into the middle of the battlefield without any warning, was not even dressed in the royal family, let alone armor.

At first glance, the clothes stained with dirt and filth do not belong to her, and they are very old.

The old leather boots had holes, and the knees and joints were covered with small cuts and scabs.

Still, I couldn’t help but recognize her.

The startled Shin Guk-gun stood tall and looked up to the young man like a god.

The faces of the commanders were a mixture of shock and joy.

Crown Princess and Emperor. It was a confrontation between the two that no one expected.

This was the young man’s first words.

‘I would like to negotiate, Your Majesty.’

The emperor on the saddle swung his Durandal lightly once to collect the aura.

And he looked carefully at the young man who was blocking him.

‘Purreung.’ The famous horse Sylvester was waving his mane to calm his excitement.

Red and blue eyes sharply burned their gaze in the air.

‘Nice to meet you, Crown Princess. However, I know that the negotiations broke down early.’

‘I heard that the emperor of the empire does not enjoy unnecessary killing, nor does the blood of the weak wash away the sins of the powerful.’


It was louder than the last time I heard it.

At the time, I had to get the impression that I was wild, but this time, the density felt in my attitude was different.

It must have been only a year and a few months, but the young man was giving a vastly different impression in the meantime.

Frederick counted quietly.

Did your innocent brother’s death finally change you? No, was there another teaching in your young life?

Soon, the middle-aged man’s eyes became oily.

‘The Crown Princess is only half right. Jim has no hesitation in killing those who dishonored Lister’s honor, and he has no hesitation in comforting the people with his blood. Do you dare wish the sun to recede from a land defiled by the loss of the moon once?’

‘·········· I do not intend to discuss retreat or an end to the war. We know this is premature at a time when nothing has been resolved. I would like to have a conversation about what Your Majesty is trying to achieve with this war.’

Elisha answered without stepping back.

His cheeks, as white as porcelain, were mottled with scratches and tears.

The golden spear gripped was trembling with desperation and tension.

The emperor quietly raised his head and stared at the army behind her.

Tens of thousands, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers who will follow in their footsteps against the Empire.

How many of them are loyal to the Crown Princess?

Faith and loyalty are essentially different concepts.

‘It seems that the Crown Princess of the New Kingdom has something to give to the Emperor of the Empire.’

‘I’m sure it will be worthwhile.’


Guaranteed by the immediate royal family. The emperor snorted lowly and looked back.

In the distance, I could see Caroline and Cecil Blanquer aiming at this from the western side of the plain.

In the center of the formation was Hanan Rumayan, who had borrowed Isabelle’s body.

In an instant, dozens of scripts ran through the middle-aged man’s mind.

Minimizing the lives lost on the battlefield was a basic strategy, common sense, and earnest prayer for the monarch.

From https://readwn.com

Once again, a serious gaze fell on the Crown Princess.

‘Give me a day.’

Elissa’s eyes widened.

It seems that he never imagined that his words would be accepted as they are.

The middle-aged man counted coldly.

‘Of course, the day this body means is not a preparation period. A productive conclusion must be reached before this time tomorrow. Also, Jim will not attend the negotiations, and two of his representatives will listen to and respond to your proposal.’


It was a very humiliating statement. But as the emperor, it was a natural reaction.

Frederic clenched his reins and asked lightly.

‘Is it too much for the heir to the throne of a country?’

Then the young man steadfastly raised his head.

The inside of the wall, which had been hardened by countless hammering and quenching, could be seen.

‘no. It will also be a decision for the safety and future of the new nation.’

Not a bad answer came back.

The Emperor tapped his chin and gestured toward Lister.

From then on, everything went smoothly.

“Here, put one more stake! The wind is strong.”

“Yes! going!”

Temporary barracks from both countries were hastily built in the middle of the plain.

Even with the same white color, there was a subtle difference in color, and the appearance of the tent with a similar interior structure was also different.

The commander and the soldiers were moving around carrying documents and stakes that they had taken in a hurry.

Frederic turned his horse back that way and returned to the men.

The imperial army was somewhat chaotic to the sudden change of war situation, and on the other hand, it was an atmosphere of quick adaptation.

It was exactly as expected.

“your majesty! This is news from the military. His Majesty the Crown Prince…!”

“What’s going on?”

“He, His Majesty the Crown Prince and Sir Langbuye are having a battle with Taessa-nim, and it is said that the training ground has already been destroyed and 80 nearby personnel have been evacuated. This is where Juliet’s Palace intervened…”

“You just woke up. It’s in full swing, so let it roll. Come out of the arena, but don’t let it go.”


what a big deal Taesa is an old man, and he probably had a will to do so.

There was nothing wrong with seeing the commanders training bravely.

“How was the emergency sent to the Imperial Palace?”

“I was instructed to go through all available exhibition portals. There was no such message, so I expect to arrive safely tomorrow.”

“Jim’s companion will move directly. Tell them to prepare an escort by putting a cannon in the desert in advance.”

“I will take orders.”

The knight bowed politely and rushed to somewhere.

Frederic looked down at the sword Durandal for a moment, then shook his head and left to take care of the state affairs.

The talisman reappeared, and the aura was stronger than ever.

But still, it was best to have nothing to write about. Today was lucky for the Crown Princess.

The same was true of the soldiers of the New Kingdom who would have come all the way to the old days without knowing anything.


– Bukkake, bum buck, bum buck

I don’t know what tomorrow will be like.


At that moment, the Penetian camp was completely overturned from roof to floor.


“Oh My God······! Oh my God, my God!”

“Stand out. Baby, get out of the way for a second! I can not see!”

“Oh, don’t press it! Break your shoulders!”

“Nonsense! Tell the real Crown Princess…!”

‘Are you next to the Grand Duke?!’ The army, densely packed like a cloud, was virtually out of control.

Either way, it was something to celebrate.

It was an incident where the heir to the throne and the grand duke, who were believed only to have died like iron stones, came back alive.

Before being soldiers, the people of the people shed tears and embraced and rejoiced.

Among those who cheered and waved their fists, there were also those who were crying while beating the ground in relief.

If it had been a different upper class, the story might have been different.

But Elissa was a royal family loved everywhere.

Archduke Judith Kamingha also had a strong sense of mystery, and all those under the care of the old man respected and admired her.

The young man walked silently, supporting Judith, who had been crippled. The injury, of course, was smoke.

“Long live the Crown Princess!”

“Long live the Grand Duke!”

“You came back for us! Being so hard on us…”

“Welcome, Your Majesty!”

“Long live His Majesty Elissa! hurray! hurray!”

The crowd rushed around the two women like seawater, and each time they took a step, they took a step back and made a way.

Elisha looked at them with a visible or invisible smile.

Have you not gotten any more dry in the past? How is the condition of your lips, hair, and skin?

What are the wounded soldiers like?

When I was sober, my mother often told me that.

‘See your people often, dear daughter. If you become the king, it will be difficult to leave the castle.’

‘Their food, clothing and shelter and life will be all revealed on their faces.’

“Yeah ahhh!”

“We are now victorious. It’s definitely a victory!”

“Penetian! Penetian! Penetian!”

It was truly a cheer reminiscent of an enthronement ceremony. That was then.

“My Majesty the Crown Princess.”

A voice calmer and gentler than anyone else in the world penetrated the eardrums. The cheers drifted away from the back of my ears like a lie.

For a moment, I felt as if I had fallen into a pit with no end.

However, Elisha miraculously managed to manage her expression.

Following the teachings of Judith, he tried to relax his body and empty his head.

I remembered my anger and tried not to get even more angry.

In front of her stood her true enemy.

“How many hardships did you go through before you came to life? Thank you for letting us know that you have returned safely. welcome.”

Duke Wilhelmina Sneijder bowed deeply and bowed.

An ordinary, ordinary face was overflowing with joy and emotion that anyone could relate to.

The wrinkled eyes were moist. It was a look that I couldn’t find even if I had to look for hypocrisy.

The nobles who followed her hurriedly lowered themselves together like a family member.

It was a very polite greeting.

“Thank you. I’m glad I’m back too.”

If it had been ten years ago, no—just two years ago, Elisha would not have doubted their sincerity.

The plans of those who fought by my side, bled together, and advised the military more than anyone else in the world.

The warmth of the people laughing and chatting while sharing the celebratory wine.

She wouldn’t have dared to question it. But now I know.

“Your Majesty, you have been skinny. My heart aches as it seems that you have had a hard two months of life.”

“It’s okay, there’s nothing to worry about.”

all in one go Together, they are doing terrible things.

“How was the Grand Duke injured? I’ll direct you to the Healing Priest immediately. Come this way, my lord.”

“Ah, it happened. I will be healed by my minions. No ether needed.”

The old man cut the back words in a tired voice.

It was a reaction that was difficult for an ordinary person to understand, but Judith was known as a geek and was a person who did things that were not like a paladin.

The knights could not say any more and retreated.

Soon, those who seemed to be the Archduke’s subordinates rushed out of the crowd and received her.

‘majesty!’ Seeing her tear-stained face, Elisha felt bitter inside.

The elderly did not even tell them whether they were alive or dead. For complete seclusion.


“My Majesty, Crown Princess, please let me take you all the way to the barracks. Healing priests are waiting.”

Through the shouts of the ensuing soldiers, Duke Sneijder spoke kindly.

Elissa nodded her head.

Soon, the two of them proceeded to the depths of the military camp.

Perhaps this was a signal, the nobles adorning the back of the duke disappeared one by one.

The longer the steps, the more distant the soldiers’ dogs.

-Tump, Todd, Todd…

“How have you been? Did you entrust your existence to a commoner’s house?”

“okay. Something like a terrible mist made me hallucinate, and I was lost and wandered for a long time.”


“The Archduke helped us find the way. You are an adult with experience.”

Elisha said so and turned to Wilhelmina.

The two eyes met directly.

“With his guidance, I reached a village and healed a serious wound.”


“But it was a long way back. Maybe it was because of the long wandering years.”

“Still, I am so happy that you came back here.”

As if drawn by a peacock, he had a benevolent smile.

Elissa tried her best not to hold the spear too tightly.

“It is a disgrace at such a blessed moment, but I have heard that Your Highness has offered to negotiate with the Emperor of the Empire.”

right. This was the gist. It was as if the Crown Princess was nothing special.

“How dare you raise any objection to the decision made by the Crown Princess, who is acting as the king’s representative. But, isn’t this something that needs to be discussed with those who follow it?”

“I learned a lot from surviving in the wild for two months.”

The young man answered without delay. It was a tone that was neither too harsh nor too stiff.

Wilhelmina looked at her silently.

“You must not hesitate to save my man.”


“The same goes for the people. If there is a chance, I will save them first.”

“But you can’t turn back time. The war that has been fought must come to an end, and broken negotiations are meaningless to resume. The conditions of the empire and the position of the new country do not conflict.”

“It will be different this time.”

The Crown Princess resolutely cut off the tip of her tongue and stopped walking. The peacock took a step back.

Two pairs of sapphires, clearer and colder than ever, were looking into her.

“I wish I could be with you.”


“I also plan to go to the negotiating table.”

tuk. Elisha, who spit out that way, strode towards his barracks.

Wilhelmina watched her back for a very long time.

A shadow was quickly forming in the eyes that were not very kind.


The Crown Princess has changed.

However, it was not yet known what had changed and how.


the next morning.

“Wow······. I think I’m going to die…”

no, seriously. Not a lie.

‘The next day’, ‘Dawn’.

“Really, really, I’ll take a five-minute break. oh······. Don’t push…”

Ga-in, who was lying on the corner of the training ground, was like a daughter-in-law, clutching her whole body at Sir John’s light play with his feet.

The cardinal limped towards me, gasping.

His head was still miraculously tied, but it was almost sporadic.

The main character’s bite marks were clearly visible on his cheeks.

The floor was littered with charcoal and water, ashes and icicles. The trees around the training ground were all covered in dirt.

It was the result of the four of us fighting all night without eating.



With a long sigh, I rolled sideways.

In order not to be caught by Sir John (that is, he is in a sort of ‘tag’ position), he had to move his body somehow.

But even that was very difficult and tiring.

The three red pandas were sleeping in the lunch box.

Demi ate all of our share of fruit, so her black belly was chubby. envy······.

“Somehow, I think I won.”

“Oh, why…”

Why is that person walking alone? is that possible

Actually, I know the reason, but it is!

“I still won’t surrender…!”

I groaned and crawled.

Lofi looked at me with the eyes of a pathetic creature in the world. Uncle, are you good at live shows?

“It was a fun fight. I think it’s good for training. In fact, it’s the first time I’ve ever competed in such an obscene manner.”

– Puff!

Suddenly, a giant prince flew from somewhere!

I couldn’t even make a million sound, and I collapsed in surprise by the weeds.

Sedric, who had attacked Lord Johan with his whole body, tried to burn his master’s pants entirely, but failed fiercely and was suffocating.

I only admired myself. You’re going to be really big…

“Awesome, so great!”

‘Wheeik!’ Outside the training ground, lightning bolts that have been flashing since dawn have been applauding and whistling.

under. I don’t even have the strength to react…

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