Finding the Lost Pieces (2)

“What did you just say?”

Caroline Mutte looked back to the Shinguk side with an arrogant expression.

The Imperial soldiers also looked up at Elissa blankly.

From https://readwn.com

Of course, it wasn’t because I couldn’t hear it properly. It was intended to confirm whether it was ‘sincere’.

Cecil Blanquer silently blinked, waiting for the other person’s answer.

Her fingertips were frozen white under the table.

Like his son’s grasp, he couldn’t open his fist until the moment he closed his eyes.


Then Wilhelmina softly called Elither Penetian.

The Crown Princess turned her head carefully and looked at her.

The old man’s cold tone was the same as usual. So were the eyes.

The duke didn’t seem to be agitated at all, but he had a face that showed generous understanding and leisure.

After a few seconds, the young man realized what it meant.

“Hwanggong, this is not a royal castle.”


The Duke is treating me like an idiot who knows nothing.

“Even if the rimless Marshal is excited and difficult to have a rational conversation, it should not shake the heart of the Most Valuable One.”


“Your Majesty is the King’s representative on behalf of His Majesty.”

It was said without deep thought.

A young boy who knew neither politics nor negotiation, was taunting me as if he had made a minor mistake on the diplomatic stage.

There was a light smirk in the eyes full of warmth.

The Crown Princess tried not to strain her chin.

He clenched his trembling fists tightly, and with anger and shame, he managed to suppress the heat boiling from the depths of the dungeon.

The arrow of cynicism ultimately aimed at Elisa’s own heart.

Until just a few years ago, I didn’t realize that the duke was looking at me like this.

As a result, he bleeds while holding his shattered family in his hands.

stupid thing.


Tears welled up in his eyes as he was pathetic for being foolish and young.

Hot steam rose from the tip of his throat to the tip of his throat.

Wilhelmina spoke to the Empire side with a calm attitude.

“This is what the high-spirited High Majesty said impulsively.

“What is that…….”

“It’s not an impulse.”

As Caroline frowned, Elissa exhaled sharply.

Again, the eyes of the three fell on her.

The Crown Princess glanced at the middle-aged people sitting opposite her, and then looked back at Wilhelmina with the strongest expression she could make.

A stronger voice came out than expected.

“It has been a matter of careful consideration. Bringing my father here will solve a lot of things.”

Then, the fine incontinence on the Duke’s face, Elisha did not miss.

At the same time, a mysterious voice like an old tree resounded in my head.

‘The key is your father.’

Werner Penetian was Sneijder’s only weakness, pointed out by Archduke Judith Kamingha.

‘Weakness here does not mean that Kuk Seo is weak or lacking. Rather the opposite.’


‘He is proud and stubborn, and he does not obey the duke. From what I’ve heard, he has a strong belief in himself and has built up a power in his own way. You know better than me, who left the royal family. There’s no such thing as too much trouble for someone like Sneijder, who puts everything under his control.’

According to Nogong’s hypothesis, his father was the only person his aunt couldn’t control.

Come to think of it, there was nothing wrong with what she said.

Considering the father, who still had the authority of the home family, it was difficult to say that the relationship between the two adults was bad.

But it wasn’t good either.

Siblings never attended any social event together, and they didn’t exchange a single common toast.

The person my father clinged to and begged for was always my mother or me.

At least once a quarter, the duke, who went in and out of Inseong to meet his younger brother, cut off his feet after the death of the priest ‘Michael’.

It’s a long time ago, so I’m not sure.

‘The fact that the two brothers and sisters have been able to walk on the same path without much discord so far is presumably not due to blood and blood. Rather, it must be because their respective goals did not harm each other.’


‘The duke became the in-law of the royal family and gained supreme honor. Even so, there are rumors that the wealth of a wealthy family has surpassed the royal family’s fortune.’

‘My father also became my mother’s companion.’

Elissa added bluntly. The old man looked at the young man.

‘How much did national marriage mean to Guk-seo?’

Blue eyes shone brightly. This could be answered with certainty.

‘To my father, it is an irreplaceable treasure. I’m sure it will be, even at this very moment. From the very first moment I can remember, he longed for my mother’s gaze.’

Then Judith’s one-eyed deepened as if he could count distant places.

What is the old man thinking now who opposed Werner’s national marriage in the past and could not carry out his will in the end?

Eliser, who got a clue from her words, broke his luck.

‘What the Duke said is correct. We need to separate the interests of the two of them.’


‘The duke will want his father to stay in the royal castle forever. I want you to close your mouth and focus only on serving as soup. Aren’t you a great person who would be happy to see elements that you can’t control get in your way? So if you bring him to the front, things won’t go the way the Duke wants.’


‘It is certain that my father killed Jesse. A little late, but I was there. After all, isn’t that what Lister wants?’

The Archduke looked at Elissa without saying a word for a moment. There was no gap in the blue eyes that met.

‘·······Use the enemy to hit the enemy. Pretty good.’

Then he raised the corners of his lips.

‘I didn’t learn cesarean studies in vain.’


flash. Elissa awoke from her thoughts in an instant.

The stream of the white burnt plain still seemed to linger on the tip of his nose.

Duke Sneijder was looking at me with concern.

“Are you not feeling well?”

“You are too worried.”

When the horse was cut with a single knife, the old man groaned as if he was sorry.

The Crown Princess seemed to know roughly what the Duke was thinking.

It was a masterpiece of revealing my shortcomings, publicly pointing out them, and trying to upset the flow even with the excuse of being uncomfortable.

It was about pretending to be genuinely concerned and cleverly manipulating my reason and emotions.

So, I was planning to take the negotiation as I wanted and overturn it.

As if only his words were true.

“The reason for wanting to bring my father to the front line is….”

It was only when I was ignorant that I did not know I was being hit, but there was no reason to be swayed anymore.

Today is not going to be easy.

Elissa was lucky enough to stand firm in her opinion. That moment-

‘There is one thing you need to know.’

‘Don’t try to beat the peacock with words.’

Suddenly, Arno van Roy’s advice flashed through my mind.

Her sculpted lips were slightly opened.

Suddenly, a flurry of realization shook her. Please, as if to calm your mind. Whew!

‘Don’t try to make up logic…’

If you construct logic, you are rather swept away.

‘The more you struggle like that, the stronger your opponent will grasp the charge.’

There is no victory in fighting with words.

Wilhelmina Sneijder had the tongue of a snake, the cunning of a crow, the feet of a centipede, and the guts of a lion.

If it were her, she would have tried to turn any lie into truth and press down on Elisha.

Revealing the cause in front of such an opponent was no different from revealing my inner feelings in the end.

So it is difficult I couldn’t start a losing fight.

‘Abandon the desire to overcome him fairly.’

The man’s words echoed in my ears like a prophecy. The Crown Princess gently bit her tongue.

“Because that is the will of the Lord, that is, His Majesty the King and mine.”

And it changed the route on the fly.


For the first time, the duke’s voice was filled with embarrassment.

It was a very small amount, but it was a clear difference for Eliser, who knew her tone well.

I gained confidence. There is no need for any plausible logic.

“I also know that my father, Guk-seo, has trespassed into the deepest part of the Temple of the Boundary.”

“Yes. We pointed out that from the beginning of the assassination incident, and requested His Majesty Kuk Seo as a witness in the trial. Even Duke Sneijder, who likes to take the throne, would be hard to deny as much as trespassing. The one who healed the man who lost his limbs was none other than the Chief Executive Ronald Rupert. This is the testimony of a third party, the Holy See.”

As if Duke Blanquere had been waiting, he received the word.

Now I couldn’t tell who was the friend and who was the enemy.

“······Yes. The serious injury suffered by His Majesty King Guk-seo that day was a tribute to the tyranny committed by His Majesty Prince Sedric. Guk-seo has not heard a single word of regret regarding this.”

Wilhelmina responded without losing. Caroline snorted.

“under! Yes, our Crown Prince is not a great person to see the murderer before his eyes. Your words prove the sin of Guk-seo.”

“As I said before, the fact that you were at the scene is not evidence of murder. change back.”

“It doesn’t end like this. No is it?”

The Crown Princess interrupted the flow with a dignified tone.

Again everyone focused their attention on her.

The soldiers of the Empire and the New Kingdom also swallowed their saliva and waited for the next words.

These were some of the things Elither had and Wilhelmina didn’t.

“I wish you to spend the rest of your life in peace under the blessings of the Father. It is not desirable for the husband of the Great Majesty and the future father of the King to hide under the stigma of murder. Not only his life, but also the future Penetian royal family and grandchildren. Isn’t it a tragedy that such rumors circulate in and of itself tarnish the dignity and honor of the country?”


At those words, the eyes of the people on the Imperial side opened wide.

It was the first time that Elisha knew that she was so good at lying.

Maybe she has the qualities of a natural leader.

The Grand Duke’s words that he resembled his mother when he was young may be true.

“As Acting King of the Holy Land, defending the faith of the continent, I believe that the Father, who is at the center of the controversy, must personally come to the front. If you make a sincere confession in front of what He has given you, you will be able to prove your innocence to the whole continent and system.”

“Your Majesty, how…!”

“For the past two months, I have wandered the wild and heard the voice of God.”

The Crown Princess cut off her words in an supremely noble manner. Wilhelmina’s eyes trembled.

“The Lord did not want more vain sacrifices than this. If we reveal our father’s innocence, we can end the war.”



That is the fundamental deficiency that Wilhelmina currently longs for, and it is the spear that was given to Eliser by birth.

No one on the continent finds it strange that she tells such a story.

Even the soldiers of the enemy country, Lister, are drawn to the words of the Crown Princess.

Because speaking the will of God and making it come true is the same mission given to the blood relatives of the Holy Kingdom Penetian.

“.. to confirm with the authority of the king’s deputy. I will immediately send a messenger to the royal road to bring you back.”

At Elither’s declaration, Wilhelmina finally shut her lips.

No information value was revealed on her face.

However, with the silence that followed, the Crown Princess clearly learned.

For the first time in my life, the fact that I defeated the Duke.

“If your Majesty the Crown Princess is like that, we will gladly inform your Majesty the Emperor. With the agreement between the two countries, suitable witnesses and places will be prepared in the near future.”

“Let it be.”

Cecil calmly suggested it, and the Crown Princess stood up after expressing affirmation.

Caroline, who had already stood up, met her gaze.

There was a sharp edge in the bad eyes.

“I respect Your Majesty’s will, but Guk-seo’s guilt will eventually be revealed.”


“The rumor that Prince Jesse is resurrected is not a lie. If you have a chance, you will witness your brother’s miracle.”

‘then.’ Byeon-baek nodded his head and was the first to leave the barracks.

Next, Cecil bowed gracefully and disappeared.

clunky, clunky. There was no hesitation as he stepped on the broken glass.

Elissa glanced at the glimmering pieces on the floor of the barracks.


– Flutter!

Then, he turned around and went to the military camp.

Leaving only the silent Wilhelmina in the barracks.


After a while. Night of the Penetian Royal Palace.

Even Berner Penetian, who enjoyed the late banquet, had gone to bed.

The sound of the two of them breathing over the veil sparsely colored the darkness.



In Guk-seo’s huge bedroom, there were now two golden beds.

From https://readwn.com

One was a new, high-quality ash bed, which he had thrown away from his use for about a year.

The other was a cherry tree bed about five steps away, in which the second princess Cornelissa, whom a man loved as much as her life, was sleeping.

The child did not intend to separate from his father after he returned home with great wounds.

As well as eating and working, he was with him throughout his rehabilitation.

Then, not long ago, he started crying and screaming, ‘I’m going to sleep with Momma’ and ‘I’m afraid to be alone’.

No matter how persuaded and persuaded by the servants, they did not listen.

As if the only family I could depend on was my father.

– Tuk!

Werner was very pleased with this.

So the daughter made a place in her father’s bedroom as she wished.

It was easier than moving a prosthetic leg.



In the twilight, the man’s chocolate eyes slowly opened.

It was because of a strange feeling.

Something soft like muslin was wrapped around my neck from behind.

A prosthetic hand studded with all kinds of jewels slowly ascended to the top of his neck.

It was the first thought that came to mind, but even in my sleep, I couldn’t get rid of the feeling that I was foolish…

A glimmer of hope rose again.

“······your majesty?”

Guk-seo whispered in a locked sound and patted her skin.

It was a pity that the sense of the fake hand was not clear. I wanted to see my wife’s face.

‘Crumb, crumble.’ The moment he turns around—

– Flirririk, Kwok!

“Cuckoo! Whoops!”

His body jumped to the top of the bed.

Werner opened his eyes wide and scratched his neck.

But because he was so sleepy that it seemed like he would cut off at any moment, he couldn’t even breathe, let alone scream.

The soft touch like muslin turned out to be real muslin.

It was completely holding his breath now.

“Ouch, ouch! 100 million! eww!”

The beautiful face was terribly wrinkled.

The shadow hanging in the darkness began to struggle.

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