Finding the Lost Pieces (7)

Two days have passed since then,

“Really? Sir Rimless, who is also fiancée, spends time alone with Juliet’s Palace?”

·······I was a hot potato wherever I went. It has become a kettle that is very suitable for the season.

Since that day, Ga-in has always been with me if nothing else has happened.

In both eyes, with the goblin lights on.

“Man, is that the problem now? The key is whether the palace lord made a covenant with the Crown Prince as rumored! Rumors among the soldiers are very…”

“Listen. Some of my men were seriously injured last time and they rode a carriage going backwards. But there were eyewitness accounts. It is true that His Majesty asked the royal court to make a covenant!”

“Oh my God. Aren’t the kings of the palace a close relationship with Sir Langbuye? Can you swear that it is true?”

“yes? Until I swear…”

“No, am I the only one who is weird? Doesn’t it seem to you that the young commander of the neighborhood has changed something?”

“I heard that men and women gather around them. Isn’t that friend a really good person?”

“Uh-huh. Even if that’s not important right now. If the king made a covenant, wouldn’t this be a national border? Remember the day Your Majesty took the Cardinal as your companion!”

“Look, it came out of the mouth of Confucius, is that true? It must have been the intention to ridicule the Crown Prince. This has never happened once or twice.”

“It’s the same. If it had been true, the king would not have left so much.”

“However, if you think otherwise…”

······· To be honest, since ‘Resurrection’, I haven’t caught my eye, so it was a burden.

Still, it was about getting used to it.

Most of his time was spent with his friends, and whenever he had free time, he worked hard at the aid station.

People who used to open their mouths when only I appeared, quickly became accustomed to my existence.

It was also fortunate for me that it was difficult for me to speak easily because I was a ‘Gungju’.

When the friends were busy with training, etc., Sir John often accompanied them, so nothing has happened so far.

Since he is handsome and secretly popular, I was able to quietly bury me next to him.

A few days ago, I must have come out alone…

“What about the Charpentier Palace? What’s going on there? The amount of money I bet on that side,”

“Shh. The prince is coming this way!”

Such an unfortunate thing happened. damn.

“Hello, Marquis Shise. teachers.”

When I greeted with a smile in the archbishop’s plain clothes, the elderly commanders greeted me with a look like an old man giving pocket money on a holiday.

Some hurriedly covered their mouths and made loud noises. ‘Aiko!’

The front of the gigantic barracks was instantly colored with embarrassment.

“Come here, my lord.”

“I see you, the Moon of the Empire.”

“Aren’t you cold? Come in and warm yourself up.”

“Yes, yes.”

As I gently suggested, the adults shook their heads and moved hurriedly into the tent.

Today was the day of the general meeting of the commanders led by His Majesty the Emperor.

Ga-in and Prince Sedric said that they would come to the barracks directly after completing regular training, so today Sir John and I alone moved separately.

Those who were trying to say something to me glanced at Herrit’s father and then went away, gazing away.

From https://readwn.com

Obviously, it seems that a good-looking person is difficult to deal with. The effect was great!

“Thank you for today, Sir John.”

“I didn’t do anything.”

The man answered softly while holding the ferry. I sighed and went inside. Flutter!

“Say hello and sit down quickly. My head hurts.”


“Damn it, Your Majesty!”

“Please forgive me!”

“Turn down your voice. It rings.”


“I’ll take orders…!”

I widened my eyes to see what kind of disturbance this was, and when I looked up, Emperor Frederic, who was at the top, was sitting on his temples surrounded by golden holy stones.

He usually doesn’t show any discomfort in his body, but today he looked a little pale.

He seemed to be sweating faintly.

Even though all the commanders arrived fifteen minutes earlier than the scheduled time, they were hurriedly looking for their seats at her words.

I also hurriedly took care of the treasure chests.

David, who just found me, showed me the way to the middle seat of the Crown Prince and Mr. Gain.

Sir John moved to the other side and sat down next to Sir Elizabeth.

The cherry-colored eyes of a middle-aged man looked back at me calmly.

“Are you here?”

“I see the sun descending on the earth. Your Majesty, where are you?”

“My lord.”

I was going to ask if there was anything wrong with me, but David gently stopped me from behind.

‘It is blasphemous to speak of His Majesty’s prison.’ Teachings followed one after another.

The prince let out a light sigh as he quickly closed his lips to avoid it.

Then he pushed the refreshment plate towards me. This meant to eat and be quiet.

“It has been I have no intention of covering my eyes and saying goodbye.”

Then the emperor lightly gestured and straightened his posture.

The way he looked at me and raised the corners of his mouth was cool and heartbreaking at the same time.

“My condition fluctuates due to the fact that Jim has been away from his companion for a long time and that he recently took his aura out of his body. These side effects were unexpected.”

······ And you have announced your condition yourself!

I knew he had an outspoken disposition, but I never dreamed that he would speak so openly.

‘your majesty.’ The surprised prince called his mother, but the words had already spread.

Everyone, except for high-ranking officials such as Caroline Margaret, began to roar.

I exchanged glances with Ga-in quickly. She also had a very confused face.

“Don’t be fussy. Is there anyone among you who can defeat me now?”


that was it

Even though he looked ill, that person was the Sword Master who is said to be the strongest of the Empire.

With the exception of Isabelle, Marie, and Sir John, any one of us would have been knocked out with all their might.

The commanders nodded and quickly managed their facial expressions.

The emperor sighed and continued.

“It will get better. Don’t worry about it, just say what you have to say.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

Everyone bowed their heads politely.

After that, each unit commander had time to actively share information.

Even during the armistice, this was a military camp.

Even a single day’s stationing cost a lot of money, and it required constant effort to manage personnel and weapons.

I’m not worried about the wealth of the Lister family – from what I heard from Sir Elizabeth the other day, it’s a structure in which assets are constantly growing even when standing still – fatigue and nostalgia for the soldiers were a major problem.

Now that it is the harvest season, there are many things to take care of.

Me and Ga-in were silent, biting the cookies and rolling their eyes.

Adults swept their beards and wiggled their eyebrows, continuing a heated discussion.

“······· Now that His Majesty’s approval has been granted, we will try to solve the problem by increasing the transportation cost. That way, there will be no disruption to the meat supply in the future.”

“Yes, yes. Young people should eat meat broth.”

“Good. I don’t think the truce will last long. It’s not okay to flirt with your mind.”

Tuk, Caroline spit it out. In an instant, a dizzying silence passed through the barracks.

She brushed her hair and ate the walnuts on the plate.

“Princess Elissa promised to bring her father here, but in reality, no one knows what will happen.”

“That’s it…. Yes.”

There was a response from the Battle Wizards side. Byung-baek looked into the air with sharp eyes.

“Your Majesty is the daughter of Emperor Celine, who advocated for peace, so if you can capture Guk-seo, you will always choose dialogue. He obeys as a servant and respects him as a friend, but honestly, I have a different opinion.”


“Frederik. Think of it as a rocky castle and explosives exploding in the plains. Think of the children of the Empire who died innocently. Are they really worth talking to?”

“I never forgot. Not one.”

The emperor responded without hesitation.

Knowing that it was true, Byeong-baek also took a gulp of water without saying anything more.

‘Exactly!’ The sound of the glass being put down was sharp.

We looked at her in the heavy silence.

Sir Elizabeth gently wrapped the back of her mother’s hand.

The Duke Cecil Blanquere sitting next to him quietly closed his eyes.

Then the monarch opened his mouth.

“······The opportunity to reduce the sacrifice of our allies was seen and seized, but it does not mean that we will forgive Shin-guk easily. There should be no misunderstandings.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“It would also be good for us if the Crown Princess’ political power grows. The current King Penetian is no different than a scarecrow. Wouldn’t it be possible to achieve long-term stability of the situation only if we can have proper dialogue with our diplomatic counterparts?”

‘Even if the war is over, the empire is eternal.’ The middle-aged man firmly declared.

‘That’s right!’ Words of sympathy erupted from all over the hall.

Caroline silently raised her glass and agreed.

“But if Penetian is vain, there is no double mercy. So, it would be good for the sergeants to engrave the remarks of Byeong-baek in their hearts.”

“I will keep that in mind, Your Majesty!”

The left responded with a smirk.

At the sound of the barracks leaving, the emperor frowned and smirked.

Then he looked at a certain place again with sharp eyes.


it was me Ahh!

“Come to think of it, strange rumors were circulating in the military camp.”

Tuk! I, frightened, dropped the apple slices under the table.

Demi swung her tail dissatisfied, but didn’t even have the brains to fix it.

All of a sudden, dry saliva passed.

His red eyes like a dojo gently pressed on me, Ga-in, and the prince, and fell away.

Finally, her eyes turned to Djibril Dioff.

Soon, a husky voice came from the king.

“If it is true, I have never heard of anything to celebrate or a burden. So, keep the proper line.”


“…Yes, Your Majesty.”

The commanders stuttered and bowed their heads.

With Sare, I quickly covered my mouth with my sleeve and coughed. Cool cool!

The prince glanced at me with his eyes looking at the pathetic creatures of the world.

Ga-in stroked my neck and back with a more gentle hand than usual.

Even if I didn’t raise my eyes to check, I could clearly feel the gazes focused on me.

Sir Elizabeth, who met their eyes, sent a polite and wonderful smile.

François gave a close wink as usual. What are you!


This one and that one is crazy, really. What do you know?


At the same time, Penetian Army.

A woman was looking down at the expansive parade ground.


There were no strong armor or shiny weapons. There was no mana, let alone ether.

As she entered the twilight of her life, she did not feel anything special.

The hem of the dress fluttered in the wind of the late autumn.

It was hard to believe that he was a warrior or a worker on the battlefield.

It was hard to find a callus on her wrinkled hands, but no one ever doubted her power and authority.

Seriously, no one.

“Huh! huh! huh! Whoa!”

-Chuck, chuck, chuck, chuck…

“Stand in place!”

‘Cheolkong, Cheokkung!’ Armor and boots made of iron clashed here and there, creating a sharp noise.

Tens of thousands of the New Guild Army were aligned in unison.

The young commander turned to Wilhelmina Sneijder. She shook her head without saying a word.

meant to continue.

“Row 1, ready to launch ether!”

-chuck! chuck! chuck!

Even after a full-fledged ceasefire began, the Duke did not stop military training.

He continued the same schedule as when the battle was in full swing, and the soldiers were instructed to do the same.

Elissa agreed to this policy as a princess and a warrior.

I didn’t know how the situation would turn out, so it was a calculation to be prepared just in case.

But Wilhelmina had no other option.

Even if her younger brother and sergeant Werner returns a horse that has already fallen out of the board…

– Bukkake, bum buck, bum buck


Because nothing changed.

Because I had no intention of giving up the hard-earned conditions and circumstances.

She was a person who didn’t let go of what she had in her hand.


At that moment, someone quietly approaching from the back called Wilhelmina.

It was her faithful servant. The Duke answered by not answering.

Then the young woman spoke softly.

“In the royal affairs, as expected, Sir Martier Zeilstra intervened. Guk Seo is currently under the protection of His Majesty the Crown Princess. It is said that Her Majesty the 2nd Princess took refuge in the residence of the royal family of the Royal Court of Roseharder.”


The corners of the peacock’s lips went up as if they could be seen.

Just in case, I tested it with a human, and her prediction was correct.

The Crown Princess, who came back alive from the dead, was now blatantly holding me in check.

It was not enough to regard me as an enemy, but I also realized that I could do anything to protect the king’s in-laws.

So he sent his limbs to save his only father. Before the aunt shuts his mouth forever.

“What about the anti-aircraft side?”

“It has not been seen yet. We will continue to monitor the road.”

“okay. Be sure to trim the tail well. And there is one more thing.”

Having said that, Wilhelmina turned to Suha with a gentle expression.

However, there was no emotion reflected in her eyes.

“Won’t it be a problem if we leave Werner as it is?”


“You have to move yourself. He’s a smart kid.”

Then came a very loving voice. It was a learned tone.

This was the acting of a person who was educated as ‘kindness’.

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