Finding the Lost Pieces (10)

“This! Whoa!”

All the way, all the way, all the way! The messengers kicked off the wide barracks and disappeared in an instant.

There was yellow dust in my vision. Surprised knights and soldiers rushed out of the alley.

Seeing her gossiping as if something big had happened, I felt a bit uneasy.

I’ve been through various incidents and accidents at Lister’s military camp, but it’s been a long time since I’ve seen a scene where I felt a sense of urgency.

I looked down at the red pandas that followed me out of the tent.

‘Kee?’ Demi wiggled her tail in wonder.

They were carrying vials one by one on their backs to help me.

Tulip stems and leaves were wrapped around her plump belly. Like some egg sushi.

“My lord!”


Just then, Ga-in, who appeared across the street, saw me and ran to me.

Dozens of pairs of eyes approached us and then hurriedly dispersed.

Next to her was Sir Elizabeth. It looked like they were coming after morning training together.

I exchanged a light glance and asked a question.

“Everyone is buzzing. Do you know what’s going on?”

“no. But the Crown Prince hastily went to see His Majesty. I think it’s serious. Oh, and Lofi went too.”

“I heard that a message came from the plains. At least, nothing has happened to the Imperial Palace or the Temple of the Boundary.”

“Then it wouldn’t be naval news. After all, that human cannot get tired of the sea.”

The commander of the neighborhood guard calmly added, and Mr. Ga-in muttered a few words behind the scenes.

Then I was relieved a little. Anyway, it wasn’t a problem with friends or allies.

I hope nothing happens.

We’ve been working together for everyone’s peace so far, and that’s our goal for the future.

The reason I came back was exactly the same.

“Aren’t you tired this morning? May I give you ether?”

“Hey, you don’t have to ask me. Always good!”

When I asked Ga-in, who was replenishing moisture, she smiled broadly and nodded.

I developed a small holy land and patted the gods running around.

The feeling of the ether in the body slowly moving towards blessings was both pleasant and familiar now.


“Uh, will Perry give you water too? thirsty? How much will I give you?”

– naughty

“Would you like two thousand won? It’s cute, so I’ll give you 20 million won!”


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Of course, war is a terrible reality.

I have seen numerous corpses at the Trosart estate, in the salt marshes, and at the aid station.

There was a separate crematorium for the dead in the military camp, and a priest to help with the last sacrament of life was stationed 24 hours a day.

There was no way to summon the souls of those who had already died.

The sorrows and scars of those left behind were all real.

Those who have suffered severe injuries will never be able to walk again for the rest of their lives or be able to do the things they love.

There, the number of people drawing hometown increased day by day.

The original work of <I Resigned and a Princess from Another World> has not been of decisive help to me yet.

But, nonetheless. Today, I have been quite positive.

Just like that day when I knew nothing and possessed an unfamiliar body.

“Thank you for your teaching, Commander of the Neighborhood!”

Aww, the passing soldiers bowed when they saw this.

The gray eyes with the raised tail curled nicely.

“Yeah, well done. Let’s go rest and see you in the afternoon.”

“Yes, yes!”

“I will miss you by then!”

“Well. I’ll think about it.”

When the commander of the neighborhood gave a refreshing answer, his subordinates clamored with their faces as red as strawberries.

Gain poked Elizabeth in the side, telling her to do it in moderation.

‘Didn’t you forget that you have a fiance?’ It’s so finicky, ‘Isn’t this good enough?’ The answer came back.

Since we were asking sincerely, we became contemplative.

Leah, who was taking footprints on the sanctuary, also rolled her black eyes.

There was a burst of laughter that was close to empty breath, no matter who came first.

“You look really in trouble, man! Aren’t you sorry for your eight-year-old fiancée?”

“Are you sure you are still drawing the line?”

“No, because you draw the lines with a pencil. It’s too easy to erase.”

“ha ha ha.”

The thing I was most worried about when I came back, and what held me back until recently was the relationship with my friends.

It was our trust and our feelings for each other.

The guy who jumped off his apartment balcony in the middle of the night might be booing that he was just worried about that.

You might be asking if there are bigger problems such as family or life, but…

That was the truth at the time.

I wanted to come back and make my friends safe, and I wanted to see them happy with my own eyes.

I wanted to somehow get Prince Jesse and Shin Guk’s siblings to meet again.

But most of all, what I desperately wanted was that our relationship would not disappear.

Even after I reveal all the truth.

If you point out that it’s selfish or short-lived, I have nothing to say.

“Sir Elizabeth, have you forgotten what we said? When Canael arrives, greet him as kindly and brightly as possible. Don’t wink at other people. Stop being prettier and more handsome than usual. Wait until he’s ready…”

Ga-in picked out the island-seom corns and arranged them one by one.

I smiled brightly at the two of them.

Was it luck or was this the blessing of God?

When I returned to the blue star, a miracle like a Christmas gift happened to me.

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Our main couple and Sir John knew my secret and accepted it all.

Although it seems that I did not fully adapt, it was natural.

Still, there were more conversations than before, and if we had any questions about each other, we were trying to resolve them right away.

It was a very grateful thing to change the situation for a moment and think about it.

It would be difficult to understand at once, so I just had to go slowly one step at a time.

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Of course, there are a lot of stumbling blocks in the middle of the job, but…

“All right. I’ll try my best.”

“You have to make dedication, not effort, dedication! Then you regret it later. Marquee Caroline also said that the lord must bend down to enter. What a kind and lovely bridegroom Canael is. I mean, it was really good between the two of you.”

“That seemed right. Yesterday, when I took off my engagement ring, there were white marks here—”

“aaah, why take that away!”

Clap it, swipe it! Ga-in ripped her close friend’s back with a sharp hand.

It was the first time in my life that the captain of the neighborhood guard flew like a sheet of paper.

I was even more scared because I had never seen the hand of the protagonist.

‘Keehoo!’ He hurriedly embraced the excited red pandas.

You shouldn’t see this, it’s so violent that it’s bad for you!

“I can’t live. The bed right next to you is Marquis François. What did he not advise?”

“Ugh, it’s just so much fun… He said he was excited because it felt like reading a novel.”


‘What do I want from whom?’ The tantrum pink princess pulled out the ether.

I gasped and giggled with the divine beasts.

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Ok now I gained confidence and hope again.

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Of course, the terrifying secrets of Statia Rock Castle, the terrifying secrets of Baron Francon and the Salt Swamp, or the terrifying secrets of the Penetian royal family and the Duke of Sneijder (even though they are all one body)…

There was a world view that I had not yet grasped, how to get home, and even the thought of waking up Prince Jesse made my head throb.

The rumors about the covenant were rather light compared to the others.

Plus, Sir Elizabeth’s Lost Fragments!

Well, I feel like there are a lot of assignments. exactly.

“Kristel, take it easy. Since you are still a patient, isn’t stability the most important thing? I will forget what I knew because it hurts.”

“My lord, oh! It would have been better if you had made that statement 30 seconds earlier.”

After saying that, Sir Elizabeth laughed out loud.

It was clearly a serious situation, but it was amazing that everyone could have a bright face.

Maybe it’s because I’m not alone.

I can do it because I have friends and adults. I believe everything will be fine.

I planned to do my best in the future.

He couldn’t use his body well, but his head and eyes were on the fast side.

In addition, if Werner Penetian was brought to the front sooner or later, more than half of our concerns would be resolved naturally.

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Of course, the process will also be followed by lengthy talks, negotiations and interrogations.

I heard that Crown Princess Elissa, who attended the Lions Summit, looked different from before.

He was stronger and more determined than ever, and his eyes were full of desire to end the war.

“No, really. You must not pluck tears from Yerang’s eyes. promise?”

“Yes, I promise.”

A cautious optimism sprouted.

I stared at the two of them quietly, then kissed Demi and smiled slightly.

That was then.

“Oh My God! Guk-seo has run away!”

Startle! All eyes turned to the end of the street. It was the direction in which the messengers ran and disappeared.

A young man in armor was running towards this side with his arms waving.

His flushed red face looked like it was about to explode. I beg your pardon?

“Werner Penetian ran away!”

Someone else appeared out of nowhere and shouted. My heart was pounding. lie!


“The Crown Princess’s scorpion! He disappeared and fled as he made his way to the front line!”

“Alone too!”

We quickly exchanged glances. The surroundings quickly became noisy.

“Nonsense! There must have been a convoy!?”

“Special! Special! Berner Penetian is missing! Special report, special report!”

“I heard that the Guk-seo of Shin-guk has disappeared! There was no trace of some kind of ghost!”

“Did your Majesty know? Isn’t that a farm?”

“This is what the messengers who ran away just reported! Oh my gosh!”

‘Wait, what does this mean?!’ Commanders and soldiers came out from all over the tent.

The road turned into a commotion in the blink of an eye.

The tranquility that flowed like a brook was completely washed away by the rushing torrent.

The voices of the soldiers shouting from here and there were almost piercing in their ears.

The road wide enough for a wagon to pass in and out was filled with people all of a sudden.

I opened my mouth in shock.

We were constantly pushed back like buoys on the waves.

Ga-in scolded him with a terrifying expression.

“······Children. Didn’t you just let me run away? He said he didn’t want to surrender after passing his father over, so he was trying too hard! Or maybe the peacock stole it!”

“Or it may have been a lie from the beginning of bringing Guk-seo. Although it is a promise guaranteed by the Crown Princess’s authority, she is also half Sneijder. If you are determined to take the side of your father in earnest, there is nothing you cannot do.”

Sir Elizabeth received the word calmly.

The face of Byung-baek was superimposed on the beautiful, cold eyes.

The voice of a middle-aged man seemed to ring in his ears.

‘Think of the children of the Empire who died innocently. Are they really worth talking to?’

. . . I was short of breath. I shut my eyes tight and opened them.

I knew there was a possibility, and a recent general meeting of commanders had a pessimistic opinion.

However, this was only a few thoughts.

The fact was that the Crown Princess first asked the Emperor to negotiate.

She mentioned ‘God’s will’ in public, and declared that many things would be resolved when Guk-seo was released to the battlefield.

Since it was the explanation of the Duke Cecil Blanquere who was present, it must have been the truth without any exaggeration.

Thanks to this, the atmosphere of Yosai Military Base was very optimistic.

Maybe, really, there was talk that the war might end sooner than expected.

The belief that it was different this time spread wildly.

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Obviously I was in that mood.

until a few minutes.

“If this is the Crown Princess, why the hell did you lie about bringing your father? Are you trying to distract us in the meantime?”

“It is very likely, Sir Christel. If so, the Imperial Army must immediately prepare to advance. You can be exposed to a surprise attack at any time.”

“But on the other hand, this could be Duke Sneijder. It’s good for you that your brother doesn’t come here. right?”

“Yes. It is absolutely advantageous for the duke to have him quietly sitting in the position. On the day that his sins are revealed, the Sneijders will not be safe either.”

“Shake. Then just let it be revealed, little by little.”

Ga-in spit out a thick cursing. I hurriedly put the red pandas down on the floor.

It didn’t matter who did this. The lips that had gathered their thoughts moved immediately.

“Maybe neither side has Guk-seo. This could be the result of both of them being wrong. I can’t rule out the possibility that he moved alone. So there’s no point in chasing the culprit. Since we do not know exactly the internal circumstances of the new kingdom, we must also assume that we cannot reach the eternal truth. Then the problem is,

“Shit! Then it’s war again!”

“Let’s see the end this time!”

A loud cry rang out from the far corner. They were excited knights.

‘Wow-!’ Some soldiers raised their weapons and tableware and responded with shouts.

I moistened my lips with my tongue.

“The question is, is he still alive?”



Their eyes froze on me.

My chest fluttered with tension, and my palms were damp.

The feeling that things were getting complicated was vivid as if I could grasp it in my hand.

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Our breaths mingled in the air.

“If Guk-seo disappears and does not appear forever, from the point of view of the Empire, he is no different. If so, Your Majesty’s war may lose its purpose. Of course, there will be the end of pushing through to the end, occupying the royal capital, and receiving the royal family’s apology and surrender…”

“He’s something your Majesty was prepared for, but it’s not what you want.”

“Yes. Prolonged war is then inevitable. The damage and suffering will increase.”

I answered. We looked at each other with serious expressions.

As if orders began to arrive at the commanders just in time, people leading the troops appeared from various places.

There was also a knight waving a Lister flag as large as a blanket.

Some with helmets on their sides roared as they climbed onto their horses.

“Your Majesty’s name! All the battle wizard escort units are gathered forward!”

– Hehehe!

“Announce again! All the battle wizard escorts, raise up your weapons!”

“Follow me!”


Whoops…! The soldiers who came out of the Inui ran out to the other side.

The fear of belatedly swept over me. What will happen now?

It’s all over, is it an all-out war again? overnight?

“Lord, Sir Elizabeth. I’m going to my father-in-law.”


“He will find us. I don’t say it out loud, but it’s always like that.”

‘Who would need it by now.’ Ga-in said it was natural.

He had no idea and was stunned, but he was right.

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Once, he turned to entrust the priests to the relief station. That moment-

“My lord! Princess Juliet!”

Shake! A familiar voice was heard from afar. I lifted up my claws in amazement.

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Over the heads of the soldiers engulfed in chaos, a familiar light blue hair could be seen.

Leah was very happy and waved her front paw. It was not in vain.

The child we had been waiting for so long—the servant on horseback was approaching this way.

My heart was pounding with joy and tension.

Finally, Canael crossed the desert and reached Lister’s main camp.

At least now!



As we shouted and waved hard, the boy’s face wrinkled through the crowd.

Soon, a trembling voice came out. ‘My lord!’

“My lord! It was a big deal! The world tree in the temple…!”


And then, the sound of cracking across the sky rang out.

It was an intense and bitter roar that seemed to tear everyone’s eardrums.

It was a qualitatively different noise from thunder or lightning.

‘Aww!’ Astonished, the soldiers fell on the spot like dominoes.

‘Kyi!’ The gods twisted their bodies and hid inside the relief station.

I reflexively covered my ears and looked up at the sky. But nothing….


······What is that?

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