Ding Dong Daeng Black Market (1)

Around lunchtime, we were ready to leave for the Yeri.

Is it okay in that kind of atmosphere?

– Beep!

“Tucks, come here.”

yes. Because people make up their minds, how can it be?

The bright sunlight was seeping through my pants on the hill that had stopped raining.

The chilly wind quickly drove the cotton candy clouds away.

There was the smell of wet ground and the smell of fallen leaves all around.

I wrapped the Tite wrapped in the swaddling cloth tightly with a robe again.

We have been resting during the day and traveling at night, but today we decided to move in the bright hours for the first time.

He was aiming for a break in the hustle and bustle of the neighborhood due to flood restoration.


“Why, my dear? cold? Shall I cover you here?”


“Oh, you mean don’t move your legs. sorry.”

I smiled as I brushed the mane of Arumhardt, who was able to drive 100% autonomously.

The horses also had a good rest and ate plenty of fodder, and their condition was very good.

Beth Hani’s apothecary couple, who took care of everyone warmly, have been packing their bags and seeing us off since morning.

It was really grateful.

“Please watch the road, John! I don’t know where the landslide happened. It was the first time I had ever seen rain like that.”

“Yeah, I’ll be careful.”

“I feel like I want to tell them to stay for a day or two more. I can’t help it because I have a busy schedule…”

Mr. Neilly and Mr. Toby were constantly shoving something into our saddle pockets.

Thinking of Benjamin and the Imperial Palace family, the tip of his nose twitched a little.

It didn’t seem like a very generous household, but the two of them made cheese by milking cows from dawn to feed us.

He took out a bunch of smoked fish from the basement, and fried a bar of meatballs and potatoes boasting an enchanting liver.

Even if a small two-story house had a party, the smell of oil was everywhere.

The bag that Canael re-stitched — eventually the Prince’s 7th-level preservation magic was applied — was filled with all sorts of medications and medications to apply.

I tried to tell them to leave it in the store for the two of them, but to no avail.

“Come on, chew this as you go. It will make you forget hunger.”

The couple handed Ga-in some dry grass stalks.

I laughed out loud when I saw the main character who did not know what it was and put it in his mouth.

Canael was guarding Sir Elizabeth with a more active attitude than yesterday.

Count Sow would sometimes stumble like a man out of order.

Sir John, who met my eyes, smiled as if it would disappear at any moment. A smile evaporated from my lips immediately.

I’m really sorry, Father Herrit. I think we should also make an adjustment…

“Every time I look at it, I get excited. Is that really okay, John?”

Around that time, Toby looked up at the sky with a worried expression.

At the same time, everyone’s eyes went up.

In fact, for now, there was something more serious than the bittersweet love affair between Canael and Sir Elizabeth.




After the torrential rain stopped, a new stool was attached to the white line that crossed the sky.

It was a truly terrifying result.

It was also white like a cloud and slightly swollen. It was also so long that there was no end in sight.

It’s not exact, but I wanted it to be at right angles to the existing line.

I didn’t have to frown even in the intense sunlight.

It was thanks to the plump magic stone glasses that covered the color of the eyes.

Birds chirped in the distance among the silence of friends. ‘Girl, prickle….’


This made two things clear.

First, the past heavy rain was also a natural disaster due to damage to the World Tree.

From https://readwn.com

Otherwise, there is no way that an unidentified line will be added as soon as the rain stops.

Isn’t the timing too exquisite to be considered a coincidence?

“Patience, you said it was your first time seeing something like that, right?”

– beep

The second is that there is a secret that we do not know ‘certainly’ in that line that crosses the sky.

It was by no means just a meteorological phenomenon.

No matter what, the world won’t be destroyed because I’m there—for once it’s said that it’s true that you depend on me—something is definitely going on.

Something far beyond the level of ‘human’, such as Werner Penetian or Wilhelmina Sneijder.

A profound existence that even the troublemakers do not know the identity of.

“…it will be fine. Unless God hates us.”

“You still serve God with that kind of tone!”

In a snap, Mr. Neilly slapped Sir John on the thigh.

It was the first time I had ever seen him treated like that, so it was very strange and fun.

Prince Sedric signaled for a slow departure, and we said goodbye to the sweet couple.

The two of them gave us a new prayer to the end.

“Anyone who wears a reddish robe and wanders around like a ghost is unconditionally a ‘Twilight Saint’. Please do not mix words.”

“yes. I will.”

“And if you talk about the apocalypse or anything at the beginning, don’t get information even if you’re an ordinary person. I’ll probably lie and play tricks on you. Last time I went on a business trip, I almost fell for Holadang!”

Toby said, waving his arms wide. We burst into laughter (‘Baby, I’m serious!’).

Soon after, the prince greeted the couple and began to take the lead.

The group slowly moved forward.

I looked back at the two of them one last time and lowered my voice.

Even knowing that this place is safe.

“Goodbye, you two. If a suspicious guest comes and asks if there is a way to become a paladin or if they are interested, please ignore it. That’s a scam that’s popular all over the country these days. Very poor quality.”

Then Ga-in added coldly.

“Actually, we are cracking down on them under the royal order. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of ‘Acronym’.”

I turned to look at her in disbelief, but Jongsang Yak and Jongsang Yak had already believed them like a rock.

No, what is the meaning of a cryptic word in a Western-style worldview?

Besides, the fact that the pirate king is also serving as the ambassador is a bit of an understatement!

“Ugh, it’s a scary world… I’ll keep that in mind. good bye. Please take care of yourself!”

“And take good care of John, lilies. No matter how painful it is, he doesn’t say a word!”

“John! Say hello to Herrit!”

“See you again! Write a letter too!”

The couple stood on the edge of the hill and waved their hands.

‘king! king!’ The lovely Bari also waved her tail in greeting.

Sir John was looking at the three of them with a warmer look than ever.

It was a sight that raised the corners of the mouth.

– Tackle, cackle, cackle . . .

So, we went on the road as Ropan’s secret word.


the next afternoon. The walls of Jericho.

– Tick, tick, tick, tick…!

“Beautiful, just a little more!”

Six horses rushed through the muddy ground.

It was time for the sun to lean to the west.

The black magic robe fluttered like a flag.

The divine beasts were hiding in our arms and holding their breath. Every minute was an urgent situation.


“It’s 4:27, my lord!”

The boy who took out the gift pocket watch shouted. There were only three minutes left.

‘under!’ The prince’s white forehead and Charlemagne’s black hair quickly hit the party. Tick, tick, tick!

So far, it has been a generally smooth journey.

Although it wasn’t in our script that the Yeri had gone bankrupt, anyway, by a happy coincidence – or by God’s blessing – we met the Beth Hani apothecary couple.

There I took the necessary rest and got some information.

Above all, Sir John, who met them, seemed to like them very much, so we were happy inside.

But here, the ‘City of Monasteries’ Yeriho was really different.

To wish for such good fortune again, no matter how much the main character and party, was shameless.

Even Herrit’s father had only passed through a few times a long time ago, and there wasn’t a single hill where we would go.

Besides, now…

-Quick profit-

“Aww, crazy!”

In the distance, a huge gate was closing.

As it turned out, Yeri-ho said that from 4:30 p.m., all the doors were locked like iron bars.

It’s not that Neilly and his wife forgot, it’s that the moody lord gave such an order out of the blue two days ago.

We also barely heard from a poacher passing by two hours ago!

“Hey, huh!”

– Slap, tick, tick!

Everyone was virtually sprinting.

The ruffled hood fluttered wildly, and Tite wiggled her fins in excitement.

I clenched my teeth and looked straight ahead. We’re almost there, really!

Hopefully you can get in!

“29 minutes!”

– Diversity, Diversity, Diversity!

– Profitable…

The gap between the gaps in the door is now 30cm, or no more than 20cm!

“hot! Hello!”

At that moment, Sir Elizabeth shouted loudly.

Whik! At the same time, a heavy pocket flew out of her hand.

Iron Duck! The sack that passed through the gate flew across the wall on the muddy floor.

But no one had noticed him. The vulgar door did not stop and narrowed the gap.

The interior of the city was disappearing like chopsticks.

-·······Multiple, multi-faceted, multi-faceted!

no! wait!

– Cheek-Dong!

– Hee hee hee hee!

Reum, who finally arrived in front of the castle gate, raised her front feet and began to rage. Oh, it’s all here!

“Hey, this dog—!”

The moment Ga-in, who was furious, was loaded with abusive language,

– Clap, clap, clap!

The sound of a doorknob moving from the other side echoed loudly.

We looked at the situation, calming the over-excited horses.

I wondered if I could even tie a chain to the lock.

Canael approached me in a hurry and put my hood on. thanks

“… If you give me this bag, I will unconditionally open it!”


“You bastard! I know how much this all costs!”

– Kwaang!

“Who did the freshman training, huh? it’s you?!”

Beyond the door, terrifying swearing and swearing followed. I rolled my eyes in surprise.

Ga-in and the prince immediately stopped in front of me.

Sir John and Sir Elizabeth immediately cut off the rear. Following-

– Dumpling, woong…!

A vertical white light fell again on Canael and my face.

From https://readwn.com

Our lips also parted vertically.



Behind the party who entered the city like that, the huge door slowly closed again.

Just that it was really dramatic. I thought I should just go into the forest and go home!

– Whik!

Turk! The one who snatched Sir Elizabeth’s second silver pouch looked up at us, hiding it in his arms.

The sentinel Thirnut, who seemed to be her subordinate, was already chewing.

I stared at the prince’s back in a hurry to avoid eye contact.

However, the nasty articles that only appear in cartoons kept attracting attention.

“Is that enough?”

“It’s okay, Princess. The first pretty girl is a toll fee without identification, and the second pretty girl is the cost of silence.”

The woman tapped her chest and pretended to sew over her long lips.

Count So raised his eyebrows and looked back at the party.



I quickly looked straight ahead.

My heart was pounding with the tension of never getting caught and the excitement of what we had done.

My saliva kept dripping and my hands were shaking. Oh my gosh. We ended up paying money to come in.

Just like in the movie, illegally bribing and sneaking in! Because there is not enough smuggling!

“Serenite. ether.”

“Huh, sorry.”

Guess I saw it by mistake! I turned on the etheric faucet again and shut it off.

Fortunately, no passerby showed any interest in us.

It was also thanks to the robes that clouded his presence…

“More than half the store is closed. The street is so spacious.”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

Canael whispered, and I nodded quietly.

With a little exaggeration, the wide street like Gangnam-daero was empty.

It was a time when many people came out to buy dinner, but the traffic was so small that you could count the number of passers-by with your eyes.

It didn’t seem like it was just because of the heavy rain.

I could see a tree that had been charred by lightning, but the shops that had no signboards or were half gone were not in a day or two.

From https://readwn.com

On a high ground in the distance, a lord castle and a temple were located. But at a glance, I could tell that there was no life there.

The city’s owners and young people all abandoned the land and left.

Most of the survivors were unaccompanied children or the elderly.

Fortunately, all the stores in the business were similar.

‘undertaker’. ‘grocer’. ‘bar’. And again, ‘Undertaker’·······. uhm.


Ga-in, who was ahead, made an eul-like sound with her mouth.

I’ve been chewing on the grass stalks that Neilie gave me a while ago, but no matter how I look at it, it seemed like a new concept.

I gently pulled my neck out and checked her expression.

The blue eyes were wide open.

Teacher, it’s all wet here, so there’s no sandstorm.

“I smell cigars and death…”

Why is your neck so rested all of a sudden? I quickly covered my mouth with my sleeve.

It seemed to attract unnecessary attention if he laughed loudly.

Just across from us, some old men were dragging the coffin of the dead.

The atmosphere here is very gloomy.

“Let’s go over there and get some information.”

Then, Sir John pointed to a place. Our eyes, which were moving slowly, moved slowly.

‘The Unforgiven Drink

– Beer, snacks, and awesome advocacy’

“uh······. Is it a tavern?”

“Yeah, and he was a famous informant.”

‘Among the mercenaries.’ he whispered

We swallowed dry saliva and looked up at the crooked sign.

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