Devil’s Claw, Depth’s Wreck (10)


– Dulkkadung, Dalkadang! Knock Knock Knock Knock!


I instinctively felt that way.

This man is dangerous. I don’t know if he’s a bad person or not, but he’s right.

“If it’s not rude, is it okay if I share a ride?”

It was an eerily creepy voice.

It seemed to be asking kindly at first glance, but I felt the liveliness at the tip of my elongated, raised eyes.

Half-tied long hair fluttered under the dim magical lighting.

At first glance, the handsome man whose age cannot be judged even gave off an inhuman impression.

Lofi in her arms creaked and changed her posture.

I couldn’t move because I was afraid that the little boy’s existence would be discovered.

The gigantic wagon was now rattling through the mansion gardens.

I hid as much as possible behind Sir John’s back.

First of all, everyone and I had to be safe.

I promised everyone that I would be safe no matter what.

And I vowed to return home in good health.

– nyang


So, this is my best and duty.

“What happened to the Paladin at the Warlock’s Mansion?”

Sir John asked in a gloomy voice. Now that I see, the opponent was a paladin!

Even if it wasn’t, I havetily wrapped a rubber band around the etheric faucet that was shutting off without a leak.

Meanwhile, Djibril Dioff pulled out a knife the size of a palm behind his back and held it.

When did you pick up your weapon, you?!

“Well. Are you the type of person who can get past the fact that you are a ‘fake’ saint?”

– rattle, rattle…

“But he knows me. Is it our sphere?”

He slowly opened his eyes and looked at us.

Even though he was wearing Manastone Glasses, somehow he felt a piercing sensation in his eyes.

He hurriedly averted his gaze. The tenacious gaze fell on his cheeks and fell to the corners of his eyes.

Soon, a white wind blew by Sir John’s side.

Then the man opened his mouth as if in surprise.

“Aha. It’s not easy to find the same attribute in a place like this. Nice to meet you.”

Is that also an air attribute? I’m trying to create a bias in the air team!

“What is the dragon?”

“I have business to do with Madame Morhan’s mansion. are you?”

Madame Morgan. He is the head of the warlocks.

A person who has swept away the magic stone of the black market over the past few days and melted it to create something huge.

Behind her must have been Werner Penetian.

Because he wants mana instead of mana.

Because Kina and Willem said they saw warlocks who went to offer manastones to him.

Probably promised her something in return and agreed to receive something.

“It’s similar.”


Sir John was always short.

While his back muscles swelled like a soufflé, Confucius and Diop didn’t say a word.

The uninvited guest then glanced at Alika in front and looked down at us again.

The slanted head was sloppy. Long fingertips begin to search inside their arms—

– Awesome!

– Whoa!

Whoa! I almost ran out of breath!

Sir John’s translucent sword and the man’s silver coin were facing each other with a few gaps in his hair.

I couldn’t see anything, but when I came to my senses, it was like this.

Blurred, I was about to leave immediately, but—

“Don’t touch me.”

The lightning wizard pressed down on my chest like a pancake! Hey, it’s not me!

“I have no intention of causing a fuss. And I don’t think that would be good for your party either?”


“If they have a similar purpose to each other, wouldn’t harmony be better than antagonism?”

The man who said that was smiling like a work of art.

Wow, we need to collect all the real air attributes and do a personality test!

“What would you like to do?”

Then, Sir John turned to me. Me? I have the final decision?!

– Hairy, hairy, hairy…

I guess so. Come to think of it, I was the Juliet Palace.

If you criticize me for forgetting something like that, I have nothing to say!

“Do you have any intention of harming us?”

I swallowed my saliva and asked the man carefully.

Then he opened his eyes wide enough to reveal the color of his iris.

It was a brief moment, but the purple-gray eyes that were the same as her hair shone through. Why are you surprised?

“you······. You have a good voice. I promise. It must be the same with each other not wanting to make a fuss.”

“You have no intention of disturbing me?”

“I can’t say for sure.”

He lowered his coin and whispered silently under the leather cover.

I wondered why all of a sudden, but suddenly the surroundings were getting dark.

The cart, which had passed the wide garden, was on its way to the back of the mansion through a brick tunnel.

From here on, the floor was smooth, so there wasn’t a lot of noise.

I straightened my neck and looked outside.

Behind the strange man, a bone-like metal pergolas and benches were moving away.

Fortunately, there seemed to be no mercenaries in the garden.

There were very few people who could get to this place in the first place, so there was no need for it.

I made eye contact with the man with a sad face.

“We are here to help ‘Devil’s Claw’. I’ve been informed that warlocks are exploiting the tree’s vitality to support the black market. So the house might be noisy.”


“Now tell me. will you interfere? So, whether it’s a fight with you here or a fight in and out, it’s the same situation for us.”

“If that’s the case, I’m willing to help.”

he said with a smile. We quickly exchanged glances.

No, why did you do it with D.O.P? There’s nothing going on anyway.

“Now that I have confirmed that there is no interest, can I join the car?”

“What is your name?”


“I am Heineken, this is Edelweiss and that is Klaut. Even if we don’t act together, it would be convenient to have a name to call in case you don’t know.”


The man entered the box with a very deceitful smile.

Whoa, narrow! This person is too tall and too big!

“Bend your legs!”

The box was on the verge of exploding!

The perfume shop Alica was not slowing down as it attracted four adult men.

That person is great in many ways!

“Hey, Heineken. Why do I have to take this guy?”

“Call me ‘Ran’. That should be enough for tonight.”

The man slowly introduced himself.

Sir John had a face that had a lot to say, but he quickly captured his expression, so I was confused if I had seen it wrong.

Suck it! Lofi, who raised his head from the robe, stared intently at the military guests.

I covered him with both hands and was very wary.

“It’s nice too. My wife likes cats.”

– Nyao

·······Loffy’s reaction is not bad. Is it really just a passing relationship?


At the same time, the tavern on the ground is a special room.

Some of the party had gathered again.

“No, really? Did Princess Marguerite try to assassinate the Crown Prince?”

‘I can’t believe it. I don’t see him as such!’ Kristel whispered arrogantly.

Canael shrugged his shoulders and nodded.

Sedric, who received the boy’s respectful treatment, quietly sipped his coffee.

Elizabeth was on her way to detain criminals in the next room.

They were all subordinates of Wilhelmina Sneijder, who had been endorsed by Prince Lister, and had received the oracle of the Juliet Palace, and were in a quiet state.

Sooner or later, if His Majesty’s army marched on the Yeri, it was planned that all of them would be taken prisoner.

The old man in the tavern, who was bright and well-behaved, didn’t care what the guests in the special rooms were doing upstairs.

He just said that he shouldn’t break the furnishings or break the furnishings.

I didn’t know much about this place, and I didn’t ask much about it.

He was the best boss for a party with only a lot of money.

“What if? why? What are you lacking?”

“Basically… I think there was a great need for recognition. His inferiority towards his older brother, Confucius, Djibril Diop, seemed to be severe.”

“Then why don’t you give it to your brother……”

Kristel spoke up there, then quickly shut her mouth.

When I said this, somehow I felt like I was beating up Sedric.

From https://readwn.com

Of course, it’s not that this guy committed a mortal sin, but anyway, there’s a feeling, isn’t it?

“I think the bad adults around me are starting to get involved.”

Canael drank the anise milk and whispered.

There was also white milk foam on Kristel’s lips.

She let out a sigh of relief.


“There were no such people when I was young, but as the princess gradually revealed her desire to become a duke, there were people who encouraged her. The person in question spoke in front of Lord Rimless all day today. I’m tired now and I’m asleep.”

The boy glanced through the open bedroom. Then he lowered his voice even more.

“Those adults are probably……. I think it might have been the remnant of the new kingdom. The princess herself is suspicious of that.”

“Crazy, wow. Are they still there?”

Kristel almost got annoyed and sat down.

The prince lowered his long eyelashes without saying a word. The servant spoke slowly.

“yes. It is unlikely that your Majesty did not know, according to Sir Mutte. It doesn’t do much harm to state affairs, and it’s good to use it in reverse, so I’d have left it alone, but it seems like he was taking advantage of the war to get things done…”

“His children are so just! Besides, the more you think about it, the more logical it is, isn’t it? The older brother is still alive, but what will change if he harms His Majesty the Crown Prince? What the hell are you talking about?”

“that is······.”

Canael’s expression darkened.

Around that time, Elizabeth, who came out of the makeshift prison, put her hand on the back of her fiancée.

“Confucius Diop wanted to give up his seat to his younger brother.”

“········ Ying?”

The blue-gray eyes wrinkled. This was a look that didn’t make sense any more.

Cedric let out a long sigh.

“Isn’t this the reverse of living in a crazy way on purpose? I really hate that.”

“I’d say it’s not that much. According to the princess, Djibril Dioff was born with such a nature. Since I was five or six years old, I have been seducing the precious girls of my family. But he seems to have figured out what he wanted early on, and that was probably one of the reasons he didn’t stop being a playboy.”

Elizabeth explained heavily. Fatigue was smeared on the fingertips sweeping the bobbed hair.

Canael clasped her hand, and Kristel clenched her front teeth for a while.


“I deliberately approached a person who had a crush on me because I couldn’t become a small drinker… You said, ‘Let’s kill the prince, we’ll lend you our power’? Then the seat will return to Confucius Diop, and will Confucius yield it to the Confucius? Are you going to make a future Crown Princess?”

‘Isn’t that a stupid idea?’ The angle came out roughly, but the paladin still couldn’t understand his face.

That’s just a moth moth, isn’t it? No one can see it being successful?

“At first glance, this may seem like a nonsense scheme, but even if the operation fails, it does not mean that they have failed. This is a golden opportunity to bring down the respected imperial family. From the moment she was entangled by them and ran to this place, the princess fell into a clumsy trap. If Diop falls, your Majesty will suffer more than if Simon de Sarnaise was lost.”


“······· As you know, there are many imperial families in the Empire. But the key is always a minority.”

The lieutenant colonel straightened Kristel’s hair and smiled bitterly.

Among friends, ‘Sarnez’ was a kind of taboo word.

Ga-in avoided the topic because she was afraid of touching Isabelle’s wounds rather than her own shock.

Finally, Cedric spoke up.

“Did the princess have any depression?”

“It’s serious. I am neither a healing priest nor a medical doctor… just knew He tried to voluntarily in front of me. After that, I starved for over a day, but I didn’t even drink water, and I kept crying. It’s surprising that no one knew of that condition. It is shocking that it was hidden so tightly.”


“…was this the only way out for you? He said that.”

The prince looked at the open door, swallowing a sigh he didn’t know how many times he had.

Elizabeth and Kristel’s eyes followed him.

In the distance, Marguerite Diop was seen sleeping on a pillow.

His face was so swollen that he couldn’t see it. I’ve seen him often since childhood.

‘Harmless relatives.’

“It seems like there hasn’t been much conversation with the family. Well, it’s not uncommon.”

Kristel Langbuye, ‘Ham Ga-in’ murmured. Those words sounded somewhat lonely.

The prince looked at her for a moment.

“Cedric, you are no longer the first prince, but the crown prince.”


“I know I don’t have to tell you, but you have the power to make a summary decision. Because you witnessed the scene and secured the suspect’s statement. It seems that those who followed the princess were all taken care of by Lord Haines from behind. When he returns, we may have additional evidence.”

Although he received a statement in advance referring to His Majesty’s summary judgment, it was also Elizabeth’s calculation.

She just deceived the suspect to get as many options as possible. As always.

“I will prepare as ordered. Think about it and tell me.”

The commander of the neighborhood commander said in an official manner. It wasn’t that she didn’t have feelings.

Even Cedric didn’t know him.

However, there were bound to be issues in the Imperial Palace that had to exclude the headmaster.

For the safety of the Lister imperial family and even the entire great empire.

He had to judge.


The man silently looked down at the stone in his hand.

It seemed that the exuding a particularly cheerful energy was infusing when the owner of the power felt very happy.

A wasted breath flowed through the ether playing separately from the atmosphere.

However, there was a distinct warmth in the sensation that climbed up the peripheral nerves.

What would you do if it were you?

“There is a saying that when you are thinking about whether or not to do something, just do it.”

Suddenly, Kristel opened her mouth. Her scarlet eyes immediately turned to her.

“But if it involves human wounds, personally, I think it would be better not to do it. And I think my partner thinks so too.”


“If you are in a position to give him a chance, he will give it to you unconditionally. You will probably create opportunities that you may not have had. Everyone knows it.”

I know that. I do not know his annoying and troublesome disposition. just-

“So, let’s go see Noe-san soon! Don’t think long. Why is the person who was usually boiling hot all of a sudden so lukewarm?”

I just needed at least one person to say that.


Cedric met his long, water-colored eyes.

I didn’t stare.

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