Hell’s Wreck (6)


‘Thank you for saving me…’ I muttered blankly.

It’s the first time I’ve seen something like this in my life. I was suffocated by the overwhelming sense of reality.

am i dreaming now

-Your bowl is very pretty, just like the moon in the night sky!

Lips did not tingle. The spirit spoke only in a mysterious voice.

“Oh, thank you.”

As I stammered in response, a dazzling, dazzling smile appeared on my sullen face.

The gigantic spirit body shone brightly like a supernova, then slowly sank.

I don’t know, but it seems that I felt that my reaction was ‘fun’.

The spirit looked like something that would appear in any fantasy novel—even if it was a fantasy novel.

The translucent off-white body was grand enough to completely cover the black market, and the head was high enough to touch the black ceiling.

It was incomparable to the size of His Majesty Hanan whom we met at the Chaum ruins.

From the face of the spirit to the shoulders, it was very similar to a human shape, and from below it was sky and airy like a long curtain or a dress.

Above the forehead, a stem that grew in the shape of a deer’s horn stretched out like a crown.

Her eyes were the color of rice bran with a soft glow, and her body was full of wild grass and wild flowers constantly bloomed and fell.

The spirit itself was like a magnificent flower garden.

-Sarrrr, saaah

A belated, faint realization flashed through my mind. I muttered out of my mind.

“Maybe the toenails…?”

– I like that name!

The spirit, no, the ‘Heroic Spirit of Iran’ answered happily!

Lofi lay flat on the floor, revealing her belly.

It was then that I realized that the mattress we had fallen on was on the palm of the Heroic Spirit.

My mouth was wide open in wonder.

From https://readwn.com

Of course, it didn’t have real fingers, but it seemed to mimic the shape of a human as much as possible.

Confucius Djibril Diop, who had fallen on the palm of the other hand, caught my eye.

Fortunately, he looked good too.


“Oh my God, the Heroic Spirit is the real ‘Heroic Spirit’…”

– Oh, it’s tickling. It tickles!

Her voice and appearance, of unknown gender, seemed very young and at the same time very old.

A holy voice resounded brightly in the dark space.

I shrugged my shoulders and looked at the happy new creature with a puzzled look on my face.

Very slowly, I thought.

You can still laugh like that. thank god.

“Me too, I want to go downstairs! Heineken!”

– Wait, water drop!


– Aiko, it tickles! Hey flying squirrels!

“Pretty Uncle!”

Woodang tang tang tang! There was a loud noise from high above.

When he raised his head, he saw a lot of familiar faces sitting on the horns of the gods.

Mr. Gain! Daddy!

“Stella! Kina, Willem!”

Uh, watch out! The three of them slid and hung on the vines.

When the Heroic Spirit gave a worried look, a hammock-like flower stalk bloomed and embraced the small bodies.

Soon, a childish laugh broke out.

It was a faint sound that did not match the black market at all.


– Knock!

“Oh my God, how did this happen? Are you okay? Is Demi okay?”

I calmly supported Mr. Ga-in, who was rushing down.

Her pink hair and blue eyes glistened like the foam of the waves.

“Yeah, that’s perfectly fine! Are you Heineken? Didn’t the side of the can burst?”

ha ha ha. I laughed out loud at the motion of checking my waist.

She continued to explain in an excited voice.

“Noe came down with me and woke the toenails. The gods recognized it right away! They were really old friends!”

“I was really excited! Because he was crying and gently stroking the leaves like this…!”

“The priest asked us to go together, and instead of hiding, we should gather our strength and fight. Like the heroes on the ground! And here Tite spit out the water. Then, all of a sudden, my toenails grew! Mugwort! Growing up!”


Excited children waved their arms and told a saga. It was surprising and surprising.

From the moment I uploaded the main couple, I had a feeling that this route would be right, but I didn’t really know that things would turn out like this.

I embraced the excited Divine Beasts and looked up at the Heroic Spirit again.

When I saw that, there were other priests besides me in the horns of the gods.

Small body, pale cheeks.

[Stop it, please! Remember your name!]

I immediately remembered the voice from a while ago. That was Noe-san!

[Please, stop doing this! You are doing this because you are sick!]

The priest let out a painful cry.

‘Aww.’ I gave the ether to Tite, who was twitching his beard, and tilted his head.

Her oracle was very bizarre.

From https://readwn.com

Obviously, his voice echoed like the oracles of others, but for some reason it felt empty. what?

That was then.


– Whoops!

“The devil’s claw has awakened!”

-Changgang! So, so, so, so, so, so!

“Everyone, get ready to fight! Those are the seeds that the devil secretly planted in the ground!”

-Jeeying, jieeing!

“If you don’t want to be a minion, everyone get your weapons! Our future is at stake!”

‘Hey!’ The entire black market was brightly lit like broad daylight, and crowds of shouts poured out from every dark nook and cranny.

Warlocks from the ground protruded like moles from here and there.

No, it seems it’s been a while since things have changed like this, but I guess I realized it too late.

Hearingly, I could clearly feel what the Heroic Spirit was afraid of.

Kinna and Willem hugged the stem of the sore throat.

Ga-in and I were busy looking everywhere.

“That person…”

At the top of the mansion that had completely collapsed on one side, the shadow of a warlock standing tall was visible.

All of a sudden, the building with Loffy’s torch was burning bright red.

The screams of those who were evacuating echoed sharply, and ashes and sparks rose from behind Morhan.

However, she did not blink an eye at Noe-san’s persuasion.

I quickly added a commentary.

“That’s Madame Morhan over there. A total of 8 mana circles were used. From what I’ve heard, she seems to be Noe-san’s younger sister, and she has a great attachment to her older sister. They hang portraits in the hallways of the safe, and even set the dial code to ‘mine’.”

“······ That is not attachment, it is obsession, Heineken-sama. I heard that the two are not real sisters.”

Ga-in frowned and muttered.

In the meantime, the prince who was guarding the side of the informant jumped out. fault!

“Where is the teacher?”

Then he lifted my hood with the hilt and clicked his tongue. Huh, that’s right! Sir John!

“I’m still in the mansion!”

I cried out in contemplation.

He must have taken too many drugs, or he was on the verge of death, so I completely forgot about him! Jung Jesse!

“The teacher went looking for ‘useful things,’ Mr. In effect, it means you went to catch Berner Penetian. But no news yet?”

It’s a surprise! Diop, who came unwittingly, said as he loosened his wrist joint.

Luckily, his ruby wand was also pretty.

Kwaguwagang-! On the other side of the mansion, there was a roar of something exploding.

It felt like the blood was draining from my cheeks.

The Crown Prince looked down at me and said yes.

“You are the one among us who needs your worries the most, so let’s focus on the present situation.”

That’s a hundred times true, but does that make sense to people?

[Your name is not Morhan, you know! Do you vaguely remember?]

At that moment, Mr. Noe, full of tears, uttered shocking words.

We shook our heads in embarrassment.

Hearing that, Morhan’s expression finally turned into incontinence.

And beyond the leash of the Heroic Spirit…

Wait, a collar?

“Stella, what is that?”

The feeling of freezing in the spine was clear.

Ga-in barely endured the abusive language in front of the children.

“If you look closely, that’s connected to the airship. It was originally designed to be invisible, but Lofi bit off the airship’s head… It looked like it had been broken.”

“With that, the vitality of the gods was drawn out like sap.”

Slurping…. As soon as the words of the two main characters were finished, the soul body turned and looked at me.

He had a sad face like a dying wild animal.

For a moment, my mind went blank as if I had been hit in the back of the head with a club.

Looking back, the Heroic Spirit’s neck was filled with a large green chain.

At first glance it looked like it was made of metal, but now I couldn’t figure it out.

– It hurts, it hurts because of this.

-It’s painful…

It was a long, rotten, stinking, black magic redemption.

A curse on the divine, created only by human greed.

“How could you do something like that…”

I quickly closed my chin without opening my trembling lips.

This is not it. What matters now is not the ‘how’.

“Heroic Spirit.”

-Yes? did you call me

“Yeah, can’t you break it? A chain around your neck. Now that you are awake, it seems possible enough.”

-Ahh······. I’m sorry, little sweetie. I don’t have much energy now.

The corners of the hero’s eyes drooped. Kinna and Willem sniffled.

– I don’t know what the other sisters feel. But, I don’t want to hurt people.

-I’m afraid of blood. I like a warm and moist place.

– At first, I was alone here. Even though I was lonely, it was good because there was no blood. But when did humans come…

– I said no, but the humans didn’t listen to me.

Ga-in grabbed the branch of the sickness. She had a genuinely sad face.

“Then why…”

His eyes were asking why he didn’t beat him hard and why he didn’t turn it off.

Yellow leaves began to fall on Shinmul’s clear cheeks.

– Little water droplet, listen.


-There are a lot of warm-hearted people in the world.

The spirit said kindly. One day, my throat was congested.

-There were more people who poured spring water on me as they passed by than there were people who made me sick.

“Kill them, kill them!”


Far away, from the alleyways, people holding torches and weapons were gathering in the plaza.

It was to march to the place where the root of the gods was located.

There were very few people who ran away even after seeing such a majestic existence.

Most of them were a mixture of fear and madness.

It was the last effort to not take away the life that had been dug down to the bottom of the floor.

At the top of the black market, there was a tense confrontation between Mr. Noe and Morhan.

The airship staggered, but still orbited the air.

[You said that, I want to be by your side until the day I die! But this isn’t our house!]


-Kugugung, Kwagwagwang…!

The Heroic Spirit softly rolled its eyes despite all the threats.

– These flying squirrels gave me presents every day. I was very happy.


-And an old friend came back and told me he’d never forgotten me all this time!


-Today is a great day!

It was a smile as if the sun had risen underground. At the same time, the dark ceiling brightened white.

We shook our heads in embarrassment.

The starry sky that I had seen when I fell from the mansion a while ago was spreading out before my eyes again.

Upon closer inspection, of course, the glitters were not stars.

They were all scrap metal hanging from the horns of the Heroic Spirit.

That one was like a nail, this one looked like the mainspring of a machine, and that one was…

“oh! We gave it to you! Everything we gave you!”

Bolsok, Willem raised his voice. Kina stretched out her fingers without losing.

“Uncle, look at that! I also have the magic stone that my brother gave me last time!”

“It’s true…….”

The manastone, which had been lightly wiped with a bracken hand, was giggling, emitting a particularly fine light.

What the siblings put in the black pit of the tree cave…

uh? for a moment. Wait a minute!

“Heroic Spirit, Heroic Spirit!”

-Yeah, sweet, sweet.

“Those hanging from the horns, why do they sparkle? Did you decorate it yourself? There is no way that light can naturally shine like that, right?”

I couldn’t breathe properly and asked urgently.

‘Die, demon!’ ‘Whoa!’ Meanwhile, those who advanced into the plaza rushed at the gods.

Ga-in sharpened her teeth while watching those who wield blades from afar. followed-

“hey! You have brought me to die!”

Even without anyone telling him to, Confucius Diop grabbed his staff and jumped in the direction of the plaza.

I’m really grateful, but I didn’t even have time to say thank you right now. Spirit, hurry up!

-······how did you know? The moon cannot deceive!

“Tell me more, it’s urgent!”

-Ugh, I’ve been hiding my power a little bit. These are precious memories, so I want to keep them unbreakable.

That’s it! That’s right!

“Even if I can estimate my precious memories, there will be a thousand or so.”

“Okay, you can cheer up with this! None of the Heroic Spirits are weak!”

Prince Sedric and Ga-in added quickly.

Two pairs of red and blue eyes swelled with exhalation.

Then, the creature turned into a terrified expression on her face.

The grassland that covered the palms of my hands had withered in an instant.

– I hate to hurt, I hate that.

“Heroic Spirit, I don’t mean to hurt people. We’re here to give you back your freedom.”

I quickly captured my expression and spoke in a tone that was as calm as possible.

Then, the lips of the Heroic Spirit gathered in a circle.


“yes. Aren’t you curious about the outside world? Wouldn’t you like to see how the continent has changed over the millennia? Unspeakably strange and wonderful things are waiting for you. Really.”


There was a clear curiosity in his eyes as white as soy milk.

I raised the corners of my lips and continued.

“And the power hidden in that gift is enough to take off the chains and go outside.”

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