Vote for your guild leader (3)

The crest embroidered with rough threads depicts a red dragon and a blue sea.

It was a rather crude design, but it was not lacking in revealing the background or determination of the school.



The dragon’s appearance and color combination were very careful.

They had red scales like coral in the sea, a long snake-like body, a waving beard, and a cow’s ears and beaked eyes.

This was an oriental dragon.

And considering that the original <I Resigned and a Princess from Another World> is a Western-style fantasy, this was not surprising and shocking.

From https://readwn.com

Of course, I thought it was a dragon with bat wings.

“… it looks great.”

There was no Yeouiju in his mouth, he was just the Dragon King of the East Sea.

With this appearance, it was easy to understand why the dragon in the legend loved the sea so much.

At my childish words, Yara, the representative of the refugees, nodded.

“Yes. It is based on a long northern tale. It is a sentence that the Lord himself made.”


Indeed, Brigitte.

No matter how much I thought about it, he was a person who had a deep affection for the Chinese character culture.

When you create such a Western-style worldview, don’t you try to unify all the key terms in that direction?

At least, if I were a writer, I would.

The fact that all the nine new creatures are in Chinese characters, and the design of the dragon…

“How many people actually believe in ancient legends, but we are deeply reliant on them. The lesson of the military academy for the sea dragon is also ‘Let’s fight in the spring’.”

“Wow, you did well. It reminds me of my childhood.”

Ga-in, who went to school in Korea, spoke with a bright voice.

I clenched and opened my fists under the sleeves, looking at her holding Tite.

I felt very strange. I felt a strange sense of déjà vu or intimacy.

Can I continue to mumble this with the word ‘jjampong setting’?

“This school, literally, was built to raise troops to protect the territory from the attack of the demons.”

“Then most of the students are commoners?”

“Yes, Princess. The only aristocrats in our estate are the lord’s relatives.”

“I wonder how many students there are in the whole school, and what are the ages of the students.”

François asked, stroking the sentence softly.

Then, Yara’s face suddenly turned pale.

“····················The majority of children are young adults in their late teens.”

“Oh my God.”

“Yes. Maybe it’s because I grew up watching my parents and local adults suffer because of the beast… On their 16th birthday, people lined up who refused to give gifts and wanted to enter a military academy. Then there are young people in their twenties and thirties. Putting it all together… Then there will be about six hundred people.”

When she finished speaking, she shook her head helplessly.

Thinking of the children I left behind at school made my throat choke.

His Majesty Stanislas calmly took out a handkerchief and handed it to him.

Ga-in gently stroked her back and comforted her.

When we first met in the hills earlier, they seemed very strong, but as we were warming ourselves in the hut, the sadness and guilt seemed to burst out.

The wrinkled back of his hand got wet and then dried in an instant.

Yara stuttered, clutching her handkerchief.

“In the school, there are teachers who have kept the permanent residence for a long time, but usually they are knights. Of course, there are those who are seeds…”

Most of the stories were told by the ‘administrators’ who came to the Yeongjuseong Fortress of Lake Yeri, but there was also a lot of valuable information that I encountered for the first time.

Typical examples were the military military school for the sea and the route to it.

“Actually, young people from military academy are far superior to ordinary Young Ji-min. Even a child who broke mana at school was rare, about once every few years.”

“Oh, genius.”

“Yes. Even though it was low-level, it was much better than having no talent… The lord even made a magic textbook himself.”

A low-ranking mage appears among the common people, and it happens occasionally in the Empire.

His Majesty also spent a large sum of money to support such a people by establishing the Imperial Defense Academy.

The foundation ceremony and admissions were delayed for a while due to last year’s ‘Imperial Terror Incident’, but fortunately, I heard that the school opened without any problems this year.

But the new country was different.

In a society where magic is despised, and the social gap between the nobles and the commoners was so great, the Baron Viscount in the North seemed like a special case.

“Nevertheless… Every year, bright young men go missing in the North Sea blizzard. They are drawn to the claws of beasts and become prey, or they fall into water that is colder than a glacier and sink as it is.”

“Hey, what should I do?”

Ga-in clicked his tongue in a sad voice.

Yara drank the water that Lord John was giving her, and laughed hard.

“If the Hani mercenaries can help our estate… Going to the military academy for the sea will be a great help to the powerless people. Unlike Yeongju Castle, there are no special escorts there.”


“They say this year is really unusual. The wind is too soft, and in the sky… Wasn’t the sky cracked? I was afraid that the legendary Griffin would appear… People are trembling in fear day and night.”

“I understand. Then I’ll have to go to school.”


Grandpa readily provided an answer.

‘Is that true?’ Yara opened her mouth in disbelief.

I immediately exchanged glances with the Crown Prince.

If you went directly to the Military Academy instead of the Barun-Atsuma Guild Chamber, your movement speed would definitely drop.

Besides, I had to think about how to get from school to Yeongjuseong.

The original plan was to follow the wheel traces as it is – traces of Berner dragging the cart – to gather intelligence from the Chamber, and then volunteer to enter the castle as a mercenary to subdue monsters or labor mercenaries if possible.

Sir John knew the necessary procedures, so it would not be difficult if he followed them.

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On the other hand, if you can’t enter the castle and just hang around outside, it will naturally become difficult to capture Berner Penetian.

Combining Yara’s explanation, Military Academy was very close to the North Sea.

It was the top of the crescent moon’s head, so it was far from the Chamber at the southernmost tip of the territory.

Prince Sedric’s eyes glared at me gracefully.

“What is your opinion?”

······still. Even if that’s the case.

“I have the same thoughts as my grandfather.”

I looked up at the man and whispered.

It would be ok to go back a little. ‘Cause we’ve always been

“It was on the way to the North Sea anyway, so it would be nice if I could help young students at the same time.”

“you’re right. And in the end, the road always opened up for the good, right? Even if it’s a bit silly.”

‘Can’t we get in his way?’ As Ga-in whispered without losing, D.O.P, who was leaning against the stone wall and folded his arms, sighed.

Sir John only smiled softly, as usual.

Then François turned to Grandfather with a ferocious hand gesture.

“You do that, old man. We all agree!”

Surprised, Yara hurriedly covered her mouth with both hands.

Her eyes widened with hope.

“Yes, thank you. Thank you so much.”

Then, Grandpa and His Majesty’s cave-like laughter reverberated throughout the hut.

So our route has been partially modified.


A night when everyone is asleep.

-Pajikjik, Passussu…!

flash. I opened my eyes to the strange noise.

What just happened? I took a deep breath and wrinkled my forehead a little.

I wondered if I heard the wrong thing in my sleep.

I rarely have nightmares these days, so it wasn’t a sound I heard in my head.

I don’t have a constitution that covers a lot, but it seems that the floor was hard and uncomfortable.

The moment you turn to your side,

– Break! Fragile!


From https://readwn.com

Outside the hut, from afar, something like an electric shock was heard.

I swear it wasn’t hallucinations or dreams.

However, the bonfire in the middle of the room was only peaceful.

I looked around to see if other friends had heard of it, but strangely, I was the only one awake.

Ga-in, who was lying on the backmost side with Tite, was kicking a blanket, and the son next to him was sleeping peacefully in an upright position.

Sir John was not present as it was a non-visitable watch today. I carefully stood up.


I also saw my grandfather sleeping on the other side.

Djibril Dioff was sleeping with his back to this side.

crumble, crumble. I walked in the sleeping bag feeling the cheap sensation.

“…it’s strange.”

It’s really weird.

If the noise is enough to wake me, who has no physical ability, isn’t it normal for everyone to wake up by now?

– Cheer up!


did it again I fell asleep in an instant.

I scrambled and started to move.

I thought that I had to clearly see what the hell was going on with my own eyes.

Thanks to the kind snoring Mr. Ga-in snorted, most of my noise was covered up.

I carefully put on my cardigan, looked for my gemstone glasses, and, just in case, pulled out a small growth from my bag and held it in my hand.

There doesn’t seem to be any problem with Harit’s father outside.

Then what the hell is that sound?

-Jump, jerk

I grabbed the cane so that my fingertips turned white, and stepped outside.

There was a cool winter smell from the bottom of the chestnut that touched his nose. Whewy . . . . .

“You are awake, my lord.”


And with Sir John’s whisper, a huge spectacle unfolded before his eyes.

I couldn’t close my chin that was wide open. I had goosebumps all over my body.

From https://readwn.com

Oh my gosh-

“Wow, that one!”

“It’s Aurora. It’s the first time I’ve actually seen it.”

– Pajijijit! Paget…!

Using the black and distant sky as a canvas, a group of mint-colored lights resembling a man’s eyes were dancing in the sky.

As a flagship of nature’s unannounced gift, it almost impeded growth!

I trudged a few more steps like a possessed person.

And he continued to admire as he pushed out the white breath with his hand.

In the blink of an eye, it was a very beautiful ecstasy that was regrettable and worthwhile.

It’s really nonsense. I’ve only seen this in TV documentaries!

“I think we are getting closer to the North.”

“Wow······. So pretty······!”


I felt like I was going out of my mind.

Across the hills, which had fallen asleep without knowing the world, a jade aurora was fluttering in her fine hair.

There slender fingers to the south, long eyelashes to the east, and a cold sigh to the west…

“It’s really great. Sir John, the sky looks too high. Too wide!”

“ha ha ha.”

As I poured out my kindergarten-like sentiments, Herrit’s father laughed out loud.

After that, a familiar expression of popularity emerged from behind.

“What on a moonlit night……. crazy!”

“Stella, look over there. If you keep looking, you can feel it moving!”

Ga-in, who had her robe wrapped around her, walked out on her bare feet, and behind her stood the prince with a jacket draped over his wide shoulders.

Maybe he’s a human too, but when he saw the back of his head pressed down a little while sleeping, he burst into laughter.

I smiled and made a place for the two of us.

It’s a pity that I don’t have an older brother and Eunseo by my side, but it’s good to see such a wonderful scene with precious friends.

-Grip Jijik…!

“It’s a surprise.”

Then again, I was startled by the sound of falling from the sky.

Everywhere your eyes meet is so pretty that it can’t even be compared to the Windows wallpaper, there’s only one.

That scream has been annoying and annoying since before. It was even more blatant when I heard it outdoors.

When the aurora occurs, is noise accompanied by noise? I don’t know because it’s literature.


“Ah, just because of the sound of the electric lights popping out. Did Ga-in wake up because of that too?”

So yes, it seems like everyone was tired and fell asleep more deeply than I did.

When I asked, Ga-in’s expression…

“No, I woke up to the sound of the king leaving.”

bathed in embarrassment uh?

“I thought you were going for a walk with Teacher John.”


“There was no sound other than that. I couldn’t hear it at all either in the hut or when I came out.”

She looked a bit confused. Even after washing my eyes, I couldn’t find it as a joke.

It was an unbelievable response. I looked back to Sir John.

He raised his eyebrows and bowed his head slightly.


“Didn’t you hear even John?”

. . . my heart was pounding. It couldn’t be.

It was a story that made no sense for me to hear such a clear sound only with my ears.

I looked up at the prince with a feeling of catching even straw.

The man was observing me closely.

“It looks like you are tired. Just come in.”


– It’s passable! supportive! Pot!

I tried to reply that I wasn’t tired at all, but the night sky made a sharp noise again.

Shaking his shoulders, he looked up. Then my friends looked at me at the same time.


Damn, there’s something.

A line drawn in the sky, and that aurora.

Also, everything has something.

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