Youth☆ Marine Military Academy (4)

– Arr!

“Our Tite, you’re excited!”

Tite, who was on her back, let out a strong cry. It was fun and meant to run faster.

I was upset that Demi had taught my youngest brother these things too.

The baby seemed to be having a lot of fun, but I was very burnt out for the first tardy school day of my life.

I tend to sit quietly when eating because I have a bad stomach, but it seems that my body has improved while staying here.

Even if I broke bread while running at random, I was fine!

“Huh, huh. I’ll ask Sir John one more time and come out!”

Rather than a poor morning, belated regret turned the clothes over.

The information he had heard as he left the health room earlier did not help.

‘That’s right, Sir John! Do you know the way to the indoor gym?’

‘Go out and go straight to the left, then go down the second staircase. If you look back from there, you will see the central courtyard.’

‘Turn left, second stairs, turn around….’

Even though Lord Johann had never been there personally, he heard the explanations from the teachers at the school several times.

To be honest, I was confident that I would find it well.

Now, I was given a clue called ‘the middle yard’, and they said that if I searched for it, I could immediately see the indoor gymnasium.

If you tell me about a building that stands out like a bank or a franchise cafe, I didn’t get lost for long.

What if I turn on the Maps app and show directions? In most cases, it was invincible.

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Obviously it was

“Ha, I did…”

How do I get out to the middle yard? Isn’t this hallway blocked?

“driving me crazy.”

I can see it out the window, now.


“…are you laughing at me?”

– Whoa, whoa.

Thanks to the excited Tite, her back was warm.

No, it seemed to be the heat coming out of my body.

The wide hallway no longer felt cool.

It must have been at least fifteen minutes since I wandered around this area.

It would be best to ask someone for directions again, but as soon as the class bell rang, all the halls went blank like a ghost.

I was so nervous that the tips of my hands and feet were tickling.

The Crown Prince said that the 1st period dagger training instructor would attend, and I decided to go with the students to protect the students and relax the atmosphere.

He alone doesn’t know what the class will be like…

“Did you go down the wrong stairs? Nope. It’s the second staircase.”

I couldn’t see the road anymore because I was embarrassed, and I thought I would be alone here until the break time.

I slowly rolled my eyes and peered out the window of the classroom next to me.

1st grade 7th grade. A strange teacher came to the church and was passionately explaining something.

The students, with their shoulders widened, looked like they were concentrating on a torangto with their bodies tucked into a narrow desk.

When I saw that scene, I thought for a moment.

Maybe, it really shouldn’t be like this, but if you just knock quietly and ask for directions…

“no. it’s crazy?”

His head knew how to move. That’s too rude. never do that

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Of course it would interfere with class, and the truth is, I was too embarrassed to advertise that I was a lost child in front of young students.

I sparingly ate the bread that had only two bites left and took a step back.

yes, this is not I’d rather go back to the infirmary and explain the situation to Sir John…

“for a moment. Did I come this way? Why do all sides look the same?”


My heart was pounding at my own feelings.

Everything I said about the military academy being smaller than I thought and the size of the mansion was cancelled.

This place is too spacious, and the interior is similar on each floor.

It was the worst place for someone like me who is a guide and a guide.

It felt like my brain was pounding with embarrassment.

That was then.


Startle. Inside the classroom, a student raised an eyebrow at me.

The startled, uncontrollable clown was an obvious ridicule.

She shrugged her shoulders and tapped the forearm of the student sitting next to her, and then with a bare face, she tapped her chin.

‘Hey, look at him.’ ‘cute.’


His cheeks were burning hot with the indigo.

I hurriedly moved in any direction to get out of the hallway.

It was neither running nor walking.

Move fast, Jesse Jung. We’d rather leave the building.

If you go down to the first floor, take a picture of the playground, and then come back…!

– Puff!



His body slumped backwards in shock.

The person who was coming out of the corner of the hallway and I bumped into each other head-on.

Tite hung on her back and cried, ‘Aww!’

Even at that moment, I twisted my back as much as I could for fear that the baby would be crushed.

Wow, who has such a different body?!

– Whoops!


Something very soft and slippery gently supported the baby and me.

I was hungry for a moment and thought this was pudding. Of course not.

I hurriedly checked the floor, raising my flattened upper body.

Moll kang mok kang! The thick and long tentacles were fluttering as if greeting me.

The deep smell of the sea lingered on the tip of his nose.

This one is reddish-gold…

“sea anemone? Are you an anemone?”

– Aeuk!

Wow, Tite saved us! I smiled broadly and looked back at Shinsu.

Considering the situation alone, it is quite embarrassing, but on the other hand, my heart is filled with the fact that our baby has grown up so agile and clever.

Tite was also very proud of me, and her black eyes were shining brightly as she flapped her fins.

Be sure to tell Ga-in and the prince later!

“The youngest has grown up. thanks I will go to school with Leah and Perry in a little while.”

– woong

“Damn, is that what a guy talking in the hallway would say?”

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Oops! I jumped up in contemplation.

I haven’t been able to find a way since a while ago, and I think I lost my mind.

What about the person who bumped into me?

“I’m sorry, sir. I’m really sorry. I was in too much of a hurry to pay attention.”

“If you know, take a good look. Don’t act like a guild leader.”


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Oh what It’s Djibril Dioff!

“Ugh. One mouth is coming out. Wouldn’t it be scary if I showed my true color?”

The man turned one shoulder round and round, making an impression.

Even today, the nape of the neck that was left open was the epitome of poor attire.

I cried and picked up the pieces of bread that had fallen to the ground.

When things got to this point, I was hit with a serious haunting throughout my life.

I don’t know what kind of bullshit this is.

This world in which I was not the main character and depended on me for a late show from the morning, was now to the point of being truly pitiful.

I’ll just ask the prince last night.

If I had politely said that we should have dinner together, I think they would have listened even though they looked down on me.

This was my last breakfast…

“······A little. Don’t die on a single loaf of bread.”

“I won’t die.”

“There is no way that my uncle went hungry. Your minions can’t be around like that.”

I glared at the man indistinctly and then tied the bunting string tightly.

He smelled of alcohol and soap at the same time.

Don’t you know the loss of someone who involuntarily skips breakfast?

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Once you miss a meal, you can’t find it for the rest of your life.

“Why are you alone? You usually take them one by one.”

“Don’t call my friends pawns. We don’t lead, we go together.”

“Are you lost?”



He kept his poker face.

In my head, I quickly found a topic to talk about.

His voice suddenly dwindled.

“Why is Confucius here at this hour? Didn’t you decide to attend the special class magic basics class?”

“It did.”


“But that’s observation.”

It was an incomprehensible answer. Confucius scratched the nape of his neck with his cane and laughed bitterly.

Tite and I frowned at the same time.

I heard that His Majesty Stanislas went out hunting, and Sir John said that he was in charge of the health room in the morning.

Mr. Ga-in was scheduled to enter the 2nd grade class 9 and 10 joint fall training practice, and Prince Sedric was scheduled to enter the 3rd grade class 3 dagger training as an instructor.

And this child…

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Oh My God. hey!

“Are you crazy? It’s not because I’m participating as an instructor, but because I’m an observer, right?”

“I didn’t mean to hear from anyone.”

“Confucius Diop!”

“Be quiet because I am ringing because of a hangover. You get angry when you see me.”

Try not to get mad at me! I frowned as I looked at the wizard.

It is regrettable and unfamiliar to me that I, whose name is the guild leader, was doing this in the hallway, but even this guy was doing this, so I had no face to see the teachers and students.

If you’re here to help, isn’t it the right thing to do at least the first day?

“Confucius is really…”

“Stop nagging and follow me.”


“Or wait for a break with that anemone.”

······what. Are you trying to find a way? My eyeballs were as fat as Tite.

But without any time for me to ask or question anything more, the man started walking with his long legs wiggled.

The stride was so large that it disappeared from my sight very quickly.

I glanced back at the golden anemones filling the hallway.

I’ll have to put this away too.

No. If it were tea, I would have called you something edible, so wouldn’t it be bad for meat?

At least it seems to be good for soup…?


I stood there, unable to do this or that, then hurriedly pulled out a pen and paper from my pocket.

Then he quickly scribbled the letters.

‘We are very sorry for the inconvenience. I’ll come back soon and collect it.

If it looks appetizing, you can grab it first.

-Wheat Guild Leader Heineken Raised’

If you’re going to park without permission like this, it’s polite to leave a note.


·······Whew. Where the hell are you going?

“Confucius! No, Clout!”

I raised the noise, but I changed the name after a while because I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it.

Then the man who was crossing the playground looked at me with a very dissatisfied expression.

Is this a time for you to aim, now!

“Where are you going? Didn’t you take me to the gymnasium?”

Every time he spoke, white puffs of breath rose up.

The northern weather at the end of December was so cold that my skin was sore.

I had a baby, so I wore a fur robe from the dormitory, and I was fortunate enough to do so.

I don’t believe or suspect Confucius, but I’m a little annoyed.

No matter how much I thought about it, it wasn’t because I was hungry.

Is the attitude of being dogmatic without explanation a characteristic of the royal family?

“········ Am I you? King’s disease is serious. I didn’t see it that way.”

Then this answer came back. I clenched my fist into the robe.

I want to hit only one hit, but I can’t. Because violence is bad.

“······· Are you going well?”

“I have something to show you. Follow me quietly.”

And the man strides forward again.

It was difficult to catch up with the baby because it didn’t even fit a butterfly, and the playground was frozen all over the place.

When I shot with questionable eyes, the wizard clicked his tongue.

“Since it’s all over, bounce around in moderation. If you see it, you’ll be concerned.”


I really don’t like talking. I cursed inside and followed him.

Fortunately, the destination was really quick.

Confucius arrived at a huge sign facing the school building at the end of the playground.

Yesterday, I went to school and was assigned a dormitory, and I was wandering inside, so I didn’t even know there was such a thing outside.

I carefully read the words engraved on the white marble like foam.

“I give my heart…”

‘O dear sea with all my heart,

You are the anger of Kwang-young, who is jealous of even the owner.

I will keep it until the day the energy is cut off.’


“This is probably a quote from a sea dragon.”

“It is. If it was a dragon that loved the sea and fought against griffins… It’s like saying something like that.”

I muttered as I pondered the contents.

Unlike the shade of the playground where the snow was frozen hard, the sign and the surrounding area looked particularly clean.

Tite also felt a strange sense of incongruity and twisted her torso.

It’s a meaningful monument, so someone cleans it up?

But there doesn’t seem to be any trace of someone else coming and going…

“There is a magic of preserving warmth.”


“okay. The magical power itself is weak, but it seems like the magic stone has been buried for a long time. and.”

Confucius raised his staff and focused on us at once. What else are you going to do?

-Tuk tuk, tuk tuk, tuk tuk!

Then, out of nowhere, he struck the top of the sign with a stick.

I was frightened and looked around.

“Wait. Is it okay for outsiders to do this recklessly? It looks like a precious stone…”

“Look Carefully.”

Dioff sharply cut the horse’s waist. Tite and I shut our mouths for a moment.

This guy is definitely not normal either-

– Pass it!


At that moment, something small and published rose from the bottom of the sign.

This was so unexpected that my body hardened. what?


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