What is a first-class savior?

Chapter 273 Easter Egg Achievement

The monster behind the door can defeat the three saints in a very short period of time, and its strength can be called terrifying.

The underground giant beast turned out to be its patriarch?

Wang Ran paced back and forth.

His heart was full of confusion, and he had the urge to chat with the underground giant now, to have an interrogation on trial!

He simulated so many times in the first doomsday, and the giant beast didn't give him a clue.

Even lied to him.

"Giant beasts are probably the enemies of the ancients."

Wang Ran frowned.

The giant beast obviously possesses extremely high intelligence, but it feeds on the people of the earth, and it is clear at a glance whether it is an enemy or a friend.

So it was the giant beast that exterminated the ancients?

"It's not impossible"

Wang Ran was lost in thought.

The giant beast behind the door can defeat the three saints teamed up. I don't know if it is the strongest fighting force of the giant beast family.

If there are other giant beasts with the same strength as this giant beast, or more powerful giant beasts than this giant beast, then they may indeed exterminate the ancients tens of thousands of years ago.

However, the Behemoth Clan obviously did not end well after the war.

Their patriarch collapsed on the ground, unable to defeat even ordinary gods, and no other giant beasts came to rescue them.

The behemoth family is also probably on the verge of extinction.

Maybe the entire giant beast race is only left with the underground giant beast and the giant beast outside the door. If they cannot be combined, then the giant beast race is actually extinct.

"Thinking about it this way, the ancients were quite fierce."

No matter how much the ancients paid in the end, at least the blood of the people on earth has been passed down, and the giant beast has survived in name only.

They even set up a trap to trap the giant beast behind the door for tens of thousands of years.

However, Wang Ran was still a little puzzled—what glory did the ancients want their descendants to regain?

He thought there was a treasure behind the door, but behind the door was a giant man-eating beast.

All the earthlings sent over were eaten.

He thought for a few seconds, and suddenly realized: "The ancients definitely did not deliberately send their descendants to feed the giant beast. This giant beast should have mixed in by itself, but it couldn't get out."

Therefore, there may still be treasures left by the ancients to descendants behind the door, but it is not known whether it has been destroyed by the giant beast behind the door.

[Reincarnation hermit and monster battle]

【Reincarnation hermit falls into a disadvantage】

Monsters can win a one-vs-three, let alone one-on-one, and the situation of the reincarnation hermit is very dangerous.

【You step forward to help】

【You are strongly mentally polluted】

Mental pollution!

When Wang Ran solved the first doomsday crisis, he also encountered the spiritual pollution emitted by giant beasts, but the underground giant beast was seriously injured and dying, and the spiritual pollution emitted by it was better than nothing.

It can only infect ordinary people, and it is completely ineffective against gods.

But the giant beast behind the door is different. Even if it is not in its prime, it is probably about the same. The spiritual pollution it emits can even pollute a true god.

【You dealt with it twice】

【You are distorted in pollution】

【You are extremely painful】

Wang Ran frowned.

He experienced mental pollution once in reality, when he was performing the watchman mission in the 9077 world.

The spiritual pollution he felt that time came from an evil god, and he was in great pain at that time, and the spiritual pollution of the giant beast behind the door was only stronger than the evil god's spiritual pollution.

He suddenly had a premonition.

This simulation may be over here.

【You kill yourself】

[You have triggered "Ghosts and Gods Come to the World - Imitator\

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