However, Lin Ran started to admit it. He knew that he was currently impossible to consume Azir with 3 stacks of Corrupting Potion, so he simply hid behind the creep line and slowly made up his knife.

But Azir does not dare to press the line without Flash, and the suppression ability is much smaller.

Clearlove seems to have looked for Bottom Lane in this game, 5 points 30S, Jarvan IV arrived again.

meikoBraum Q flashed across the creep line and smashed a huge ice cube on Little Ming without Flash.

Jarvan IV EQ shot, Little Ming simply reversed Kite on the faces of everyone in EDG, selling himself to let Varus of JKL escape successfully.

First blood was eaten by Deft’s Ashe, and then the EDG trio pushed down the creep line and fought for Dragon, and took the first Infernal Drake into the bag.

On the other side, Little Tian seemed to He plunged into Jungle and never came out again. For nearly 6 minutes, he only helped Mid-Lane to play a Flash.

"This Lee Sin pure brush?"

"Little Tian, ​​give some help, Little Tian!"

"I know why banGangplank and Vladimir, And when Lee Sin is released, there is really no rhythm."

The baby also felt that there was something wrong with the rhythm of Little Tian, ​​and seemed to slow down suddenly, which did not match YM's consistent fast attack rhythm.

But before he could speak, Mille spoke first.

"His...Little Tian is a bit weird, he is about to reach 6?" Mille tried to see the experience bar under Little Tian's status bar, Lee Sin already had Level 5 experience.

Clearlove can only reach Level 5 after eating a wave of creep lines from Bottom Lane.

"The level has indeed risen a little faster. Little Tian should be waiting for Level 6 to bring rhythm?" Remember to speculated, "Look at his next wave."

Experience The difference is mainly due to the F4 and Ghost Statue camps. These two camps provide higher EXP, and Little Tian brushes quite frequently. He not only brushes his own home, but also eats the two shares of Clearlove.

From the moment Little Ming was shot out of Flash, he knew that Clearlove would definitely live in Bottom Lane in the next 5 minutes.

And he couldn't get there.

Ashe + Braum's Freljord combination provides amazing control effects in small-scale group fights. He really has no chance of winning in the wild 3V3.

He simply immersed himself in brushing.

This time recalling back to base, he made up the green Jungler knife and two Longswords, and continued to advance to Clearlove Jungle, pointing directly at the newly refreshed F4.

Clearlove's Jarvan IV finished Gromp, and then walked towards the three wolves.

At this time, Little Tian had already eaten F4, his level rose to 6, and he began to plan an offensive.

This is his most promising wave of success.

Little Tian communicated with Lin Ran in the team voice, and then he stared at Azir near the center line.

"Does Little Tian want to move Mid-Lane?" The doll is a little worried, "The distance between him and Azir is a bit far, and the little Junior Brother still holds the Ultimate in his hand."

"Also, Clearlove is about to finish the Three Wolves, and will be coming here soon." Remember to add.

But Muay Thai Lee Sin is ready to go.

scout has no F4 vision, he doesn't know that there is a Lee Sin in the wall sniffing his body.

After the Q[Conquering Sands] level increased, his life in Mid Lane's became more and more comfortable, and Lin Ran was overwhelmed by his powerful consumption ability.

He looked at Lin Ran, who was in poor condition, and wanted to find a chance to kill him solo.

At this time, Lin Ran actually placed W[Nevermore] in front of him, and the purple round rune mark appeared, a little far away from Azir.

scoutat first thought Lin Ran was predicting his Kite, and he paused for a while by pressing S in place, and wanted to wait for the Nevermore effect to disappear before moving forward.

But in a flash, on the outside of the F4 wall behind him, a barefoot Ryze with his eyes covered with a red tape appeared again.

Lee Sin's movement speed is as fast as lightning, and with the golden flash of Flash, he completed an ultra-long distance rush in the air!

Only an instant, Little Tian appeared behind scout, Lee Sin concentrated all his strength on the legs, the muscles were knotted, and instantly kicked to the little Junior Brother!

Scout did not react, the movement speed of Little Tian is too fast!

He flew up uncontrollably and plunged into Lin Ran's arms.

Flying in midair, Swain's Nevermore is finally ready to delay. A purple giant claw protrudes from the ground, firmly controlling Azir's body!

"This is the tacit cooperation of YMMid & Jungler!" Mille shouted loudly, "Ran laid out in advance, W waited for Little Tian's foot!"

E【Torment 】+ R [Evil Crow Possessed]!

Lin Ran instantly transformed into a huge black Swain, and the little Swain next to him began to rotate around. Every time the little Swain pecked Azir, he would draw continuously blood to the giant crow.

Lee Sin of Little Tian hangs on the Sonic Wave and moves forward.

Scout was so desperate that he didn't even hand over R [Wall of the Forbidden Army], and stood still and was sucked to death by Lin Ran.

Clearlove has just arrived near Mid-Lane Second Turret at this time and can't make it.

"The speed of Little Tian's whirling kick is really fast, and it moved thousands of yards in an instant." The doll exclaimed.

"This is W flash. Of course, the visual effect is Flash W, but the speed is indeed faster." Mille explained.

But the audience is very paid for this visual stimulus, especially when 3D animation special effects are added during the playback of the guide, Lee Sin looks like flying in the sky.

"Quick feet! Why don't you talk about handsome ones."

"What did you say about Little Tian pure brushing before? Don't keep silent."

"W flash? Ye master learned it, and I will start a teammate for ranking right away."

Little Tian relieved in the team voice.

At the same time, he kept on eating the red buff that he had just refreshed.

Lin Ran uses Ultimate crows to clean up the creep line, and then recall back to base in place.

At this time, it has been nearly 7 minutes. Lin Ran paid $55 and ate 300 yuan for a head. He recalled back to base and bought lunch boxes, Blasting Wand and Vision Ward.

The lunch box, including the Rod of Ages synthesized later, are all necessary equipment for Swain, because he can resist injury-lunch box Mana Regeneration-Ultimate consume mana blood return plus Vampiric Sceptre-continue to resist injury.

Swain can become a top Fattan, and it is inseparable from these two pieces of equipment that fit perfectly.

After buying the item build, Lin Ran stayed in Fountain motionless, waiting for Little Tian to be in place.

Little Tian has already eaten the red BUFF at this time, he knows that the position of himself and Clearlove is completely misplaced now.

Because of the different driving routes, he was red in the lower half of the field. At this time, he could just eat the second red and grab it, and Jarvan IV is going to brush his own red BUFF in the upper half of Jungle. Unable to protect their own Bottom Lane.

Little Tian seized this wave of opportunities. He broke into Clearlove’s Jungle with the sight of the EDG arranged in the Bottom Lane river.

EDGBottom Lane discovered in time that it was too late to retreat.

Little Tian is a completely outflank gesture, he inserts his vision on the EDGBottom Lane line through the Gromp wall.

At this time Lin Ran finally took action, and the blue vortex appeared on the fake eye that was just laid down!

"YM's 4 packs 2!" Mille said with emotion, "In this one minute, they suddenly shifted their speed and started to speed up!"

At this moment, Mr. Dai and meiko are waiting for you. Under the tower shiver coldly, no one can help them at this time.

Azir's TP is still a little worse to get better. Clearlove is in Top Lane at this time. Mouse's Maokai can't hand over TP protection in a short time when facing GimGoon's Shen.

Lin Ran landed. At this time, Ultimate had a few seconds to get better, but he was not in a hurry.

EDGBottom Lane is already a dead pair in his eyes, it's nothing more than a question of head ownership that's all.

"Give me this head, I have to eat and grow, the special effects streaming equipment is too expensive." JKL said while busy working on it.

"If you eat your head, don't ask for the Bottom Lane first blood tower." The Garlic King threatened.

"Huh? Are you teaching me to do things?" JKLeccentric passed over.

The four of Bottom Lane did not reach 6 at this time (As mentioned before, the S6 Summer Split version of Bottom Lane requires 7 minutes and 33 seconds to reach Level 6 without missing a pawn), and there is almost no resistance. .

JKL pushed the creep line into the tower smoothly.

Lin Ran's Ultimate finally turned around. He turned on Ultimate again and turned into a giant crow. The crows flew around him, and he entered the Defensive Turret range and started fighting the tower.

deft shoots W[Volley] slow Lin Ran, Little Tian At this time, W puts a film on Lin Ran, and then Q[Sonic Wave] aimed at deft.

Mr. Dai is the LPL top AD, and his response speed is extremely fast.

He reacted at the moment Little Tian raised his hand to threw away Sonic Wave, flashed to the side, avoiding this Q.

But Varus's E [Evil Spirit Arrow Rain] shot down, slowing down and reducing Ashe's Heal effect.

The crow controlled by Lin Ran surrendered EW at the same time, trying to restrain Ashe.

meikoBraum hangs Ignite on the Swain who resists the tower, and then raises the shield to try to block the damage for the deft, but the YM is double-sided on both sides, and the shield can only block the damage on one side.

Giant claw emerges from the ground and binds Ashe. Little Ming seizes the opportunity Q【Star Binding】connects Ashe to the wall and stuns him.

Little Tian pats the floor slow Ashe, and kills Ashe with double carry.

The audience watched as Swain fought off the tower twice, and successfully went out of the tower to exchange for Little Tian when the blood remained, and the YM people killed Braum again.

Meiko was unwilling to fall, and rushed to go to the hot spring with his brother Mr. Dai.

JKL gives Heal to help Little Tian escape from Defensive Turret range.

The YM four then walked through the wall through the hole opened by Bard and reached the Safety Sector field.

"I'm Gan!" JKL watched Ashe and Braum's heads be taken away by Lin Ran, extremely unwilling, "Give me soup, big brother."

"Next time Certainly." Lin Ran promised casually while rushing to Mid-Lane with Little Tian.

"Too desperate," Mille sighed, "This Ashe is dead, the advantage Bottom Lane previously played is gone, and a lot of it has been given out."

"But there are also Good news," the doll interrupted, "Azir took the opportunity to push a wave of creep lines."

"But it's useless, this Swain 30, there must be Rod of Ages going home." Remember. Said aside.

"The economic gap has been widened again, and the early rhythm of EDG is still problematic," Mille said, "but their team composition was not originally played in the early stage. Look at the Mid-Lane switch lanes operation. Can you catch the weak spot of YM."

Clearlove was not idle during this time. He went to Top Lane and successfully caught GimGoon's Flash.

But it is also limited to this. The slag is very cautious, and there are displacement skills. Jarvan IV and Maokai can't complete the kill at all.

Lin Ran and Little Tian pushed a wave of creep lines together in Mid-Lane, and then Lin Ran took the lead in recalling back to base to make up Rod of Ages.

The sooner this piece of equipment comes out, the better, and the equipment value provided by the attribute can be stacked in advance to be maximized.

Lin Ran observes the teammate's dynamics from a perspective while going online.

JKLrecall back to base has pulled out the two small pieces of the Blade of the Ruined King Challenger and the attack speed dagger, and the equipment is not inferior to Mr. Dai who took the Little Ming first blood.

But he thinks he has to suppress deft again. He is the strongest carry ability in this EDG. As long as he stops his development, EDG will be impossible to comeback.

"Wait for me to take two waves of soldiers, and then go to Bottom Lane to kill him again." Lin Ran decided to increase his efforts.

JKL heard Lin Ran's words and mourned for deft in his heart.

Also as an ADC, he knows what it's like to double-team Bottom Lane.

Oh, AD is so difficult!

JKL is quite emotional.

Fortunately, I am their teammate.

Little Tian also ushered in his own strong period after harvesting 3 assists. He is ahead of Clearlove in terms of level and experience, and with the help of Mid-Lane Swain's strength, he began to invade Jungle in the second half.

And after the last wave of Turret kills, Little Ming's Bard was also liberated.

In terms of roaming ability, Braum has nothing left to be exploded by Bard.

He and Little Tian committed crimes in Clearlove's Jungle, a Vision Ward and a green Jungle knife, completely light up Clearlove's lower half Jungle.

Clearlove is so distressed, he doesn't dare to go down at all now.

Even the second blue that originally belonged to Azir was snatched by YM. Lin Ran released the Q skill and let Beatrice on his shoulder eat the remaining blood Blue Buff.

Lin Ran returned to the line and started to use skills to push lines frequently.

Scout knows that Lin Ran will go down once he finishes pushing the line. He can't give a chance. He will not stop using Sand Soldiers to poke the creep line if he has a bee sting.

"Little Tian, ​​you come to Mid-Lane, and cooperate with me to act in a wave of dramas." Lin Ran saw that the creep line was not cleared, so he asked Jungler for help.

Little Tian eats F4 and goes around the river to the side of EDGmid first turret.

Little Junior Brother noticed that Lin Ran’s speed of pushing the line suddenly increased. Even Q was used, knowing that something was wrong.

He hurriedly asked deft to hand over the E skill to help himself explore the field of vision near Mid-Lane.

This probe doesn't matter. Through the eagle spirit, the little Junior Brother saw that Little Tian was squatting in the grass on the side of the tower. Even if Lee Sin was blindfolded, he could go from middle grade to a trace of killing intent.

Lee Sin's Sonic Wave shot and aimed at the body of Junior Brother.

Scout panicked and quickly stood up Sand Soldiers. E【Shifting Sands】retreated to F4 and sought shelter from Clearlove who was staying there.

But he didn't realize Lin Ran's purpose for letting Little Tian come to Mid-Lane to crouch.

Lin Ran didn't want to kill him.

I just want to drive the Junior Brother away.

Looking at Azir handing over the E skill, Lin Ran pushed down the creep line and rushed to Bottom Lane with Little Tian.

This is almost a clear sign to tell EDG, I am going to kill your Bottom Lane.

"Helpme!" Deft eagerly started to jump out in Chinese.

No way, he has been playing at LPL for almost two years. He has not improved much in Chinese, and there is no big problem with his daily English language.

Clearlove in F4 can only drive down with a pair of legs, and scout handed over TP to guarantee the safety of Bottom Lane.

"To land, otherwise they won't leave!" Meiko reminded.

Little Junior Brother watched Mid-Lane being eaten by a large wave of creep lines by the tower, and gritted his teeth to Teleport to Bottom Lane.

But YMMid & Jungler refused to give up and continued to move on to Bottom Lane.

The meaning revealed is very obvious.

You don’t have enough chips.

It took 10 seconds for our brothers to rush to Bottom Lane on a long journey. You just want to pay a TP?

It does not exist.

4 packs 3, the same can be overtaken, Little Ming's Bard can use R [Conciliation of Destiny] to anchor Defensive Turret, and Lin Ran's current battle strength is extremely strong.

In the constant urging of Bottom Lane, Top Lane's tool man mouse also handed over Teleport to protect Bottom Lane.

Lin Ran was nodded satisfied when he saw Maokai landing as well, "GimGoon, you develop quickly, Little Tian, ​​let’s push the middle tower."

The two returned to Mid-Lane, EDG is the only one left with Clearlove to stick to the Mid-Lane Tower.

Little Tian seized the opportunity, and he was not polite. Q[Sonic Wave] hung on a Cannon Minion soldier, then touched his eyes and R kicked Jarvan IV into Lin Ran’s arms, and then used two QResonating Strike left in a cool manner.

A set of combos is handsome and dazzling, with clear thinking.

Lin Ran turned on Ultimate, he was hurt well with Rod of Ages, WEQ general attack chased Jarvan IV all the way to suck.

Clearlove EQ wanted to escape, but Lin Ran followed Flash, and the little Swain hovering around him constantly sucked Jarvan IV into a corpse.

40, system hint Swain is close to runaway.

And the field of vision that was previously arranged in the second half of Jungle saw the magic Inhibitor arrow that deft shot towards Mid-Lane.

In the case of warning, Lin Ran easily avoided the Inhibitor Arrow and calmly left Defensive Turret. At this time, he still had half of his HP left.

"Walk around and go to Bottom Lane again!"

Lin Ran knows that Maokai must recall back to base, and Bottom Lane's resources are not enough for two C-bits. , Azir thinks he needs to come back to eat Mid-Lane creep line.

"YM is too cruel, isn't it?" The doll said in an exaggerated tone, "Do you want to double-fold Bottom Lane?"

Lin Ran and Little Tian are not straightforward He rushed to Bottom Lane, but went from his own Jungle to the top of the little Dragon's Pit, and then rushed along the triangular grass of Bottom Lane to catch Mr. Dai.

deft and meiko originally thought that Lee Sin without Ultimate would definitely not cross their tower, but Lin Ran took advantage of this fluke.

Little Ming Bard opened E【Magic Journey】, took Mid & Jungler through the tunnel to the back of the Bottom Lane Tower, and doubled EDGBottom Lane again.

"It's gone, Swain's Ultimate is so fast, he has Blue Buff on his body and there is no lack of blue." Mille knew that this wave of EDGBottom Lane really had no way to escape.

The TPs in the upper middle have been handed in, and Clearlove has just been resurrected from Fountain, so it can't help deft at all.

Ashe watched as Swain and Lee Sin wanted to ravage their bodies again, but there was nothing he could do. He didn't have Ultimate or Flash, and he couldn't stand it with Braum alone.

Little Ming's Bard also played a trick. Lin Ran turned R into a Swain form to resist the tower, and Meiko's Braum opened R [Glacial Fissure] and prepared to fight back.

At this moment, Bard turned on his R skill, and he made an unidentified low voice in his mouth, turning Bottom Lane Defensive Turret into an Oscar figurine.

Ultimate lasts for 2.5S, during which time EDGBottom Lane loses the help of Defensive Turret.

Glacial Fissure knocked Lin Ran into midair, and Deft also played passive in time, but it still didn't help. There was no Defensive Turret to hurt them and it was impossible to kill Rod of Ages Swain.

Lin Ran was stunned and controlled by the knockout, but the little Swain around him would not stop, absorbing the HP from the two of them, nourishing Lin Ran's body.

JKL gave Ultimate trapped Braum, Little Ming's Bard Q connected to control without any suspense, YM four people once again killed the EDGBottom Lane duo.

deft rubbed his forehead helplessly, feeling mentally and physically exhausted.

"It's only 10 minutes, EDGBottom Lane was killed by Turret again!" Mille's commentary sounded through the microphone, "deft's development is extremely limited, JKL's Varus recall back to base has already figured out Blade of the Ruined King!"

"The economic gap between the two sides immediately reached 3.5K, a Turret from Bottom Lane dropped, and the EDG game was difficult again." Remember to shake your head again and again.

The EDG fans at the scene and in the live broadcast rooms of the tournament event were helpless, while the audience who supported YM was full of joy.

They knew that the rhythm of this game was once again firmly controlled by YM.

"No, how come the head is yours again?" JKL was a little angry.

Lin Ran's Swain ate Braum's head again, and Ashe's 300 yuan was taken away by Little Ming, JKL was empty, with a record of 004, playing like a support.

"Next time, definitely next time." Lin Ran promised.

JKL casually replied, "Brother Ran, I want your promise."

Two seconds later, he came back to his senses, "No, you go. I said the same when I came to Bottom Lane the next time!"

"Yes? Did you remember wrong?" Lin Ran casually said, "I didn't say it."

You can hear the communication voice between the team members in the Team YM lounge, and you will burst into laughter when you hear this section of PDD.

"You can use this voice when you come back and report it to the official." He turned back and confirmed with the operation staff.

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