"Pentakill! This is the EDG?"

"Ran is still strong, scout really has no merit, the second game was completely blown."


"forgive me to speak bluntly, the Junior Brother should look at the water dispenser after playing the First Stage. After a slap of shit, Inner Turret will order the sheets to eat. It’s really awesome."

"Brothers are just one game away, keep going!" Brother Hao, with a smile on his face, stood in the Player aisle to greet them.

"Pentakill," GimGoon saw that Lin Ran also got Pentakill, and couldn't help but feel a little greedy, "I'm so envious."

"What do you envy?" Little Tian answered in a second, getting used to it. Sexual eccentric, "Isn't this Pentakill a hand-only operation?"

Lin Ran didn't say a word. Anyway, Pentakill got the hand and smiled sourly, he didn't bother to go back.

In the two games, many YM staff felt that the winning ticket was in their hands, but Han Yi did not relax his vigilance. He also emphasized to them that the Bottom Lane lineup in the previous set and the mid-term line transfer appeared in the last set. The problem.

In Han Yi's view, YM's mid-term rhythm is still problematic.

In the 5 minutes of 15-20 minutes, they didn't get much advantage from EDG, they just relied on plundering EDGJungle resources to expand their economic advantage by 1K.

On the other side, the EDGSquad lounge.

The atmosphere has been suppressed to the extreme. As soon as Deft and Meiko entered the lounge, they sat on chairs with their chins in their hands, staring at the ground with empty eyes.

Abu sits on a chair browsing tightly frowns, and next to him is Boss Edju.

"What are you playing in this game?" Abu said sharply, "Mingkai, you did something in the first 5 minutes of the game, but then? Why did you misfire?"

"You can still take the mouse to grab the five-headed Swain, what do you think?" Abu said, "If it wasn't for deft's arrow, you wouldn't be able to replace him!"

"Mid-Lane is an Azir, and the support is Braum. How do I play?" Clearlove knew that his rhythm was not very good in this round, but it was also related to the hero chosen by teammate.

What kind of teammate is Little Tian? Swain, Shen, Bard, a group of people keep Jungle's early rhythm, you give me a team composition that can't get the line right on the third line, how do I play with Jungle?

0 is behind 2, Clearlove finally can't suppress the anger in his heart, "Opposite Lee Sin, we are going to Jungle, Swain has TP, why Bottom Lane has to go to the tower?"

"Bottom Lane keeps telling me to go, how can I go?" Clearlove spread out his hand and said, "Others keep coming into my Jungle..."

Clearlove's words let the already dull EDGSquad rest. The room was even more silent, and the translators and staff on the side also bowed their heads, and the haze of two consecutive defeats hung over them.

The three commentaries on the commentary table are playing back Lin Ran Swain's performance in the last game. Suddenly, the doll held the earphones and looked a lot more serious.

"According to the news received from the backstage, EDG will choose Blue Team for the next game," the doll said, "At the same time, they chose to replace the Mid Laner Player."

Mille raised her eyebrows," Scout is off, replaced by a fat general?"

"This is really the time to decide the winner..." I remember being a little excited.

Pawn's waist injury has become more serious since the S5world game. After the S6 summer game, EDG let Junior Brother sit in the starting lineup, and Pawn is in a semi-retired state.

But at the critical moment of 0:2 behind, General Pawn was once again ordered to try to save the team from fire and water!

"Wu wu wu, piglet’s tears."

"EDGneedsme2.0 version?"

"Clearlove is always coming! YM gives Lord, die! It’s over if I see my fat general do it or not!"

"The real father of EDG is on the scene? The factory broke everyone's waist. General Pawn has no regard for the previous suspicion. It is a true conscience Korean. Aid."

The YM people in the background also received this news.

Han Yi put down the notebook in his hand after finishing talking about the problems that YM people had in the last game.

"Don't be nervous, it's nothing at worst," Brother Hao started counseling on the side, "You think so, EDG is standing on the edge of the cliff now, and they put the pawn on it as a temporary firefighter."

"He hasn't played much training games for most of the season. What are you afraid of?" He looked all around and looked at the players. "EDG now has no way to change Mid Laner. Pawn is theirs "That’s right, don’t panic everyone," Lin Ran looked at the time, stood up and looked towards his teammate, "Anyway, the line pressure is on me, you are worried What?"

"Come on..." JKL called everyone to stand together, and even Ning came over.

They formed a circle and stretched out their right hand and stacked them on top of each other.

"YM come on!"

In this brief moment, YM is united and launched its final impact on the Silver Dragon Cup, which is close at hand!

"In the third round, EDG has no retreat now," Mille said, "It depends on how much the fat general can bring to the team."

"Replace Little Junior Brother is also because of his debut in the finals. I am afraid that he will be under too much psychological pressure.” Remember to answer, “After all, Little Junior Brother made a lot of mistakes in the last game. Maybe it was still too nervous.”

Lin Ran cast his gaze to the EDGPlayer seat opposite to him. General Pawn, who was facing him ten meters away, was replacing peripherals. His face was expressionless, and he did not seem to be bothered by the desperate situation faced by the team.

Mount Tai collapsed in front of it without changing its color, and the elk was thriving on the left without blinking.

Lin Ran suddenly had such a sentence in his mind.

YM in the Red Team has no choice but to ban Sivir, Rek'Sai and Jhin.

And EDG banned the three heroes Gangplank, Lee Sin and Vladimir.

"This is aimed at the ****hero of Mid & Jungler on YM," Mille smiled, "Ran can't get Vladimir for three consecutive games."

"The main reason is that his Vladimir is too scary," remember to sing and say with him, "That match with four people's injuries can still enter the field and lose Uzi in seconds, it is simply outrageous."

EDGBlue Team picked Tahm Kench first.

After playing two small games, the coaching staff can see through YM's style of play. If Support doesn't take Tahm Kench, they can't stop YM's crazy 4 pack 2.

"...Ashe and Bard," Mille thought a little, "YM, the Bottom Lane combination is quite strong."

EDG changed hands to take down Jarvan IV and Shen.

"This is to completely restrict YM's roaming system," Mille nodded, who understood EDG's thoughts, "You have Shen and Tahm Kench, it is difficult for YM to repeat the last game. The scene of Brain Turret."

"GimGoon, what do you want to play..." Han Yi took his notebook and went to find Brother Fuck.

"Can you play Swain, right?" Lin Ran asked, turning his head.

"No problem, I can do it. You can choose the rest for me." GimGoon shook his leg and took a sip of water, and glanced at his opponent's team composition. Swain was indeed a good choice.

"Take Swain down first, let's swing a little bit," Lin Ran made his own suggestion to the coach, "This way the opposite pawn won't choose Twisted Fate."

Han Yi thought for a moment, whether it was laning or grouping, Swain was indeed a suppressed matchup against Twisted Fate.

While General Pawn’s Twisted Fate is a unique skill, EDG previously took out Tahm Kench and Shen, and paired it with Twisted Fate to play a global role.

Han Yi decisively followed Lin Ran's advice.

"YM will choose Elise and Swain again, they are still used to keeping the rhythm in the first and mid-term..."

The doll looked at Mille and remembered that they were chatting on the sidelines Zhenghe, I finally found a chance to say a few words at this moment.

But none of the three commentaries clearly understood YM's idea of ​​using Swain to limit Twisted Fate.

The EDG side hesitated for a moment, avoided Twisted Fate, and chose Taliyah and Varus.

"Is EDG going to speed up now?" Mille was a little excited, "This disc looks good."

"Look at what YM's last hand will take..." Remember He said, "Jayce?"

YM locked the last choice.

"This hand Jayce is still used by Ran. GimGoon Nasswain walks to Top Lane to be careful," Mille roughly analyzed, "In this way, although YM has advantages in the early alignment, the key to the problem is the YM face. For EDG this set of fast support team composition, can online heroes, or dare to push the line?"

Many viewers who support YM have raised their hearts because of the commentary.

After all, it was a pawn. It was different from the immature Junior Brother before. The former sits on the League of Legends World Championship and MSI championships. Both the game experience and the overall view of the game are much stronger.

Can YM handle it?

The team composition of both parties is determined.

Blue Team EDG: Shen, Jarvan IV, Taliyah, Varus, Tahm Kench.

Red Team YM: Swain, Elise, Jayce, Ashe, Bard.

As soon as Lin Ran played against pawn one minute after he went online, he noticed the difference between him and Junior Brother.

Little Junior Brother likes to fight non-stop. From the fact that he takes Azir to play Swain in the game, he also has to go forward and consume. It can be seen that the person scout still prefers the advantage of laning.

And the fat general is obviously much more stable. He doesn't do meaningless consumption. He will not step forward to change blood without the certainty of victory. He just pushes the creep line silently.

Lin Ran upgraded to Level 2 and tried QE cannon to consume pawn.

But Taliyah was watching out for Lin Ran's troubles when he saw Jayce's body upgrading rays of light.

A light and fluttering right-angle Kite, this female Ap Carry from Shurima avoided Piltwolf’s high-tech electromagnetic gun. Not only did the electromagnetic gun miss the hero, it didn’t even touch the creep line. .

Lin Ran's skills shined, and he had to turn his head to take the line.

Taliyah’s overbearing place is finally revealed. As long as she comes to a new quarry, Q [Stone Crossing] will shoot five rocks, plus this version of Taliyah’s Q still has 50 for the minions. % Damage bonus, pushing line speed is exaggerated.

Jayce's line pushing speed can't keep up with Taliyah at all.

After two stone piercings, Lin Ran was forced to clean the Cannon Minion creep line under the tower.

"Taliyah has gone down and may have to enter Jungle." He reminded.

Little Tian's Elise is using little Elise to attract Gromp's hatred, didn't expect Jarvan IV to rush over with Taliyah.

Jarvan IV met EQ and poked up, Elise could only hand over E [Pan Silk] and escape into the air. Pawn was covered with E [Stone Array] under Little Tian and waited for him to land.

Little Tian glanced at the red BUFF on Jarvan IV, and had to fall on Gromp and immediately handed over Flash to escape.

"My mine, I will show you a good view of E in Level 2."

JKL has a little apologetic tone, he patronizes the line. Level 2 upgraded Q skills, didn't expect Taliyah and Jarvan IV to invade so decisively.

And Lin Ran took advantage of this time to slowly clear the line, and by the way, the long-range soldier was stuck out of Defensive Turret. When Pawn rushed back to Mid-Lane, Lin Ran made a wave of pushback lines. .

After level 3, Jayce reached a strong stage. After all, 6 skills play 3 skills, both explosive ability and sustained DPS are much higher than Taliyah.

Lin Ran wants to use this wave of push lines to consume fat generals, try to play a certain HP advantage, and limit Taliyah's push line wandering frequency.

But because the eyes of the ornaments under the cloth disappeared, Lin Ran couldn't catch Clearlove's position, and didn't expect him to squat in Mid-Lane.

Just as he pushed the line across the river, Jarvan IV got out of the grass.

Clearlove EQ stepped forward to W[Golden Aegis] to give a slower effect, Lin Ran switched hammer form E[Thundering Blow] to hammer him open, and Taliyah gave W[Rock outburst] at the feet of Lin Ran.

The slowed Jayce can't avoid it at all, Lin Ran can only hand over Flash.

This time Lin Ran's plan to use the pushback line to exchange blood to get the advantage of the line was completely destroyed.

"Two Flashes in 4 minutes!" When the doll was excited, her voice couldn't help but amplify her voice, "The early rhythm of the EDG round is quite perfect!"

"This is General Pawn for EDG "The chemical reaction brought about," Mille said with emotion, "After all, it is the Mid & Jungler combination that has been running in the past two years, and the cooperation really works together." At this moment, Bottom Lane also had a wave of battles. After Tahm Kench rose to Level 3, his Q skill licked JKL, and then used the shield provided by E [thick skin] and deftVarus to surrender the skill to fight a wave.

deft's little Kite perfectly twisted Little Ming Bard's Q [Astral Bound].

While Ashe archer's slim body was licked by Tahm Kench's long and thick tongue, JKL could only hand over Flash in order to prevent it from being swallowed by the fat catfish.

YM seemed to panic for a while.

"Be steady," GimGoon found something wrong with teammate, "Don't swell, we haven't won yet."

JKL responded.

After all, for him, this is the first final of his Professional career. He is facing the long-established deft and meiko. He is inevitably a little excited when he can win the cup with only one victory.

YM started to fight steadily. In terms of their ability to fight against each other, their five heroes in high, middle and low fields were not defeated. The failure of Bottom Lane to win before was purely due to an operation error.

Lin Ran did not dare to go forward and exchange blood with Taliyah without Flash, so he simply stayed obediently and honestly behind the creep line to make up.

Taliyah has such a shortcoming in the line. Once the enemy hero is nestled behind the creep line, it is difficult for her to consume the opponent.

W [Rock Burst] is also a delayed release, Lin Ran's Jayce can easily avoid it with the help of the acceleration provided by switching the Hex weapon form.

And Clearlove's offense is not over yet.

At 6 minutes and 30 seconds, he seized a gap in YM's field of vision and successfully penetrated into the Jungle of Little Tian, ​​and caught the ignorant Little Tian at the Three Wolves.

Jarvan IV EQ once again forced Little Tian's E [Pansi] out, and the Ultimate of mouse also fell on Jarvan IV at this time, and the two of them were obviously moved.

Lin Ran wanted to help Little Tian, ​​but Pawn’s Taliyah trailed all the way with the help of the passive [Pumice Chong] acceleration effect. Lin Ran took a look at Little Tian’s HP and gave up the idea of ​​supporting Jungle.

He turned around and hit Taliyah's body with the QE Crooked Cannon, then turned on W [Super Charge] to increase the attack speed, and switched to the hammer form Q [Sky Leap] and jumped up.

However, General Pawn has much more experience than Junior Brother. He didn’t panic. The moment Lin Ran switched his hammer shape, he placed W in the front half of his body position. ].

Jayce just jumped into Taliyah's face and was shot out.

Lin Ran shook his head and watched the half-blooded Taliyah leave chicly, knowing that he was a little impatient. If he just pulled a little bit to trick Yantu and stepped forward, he should be able to force Pawn’s Flash.

Jungle’s Little Tian was killed without any suspense, but the Garlic Babies stopped the damage before he died-he used Smite to eat the three wolves, leaving Clearlove with a smooth Jungle.

After the mouse's Shen taunt kept up with the control and killed Little Tian, ​​he unexpectedly chose TP to return to Top Lane instead of looking for the trouble of Bottom Lane JKL.

"Fuck, I thought I was dead," JKL looked at Shen who appeared on Top Lane Tower One, scratching the thick hair on his forehead, a little frightened, "They are not four packs of two. Is it?"

Lin Ran also doesn't know why EDG is so stable. If he is allowed to direct, this wave must be perfectly clear for the Bottom Lane double lane.

It may be a deciding game to seek stability.

Lin Ran right should be the reason.

Although Pawn did not hand over Flash in the last wave, HP was really lowered by Lin Ran.

Lin Ran will naturally not let go of this excellent opportunity, knocking off the HP Pots and stepping forward to suppress.

The fat general ignores Jayce, who keeps sending requests for blood replacement in front of him, and uses his few blue amounts to cast two EQ skills, and pushes down this wave of creep line recall back to base supplies.

Lin Ran’s E [Acceleration Gate] only recovered shortly before the Fat General recalled back to base. His blind vision shot a QE cannon that wiped Taliyah's body empty.

After recalling back to base, General Pawn surrendered his TP to the triangle grass of Top Lane, and attacked GimGoon around the back.

Fuck brother has no vision in the triangular grass. Just after a fight with Shen, Taliyah, who came quickly on the rock wall, appeared behind him.

mouse did not hesitate to summoner skills, E Flash did not give GimGoon reaction time, taunt him, and Fat General's steady WEQ combo, five Malphite to kill GimGoon in seconds.

"The Fat General revitalized the entire team after he came on the court!" Wawa exclaimed excitedly, "EDG and YM are now swapping roles, playing the first to support the wandering party!"

"The EDG with the fat general is completely different from the previous one," Mille said with emotion, "They have completely mastered the rhythm."

Lin Ran watched Taliyah appear in Top Lane, decisively Push down the creep line, then go to Bottom Lane with Little Tian, ​​try a wave of 4 packs 2.

But Clearlove is also in Bottom Lane. Although Lin Ran and Little Tian forced out his Flash, it was nothing more.

The fat general relied on a pair of boots of speed under his feet and the movement speed bonus provided by the wall, and he has rushed back to Mid-Lane.

Lin Ran knows that General Fatty will be at 6 soon. If you continue with 4 packs of 2, Taliyah will arrive with Ultimate in just a few seconds.

YM couldn't find the breakthrough port of EDG for a while.

"EDG seems to have discovered YM's weakness!" The doll looked at Jayce and Elise and returned home in anguish, feeling that she had discovered some secret in the dark, "As long as the team composition that supports fast is the advantage in the early stage, YM will lose the rhythm!"

Fortunately, Lin Ran and Little Tian are not there, otherwise they will have to go back on the spot.

Isn’t the doll talking nonsense? The team composition with fast support on the opposite side also played an advantage in the early stage. Unless the strength gap between the two sides is too large, which Squad can counter-control the rhythm?

"My, my brothers," JKL was full of apologies in his tone, and was still struggling with the previous things, "Level 2 I have learned E. If you see the position of Jarvan IV in advance, Little Tian doesn't have to pay. It flashed."

Little Tian has a teammate mentality in the eccentric game in the superior game, but the game in the inferior game does not play this set. Hearing JKL’s words, he quickly responded, “It’s okay, let’s delay it and wait for my flash to be good. I'll come to Bottom Lane again."

Lin Ran recall back to base and made up the armor-piercing suit. After returning to the line, he pushed the creep line with the fat general and developed two waves.

Then he seized the chance of pawnKite accidentally, and EQ fired a shot.

As usual, he turned on W to increase the attack speed, but when he switched the hammer form, he made a fake action and danced with ctrl+3 in place.

Pawn was really fooled, and handed over W[Rock Turk] in front of him ahead of time. Lin Ran only hit the hammer at this time.

When the fat general surrendered the Flash, he was slow for a moment, and got the slow effect of Lin Ran Q [Sky Leap].

Taliyah hurriedly called teammate for help. Clearlove and meiko two Hecarim kept rushing to Mid-Lane. The treatment of the fat general was completely different from the little Junior Brother who had just arrived.

However, Lin Ran's murderous intentions have already started. He faced the boots of speed and two Amplifying Tome Taliyah with the sawtooth dagger. The DPS is similar to the real damage.

He used the switch form and the acceleration effect of the previous E [Acceleration Gate] to get close to Taliyah, and the Hex sledgehammer ruthless with the high attack speed bonus hit the fragile little Taliyah.

Meiko hurried to the middle of the road. After seeing the distance, he drove R [Abyss Diving] directly to the Mid-Lane Tower.

But Lin Ran’s E[Thundering Blow] defeated General Pawn, Ignite hung on him, and the second half of the blood withdrew from the Defensive Turret range.

Meikoimmediately swallowed the fat general into his mouth, but the Ignite damage still took away his last trace of HP.

"Mid Lane's Ran successfully completed a single kill!"

The commentary's voice was overwhelmed by the deafening cheers at the scene. YM fans finally found expression after several minutes of depression Opportunity to be depressed!

After all, killing the fat general alone is one of the Glory of LPLMid Laner!

"But he can't run away! Jarvan IV has arrived in Mid-Lane!"

Clearlove EQ+R【Cataclysm】, Lin Ran will not be given any chance. Two general attacks took Lin Ran's life.

And Little Tian finally caught the gap where Tahm Kench and Jarvan IV were not in Bottom Lane, and decisively rushed to catch deft.

In Jungler hero, Turret Elise said that no one is worthy of being second. Deft, a Varus who has no displacement, stands alone in Bottom Lane and has no hope of surviving.

"This wave of YM has come back a lot!" Mille smiled, "One for two, Ran's personal strength is still strong, and he killed the Fat General solo."

" After all, Ran has single-killed Rookie, Xiye and many other Mid Laner Players before. There is no doubt about his personal strength," I remember, "The key lies in whether he can find the smooth rhythm before facing the fat general. This is the team's victory. The key."

"I had a pain in my waist just now, and Flash handed over late."

Pawn said softly, sitting on the E-sports chair and moved a little. The tingling sensation instantly swept across the thighs and upper body.

However, his expression remained unchanged and he continued to operate.

"Do you need a time-out?" Clearlove asked with concern, looking at the fat general with a gentle, fatherly gaze.

The loving father shook his head, "No need."

He bought item build equipment and continued to rush to the line, but the pain still invaded his body.

There is still a gap between normal training and official competition. This kind of mentally stressed high-intensity competition keeps the Player body in a tight state all the time, and it is even more torture for him with a serious waist injury.

EDG quickly recovers spirit slowly after this wave of disadvantages and continues to do Jungle offense around Clearlove.

It’s just that Clearlove no longer aimed at the lower half of Jungle. After all, Little Ming’s Bard support ability is good. He focused on the upper half of Jungle, with the upper and middle duo constantly doing Jungle. Invasion.

Lin Ran's equipment also followed after getting a solo kill. During this period of time, Jayce's combat capability was much stronger than Taliyah, plus Elise and Swain's excellent combat capabilities in Jungle, The YM three are also true.

The two sides began to collide frequently with Mid & Jungler, and it was completely a chaos. Every minute, the two sides exchanged blood, and no one would take the lead in conceding defeat.

In order to prevent Tahm Kench Ultimate from being supported, Little Ming can only stay in Bottom Lane, but a cloud-piercing arrow from JKL has become a key skill to change the battle.

During a wave of Jarvan IV invading the Red BUFF, Clearlove originally thought that Shen with mouse could take the lead in defeating Little Tian's state, but didn't expect his path to be completely set by YM. Insight.

JKL has calculated the path Clearlove will appear on, and shot it out with an arrow moved towards Top Lane, stuck in time.

Just as Clearlove appeared in front of Little Tian, ​​and at the moment when Shen handed over Ultimate, JKL's magic Inhibitor arrow traversed the entire map and successfully hit Shen's body.

Little Tian resolutely fought back after discovering that Shen could not land.

GimGoon seized the chance that the mouse was fainted and took the lead to support his own Jungle, while Lin Ran was responsible for holding down Taliyah.

"You come down, Lord!" He loudly shouted, QE hit the fat general who wanted to step on the Malphite wall to support Jungle, and shot him down.

Clearlove, who is not supported by teammate, can only be chased to death by Little Tian.

The cheers of YM fans on the scene are getting louder and louder.

"After a 10-minute disadvantage in the early period, YM seems to have regained control of the situation on the court! See if they can continue to expand their advantage and turn it into a victory!"

But this wave is a surprise to be honest, JKL's advance prediction arrow is a bit outrageous, if this arrow does not hit the mouse, then Little Tian will lose control of the first half of Jungle because of this wave of death.

10 people from both sides clash in the Summoners Rift ceaselessly. In just 20 minutes, the head ratio of both sides reached 13:11, with an average of one head per minute, which is really rare in today's rampant LPL.

However, EDG's vision layout must be even better. With enough information provided by the vision, the YM people who have been under high tension were still seized by the fat general.

Pawn’s Taliyah took advantage of Little Ming Bard’s opportunity to do the river vision, and decisively opened a large side raid on JKL who was staying under Bottom Lane Second Turret.

"Taliyah Flash avoided Ashe Ultimate!" Mille said, "Then he played all his DPS!"

The moment Little Ming Bard saw Taliyah Go down to Second Turret and give Ultimate 【Reconciling Destiny】 at the limit distance. He wants to protect JKL, but after all, he is a step slower.

In this kind of chaos match, the explosive power of AP is much higher than that of ADC. The Fat General kills JKL before Bard Ultimate hits the ground, then hides in the bush Teleport and rushes to the Baron Nashor area.

When Little Ming rushed to the scene of the crime and put his fake eyes in the grass, Taliyah had already disappeared.

"EDG is a hit!" The doll's voice was excited, "They want this Baron Nashor!"

The Demacian Standard with Jarvan IV provides Varus with an attack speed bonus. EDG hit Baron Nashor very fast.

Little Tian looked at Little Ming who was still next to Second Turret, and knew that YM could not fight EDG and could only rely on him to grab Baron Nashor.

Lin Ran inserted a Vision Ward into Dragon's Pit, and Little Tian turned on E【Pansi】Flying when Baron Nashor had two thousand HP left, trying to grab the dragon.

But EDG stopped playing tacitly under the command.

Little Tian watched Baron Nashor's state still remained above Smite HP, and could only fall in place.

Then he flashed Dragon's Pit at the moment he landed and hit EDG everyone completely unprepared.


Elise bite on Baron Nashor's body, but Clearlove did not panic, and only gave up the skills after Little Tian Smite fell.

"Baron Nashor of EDG!" The doll was surging with enthusiasm, "YM this wave of blood loss!"

Little Tian who went to Flash had no means of escape, and was cut down by Varus of deft. Human head.

But Lin Ran found a chance, and the long-range QE booster hit the bloody Taliyah in the seam!

"The fat general was killed, but there were only two people left on the front battlefield of YM. There was no way to stop EDG!" I remember a little regretful, watching EDG quickly recall back to base with the help of Baron Nashor BUFF.

Then EDG started the familiar operating rhythm, and the excellent split push strategy under Baron Nashor BUFF flattened the two highlands of YM, and the economic gap widened to 8K.

Lin Ran’s damage at this time has finally gone downhill. After the three armor piercings, Jayce’s growth curve has come to an end. His current poke damage can’t touch Tahm Kench, Shen and Jarvan IV. Front row.

EDG was not eager to win, but steadily dragged the game to 27 minutes, and under the protection of the field of vision, once again ate a Baron Nashor before pushing it to the YM high ground.

JKL tried to start a team, but the effect was not good. EDG’s formation was too good. The three front rows were in charge of anti-injury. The Fat General and Deft kept stealing DPS from behind.

Although GimGoon's development in this round is still good, but the deft that was declared the death penalty several general attacks lowered his HP, Tahm Kench then gave out Ignite in his hand, and YM's only front row melted instantly.

"29 minutes! EDG successfully returned a round!" The voice of the doll echoed in the stadium.

After an hour of disappointment and sorrow, the piglets finally raised their eyebrows, waving the aid in their hands and shouting the name of EDG.

Pawn stood up slowly with her waist, and walked slowly towards the Player channel under the protection of the teammate.

"It's okay, there is the next set," Brother Hao was still waiting outside the Squad lounge. He patted YM's shoulders and encouraged, "Don't be discouraged, we don't have the advantage in Red Team BP. The plate is ready."

Lin Ran returned to his seat and drank the Red Bull, rubbing his wrist slowly.

"Don't blame Jackey," Little Tian sat beside JKL, "Who would have thought that Jarvan IV would enter my Jungle so quickly?"

"I have problems with that wave, too. "Lin Ran heard that they were still struggling with the problem, and said, "If I don't try QE consumption in Level 2, the creep line will not be so bad. Taliyah Level 3 will definitely not be able to walk Jungle so smoothly."

"Okay, one individual has been split," PDD clapped his hands, "Everyone made mistakes in the early stage, but in the mid-stage wave of group fights were good, we just lost a wave of vision and we were seized by pawn. that's all."

"Let’s take a break and come on stage," Han Yi didn’t worry about replaying anymore. "We’ll take Blue Team for this game. BP is very good. Don’t be discouraged."

Lin Ran and GimGoon shared a piece of Snickers, and then went on stage again under the guidance of the staff.

Lin Ran walks in the forefront.

The rays of light are staggered at the end of the dim Player channel, which is the spotlight of the stage.

All the way forward, the rays of light in front of you gradually flourish, and the noisy sounds from the all around stands gradually amplify.

When passing by the surrounding stands, a group of spectators crowded in front of the guardrail, with the YM team logo on both sides of their cheeks, and their voices were loud.

"YM come on!"

"Must win!"

Lin Ran gently nodded,

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