"Congratulations to YM, 1:0 first go down!"

The white crescent sitting in the lounge watched Lin Weixiang tear down the Base, smiling very pleased.

He has been pondering this switch lanes system for a long time.

The idea of ​​tactics stems from the previously mentioned version changes.

The bounty of the first blood tower has been weakened, from 400 gold to 300 gold.

Don't look at it as 100Gold Coin, but it is already a big number in the Professional arena.

When White Crescent saw the changes in this version, he knew that Fist would definitely catch Bottom Lane's system for YM4 Pack 2. He had to prepare as soon as possible, otherwise he would wait for the fist to swing down and then change. too late.

All Squad and Player have to actively adapt to the version, instead of letting the version adapt to you-playing with Lee Sin for the rest of your life means that Professional has a bad attitude and can't wash it.

This switch lanes tactic is one of his attempts. After giving up protecting Bottom Lane, let's see if YM can find the right rhythm.

Now it seems to work well.


Uzi shook his head, picked up the paper cup and walked back to the lounge.

This year RNG dug up the opposite champion Support, and the strength of the spicy pot has improved a lot. Why are they still unable to fight back against YM?

"The damage panel came out..." the doll on the commentary stage said subconsciously.

He and Mille looked over together.

【Have 1296 damage? What is this Maokai playing? ]

[hahahaha, Thresh DPS is lower than the opposite, I really laughed. ]

[Can Caibi retire on the spot? Don't fool me]

The moment I saw Maokai DPS, Internet public opinion broke out completely.

Since the children’s 443, Kakao’s 888, Clearlove’s 4396, LPL audiences are very sensitive to the injury numbers. In the last game, Top Laner Maokai’s DPS was actually better than Support Liu Qiusong’s Thresh It's three thousand lower!

Who can bear this?

Current RNG fans don’t understand letme. They think looper is good if you don’t want all chinese team. If you want all chinese team, there are other Top Laner options.

Why do you want letme, who has no strength and no achievements?

The party letme is very upset.

But there is no way.

Xiaohu and Spicy Hot Pot have LPL Spring Split champion and a League of Legends World Championship top 4, Uzi two League of Legends World Championship runner up, and Little Ming a League of Legends World Championship champion.

In terms of performance and strength, the four members of the team have a higher status than him.

His Maokai didn't get any help from teammate at all in the last game. In order to control the Dragon and Bottom Lane first blood tower, the incense pot stayed in the lower half in the early stage.

During laning, he did not dare to throw E [Sapling Throwing] to consume Lin Weixiang.

Because the range burst effect of the sapling will cause an irreversible push effect.

Short-handed and long-handed are inherently difficult to make up. If the creep line is pushed out again, you don’t have to play.

At 10 minutes, he finally switched back to the lane, but he couldn't play against GimGoon who was developing normally.

In the end, he only had one and a half pieces of equipment. When Vayne and the others set fire for two seconds, he was dead. A half of the DPS of more than 1,200 points was obtained by Sunfire's Cape.

"The MVPPlayer in this field gave Lin Weixiang! 713 data, 27% of the data accounted for the proportion of 1900!"

Lin Weixiang's makeup photos appeared on the big screen of the scene , He raised a thick eyebrow, and the right hand pointed forward like a pistol.

Originally, there was still a little handsome action placed on the chubby Lin Weixiang, only honest and honest.

[Why did you choose Vayne before the game? Come out quickly and continue calling. ]

[Is this the AD of the city hero competition? I just wanted to laugh when I played Uzi for the MVP in the LPL debut. 】

【YM can win two Rookies at random to play RNG, RNG don't put aside the S6 champion. 】

"We played well, we will continue our efforts in the next game." In the YM lounge, Lin Ran encouraged the Bottom Lane duo.

Lin Weixiang's game was a good one, and the data is quite gorgeous.

After playing this game, Lin Weixiang suddenly felt calm and trembling, and felt that he could do it again.

The team gives me resources to support me, victory so that's how it is simple?

Lin Weixiang took the water from the white crescent and raised his eyebrows excitedly.

Liu Qiusong originally wanted to laugh after winning the game, but seeing the shooting equipment of the Squad cameraman, he decisively changed his face at the speed of light, and his expression instantly became cold.

"Remember the next game..." White Crescent continued to instill tactics into the players.

Knight sat aside and listened quietly.

His thin and very flexible legs twisted into twists, and his posture looked even more ridiculous than those female Anchors.


"Welcome back to the 2017LPLSpring Split live broadcast..."

"The last YM showed us superb switch lanes skills , Tell us that even in this version, we can still rely on switch lanes to protect the development of the disadvantaged road!" Mille was very excited.

The switch lanes tactics that YM showed in the last game made him shine.

Different from the simple and simple switch lanes like "Dual group switched to Top Lane, Top Lane hero develops with Jungle", YM makes perfect use of the advantages and disadvantages of hero and the execution ability of the players to make up for the three points. The alignment strength of the road, and the final result is completely acceptable to them.

Mille, as a pure LPL fan, has watched YM step by step from the LSPL finals to the altar. He understands that the YM team is like a shark to the poor and weak LPL. Up the school of fish.

The overall confrontation strength of the head team against the competition area will be greatly improved. This time, YM's switch lanes tactics will definitely set off a wave of waves in the competition area. This is definitely a good thing.

"In this game, RNG chooses Red Team, and YM first bans first!"

YM still bans Rengar, this hero version can still be played in Jungle walk even if it is weakened Unhindered is a very big variable.

RNG backhands the LeBlanc that Red Team must ban first.

"Let's ban Varus first, let's see what the other person says." White Crescent is also a little worried.

It's not because the ban position is not enough, but because the opponent wants to ban too many heroes in the Red Team, and he also has a choice problem.

There are geniuses under my hands and it’s not easy to carry!

The white crescent sighed heavily.

Why can't the players be mediocre?

Now that people can ban all the heroes, if all the strong heroes are released at once, wouldn't it be difficult for him to be White Crescent?

White Crescent looked at the second ban on the opposite side and gave Lee Sin to Lee Sin, suddenly alert.

Based on his knowledge of Brother Feng, RNG is very likely to release all the strong heroes. Everyone chooses a few, which is fair.

"Syndra is banned!" White Crescent said without much thought.

When LeBlanc can't be released, the T1Mid Laner outside is Lucian and Syndra. Although Lucian has been weakened before, the strength of the mechanism remains unchanged.

White Crescent's idea is very simple. He bans Syndra and RNG who is in the Red Team also bans Lucian.

He felt that if Lin Ran got Lucian, Xiaohu's strength would not be able to prevent it at all.

But White Crescent didn't bring LGD to play S5, didn't expect Brother Feng to join the glorious evolution when he was a temporary coach in S5.

In his book, there is no hero that cannot be played.

As long as the Player feels able to cope, he will let you either Mordekaiser or Galio.

They banned Camile.

"RNG chose to release Lucian," Wawa was very surprised at RNG's bp, "Will YM choose this hero?"

"Should we take Ashe or Lucian?" Little Tian asked back.

These two heroes are T1 options at the double carry position.

Brother Feng is also very smart.

He knows that YM wants to use the advantages of Blue Team to put pressure on RNG, but he just doesn't want this set.

Anyway, Xiaohu said he can play Lucian, and Brother Feng thinks that he can play.

Camile is banned. In this way, YM and RNG will each take a T1 option, and everyone will not suffer.

"YM chose Lucian after hesitating for a while! Unsurprisingly, this hero will give Ran go mid!"

RNG without the slightest hesitation lock first Ashe.

Then Brother Feng gave Little Ming to win Thresh on behalf of ban!

Liu Qiusong moved his body nervously, his signature hero was gone.

"How are you Kalista + Alistar?" White Crescent has their hero pool records in his hands, knowing that both heroes Lin Weixiang and Liu Qiusong can use them.

"Okay, take it." Liu Qiusong has no better choice.

His soft play is relatively poor, and Blitzcrank Liu Qiusong, who restrained Thresh, did not dare to take it-once the hero line is empty, the vacuum period of the skill Cooldown will be a waste.

"Double Lista!" Mille was not surprised by this choice. "This duo has a very strong ability to cooperate with Jungle after 6!"

RNG gave the last hand Spicy hot pot takes Elise.

The Bottom Lane combination of the two sides has come out. The white crescent second round Ban has sent Shen and Maokai to the ban, which is obviously aimed at letme.

And RNG bans both Kennan and Gragas.

"RNG's choice is very smart!" Mille responded very quickly and explained it to the audience.

“Now YM has determined Kalista and Lucian’s double carry, Support or Alistar, this team composition is very short of AP damage! What will YM do if Kennan and Gragas are all banned?”

Second round selection, Brother Feng will take Nautilus to letme first, and continue to maintain a mixed posture.

Little Tian hesitated very much.

Elise has been selected by RNG in the first round, and Nidalee is the only regular APJungler outside.

But the hero's group fight DPS is very unstable, and Little Tian's Nidalee has always had a peculiar smell, which is obviously not a good choice.

"How about Rumble Jungler?" Lin Ran suddenly suggested.

"Don't you be disgusting?" Garlic Wangba looked panicked.

Since Lin Ran moved Rumble to Mid-Lane, more and more players have begun to think about whether Rumble is feasible in other locations.

The line of Top Lane is too long. Rumble, the hero, has no control and is not easy to control. Once the creep line is controlled by the opponent or Turret, there is no countermeasure.

But it seems feasible to appear in the Jungler position.

Especially after the version revised Q[Flamespitter]'s damage to wild monsters, Rumble's wild-splashing efficiency is not slow.

Despite the probability of being counter jungling, it is better than staying in Top Lane and being frequently Turret trained.

Rumble Jungler came into being.

However, the performance of Jungle in this hero's arena is not satisfactory. This season, he has used the spicy pot for two small games and lost all of them.

"You don’t have a choice," Lin Ran laughed. "Would you like to give you a handful of the'leading version' of Karthus Jungler?"

"I want to be a mountain Ni Ruo, you have to retire after playing Spring Split!" Little Tian said viciously.

"Rumble," white Crescent patted Little Tian's head, "GimGoon, what do you want to use?"

"Gangplank, I will use Gangplank." GimGoon's normal speech tone is a bit strange .

White Crescent thinks for a moment, Gangplank is not a problem with Nautilus development, he is afraid of Top Lane in the incense pot military training.

"Trust me, I won't be caught!" GimGoon is very confident.

The two in the commentary table were still discussing whether the Rumble that YM had taken away should go to Jungle or Top Lane, and finally the Gangplank came out and completely killed the suspense.

"There is a problem, Mid & Jungler three people on YM are very hurt, but they lack control," Mille frowns, "If they fight a small-scale group fight, there is Ultimate, it’s good to say, if it’s not a big one. I can only watch the opponent run."

"Look at RNG's last hand first," Wawa changed the subject, "What will Xiaohu choose against Ran's Lucian..."

In the RNGPlayer seat, Xiaohu forcefully nodded, and compared Brother Feng with a gesture to signal him to be relieved, the spring customer with goggles was confident.

A hero appears in the selection box of RNG.

He is wearing silver armor, holding a silver fist in his hand, and a pair of scarlet eyes through the silver-mask to shock the enemy's mind.

The lord of the shadow stream, Zed!

"Do you really want to choose?" The doll tone barely fell, and RNG was locked!

He raised the volume, "Xiaohu will use assassin to compete with Ran head-on!"

The audience also cheered.

Who would like to watch Mid-Lane's hero development? Naturally, the higher the level of blood, the better, and the audience is eager for both Mid-Lane to choose assassin!

[It’s here, it’s time to cancel your account! ]

[hoho 嚯, this Mid-Lane game has been watched. ]

[After reaching 6, Jie did not kill this Lucian? Ran this game is gone! 】

"Mid-Lane this game depends on whether Ran can play the advantage before Level 6. Once the robbery is big, it will be relatively easy to deal with Lucian." Mille began to analyze.

The team composition of both parties is determined.

Blue Team YM: Top Laner Gangplank, Jungler Rumble, Mid Laner Lucian, Bottom Lane Kalista and Alistar.

Red Team RNG: Top Laner Nautilus, Jungler Elise, Mid Lane Zed, Bottom Lane Ashe and Thresh.

Xiaohu’s Jie Lin Ran has the impression, very good.

Last year's MSI group match, when RNG secured the first place to enter the knock out competition, Lin Ran witnessed Xiaohu taking the robbery and finally being brought back by CLG's 20,000 yuan economy.

But he will not take it lightly.

Lin Ran brows tightly frowns, looking at the team composition of the two sides, I always feel unstable.

Resolutely replace the Ignite on the body with Exhaust.

He originally wanted to replace Flash with a barrier, but later thought it was too much.

Both parties load Summoners Rift.

"RNG is in a group to do the invasion," Mille watched the movements of the two sides on the minimap, "They are going to YMSecond Turret to arrange their vision to prevent YM from continuing to switch lanes!"

"This It’s been a long time since I saw the eye position," Wawa said with emotion, "Since the version update last summer, no one has done this switch lanes eye."

But in this round, YM didn’t want to switch lanes, RNG’s. After successfully detecting the positions of Liu Qiusong and Lin Weixiang, Uzi finally felt relieved.

To ensure that the pair is online, he must let the opposite Bottom Lane know why the flowers are so red!

"I'm going red, you guys, Kite at Bottom Lane two minutes and forty seconds, pay attention, Elise may catch it." Little Tian decided to red open the Blue Team, Level 3 to protect Top Lane's GimGoon .

After all, the combination of Bottom Lane Alistar and Kalista is more difficult to die, and the opposite Little Ming used Thresh, he was a duo that Rumble couldn't catch RNG in the early stage.

Lin Ran played very aggressively after he went online.

When Level 1 goes online, the creep line starts to consume Xiaohu.

Jie didn't have any combat ability before Level 3, Xiaohu was shot twice and could only retreat.

Lin Ran pushed the creep line forward a little bit.

As long as the number of creep lines is enough, Jie will not dare to hand in the shadows to fight against each other-the early stage of the small soldier's collection of fire is even higher than the hero's damage.

The incense pot came to Bottom Lane when it was at Level 3.

Although Lin Weixiang and Liu Qiusong were in the first Time Reverse, they were still swapped out for two Flash by Little Ming.

"What's the matter, brother?" Little Tian Rumble's early sweeping speed was a bit slower than Elise's. At this time, she was still brushing his own Gromp after reaching Level 3.

He didn't expect Bottom Lane to get double Flash despite the opening reminder.

"Tsk..." Liu Qiusong was a little uncomfortable staying under the tower, "My mine, this line was made for you at that time."

Because Xiaohu has been shrinking under the tower, Lin Ran cuts the screen to observe the teammate from time to time.

He knows the reason why Bottom Lane was still caught out of Flash-the creep line of YMBottom Lane was pushed far forward, already crossing the river.

At this time, RNG has another wave of Bottom Lane line to supplement. If Lin Weixiang does not push this wave of creep line, it will be a loss in vain.

Lin Weixiang and Liu Qiusong can only push the line under the pressure of being gank.

But the time for the spicy hot pot was just right, Elise cocooned and forced a Flash, and Little Ming Flash Flay forced another Flash.

That kind of creep line can be made when Jungler on the opposite side is expected to grab it, obviously because my own Bottom Lane is too young, and I have a little control over the creep line.

The four of Bottom Lane faced each other in front of Elise gank.

Lin Weixiang and Liu Qiusong accidentally pushed to the creep line when they surrendered their skills, causing the number of Bottom Lane creeps to lose balance, and the creep line as it should be by rights moved in the direction of RNG.

This is the detail gap. Lin Ran is sure that Little Ming and Uzi deliberately put the lines together.

Ashe +Thresh, I don’t believe in the fact that I don’t want to control the line deliberately without affecting the creep line and killing Lin Ran.

"Stay steady, wait until I brush a wave and then go to Bottom Lane." Little Tian said.

He originally only wanted to play in the first half of Jungle in this game. After all, Top Lane Gangplank played Nautilus. If GimGoon used a bucket to clear his troops, he could also maintain a creep line balance with Nautilus.

As for Mid-Lane Lucian to play Zed, it is definitely Lucian's line right in the early stage.

When there is no line right on the middle and upper two roads, the spicy hot pot will not rush into the first half of Jungle if they get Elise, because once they are surrounded, it is a proper delivery rhythm.

Reverse line power forcibly invaded, only LGD wild saints would do this. Spicy pot is a foolish man, not a fool, his mind is fine.

Xiaohu has a Dorans Shield in Mid-Lane Gou, the purpose is to maintain his HP health, wait until 6 before coming out.

As a result, even though Lin Ran took 10 knives, Xiaohu's HP remained at more than half, and he successfully rose to Level 6 in the early six minutes.

If R [Death Mark] is close to Lin Ran's body, Ignite is put on at the same time.

Lin Ran E slides and pulls to the side-normal Lucian will not choose to retreat straight in the face of R, so it is easy to rob RWQE's three-dart shuriken.

Xiaohu stepped forward with his fist and blade, and Lin Ran handed over Exhaust for the sake of safety.

Jie WQE hit a small burst, Lin Ran sideways Kite to avoid a shuriken.

He couldn't avoid the two shadows' shurikens, but Exhaust was on him, and the explosion of Jie was avoided a lot.

Xiaohu looked at the 13-blooded Lucian, and went back contentedly to continue to eat the line. He will play Lin Ran's Exhaust this wave. When the next wave Ultimate gets better, he can card the Exhaust CD and ride the face sheet directly. kill!

Lin Ran took a look at his HP and Xiaohu's HP, and if he cut off R【The Culling】, he fired, forcibly clearing the creep line and crippling Xiaohu.

As a result, both of Mid-Lane are afraid of being harvested by Jungle, so they can only recall back to base!

Lin Ran has sold a total of 14 dollars, including two Cannon Minions, which is not much worse than a head of money.

Xiaohu elated made up two Longsword, Vision Ward and HP Pots back online, planning his own single kill plan along the way.

Then he went online and saw Lin Ran's equipment.

"I'll go!" Cancel the account fluxered and exasperated, click the Lucian equipment grid with the left mouse button.

"Wow Ran this item build?" The doll couldn't help but cried, "Too stable, isn't it?"

Lucian's equipment bar is quite symmetrical.

Double Duolan, double cloth armor.

Level 6 Lucian has 911 base HP and 40 armor, double Dolan plus 160 health, and double cloth armor plus 30 armor.

Now Lin Ran HP goes straight to 1100, with an armor of up to 70!

It's meat!

Jie’s double Longsword is not threatening at all in front of this equipment!

"Aiya, you think you can kill me, do you?" Lin Ran said in the team's voice.

Little tiger is so angry.

Isn't this disgusting?

Double Dolan and double cloth armor, who on earth is the two of us mixed up?

【I vomited! Top understanding of this Lucian item build! ]

[Really engaging in a mentality, it’s hard to close an account! ]

[There is ability to output item build, everyone will compete fairly to determine the winner! ]

[Why does DPS come out? There is no use of BUG, ​​Randuin's Omen is also his own business. If you have the ability, kill it. If you don't have the ability, don't call it! 】

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