"YM was unstoppable and simply won the game against RNG!" Mille could not help but shouted as he watched the RNGBase Inhibitor turn into pieces.

"Their win streak is still going on. YM has not lost a BO3 since the establishment of the team! This record is too exaggerated!"

Seeing my LPL debut After winning, Lin Weixiang's chubby body jumped up excitedly and grabbed Liu Qiusong next to him.

Liu Qiusong originally wanted to laugh, but when he saw the camera on the side, he continued to maintain a cold posture, forcibly suppressing the slightly raised corners of his mouth, which made his facial expressions look very strange.

"Laugh Liu Qiusong!" Lin Weixiang didn't understand his good brother. Why didn't he laugh after winning the game?

He turned to look at his other teammates.

Lin Ran, Little Tian, ​​and GimGoon move neatly, first click on the data panel and take a look at DPS, then drank the drink in the paper cup, and got up to find the RNG team members to shake hands.

The movements are smooth and chic without any muddle, just like an instinctive reaction engraved in the mind.

Lin Weixiang saw their reserved faces full of seriousness, and it suddenly dawned on him.

The veteran player should look like a veteran player. Winning a BO3 regular season and laughing so brilliantly will give people a frivolous feeling.

Being calm.

As an old brother, Lin Weixiang immediately reduced his smile and tried to stay serious.

But the camera has already recorded the entire process of his facial expression just now, and all the audience know that Lin Weixiang smiled like a silly critic.

"Good hit." Lin Ran patted Little Ming on the shoulder.

"Don't disgust me." Little Ming laughed at hehe and punched him.

In the eyes of Lin Ran, Little Ming's performance in the last game is also impressive. With the spicy hot pot, several raids on YMBottom Lane were plentiful harvest, and even a wave of Thresh hooks were predicted. Lin Weixiang Flash operation.

He fattened Uzi, but it was useless.

This is the embarrassing point of ADC right now.

At present, apart from the poke stream AD (headed by EZ and Varus), most ADCs on the Professional arena require a three-piece suit before they can exert their power.

At the mid-term time of 20 minutes, the normally developed ADCs have two large +Level 2 shoes. The level 12 ones have less than 1500 blood, and the armor is less than 60.

Neither meat nor high DPS, crisp like a piece of paper.

If you want to play a team, the ADC will rely heavily on teammate protection, otherwise the warrior or assassin at this time will be cut in.

But today's Support is mostly DPS-type soft auxiliary (Zyra) or open-group hard auxiliary (Thresh) except for the strong protection of Karma.

For example, the Ultimate of the YM team members stared at Uzi. Do you dare to show your DPS? The Gangplank Rumble's Ultimate will be spilled directly. Even if Thresh is there, you will have to survive this Ultimate. Disabled.

The DPS environment is restricted, and the equipment has not reached the Peak period, Uzi can't play a sufficient amount of DPS in a limited time. The DPS position can't deal with damage because of the economy, and the group fight will naturally lose.

There is only one way to solve this problem. Uzi had already made a three-piece suit when he received the regiment, and he was preparing to make life-saving equipment while the attack outfit was formed.

There are two paths to realize this method, one is positive and the other is negative.

If it's just dragging, I just dragged Uzi's equipment into shape, delaying the time of receiving the group indefinitely.

The opposite is to give Uzi more money and let him develop ahead of time.

The growth in the game just now was not enough, and it had to be fatter.

It is not an obscure truth, Lin Ran understands it, and Uzi naturally understands it.

The key is how to achieve it.

Uzi shook hands with Liu Qiusong who was walking at the end, and then turned around to clean up the keyboard, his mind was already far away.

After the game, Lin Ran, Lin Weixiang and Liu Qiusong were interviewed by the stage host.

"Welcome to our two LPLRookies..." Aftershocks with a smile, looked towards himself, "Let’s introduce myself first."

"Hello everyone, I am YM’s Support pinus.” Liu Qiusong was very cold, still expressionless in the interview.

"Hello everyone, I am YM's ADC Lin Weixiang." Lin Weixiang put the microphone down after speaking.

He glanced at Lin Ran beside him.

The backbone of his team is smiling and dealing with the first problem of the aftershocks. With a warm smile on his handsome white face, Lin Weixiang feels that if he is a woman, he must be in love.

But...as a veteran player, shouldn't you be reserved?

Lin Weixiang feels that his judgment just now has been biased.

He looked towards the other side of him again, Liu Qiusong still lost his face.

Lin Weixiang was puzzled, so he turned his head and attached it to Liu Qiusong's ear.

"Are you pretending to be a veteran player?"

The case was solved.

"Lin Weixiang, you want to die?" Liu Qiusong lips slightly moving, try to keep the volume down.

I don't know why this sentence hit Lin Weixiang's smile. He covered his mouth and became happy, his two thick eyebrows flicked.

Lin Ran and the aftershock unfathomable mystery glanced at them.

The audience in the live broadcast room saw this scene again, and they connected it with the change of Lin Weixiang's expression when shaking hands after the game.

[YM, the substitute AD, is not a fool, right? ]

[Why does it look so naive? ]

[He and the Support next to him are not a combination, right? ]

[Isn't mindful and unhappy? 】

[God, he is not minded and unhappy...]

The duo being interviewed didn’t know that they had only played a BO3, and the audience gave their nickname to help They figured it out.

"I would like to ask RanPlayer, what do you think of the champion Skin that will be available soon?" Aftershock finally asked the most important question today.

"My teammates and I took a look. The special effects of Skin are still very cool, and everyone is very satisfied." Lin Ran held the microphone and began to promote Skin, "I also hope that the audience will buy more. After the skin is on the shelves, we will also launch a live broadcast for interactive display."

[Skin must be bought, but when will it be live? ]

[Jackey, where's that turtle grandson? He has not broadcast live since Spring Split! If the match is not played, the live broadcast is not open? ]

[Don’t be embarrassed, little Anchor is sick. 】

Skin still needs to be promoted, after all, it is linked to his own income.

Originally, Fist stipulated that 25% of the sales revenue of the champion Skin in the first year on the shelves was allocated to the winning Player, but there are some exceptions this year.

Alliance is in full swing, and surely it is impossible for the winning team to eat up all the 25% of their income. Starting this year, all clubs in the winning competition will enjoy the sales share of the champion skin.

These money rights should be the cake that the Alliance has split out. After all, if the team does not win the championship and there is no source of income, the head effect will be more serious.

The top teams will divide up all their income. Teams with poor results and unpopular teams can’t even drink soup, which will definitely affect the balance of the entire league and undermine the fairness of the E-sports event-the bottom team is for survival Will breed all kinds of gray income.

Even if it is distributed to the other 11 Squads, the income of each of the five Lin Ran skin sharing is still as high as 1.2%.

In other words, for every 10,000 sets of YM champion skin sold worldwide, 120 sets of skin sales must be distributed to the Player himself.

It should be noted that this is not divided according to the sales of the Player’s respective champion skins, but the whole team is packaged together. The high-selling skin does not mean that the Player takes more, and will be evenly sold. Player with low volume.

A set of five hero skins plus a "Banner of Command" eye skin, the price of bundled sales is about 400RMB.

After all, Lin Ran conservatively estimates that the world has sold almost 1 million sets of skins. Then he alone can get the income of 12,000 sets of skins. The pre-tax income that Lin Ran can get is about It is 480WRenminbi.

(The sales fist of the champion skin has not given specific data. I can only use the 2018 fist charity skin'Dark Star Cogas' as a comparison.

The charity skin A total of US$610W was sold, and the price of 1350RP is about US$9, which means that this skin sold a total of nearly 70W sets. The first LPL champion skin has a regional bonus. 100W sets should be about the same?)

For every additional set of Skin sold, Lin Ran will be able to pay off the mortgage sooner, can he not be in a hurry?

The renovation progress of the four-season villas in the lakeside is not too slow. You can move in with your bags after another two months. The calculated time is the end of Spring Split.

Jackey was successfully discharged from the hospital on March 4, but he still needs to take a rest as directed by the doctor.

It happens that the other teams in Group B are relatively weak. White Crescent simply let Lin Weixiang start first. If he wins the First Stage, he will continue to play. If he loses, he will play Jackey to guarantee the win rate.

On March 9, YM played against OMG.

The OMG who owns the Leng Shao icon and Sima old thief are strong, and they wisely aimed their offensive spearhead at Bottom Lane.

The OMG coaching staff who watched the last YM vs. RNG video knows that the opponent's Mid & Jungler teamwork is quite tacit, and the new duo is their team composition shortcoming.

In the first small game, OMGJungler world6 raided the duo 7 times in 20 minutes, which was frantic.

While Lin Weixiang and Liu Qiusong's anti-gank awareness is obviously lack of training, they sent a total of 5 heads in 7 raids, and they were killed by Sima old thief line once.

world6 frequented Bottom Lane, but Little Tian found opportunities for the other two.

At this time, the icon is young and very high-spirited and vigorous, and his style of play is very fierce. Since last season, he has been a frequent guest on the singles list, but frequent suppression will reveal a weak spot.

Lin Ran put the creep line to the front of the tower, and after several waves of military training, he couldn't take care of the life of catching the icon.

And GimGoon also came up with a warrior-type Top Laner, OMGTop Laner Frozen Sunset prefers to use the meat tank hero, GimGoon likes to fight this kind of person.

Before, he chose the warrior hero because YM tactics favored Mid & Jungler with Bottom Lane rhythm, which eats neutral resources and Defensive Turret, but now Lin Weixiang and Liu Qiusong obviously cannot allow YMMid & Jungler to infuse too much resources, Little Tian and Lin Ran started to help frequently.

GimGoon smiled, and took out a hand Fiora stabbed through OMG in the mid-term. After getting the frozen sunset of Nautilus, he couldn't stop him at all. He could only watch GimGoon crazily demolish the tower.

Sima old thief's Ashe was closely watched by Lin Ran's Orianna in the frontal group fight. Ultimate 【Command: Shockwave】is reserved exclusively for Sima old thief.

In the end, the Baron Nashor group Lin Ran's possession of the ball Ultimate drew to 3 opponents, and GimGoon from Teleport defeated OMG.

In the second set, Little Tian came to Carry. Elise smashed world6's Graves in Jungle. Jungle made two single kills and also helped to establish an advantage on the line.

In the end, even a wave of normal group fights did not appear.

Under the command of Lin Ran, YM succeeded in reaching the icy sunset where the face explored the grass. After killing it, Baron Nashor was turned on. After that, OMG started to bottle gourd the baby to save grandfather-one by one.

In the end, YM accepted Baron Nashor, OMG was also destroyed, Lin Ran and the others flattened their opponent Base.

Their win streak is still going on.

On March 11, nearly half of the inter-group round-robin match progressed, YM faced old rivals IM.

Although they were in the LPL from the secondary league, but now there is nothing common with each other. Today, IM is only a mid-tier team in the league.

But there are also new highlights. IM’s Jungle has become a Korean Aid flawless that looks exactly like Doraemon’s Kofu Guchuan.

The personal strength of Xiaofu is average, and he has no brains, but the advantage is that he works hard and executes the team strategy fairly well.

He has a kind of unfathomable mystery obsession with the eye position. The average score is 1.1. If you eliminate the zzr who only played one game and the data is not of reference value, the data of Xiaofu is only better than King of Vietnam. The difference of Jungle sofm is 0.01, ranking second in Jungle.

The number of rows of eyes is even more exaggerated, with 0.6 eyes per minute, and Jungler ranks first (see picture).

What does this mean?

In a 35-minute game, the husband has to insert 38 eyes and drain 21 eyes.

This kind of data is outrageous.

The little husband is completely blocking the opponent Jungler with the tactics of eyesight, trying to drag the opponent to a level with himself.

The Garlic King did not react in the first game. After the little husband said, the whole game was clearly seen by IM's field of vision. I was found in advance where I was arresting people and lost in Jungle.

If Lin Ran and GimGoon hadn't come forward in time to use Ryze and Gnar's single belt to finish the game, the outcome of this round would be really hard to say.

"Did you stick your head out?" Lin Ran said to Little Tian during the break.

"What?" Little Tian, ​​who was relaxing himself, was stunned for a second, but did not react to what Lin Ran's words meant.

"Little Tian, ​​you guy with a garlic head stretched your head out of your shell, wouldn't you become a little husband?" Lin Ran had a rationale, "I think you were assimilated by him in the last game. "

In the YM lounge, Jackey had a big laughter. Jackey's body was twitching with laughter, so hurry up and post it.

White Crescent didn't say anything. The other players performed well. He just asked Little Tian to reflect on the issue of the game.

Su Cheng, who came to watch the game after class, smiled and stuffed his left hand into the pocket of Lin Ran's uniform jacket.

Lin Ran grabbed Su Cheng's palm through his thin uniform jacket.

Su Cheng sits aside, his right hand holding the phone while replying to the message.

Lin Ran has nothing to do, rubbing Su Cheng's knuckles gently.

"Hiss..." I don't know where I pressed it, Su Cheng flushed and pulled out his hand, slapped Lin Ran's back lightly with a slap.

The knight on one side seems to have met Little Tian. The relationship between the two of them has been quite good since they met. At this time, they twisted their left hand for a while, plucked up the courage to sit next to Little Tian, ​​and habitually held it. The two legs are twisted together.

"You can't catch the online hero, just go to the opposite Jungle, can't it be alright?" the left hand kindly reminded.

At the time of the Demacia Cup quarterfinals, sofm responded to him in the same way as today's husband, using his vast field of vision to control the map and block the gank route.

The solution given by Lin Ran is to forcibly invade Jungle with his own Jungle, first mess up the opposite Jungle, and then radiate the advantage to the side.

The left hand feels that this method is equally applicable to Little Tian.

As a world champion, Little Tian always feels sorry, but he has a good relationship with knight and knows what they say is reasonable.

"Aiya, can I know the truth you know?" Little Tian said stiffly, "Sometimes it's not as simple as you think, it depends on the team composition!"

"Oh Oh." He whispered with his left hand, then lowered his head to pretend to be a quail.

"Hahaha knight is too cute, isn't it?" Su Cheng witnessed this scene and whispered to Lin Ran's side.

"Are you more cute than me?" Lin Ran asked suddenly, sniffing the scent of citrus shower gel on her body.

Su Cheng didn't expect Lin Ran would ask this kind of question.

But Su Cheng didn't hesitate, her excellent memory made her remember Lin Ran's phrase "You are cute everywhere" before the New Year, and she was at a loss and she didn't know what to do.

Su Cheng's long school career has indirectly cultivated her strong competitive spirit and unwillingness to lose. She decided to find her back with the ability to hold hatred for Max.

"Of course you are cuter." Su Cheng smiled sweetly and had a sincere tone. He straightened up slightly, and the phone quietly turned on the video recording function.

She is now waiting for Lin Ran to subconsciously ask, "Where am I cute?" Then she choked him to death in one sentence. By the way, she recorded his embarrassed and helpless appearance as a testimony of her victory.

"You know it." Lin Ran was very satisfied with his girlfriend's answer and patted Su Cheng on the head.


Su Cheng was stunned.

Why don't you play cards according to the routine?

"Don't you want to know how cute you are in my heart?" Su Cheng persisted and did not give up, staring directly at Lin Ran's eyes.

Lin Ran is not stupid either, Su Cheng's purpose is obvious, and it is obvious that he has set himself up.

"Shoulder width and leg length, looks outstanding?" Lin Ran is habitually narcissistic, "Ai, I have too many cute places."

Su Cheng lips slightly moving, Swallow'Why don't you die?' into the stomach.

"Teacher Su, you can't do this little trick."

Su Cheng hummed twice, turned off the phone's video recording function, and secretly decided to study his homework.

Lin Ran took a new disposable paper cup and went to the beverage machine to pick up a cup of Red Bull.

"Drink less Red Bull if it is not a key game," Su Cheng changed the subject, "Drinking too much is not good for your health."

Lin Ran sees teammate preparing to go out , He asked while standing at the back of the team.

"For example?"

"Excessive caffeine can cause neurological problems, including but not limited to depression and anxiety, and can also increase blood pressure and increase heartbeat," Su Cheng The tone did not fluctuate, "Excess sugar in it may also cause obesity."

Lin Ran glanced at the Red Bull in the paper cup.

"Do you still drink Red Bull with garlic? Just to make you excited, lest you get lost in the next game."

Little Tian looked back at him, "Go away, why don't you drink "

At this time, the second game is about to begin, and Lin Ran has no time to change drinks.

"May I find a staff member for you to change a drink?" White Crescent asked before the start of BP.

Lin Ran shook his head, "No need, just win this round."

He took over the second round of the game.

Mid Laner Camile, who took out again, kicked IMMid Laner Athena's Ryze head.

At the same time, he also cooperated with Little Tian to madly invade Xiaofu’s Jungle. With the help of Jungle’s walls, Camile was extremely threatening. Xiaofu hit half of the monsters several times, and was successfully taken over by YMMid & Jungler. The levels are a lot behind.

Jungle fell, and the space for the husband to arrange his vision was sharply reduced. Lin Ran and Little Tian successfully caught the Bottom Lane golden horn once in 4 packs of 2 and then the snowball grew bigger and bigger, and IM died chronically.

"In 26 minutes, YM will win the 8win streak again. Can no one stop them?" Remember to shout on the commentary stage.

"The next opponent they face is EDG." The commentary on the side said in a hypnotic tone that can be used as a lullaby.

His commentary is characterized by almost no fluctuations in his tone. Although he has a certain level of game understanding, he cannot bear the audience's unwillingness to listen to his tone.

"EDG...ah." I remember the last sigh and moved the microphone to prevent the audience from hearing it.

But this tone is enough to prove a lot of things.

On March 16, YM faced EDG.

Ghost Seven is still sitting on the bench with a free card, and Great Crown Prince loves Jinx to play.

Clearlove is not leaving deft, and the newcomer Zet is obviously unable to keep up.

Even if the YM is still Lin Weixiang+Liu Qiusong, there are not many people who are optimistic about EDG winning except Iron Pig.

But EDG has never disappointed in this respect.

In the first small game, they actually controlled the advantage!

Like OMGJungler world6, love Jinx frequently catches, Lin Weixiang and Liu Qiusong after several LPL games, anti-gank awareness is constantly improving.

And Little Tian also realized early on EDG's traditional idea of ​​keeping it, and squatted twice, but 3V3 did not win, allowing zet to establish an advantage.

Then Meiko was liberated to swim on the go mid road and help scout catch Lin Ran to death.

Top Lane's mouse is still mixing, but the mixing level is better than OMGTop Laner's frozen sunset, and GimGoon can't play much advantage.

In just 20 minutes, EDG held two dragons with one soil and one fire, and also broke the two outer towers of YM, leading the economy by 3K!

However, YM is in danger and still has a tight line of defense, allowing Lin Weixiang and Lin Ran to develop quickly.

Lin Ran got Orianna as the team leader C. He ate the safest creep line and Jungle resources. He also made up $210 in 20 minutes, and the matchmaking economy did not fall.

The game has completely entered the mid-term rhythm.

Infernal Drake is about to be refreshed. EDG just dropped to the position of the little Dragon's Pit, and found that their vision in the big Dragon's Pit was emptied by YM. It happened that the vision transformation of zet and scout was also in Cooldown, and they couldn’t Gain vision of the big Dragon's Pit.

"I can eat this Infernal Drake alone, you go to Dragon's Pit! They don't have meat, and you can't hold Baron Nashor at this time!" Ai Jinx said.

"I don't think it will work, let's go together!" A Guang disagreed, "They have Kog'Maw and Orianna, they are not slow in fighting dragons! We can't grab the dragon without you!"

The opinions of the Players in the team are contradictory, so it should be the chief commander who makes the decision.

Clearlove was originally in charge of directing, but now he is on the bench and can only be led by meiko.

"...Anything will do." Meiko shouted.

Anything? Are you set aside for guessing?

Aguang didn't think for a while what it meant to command Meiko.

"Walk!" He simply shouted.

"I still..." Ai Jinx also wants to control Infernal Drake. If they get another 8% of the magic attack power bonus, then their battle strength will rise another step.

But the mouse has already ran over, and scout saw someone walking, subconsciously rushing towards the Dragon's Pit.

Meiko always chooses to have difficulty, and runs with him when someone leaves him.

Korean Aid zet's scout, who thought he was stronger than his first team, also followed.

In a blink of an eye, all four of EDG ran to Dragon's Pit, and the 10,000 Mothafucker in Jinx's heart had stepped on it.

Although the conductor Meiko didn't clearly express his love for Jinx to go to Baron Nashor, he did not say that he could not go to Baron Nashor.

At this time, Abu and Clearlove in the backstage lounge are listening to the team's voice, and the professional team does not listen to the command in decision-making. The consequences are absolutely serious.

I love Jinx for fear that I won't have to go back, so I can only follow the teammate and rush towards the black dragon's Pit.

But the chaos in the command made the formation of the EDG five people go to the big Dragon's Pit not tight.

A Guangding is at the forefront and Ai Jinx is at the end. These are the only two front rows of EDG. The middle and lower three crispy skins are not short of A Guang and Ai Jinx.

Lin Ran and teammate are crouching. Just as Ai Jinx said, the five of them can't hold Baron Nashor at this time. They simply emptied their vision and waited for rabbits in the grass, planning to squat a person who came to do their vision.

He absolutely didn't expect EDG to rush over in this formation. A Guang was about to enter the Dragon's Pit range. The three crispy brothers behind him just stepped into the upper half of the river, and these three people Get together!

More importantly, they did not arrange the view of the grass on both sides of the river. Lin Ran originally thought it would be good to catch EDG alone. They didn’t expect them to hug each other. The three crispy skins were straight and straight. Rushed in!

This kind of panic formation and details placed in the secondary league is very common, but in the top league, such an approach is a crime!

Lin Ran didn't give a chance. He was afraid that Orianna QR would be avoided by the EDG people, and R flashed directly in front of the three EDG Crispy!

The great power of the shockwave pulled all the three of EDG to Lin Ran's side. He manipulated Orianna and another QW, and Thunderlord's Decree's decree was cut!

This innate talent is actually a range damage, but the range is relatively small. In the case of overwhelming majority, it is a single DPS.

But now is an exception!

Lin Ran’s Orianna Ultimate rolled EDG all three together, and thunder struck them on top of their heads!

EDG's three crispy HP instantly become disabled!

Lin Weixiang’s Varus charged Flash penetrates the three with one arrow, and works with GimGoon’s Gangplank Ultimate to directly bury the EDG in the middle and lower!

"Oh my God, YM is a group fight! How did Ran find the chance!" The doll loudly shouted.

"Ran’s chances are not so good, but EDG’s formation is too bad!" Mille was incredulous, "They didn’t even look around and drilled directly into YM’s arms!"

The three were killed, YM directly took down Baron Nashor and reversed the situation. The time for their Orianna and Gangplank team composition to start has arrived. EDG couldn't stop it at all and was successfully turned over!

In the second game, EDG was not as lucky as the previous set. Little Tian squatted back to Bottom Lane and successfully won 3V3 and got the advantage of Bottom Lane.

They retreated steadily and lost two towers.

"We can't put this middle tower, or my Jungle will be gone!" Ai Jinx wants to call teammate to guard the only outer tower.

"I want to grow, I want to grow!" Orianna played in the scout game, he didn't want to guard the tower.

In his opinion, Alistar, who is opposite Liu Qiusong, will definitely seize the opportunity to open up. With the current equipment gap, they are impossible to win the group fight.

The EDG people once again turned their eyes to the commanding meiko.

"...Anything is fine!" Meiko replied.

Everything can be a hammer!

In the last game, the formation was messed up because of you'anything,' and Baron Nashor was overturned by Baron Nashor. Love Jinx intends to follow his own ideas this time.

A Guang thinks so too. He plans to accompany the teammate to guard the tower.

Lin Ran glanced at the EDG people guarding the tower. Originally, he thought that if EDG is determined to guard, this mid first turret will be operated again, and it can be pushed later.

But when he just wanted to retreat, he saw Orianna of scout appearing in Bottom Lane.

What do you mean?

Despise people?

Do you dare to guard the tower?

Lin Ran, who thought he was being despised, flustered and exasperated, directed Liu Qiusong to flash directly.

This is not only the death of Jinx, but also the death of A Guang and Zet.

It wasn't just the mid first turret that was dropped, even Second Turret and Jungle were cleaned up by YM, and the whole wave of play was endless.

"YM flattened EDGBase in 28 minutes, and it was 2:0 again! They haven't broken the undefeated golden body! Can no one stop them?" The doll waved his arm and shouted excitedly.

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