Lin Ran counts every second. He did not rush back to Mid-Lane after doing the item build. Instead, he used the passive [pumice punch] to accelerate all the way down against the high ground wall.

While running, he kept casting Q [Stone Wear], creating a digging field under his feet to increase his movement speed again.

The Blue Buff on him has not disappeared anyway,

"Is there a vision in the line grass?" Lin Ran asked Support as he ran down.

The prophet was stunned. He was busy watching Jungle duet just now, and he played a round of Turret cooperation with Jackey, without deliberately memorizing such small details.

"No eyes, no eyes," Jackey quickly responded when the prophet didn't say a word, "You can go straight into the grass."

"Taliyah went straight to Bottom Lane, but YMcreep line At this time, I am under the next tower of G2. Can this be caught?"

As soon as Ze Yuan finished speaking, the next wave of creep line of G2 has arrived under the tower to help Defensive Turret begin to clean up the soldiers of the YM side.

Most of the hatred targets of YM minions are still on Defensive Turret, not attacking G2 minions.

4 seconds later, the creep line under the tower was cleaned up, and Lin Ran stuck to the wall of Bottom Lane and came to the line grass closest to the lower tower of G2.

At this time, the G2creep line leaves Defensive Turret and gathers with the YMcreep line that arrived on the horizontal line of Lin Ran's crouching grass.

Jackey and the prophet, whose movement speed lags behind Lin Ran, are also online at this time. The opposite Twitch Nami shrinks behind the creep line, and Kite is extremely stable.

"This is a wave of pushback lines!" Zeyuan Hikari changed his face loudly and shouted, "Later, the G2creep line will be forced to move towards YM. This is a great opportunity!"


6 minions on each side fight in the direction close to G2Defensive Turret.

Know that the creep line of Summoners Rift travels in a mirror image under natural conditions. If the Blue Team creep line reaches the next tower of the Blue Team on the same branch, then the Red Team creep line must also be under the Red Team. One tower location.

If Jackey does not use basic attack skills to interfere with the creep line, since the intersection of the creep line is currently close to the next tower of G2, after 30 seconds, the next wave of the creep line will converge, and the G2 creep line will definitely take the lead in the battle.

In this case, the G2creep line will be short-lived, and the remaining G2 creeps from the previous wave will clean up the YM residual creep line.

At this time, the YM freshman creep line who walked one more section of the road came to fight the G2creep line.

The G2creep line is a combination of the fresh creep line and the remaining creep line from the previous wave, so this collision is still more and less.

Don't even think about it, this wave of creep line confrontation is still dominated by the G2 side, and the creep line position will continue to converge in front of the YM tower.

This is the complete formation process of the pushback line.

The creep line will be forced to move in the YM direction. If G2Bottom Lane Twitch and Nami want to eat creeps to supplement their own development, they must follow the creep line to move in the YM direction.

Because of the forward position, not only will the risk of gank be greater, but the probability of survival after being forced open by the hero on the opposite line is also much smaller-the line is too long, and the Defensive Turret distance behind him Very far, after being forced to retreat for too long, you will be chased and chopped all the way.

Jackey performed very well at this time.

He also drew back, using basic attacks to make up the last hit, trying to push the creep line back quickly, which was completely different from the arrogant posture of the previous line pressing.

This looks very normal in the G2Bottom Lane combination.

The last wave of bits and pieces that the Turret YMBottom Lane duo handed over their skills, Varus’ Flash Heal Ultimate and Karma’s Flash Ignite are all in Cooldown.

With the advantage of the number of creep lines of G2, facing Twitch Nami, which has just risen to Level 6, there is definitely no fighting power, and the line is very normal.

At this time, Little Tian appeared in Top Lane'just right' and helped GimGoon to grab Shen once. Although he failed, he still lost some of Shen's HP.

Twitch found out what Jungler was doing, and wanted to take the opportunity to attack Kite.

But Support Karma on the opposite side didn't know what evil he believed in, so he turned around and wanted to fight back.

"Nami resolutely handed over Ultimate and wants to match Twitch with YMBottom Lane!" Remember to watch Nami wave the staff in his hand, calling for the power of the tides, R [Raging Waves' Roar] moved towards YMBottom Lane and rushed towards YMBottom Lane. Past!

"You got fooled!" Ze Yuan smiled.

Before the prophet was hit by the waves, he used R [Mantra] to strengthen W [Perseverance]. The dog's chain was tied to Twitch, and he returned a sip of HP by the way!

Oscar actor Jackey's acting is very lifelike. While running back, he hit Twitch with a basic attack, and then he was knocked into midair by the stormy sea set off by Nami Ultimate.

Twitch turned on Ultimate [Full firepower], with a sharp scream in the mouth, the Singed power crossbow in his hand shook quickly, shooting out a Poisonous Arrow one after another!

Two Ultimate blessings, coupled with the help of creep line, G2Bottom Lane fights will be impossible to lose!

Karma's spirit chain is about to be generated, Twitch sees that he has 23 HP remaining, and thinks that he has no mortal danger, so he will move towards Varus without retreating!

W[Very Toxic Barrel] is dropped, and with the slow effect attached to Nami E [Calling Tide Protection], this wave of Twitch will burst!

But perkz's voice suddenly came from the G2 team's voice.

"Taliyah is gone, you, Bottom Lane, be careful!"

At this time, Twitch felt that he was a little bit overwhelmed and turned around and wanted to retreat.

But the next moment, the spirit chain is generated, trapping it in place!

Taliyah got out of the grass behind him!

The unpredictable rock burst is placed under Twitch who is bound in place without any pressure, and the next moment E [Stone Array] is laid up ahead.

"Nami gave Twitch a sip and then cast Q [Bibo's Prison] to trap Taliyah!" Zeyuan speeded up his speech and started the battle that broke out in the commentary screen.

Lin Ran uses the high movement speed provided by Sorcerer's Shoes to turn his head back and avoid Nami skills.

Then the rock bulged and pushed Twitch back!

It happened to hit Lin Ran up ahead's stone formation, and Twitch stepped on the stone traps one after another in the air after being knocked back back!

The same hero can trigger stone-casting damage up to four times, even the Level 1 stone-casting DPS is quite impressive!

Lin Ran is now Sorcerer's Shoes +Fiendish Codex +Dark Seal, the DPS of single triggering the stone formation exceeds 200 points!

"Taliyah gave the stone piercing, coupled with Thunderlord's Decree's decree, DPS can be called a burst!"

The rock burst just now carried Twitch to Taliyah, and now there is no creep between the two sides Lin Ran’s five pebbles hit Twitch’s dirty body quickly and quickly!

"Varus turned around to make up the DPS and kill Twitch!"

The remaining Nami has also given up all the skills and there is no way to escape!

The prophet went up and handed over the Inner Flame slow to stay.

Level 7 Taliyah has Level 4 stone wear. The initial Cooldown time is only 4.5 seconds. With Fiendish Codex and Blue Buff's 20% Cooldown reduction, his Q skill only takes 3.6 seconds to complete Cooldown! (The Taliyah 2017MSI skill map is as follows)

Lin Ran moves forward, using Sorcerer's Shoes and the movement speed of the digging yard to improve to keep up with Nami, and when the stone passes through Cooldown, five stones hit Nami again!

"G2Bottom Lane was killed again just as soon as it went online!" Ze Yuan clenched a fist. "One minute two consecutive deaths, the development of Twitch will be seriously delayed!"

【 Good squat! ]

[Handsome, handsome! Twitch looked dumbfounded, why is there someone behind me? ]

[Hey, this creep line strength control, Twitch didn’t realize it at all. 】

The voice of the G2 team is rarely quiet, and the previous Ah-P of hu hu hu did not say anything.

Twitch watched the opposite Varus take his head away. He had a record of 30 in less than 9 minutes. It seemed that he immediately recalled back to the base with Berserker's Greaves + Blade of the Ruined King.

He now only has a Bilgewater scimitar and a piece of Berserker's Greaves.

How to play?

Twitch looked towards Lin Ran who drove back to Mid-Lane with the help of the wall and gnash the teeth.

Are you a Mid Laner who ran to Bottom Lane and squatted on the grass?

Do you think you are Jungle?

How can this man play so outrageously!

"Why didn't you remind me earlier?" Twitch complained about Ah P.

No way, he was impossible to throw the pot to himself, only to blame Mid Laner for reminding him too late.

Perkz moved his lips, but there was no reason to refute it.

He mentally calculated the time when Taliyah recall back to base went online, and immediately reminded Bottom Lane when he found something strange.

Who would have thought that Lin Ran could use the rock digging field and various acceleration passive effects to go straight to Bottom Lane from Fountain?

I can only talk about how to play.

The European division's play style is slow and the operation is changed. Now they are the same as North America, they are used to shua~ shua~ shua~ to delay a wave of victory and defeat in the later stage.

This style of play is rare in the current LPL and LCK.

Even the Squad, which engraved Korean operations in the bones like EDG, would have to fight in the early stage.

Not to mention teams like SKT and KT, their players are quite strong, and they can get the advantage during the laning phase and set the tone for their mid-term operations.

Now it is purely mid-to-late operation, and there is only IM in LPL.

This kind of slow and partial brush play is deeply ingrained in today's European divisions, especially Mid Laner. European Mid Laner, headed by Ah P, likes the cumbersome core of Viktor, Azir, and Orianna.

In this case, the ability of Mid Laner's later DPS Carry is extremely demanding, which is also the reason why the French kings are abundant in Europe.

But there are also drawbacks, such as now.

A P, who has used the French core hero for a long time, is not sensitive to the speed of support of the wandering Mid Laner like Taliyah.

He can count hero's return time by relying on the experience of Pro Player, but the hero Taliyah is an exception.

Passive [Pumice Chong] plus the movement speed bonus of the quarry, calculating her hurry time is undoubtedly a very troublesome thing.

The two reasons are superimposed, Ah P only hesitated slightly, the tragedy had already occurred when the information was reported.

"Don't die, wait for Shen and I's next Ultimate to help you get the head."

What else can he say?

Can only comfort the teammate.

"Ran's support helped Bottom Lane to open up the situation again, and now YM is all excellent in the third line!"

Zeyuan's red light is full of faces. Before he meets Samsung, his body, mind and soul are all Stand on the side of LPL without the slightest hesitation.

I remember that the voice is softer than the partner, "YM still needs to speed up the pace of the game!"

"The first blood tower, the sooner they get it, the better!" Anyway, the camera Not stunned at the commentary face, remembering how to feel comfortable, he is now rolling up the sleeves of his suit because of the heat, and waving a hand card with the sponsor's slogan in his hand.

"Taliyah and Lee Sin played a limited role in the later group fight. They must expand their economic advantage as soon as possible!"

As I remember, YM did the same.

Shen's Level 1 Ultimate 200 seconds Cooldown, Galio's 160 seconds.

In this gap period, Little Tian keenly seized the opportunity to avoid the view of the triangular grass of G2 arranged in Bottom Lane, and use Ultimate for Turret.

"G2Jungler Graves squatted here early to protect the teammate, but it's useless!" Zeyuan exaggeratedly yelled, "They won't have any chance of winning three by three!"

Twitch and Nami At this time Ultimate didn't improve, and Jackey already had Blade of the Ruined King + Berserker's Greaves in hand. As long as he didn't pick up Nami's Q, he would have a stress-free DPS.

"Does Galio still hand over the Teleport?" Remember to watch the teleport red light on the resonant shine on the next tower of G2, "But the Teleport lasts for a full 4.5 seconds, he has no time to protect his teammate That’s it!"

Graves didn’t even make a warrior Jungler knife. The passiveness of [pure man] is not considered meat at all. He, Twitch and Nami are all crispy now, and they can’t carry it at all. The high DPS of the three people living in YM Shimodo.

"It's useless to run into the tower!" Zeyuan exclaimed, "Defensive Turret is not Galio!"

"Graves's wall hitting Q before his death is matched with Ultimate Ultimate The explosive bomb took away the head of the prophet! YM completed 1 for 3!"

Immediately afterwards, Galio canceled Teleport and continued to play in Mid-Lane.

He didn't dare to brace oneself Teleport to go down, even though Lee Sin and Varus were two impossible Turrets to kill himself.

But Ah P remembers Camile and Teleport.

He has no doubt that YM, a group of dehumanizing guys, will let Camile turn over to Teleport, use Hextech Ultimatum to complete the anti-tower in turn, plus real damage to complete the kill.

"In this way, YM will directly push down the Bottom Lane Tower!"

With a roar, the G2Bottom Lane Tower was broken on time in 10 minutes, and Little Tian singled out. People eat a Cloud Drake again, expanding the economic advantage to 3.8K!

Everything is because of Lin Ran's excellent rhythm in the early stage!

Tens of thousands of spectators at the scene once again set off a wave of people. They are not afraid of the hot air.

"GimGoon pushed Top Lane creep line recall back to base and switched with Bottom Lane Lanes, all three of them are facing tremendous pressure now!"

30 seconds after Zeyuan finished this sentence, G2 succeeded in driving a wave of rhythm.

Careful recall back to base Attach Ultimate to the invisible Twitch, and go to Top Lane Anti-Tower for 4 pack 2.

"Very cunning routine!" Remember to be anxious, "When Twitch is invisible, everyone in YM doesn't even know that Shen put on Ultimate!"

Obviously neither the prophet nor Jackey As a warning, Twitch used the Top Lane triangular grass to circle around. At the moment Twitch appeared, Shen had already landed at the same time.

Slow, taunt...A variety of negative states hung on Jackey, and Twitch fired wildly, cutting off two heads.

It was too late when Lin Ran noticed this, and he failed to keep up with the rhythm of G2.

Little Tian was stealing G2's front beak at this time. When he saw G2 go to Top Lane to bring rhythm, he ignored Mid Lane's Galio and went straight down to help GimGoon's Camile.

GimGoon has been guarding sideline support. Normally Camile has to shine first, but he played Tiamat very early in this round.

He knew that his opponent didn't want to line up with himself, so he simply used Tiamat to push the line quickly.

With the help of Little Tian, ​​the two pushed the creep line in front of G2Bottom Lane Second Turret, wiping out nearly half of the HP by the way.

Lin Ran wanted to use his Ultimate [Wall Mantle] to provide a support after Jackey was resurrected, but Ah P’s Galio was also very quick to support. At the moment when he saw Lin Ran appear on the stone wall Just hand over Ultimate to protect Twitch.

"Ranthis time will return without success. The current version of Galio will also provide a certain percentage of damage reduction for designated targets. With the addition of Nami's milk, Twitch is too hard to die!"


Ze Yuan couldn't help feeling a little regretful when he watched Twitch escape back to his tower with the last HP left under the protection of teammate.

"The hero, Galio, is disgusting. When can I weaken this injury reduction attribute?"

Actually, the rhythm of YM is relatively simple, basically relying on Lin. Ran and Little Tian's high mobility wandered for opportunities.

Although Galio and Shen's Ultimate have already been handed in, G2's Carry Twitch is obviously quite alert after being squatted by Lin Ran once.

He even has the symptoms of PTSD in the bushes. When he encounters the bushes, he wants to use the poison barrel to try if there is anyone in it.

In this case, the strong phase of G2's mid-term team composition began to manifest.

At 14 minutes, Twitch recalled back to base. At this time, he was already Blade of the Ruined King + Berserker's Greaves + two attack speed daggers, and his equipment gradually caught up with Jackey's Varus.

He is ready to launch another surprise attack.

The target this time is Mid Lane's Lin Ran.

After Twitch came directly to the mid first turret, it made a beep, and the whole body fell into a sneaking state.

Be careful to give Ultimate in advance.

When Lin Ran saw Twitch, Shen had already landed, and E flashed into his face!

He surrendered Cleanse, then spread a stone formation on the ground, and then threw away Q [Stone Chuan] trying to speed up his escape with the help of the digging field.

But Twitch gave the poison barrel slow, and Galio also rushed into the distance with justice, accumulating Flash taunt.

Lin Ran tried to use Yantu to fly Twitch before being taunted, but Twitch once again handed over the Flash face, Blade of the Ruined King Twitch took advantage of the increased attack speed after Q [ambush] failed. Stopped and shook his head to shoot an arrow.

Lin Ran didn't even plan to hand in Flash, and was finally killed by his venom.

The three of G2 also wanted to demolish the Mid-Lane tower, but Jackey and the prophet rushed to Mid-Lane to use their superiority to defend Defensive Turret.

"Taliyah's Cleanse replaced G2 with three Flash..." I remembered a sigh, "It's okay, I can accept it."

He can only say that.

On the surface, the economy just lost Lin Ran's head with a team bounty.

But the point is that this head was taken away by Twitch.

Twitch forcibly went from 03 to 33. After a hurricane is synthesized later, Twitch's group fight DPS ability is very good.

The key point is that YM’s team composition is difficult to hit Twitch’s face. GimGoon’s Camile enters the arena alone and it’s difficult to cut Twitch under heavy protection.

They have not been able to learn G2 to protect ADC.

YM’s team composition does not have a real front row. Even if Little Tian has already started to build tanky after he finished the warrior Jungler knife, Lee Sin’s skills and attributes determine that he can only It's a half-tan.

In this case, YM can only rely on Varus to handle the two front rows of Galio and Shen. Everyone except Lee Sin is within Twitch's range.

The group fight ability is not a level at all.

But there is also good news. GimGoon took advantage of the gap that had just handed over Ultimate carefully, and cooperated with Little Tian to kill Jungle's lost Nami, and then ran to tear down Bottom Lane Second Turret.

After that, Ah P gradually adapted to the rhythm of Mid Laner Galio, and the two sides broke out a wave of small-scale group fights in Top Lane.

Except for Top Laner, the 8-player melee, while YM relied on the mobility of the team composition to keep pulling. Little Tian seized a wave of opportunities. R Flash kicked Twitch without Flash into the YM team. .

But with the protection of Galio Ultimate, Twitch shot a few arrows before dying, and combined with Graves' ultimate bomb to collect two heads.

The worst thing is that the prophet was poisoned to death by Twitch in the end, which added a head to him and helped him sit on the Blade of the Ruined King +Berserker's Greaves + at 18 minutes. Runaan's Hurricane three pieces of equipment.

"Now it's G2's turn to force the group fight, they don't want to drag on with YM!" I remember looking at the economic panel to be a little anxious, "YM's leading near 4K economy does not have that much effect. Now G2 The team composition of Bottom Lane is too strong!"

Ze Yuan answered, "They are going to bring back GimGoon, who leads the line in Bottom Lane, and can't let him threaten Bottom Lane Heights!"

GimGoon didn’t care, because he played very unique in this round. He didn’t support the teammate. He also ate a lot of Defensive Turret and creep line economy. He also stole G2Jungle’s array of Ghost Statues in the middle. The equipment was quite good. At this time, there were already three items. +Nine Headed Snake +boots of speed in hand.

But Camile's equipment is not enough to participate in the group. It has to be melted when entering the field. For the sake of safety, he has to wait for a Sterak's Gage.

He continued to uphold the principle of side push and let the other four teammates play with G2. As long as they don’t open a frontal group fight, he can say anything.

At this time, there are still nearly two minutes before Baron Nashor refreshes. G2 tried to use Dragon to force YM to play a group, but YM didn't even look at Dragon and gave it to G2.

Except for Shen defending Camile's single belt, the other four of G2 can only move forward with Mid-Lane after taking the Dragon, and want to dismantle the YMmid first turret.

But Taliyah works with Varus and Karma, and it cleans up the creep line very fast. In G2, apart from Twitch who dared to take the opportunity to double-click Defensive Turret, the rest of the staff are relatively short, and they dare not face Lin Ran’s. The rock outburst came up and demolished hard.

The two sides pulled back and forth in Mid-Lane for 20 minutes, and Baron Nashor finally descended into the gorge.

G2 rushed to Dragon's Pit non-stop, trying to use Baron Nashor to force Camile over.

Two minutes in the past, half of the blood was lost on the high ground of G2Bottom Lane. Shen couldn't stop him at all. Instead, wish one were dead kicked by Camile's real damage.

It doesn't matter if you resist the tower, GimGoon is greedy and Nine Headed Snake is in hand, and Jungle and creep line are Camile's blood return bank.

"G2 wants to force Baron Nashor, but they are a bit slow in fighting dragons!"

G2 basically relies on Twitch. DPS Baron Nashor, Galio and Nami can’t provide much DPS. Graves has not eaten much economy, and the damage is not high.

In spite of this, Ze Yuan is still a little anxious.

Because the G2team composition is too resistant, Galio is in front of Baron Nashor, with the help of Nami's non-stop milk, HP has been maintained very healthy.

Although the fight is slow, if YM doesn't come, they won't be hurt by taking Baron Nashor.

"I'm looking for a chance, Little Tian will enter the game depending on the situation." Lin Ran and teammate are preparing to move towards the big Dragon's Pit, "Twitch has flashed Heal, but Mercury hasn't done it yet, we hit him Fly, it should be able to control and damage in seconds."

"Brother Ran, what you said is too easy," Little Tian peeped into the grass to make sure that there is no one and walked in with confidence, "Galio , Shen and Nami are all backhands. It is difficult for me to kick Twitch in."

"It's okay to have me." Although Lin Ran is not sure whether he can kill Twitch in seconds, he still has to give it to teammate. Instill confidence.

Because G2 is not fast in playing Baron Nashor, YM rushed to Dragon's Pit also to be cautious, emptying the field of vision to prevent cautiously bypassing Teleport.

"Baron Nashor HP still has 5K, G2 does not intend to give up, do they want to take this Baron Nashor directly?"

GimGoon finally couldn't help it, he would creep The line is cleaned and then withdrawn, ready for Teleport to support teammate.

"Baron Nashor's HP is still lowering, Little Tian on the Big Dragon's Pit seems to want to grab it!"

At this time, GimGoon returned to G2 to hand it over before the ruins of Second Turret Teleport, the landing position is very safe-he dare not go to a too dangerous position to go around, after all, it is not too fragile without Sterak's Gage.

YM personnel quickly settled down, tentatively exhausting around, Lin Ran hit Nami three times with a stone piercing, cutting his HP by 13.

A few people from YM have brought enough Vision Ward to ensure that Dragon's Pit has their own vision, so that they can detect Baron Nashor HP.

"I'm going down!" Little Tian knew that Lee Sin would not be effective in the face of G2team composition. He specially waited for a time to grab the dragon and went down from Dragon's Pit.

In this way, you can go deep into the G2 formation, and you can grab the best dragon. If you can't grab it, you can also try to kick the candied fruit stick.

When Baron Nashor had 1600 blood left, the Garlic King surrendered Sonic Wave and kicked Galio, who was standing on the edge of Dragon's Pit, who was deliberately blocking his skills.

He counted down the HP and drilled down when Baron Nashor had 1200 HP left!

"Stop hand, stop hand!" Everyone in G2 is quite obedient, and immediately stops playing Baron Nashor and instead focuses on Little Tian!

"The damage of Lee Sin who has passed Sonic Wave is not enough to cooperate with Smite to eat Baron Nashor! Little Tian is dangerous!"

In order to prevent Little Tian from escaping, Ah P recharged in seconds. Hand over the taunt, and then the justice punches to keep up with the control, ready to cooperate with the teammate to kill the king of garlic in seconds.

Little Tian watched his HP drop, knowing that this dragon himself could not get it, and decisively executed Plan B.

He relied on Smite in the air to recover part of his HP, relying on a physical pretend to just survive.

More importantly, Nami’s bubbles are not continuously controlled!

Standing on the edge of Dragon's Pit, she was crippled by Lin Ran and Jackey's DPS, and everyone in YM wanted to dive in after seeing Little Tian playing Dragon's Pit.

Nami can only give herself a bite, and then hand in Ultimate to try to delay YM's entry into Dragon's Pit.

After all of this, she would turn around and want to continue to control Lee Sin, it was too late.

Graves now handed over Smite and accepted Baron Nashor. With Baron Nashor's scream, the group fight officially started!

"Lee Sin touched his eyes to avoid the Nami bubble and Graves Smoke screen while getting close to Twitch, kicking out the R flash!"

The audience cry out in surprise, they saw Twitch At the moment Lee Sin sticks to his face, hand over Flash and move back!

Due to a momentary change of position, Lee Sin's R flash failed to kick him back, but instead kicked into the corner of Dragon's Pit far away from the YM crowd!

Lin Ran was knocked into the air by Nami Ultimate at this time. He knew that even if Flash was not far enough from Yantu, he could only rush into Dragon's Pit with teammate!

"Shen and Galio put Ultimate on Twitch at the same time, and Twitch is fully fired and ready for DPS!"

Shen on the heights of G2Bottom Lane finally handed over Ultimate and rushed to the front battlefield! Galio also put a damage reduction BUFF on the teammate!

Everything is for the core of your team's DPS!

Twitch turned on Ultimate at the moment of landing, and the poisonous crossbow bolt penetrated into Karma through Lee Sin!

Twitch's basic attack with the Ultimate attack power is so painful that the prophet can't bear it.

He threw all his skills decisively, and R+E gave the teammate a shield to protect his life!

Little Tian handed over the last E skill to slow down the G2 three people except Twitch, and then was shot through the body with a general attack by Graves and fell helplessly to the ground.

Lin Ran was still there with a stone piercing attack, Jackey gave Ultimate, but Nami surrendered Flash and escaped.

But when Nami ran, the Dragon's Pit pass that G2 firmly guarded was torn apart by the YM crowd!

Jackey shifts the target and gathers the firepower DPS to the nearest Graves.

Twitch has the Ultimate extended range. He knows he can't touch Twitch, so he just hits which one is close.

Lin Ran stared at Twitch's actions. Now the teammate is almost under control. The heavy responsibility of limiting Twitch falls on him and GimGoon.

He can't blindly hand over Flash Rockburst. Twitch also carries the movement speed bonus passively provided by Nami, so he can easily be evaded by handing in skills casually.

He has to find a chance.

Despite leaning on Dragon's Pit, Twitch still maintains the ADC habit-shaking his head and walking A.

The frequency of clicking on the floor is quite diligent, and the walking and cutting are quite rhythmic.

Blade of the Ruined King and the hurricane DPS spread to the people in front of YM. Although Jackey surrendered Heal, the prophet could not hold the DPS and was killed by a Poisonous Arrow!

Galio rises into the air at this time, protecting Twitch from being hit hard!

Lin Ran counted the time silently in his mind, and saw Twitch turning his head sideways after shooting a poisonous crossbow, he seized the opportunity to attack decisively!

Flash forward, Yantu instantly handed over Twitch!

Said the stone formation simultaneously!

When Twitch saw Taliyah surrendering the rock outburst, he subconsciously wanted to turn his head to avoid it.

But under the blessing of Blade of the Ruined King Hurricane Berserker's Greaves, his attack speed has been quite fast, and the operating frequency brought about by this is also very high.

At the moment Taliyah laid the rock outburst, he shook his head and clicked on the floor and he raised his hand and shot an arrow!

Twitch fell into a forced freeze at this moment!

In short, he couldn't move normally during this short period of time when he shot a general attack!

When he returns to normal, the rock is about to rise!

Moreover, Twitch has already handed over Flash before, this Yantu, he is sure!

The fate is like a weaving, as a rock!

Twitch’s body was hit by the protruding rock to the stone formation. Lin Ran’s stone piercing came one after another. After playing Thunderlord's Decree, he not only shattered Shen’s shield, but also shattered Twitch HP. Hit it down!

Because of being knocked back, Jackey was able to DPS to Twitch. He was naturally unceremonious and pierced Twitch's body with one arrow after another!

With the exclamation of the audience, the next moment, GimGoon, who was waiting outside Dragon's Pit, entered the arena!

He stunned Twitch again through Hookshot!

At this time, he landed cautiously and handed over the taunt to protect Twitch.

But GimGoon is waiting for this moment when he leaves Twitch's body carefully.

"Camile's Hextech Ultimatum is overlaid on Twitch, pushing Shen and Galio away from the realm!"

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