Despite successfully winning the opener, everyone in YM didn't look pretty when they shook hands after the game.

Lin Ran knows very well that it would be difficult for them to win the game if it weren’t for Aguang Kled’s reversing and warehousing to bury the group fight.

This way of winning has gone against the traditional thinking of YM.

If they stay the same and continue to play, this summer season will become extremely difficult.

Everyone at YM stopped laughing, and A Guang also looked at the word victory on the screen with a sad face.

He can now hear the laughter of the audience with several points of taunt after taking off the headphones.

He originally wanted to play smebheavenly thunder, fat general earth fire, Lin Ran sand burial, and other highlights of his professional career. Didn’t expect it to be a funny scene comparable to Gao Dewei’s reverse Q.

A Guang is upset and indignant, only to feel ashamed.

If he does not commit this heinous crime, EDG's odds of winning this small game are definitely not low. If they win this game, they may even hope to overthrow YM's dominance in the BO3 group stage.

He will take full responsibility.


Today's Anchor was still aftershocks. She took the hand card and walked to Lin Ran's side.

"long time no see," Aftershock smiled and looked towards Lin Ran, "Say hello to our audience friends first?"

Lin Ran froze for a while, he was clear I remember that aftershock was the host of the LPL expatriate for the midseason. Although I did not interview everyone at YM on the main stage, I have met a few in private.

Aftershocks is this redefining long time no see?

But Lin Ran didn’t say much, "Hello everyone, I’m Mid Laner Ran of YM."

"What do you think of Ran’s mistakes in the last game of mousePlayer?"

The first problem comes from aftershocks.

"What?" Lin Ran began to play dumb.

He didn't really want to comment on A Guang's mistake. It was just a group stage. After the game, it was not good for him to whip the corpse in the same region.

The aftershock repeated it again, this time speaking slowly one word at a time.

It is obvious that Lin Ran is obliged to answer this question.

The road of pretending to be stupid is blocked by aftershocks. Lin Ran can only say words in the heart and think about how to answer questions smoothly.

"A Guang may have not received feedback from teammate. When he was nervous, his hands shook accidentally, and Ultimate fell in the wrong position." Lin Ran imitated Jay Chou's rap. Said the answer, "This is also normal, we all often make this kind of mistake."

He said in deadly earnest.

Although the opening game is over, there will be a very popular all chinese team RNG game. At this time, there are still many viewers shrinking in the live broadcast room. After they heard Lin Ran’s answer Immediately reacted.

【Always make such mistakes? Why haven't I seen you commit it? ]

[Here's B now? 】

【Don't be embarrassed, RanYasuo often makes mistakes, and understands everything. 】

Yu Shuang didn't expect Lin Ran to be so smooth, and her excellent Professional qualities make her smile still, she looked up towards Lin Ran and asked the next question:

"This is the opening game of our LPL, and it is also the first round competition of the LPL actual mid-season version. What do you think of the mid-season version?"

Lin Ran has been pondering for a long time before he holds it. He replied through the microphone, "Very innovative, especially the changes to the Rift Herald and tank equipment are quite good,"

He deliberately emphasized the four words'quite good'.

"I can only say...Version changes are a problem that Squad must face. I hope we can adapt quickly."

After the aftershocks, I asked two more if it hurts. For itchy questions, Lin Ran answered in turn, bowed and left the stage, handed the microphone to the staff, and rushed to the backstage lounge.

Unexpectedly, one more person appeared in the lounge.

"Why are you here?" Lin Ran took the Mine Fountain handed by Guo Hao and sat next to Su Cheng.

She was holding the black notebook in her hand, looking at the video on the tablet.

"I'm looking for a solution," Su Cheng didn't raise his eyes, but just said softly, "Otherwise this Rift Herald can drag us down."

Several people on the other side Teammate and White Crescent stand in front of the whiteboard printed with Summoners Rift, discussing the issue of the early offensive route.

Jackey is lying on the chair alone, his posture is as cool as ever, pointing fingers there.

Everyone is working hard, trying their best to adapt to the new version.

It's not the first time for a few people to play a game. There is no need to celebrate the victory of the opener. The entire group simply stayed in the lounge to continue discussing tactics.

"The easiest way to solve the problem now is to reverse our thinking. We focused on the upper half of the first ten minutes..." White Crescent moved the whiteboard over and used a marker to write and draw on it.

"Strive for an advantage in ten minutes, and then use the strength of the upper half to use Rift Herald to repost the Bottom Lane Tower."

"Then we will put the first Dragon "Little Tian put his chin on the palm of his hand, "Is this really possible?"

"There is nothing wrong with putting Dragon," Lin Ran, who was sitting next to his girlfriend, said, "It's even the first One is Infernal Drake or Mountain Drake, which is not as important as our first blood tower."

"This is true." Su Cheng nodded agreed.

In terms of economic value alone, the 600Gold Coin provided by the first blood tower is undoubtedly not as great as the other three dragons except Cloud Drake.

But the first blood tower is far more than just 600Gold Coin for the team.

As soon as the Defensive Turret drops, the vision of the surrounding Jungle will disappear. The success rate of the invasion without the protection of Jungle will naturally be much higher.

This is the favorite of Little Tian and Lin Ran. They will go to the area where their opponents lost the first blood tower, Jungle will ambush or seize the monster economy, and continue to expand the 600Gold Coin income.

More importantly, the removal of the first blood tower is more important to liberate the hero on the line, which matches YM's general idea of ​​frequent wandering to fight more and less.

If an Infernal Drake or Mountain Drake can be used to exchange the first blood tower, this exchange Lin Ran is willing to do a hundred times.

"But in the first half of the game, the disadvantage is also obvious," Lin Ran continued, "It is difficult for us to snowball the advantage."

The other players frowns, After a little thought, you know that Lin Ran is right.

Except for Jarvan IV and a few warrior Top Laner, the rest are tanks, and even Jungler is a tank hero like Sejuani and Zac.

Be aware that the tank hero is more powerful than other types of heroes in the early stage of combat with teammate.

Mainly because one of the core positioning of the tank in Alliance is control.

The control effect of hero skills does not increase with the improvement of equipment.

For example, the hero Nautilus, whether you are out of Sunfire's Cape or Thornmail, his control time is so long and will not change.

This allows the tank hero to cross the timeline. In the early stage, the combat ability of teammate is strong enough-other heroes need to rely on equipment to deal with sufficient damage, but control tanks don't have to worry about this.

At first glance, I think the tank hero is very strong and has sufficient control. It is also possible to use Mid & Jungler linkage in the early stage.

But the problem lies with the tank.

Because the opponent is not the Solo Queue Player who does not look at the version changes, it is definitely centered on the version hero.

It is very likely that there will be a pair of Top & Jungler tanks.

In this version, the tank hero will also provide a shield when using the control to trigger the [giant statue's courage].

The current tank hero, who is already quite frank, adds this innate talent, and her frankness has increased by a level.

Simply relying on the Top & Jungler tank fight between the two sides, it is estimated that 15 seconds can be used to tell the winner-if the normal Pro Player can't win, you will already run away.

In this case, someone must make up for the damage.

As for the other key position of Mid & Jungler linkage, the injury provider Mid Laner, the problem is also very big.

Except for Lucian and Syndra, who are almost always banned in YM games, the strong versions of heroes are Corki, Kassadin, Orianna, and Galio. (The utilization rate of Mid Laner hero in the 2017 LPL Summer Games is shown in the figure)

Either it is the late core of eating and development, or Galio, who has control in the early period but also lacks damage, is not very capable of DPS in the early period.

Therefore, the Top & Jungler dual tank + Mid-Lane has no damage to the hero in the early stage. Once this happens, it will definitely control too much and insufficient damage.

Insufficient damage, Mid & Jungler linkage will not kill people.

It is impossible to gain the advantage by killing the fastest way to roll the snowball in the early stage. Then there is a high probability that the Mid & Jungler linkage will not get a big advantage even at ten minutes.

In this case, they didn't dare to open the Rift Herald at 10 minutes, and they would fall into the performance of today's second small game of EDG.

White Crescent also reacted, and patted his forehead with regret.

"I have an idea..." Su Cheng saw that the crowd did not speak, and stood up by himself.

Lin Ran gave her a place, and the tall girl took three steps with her long legs to the white board in the middle of the lounge.

"We are still the same as before, focusing on Jungle," Su Cheng began to write on the whiteboard, "Let Lin Ran take the rhythm hero, we use our personal strength to blow up the opposite Jungle first."


"But..." Little Tian intends to speak.

Isn’t this similar to their previous play? Not much has changed at all.

Su Cheng raised his hand to signal him not to speak first, and then he continued, "I know what you are worrying about. You think herbivorous Jungles are in the lead now, and they are more functionally-oriented, even if they are a little behind. The impact is not big?"

"Yes, Sister Su, I just want to say this." The garlic head is nodded.

For the same reasons as mentioned earlier, the current herbivorous Junglers such as Sejuani and Zac are also known for their functionality.

Lee Sin, Elise, such hero Jungles are two levels behind, and the sky will collapse; Sejuani Zac can also accept two levels behind, after all, the group opening skills will not be affected.

"But my idea is not to suppress the ranks," Su Cheng explained, "but the economy! Very precise economy!"

"We all know that Jungler hero did it in the early stage The battle strength of the big Jungler knife is quite strong during this time period, and the slag giant Jungler knife requires 2600 Gold Coin. Excluding the 350 Gold Coin with the small Jungler knife, Jungler also needs to play 2250 Gold Coin to make his equipment reach the Peak period for a short time."

Lin Ran both hands crossed near chest, leaning back on the chair in a comfortable position.

If the first peak period of Jungler gank is the time after the double BUFF is obtained.

Then Jungle has truly completed the crushing of the online hero's combat capability, which is the period between the time the big Jungle knife is made and the time before the online hero synthesizes the first big piece.

2600Gold Coin's big Jungle knife has improved Jungle's combat capabilities beyond imagination and is a qualitative leap.

Take the current version of the slag giant Jungler knife as an example.

The red, blue, and green small Jungler knife has a very limited improvement in combat capabilities, after all, there is no substantial attribute improvement.

And [Bambi's Slag] This item is priced at 1000 Gold Coin, which provides 200 HP and a certain degree of burn effect.

Pay another 600Gold Coin of synthetic money, and the slag giant Jungle knife will provide hero with 300 health, 20% extra health, and higher burning damage.

Everyone knows that this is not the same level as the battle strength of small slag pieces.

"What we have to do is to make the opposite Jungle at the time when the Rift Herald refreshes in 10 minutes, and there is no way to make a big Jungle knife! There is a gap in combat capability, and we have an advantage in disguise."

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