Lin Ran went out to buy the Corrupting Potion, operating the huge body of the justice giant statue to the river.

Standing face-to-face with Xiaohu, danced on the spot, by the way, lighted up his Squad dog tag.

"YM's offensive pressure was very high in this round," Frowns looked at the team composition of both sides, "They are obviously inferior to RNG in terms of their later combat capabilities."

"Yes," Mille I also agree with the partner, "Corki + Xia's double shooter system makes it difficult for YM to deal with in the later stage. It is best for them to use Elise's early strength and Jarvan IV and Galio to enter the game and end the game as soon as possible."

"YM has an advantage in the later stage, that is, this Lulu is hard to die," I remembered to say from the side, "They have quite a lot of protection skills, and I am not afraid of Luo's force."

The creep line of the two parties was handed over in Mid-Lane, and Lin Ran did not step forward and continued to shrink behind.

No way, who makes Galio short? Before the Q [Winds of War] level rises, Mid-Lane must be crushed by Xiaohu's Corki.

But he chose Galio not for laning.

Meadhu didn't worry when he saw Lin Ran behind the creep line. He waited until the first three melee soldiers were about to die before using his skills to replace them.

This obviously does not want to push the line quickly.

Although he brought Cleanse in this game, he had miraculous effects in dealing with Galio's taunt, Elise's cocoon and Lulu's change of sheep, but Meadhu did not have the idea of ​​fighting Lin Ran.

In Xiaohu's view, as long as he drags it to the mid-to-late stage, his Corki group fight DPS is invincible, as long as he doesn't die during laning.

Lin Ran used Winds of War to slap off the three remaining blood melee soldiers, and continued to persuade him.

Meadhu saw this scene, his vigilance increased, and he didn't want to push the line.

He played against Lin Ran several times during the year, knowing the roots of him.

Xiaohu knows that Lin Ran once Mid-Lane chooses the hero who can't open the situation alone, he likes to call him Little Tian.

Now Lin Ran’s Kite is very embarrassed, and it happens that Elise is a very strong hero with Level 3 gank, Xiaohu feels that his opponent has to arrange his own wave at Level 3 no matter what he thinks.

"Can you please help me squat with the incense pot, Level 3?" Meadhu asked, pinching the drake, "Elise may Gank mine."

Spicy The incense pot had just started to fight the three wolves at this time, he glanced at the creep line, and then heard Xiaohu say that, he also felt that Elise wanted Gank.

"You stock up the creep line, I will squat with Level 3, we are not afraid of them." He hiccups and eats the three wolves, and is about to go to Mid-Lane after finishing the red buff.

Although Corki +Gragas's Level 3 matchmaking ability is not as good as YM's Mid & Jungler, the creep line is also an extremely important part of the early matchmaking.

As long as the Mid-Lane hoards a wave of creep lines in Mid-Lane, the DPS of these minions for a round is no less than the hero's basic attack DPS. If it becomes equal to playing more and less, then it will be impossible. Lost to YMMid & Jungler.

Xiaohu did the same. He operated Corki to clean up the remote soldiers on the opposite side.

The principle of this slow push line is very simple. The long-range soldier has a fragile body. After cleaning it out, the remaining 3 melee soldiers with skin is rough and flesh is thick will help to resist a lot of them. Damage, stop the creep line from continuing to push forward.

As soon as the forward push speed is slow, the next wave of creep lines can continue, and over time a huge number of slow push lines are formed.

Lin Ran frowned. He looked at the large wave of creep lines about to be pushed to the tower, and felt a little troublesome.

Galio, a short hand, would be uncomfortable to deal with this large wave of creep lines pushed under the tower-when cleaning the creep line, Corki on the opposite side will definitely use the advantage of the hand to consume himself.

Although Lin Ran took Corrupting Potion as a medicine god in this game, it does not mean that he wants to be consumed by Xiaohu in vain.

In the mind of not wanting to be prostituted by the enemy, Lin Ran stepped forward to carry Corki's general attack and used Q [Winds of War] to scrape the three remote soldiers with residual blood on the opposite side to death.

When Xiaohu saw this, he was delighted and felt that his previous guess was correct.

Hidden for more than a minute, revealing Ahri's tail, right?

You cleared the ranged soldiers, isn't it just paving the way for Elise gank later?

I am afraid that these long-range soldiers will prevent you from arresting me, right?

Xiaohu made up his knife while showing a wicked smile.

He learned that the incense pot had finished eating the red buff and had risen to Level 3, and it was cautiously to keep his Kite law consistent with the previous one-so as not to make his opponent suspicious.

Although several long-range soldiers were cleaned up by Galio, the Mid & Jungler is sure that he and the incense pot's Mid & Jungler will be stronger than their opponents because the third wave Cannon Minion creep line has reached Mid -Lane.

As long as the opponent dares to do something, the damage provided by this Cannon Minion soldier is higher than those of the ranged soldiers.

Besides, he has one more Cleanse than Teleport Galio, which can be released from the control. No matter how much he thinks, Mid & Jungler will lose in the Mid & Jungler match.

"The incense pot came to the grass above Mid-Lane," the doll said after seeing this scene, "Now that the Mid-Lane creep line is in front of the Galio Tower, it is not realistic to hold Ran hard, the incense pot should I want to squat back."

I remember frowning, "But..."

The director suddenly switched to Top Lane.

letmeRumble and GimGoon’s Jarvan IV are facing off near the center line. Now they are all Level 2, but they must be stronger than Jarvan IV. Letme shrinks behind the creep line to keep a distance from the Fuck. I don't want Jarvan IV to smoothly EQ himself.

After shaking for a while, he found that a melee soldier had turned into residual blood, and Jarvan IV happened to move a step to the side at this time, also to supplement the residual blood soldier.

As a result, the distance between Rumble and Jarvan IV is stretched.

On seeing this, letme stepped forward, ready to use Electro Harpoon to replace this 21 Gold Coin melee soldier.

The moment he stepped forward and threw the harpoon, a white cocoon suddenly shot out in the shadow corner behind the lower right wall!

The angle at which the skill was thrown was extremely tricky, deliberately thrown across the entire wall at an extremely large angle.

As a result, letme didn't notice the white sticky thing at all. When the cocoon came out of the wall, he had no time to react, and Rumble's ass suddenly suffered!

The coquettish woman stepping on high heels came out from behind the wall, the hideous spider legs on her side made her lower body cold.

"But Little Tian is not in Mid-Lane at all!" When I saw this scene, I remembered that he finally completed half of what he said before, "He came from the triangular grass of Top Lane to behind Letme, and initiated Assault!"

"After Elise was fainted, Jarvan IV went directly to the general attack and lowered his HP," Mille said with a smile, "Gongzi is a thief!"

Jarvan IV was knocked up passively [Rhythm of War], and with Elise's DPS, Rumble was turned into residual blood in a moment!

Letme recovered from the dizziness, leaving only more than 200 drops of blood on his body.

He knew that Jarvan IV hadn't handed over the EQ, even if he returned to the tower with Flash, he would still be killed.

Simply save the Flash and save it for later use.

"Jarvan IV general attack accepts first blood! Little Tian is the first to open the situation!"

The moment Little Tian appeared in Top Lane, Xiaohu was evil and mad. The smile quickly converged, and he completed a face change at the speed of light under the gaze of the camera.

What's the situation?

Aren't you supposed to be in Gank?

Little Tiger was stunned for a moment, and then he felt that he had been cheated by the old Yin Coin opposite Lin Ran.

Cunning villains!

"Li Yuanhao, please control the creep line and make a pushback line. I will help you catch it once." The spicy incense pot has a harsh tone.

Lin Ran cleaned up the creep line to Little Tian's Level 3, YMMid & Jungler is simply playing with him and Xiaohu as Shaco!

Spicy hot pot seeking revenge for the slightest grievance, I will definitely not be able to swallow this bad breath, and I must retaliate.

He took advantage of the time when the creep line hadn't come out, first went to brush a group of sharp beak birds to suppress the shock.

As Cannon Minion joins the battle, the Mid-Lane creep line advances into Lin Ran’s Defensive Turret irreversibly.

Because of Xiaohu’s previous layout, the creep line pushes the tower very slowly. Seeing that the next wave of creep line will come under the Lin Ran tower.

This creep line structure is very familiar-it belongs to Xiaohu's pushback line.

Although Galio is very fast to clear the line, it must be leveled up and the damage of Q [Winds of War] and passive [Colossal Smash] will be higher.

In the early stage, Galio is no different from ordinary short hands, and will definitely be pinched by the opponent's creep line-long-handed hero can use basic attacks to interfere with the creep line, and the line pushing speed in the early stage is undoubtedly better than Galio is a hero who relies on skills.

Lin Ran has nothing to do with the creep line. He can only control the speed of the creep line, but he cannot change the overall situation of the creep line.

Because he didn’t get the location information of the spicy incense pot, he Kite specifically approached the grass above—because Little Tian was in the upper half just now, which gave Lin Ran an illusion that Gragas would not be on it. .

But as soon as he crossed the center position with the creep line, Gragas's big belly came up!

"The incense pot also launched an offensive against Ran!" The doll at first's voice was still very quick, and slowly the tone of voice slowed down. It didn't sound so nervous, "RNGMid & Jungler didn't hurt enough! "

An innate talent Gragas with pure meat and Corki with weak early combat ability, how do Mid & Jungler with dual APDPS catch a HP healthy Galio?

Lin Ran relied on the passive magic shield of W [Duran's Shield] and the damage reduction of the active effect, and ran out with his feet, leaving 23 HP.

There is just a bad news.

His position is blocked by the spicy incense pot.

Currently, there is no teammate near Lin Ran who can help him. This huge number of forward creep lines will quickly swallow a whole wave of RNG creep lines.

And he even had a hard time eating experience.

"Galio is very uncomfortable. He is going to miss a whole wave of pawns!" Mille looked at Lin Ran's shiver coldly penalty station behind, "Although this is not dead, it will also lose a lot of money."

Lin Ran didn't expect the spicy incense pot to emerge from the grass above the river.

This unexpected surprise makes him very difficult to defend.

He watched as his own creeps were swallowed by the huge creep line, and he felt painful.

With the progress of the game and the research on the style of spicy hot pot, he increasingly feels that this is an extremely difficult opponent.

This kind of hunger strike is too disgusting.

Originally, Lin Ran used the information provided by the field of vision to judge the movement of the opponent Jungle, but also relied on the Jungle camp to refresh the law.

For example, if a Jungle has all three groups of wild monsters in the second half of Jungle, which way will he catch?

Mid-Lane and Bottom Lane.

He has a high probability of not going to catch Top Lane.

The reason is simple. The economic value of the three groups of monsters in the lower half is worth a head of 300 Gold Coin.

In this case, even if Top Laner is caught dead, it will be a loss-because of the Jungle mechanism problem, the opponent eats 3 sets of monsters, and he himself has to eat 3 sets less, which is 6 sets. The gap between wild monsters.

Unless you can get the first blood tower or Herald, you won’t lose money by catching Top Lane this time.

As mentioned before, one of the differences between Professional and Solo Queue rankings is that the frequency of exchange blood is much lower.

Except for a certain Top Laner who likes to fight single kills, most players are relatively safe on the line.

The reduction in the frequency of replacement blood increases the difficulty of Jungler's gank in a disguised form-after all, heroes with residual blood are easier to kill than heroes with full blood, which is obvious.

Therefore, in many situations in the Professional arena, Jungle first caught the Flash of an online hero first, and then used this 5-minute Flash CD vacuum period to crazily target, and then seek to kill.

Due to the reduced efficiency of gank, most of the professional Jungler arresting ganks are basically followed by wild monsters. They gank wherever Jungle is.

After all, once you don't get enough income by arresting people in the opposite direction, you will lose money.

Under this principle, Lin Ran will always use his powerful analysis ability to extract the information obtained on the map and determine the approximate location of the opponent's Jungle.

This kind of judgment is pretty close, Lin Ran basically won't make mistakes.

Of course, it's just the basics, and there are exceptions.

Last summer, he was well educated by the old godfather's eimy.

This King of Jungle, which inherited from the great hunger striker Jungle generation and the leader of the back-to-back generation, Level 4 Pantheon, made Lin Ran dizzy with his unexpectedly appear and disappear unpredictably Jungle course of action.

Now the spicy hot pot is the second exception.

Today's spicy hot pot has created a stronger hunger strike tactic with the help of the coaching staff. He is not at all affected by Jungle's new shackles. If he wants to marry Gnar, he will marry Gnar.

He only needs to control the two groups of Jungle camps, stone armor insects and front beak birds, and let Jungle on the other side brush the rest.

Using the experience compensation mechanism, the spicy hot pot can catch up with the level.

This style of play makes the whereabouts of the incense pot bewildered, and Lin Ran has no way of guessing his location with the old method of judgment.

The crazy dog-like gank made Lin Ran more vigilant.

I lost a whole wave of creeps, but Lin Ran pushed the creep line to the bottom of Little Tiger Tower. It looks like it will take a while for the creep line to push back.

Lin Ran is not idle either. When the spicy hot pot catches him, he catches Uzi.

Just do it, he operates the heavy giant statue and walks down.

"What is Ran doing?" Wawa looked surprised, "He only has Level 3!"

"Level 3 Galio is going to grab Bottom Lane on foot?" Mille sucked in a breath of cold air, "This isn't this too ridiculous?"

The audience was in an uproar.

[I vomit, Mid Laner Level 3 is going to catch it, against Uzi? ]

[Is this anxious by the incense pot? Take Bottom Lane and let it out, right? The air is shaking, ADC is not a toilet! ]

[Should not be caught, right? After all, Galio is not Level 2...]

I really caught it.

When Uzi saw Little Tian Elise appearing in Top Lane before, he began to boldly suppress it.

He and Little Ming relied on Charo's flexibility to exchange blood with the YM duo, and their style was as fierce as ever.

It's just that Jackey was very frustrated. He didn't fight Uzi at all. He just used the shield given by Lulu to exchange for two skills, and retreated, keeping his HP very healthy.

This is exactly the opposite of his original aggressive style of play. It looks like a bang.

Entering the second year of Professional career, Jackey is also reflecting on his style of play.

His original style was too aggressive, from laning to team play.

Many times, there will be scenes of jumping faces and sending them to the opposite Support hook. The sudden death is not a rare phenomenon for him.

But in the final stage of the S6 Global Finals, he met Peak Bang, a DPS machine that hardly makes mistakes.

Bang had all the traits of ADCyearn for something even in dreams that year: the line was stable and suppressive, and it was difficult to be caught; the keen sense of smell at the group fight could help him find the perfect position. , The perfect use of the formed equipment to hit burst damage.

In 5 games, Jackey was suppressed a bit miserably. Fortunately, the teammate was strong. The Banner of Command black technology and the high DPS provided by him in the later group fight helped YM win the final championship trophy. .

Seeing the bang style of play, Jackey has been trying to change his sometimes overly radical thinking since the end of S6, but this face-to-face style of play is deeply rooted, as if it has penetrated into his DNA and is difficult to be change.

Jackey originally planned to give up. Didn't expect and Little Ming, whom he set up, left the team, in exchange for two supports, the prophet and Liu Qiusong.

The laning ability of these two people is relatively average, and the cooperation between at first and him is not as tacitly as Little Ming.

Jackey jumped as usual in Spring Split Early-Stage, and was miserably educated by his opponent.

He died several times in a row, and he came back to his senses. Now he is carrying two Rookie Supports. With his aggressive play, he can't beat the Peak Bottom Lane in the LPL.

Jackey's jumping face is to try to gain an advantage, but not to increase the difficulty of the game. The head sent out one after another is a bloody lesson. He is forced to be steady and try to fight the opponent as little as possible when laning. in the end.

But this steady style of play is purely because the Support laning ability restricts him, Jackey's aggressive nature has not been completely obliterated, and sometimes he will face DPS.

So at present, Jackey's line is swaying between stability and aggressiveness. Before the game, no one knew which style he was in. It was like Jackey's favorite Red Braised Pork. I don't know if it is salty or sweet.

This is known as Jackey of Schrodinger in the YM team.

Today, Jackey's Red Braised Pork turned to a stable brand. He and Liu Qiusong obediently and honestly put the line in front of the tower.

The RNGBottom Lane where Elise appeared in Top Lane saw Jackey shrink back, and the suppression became more and more rampant.

They didn't expect Level 3 Lin Ran to come to gank, and now the game time is close to 4 minutes, this time is very embarrassing.

RNGBottom Lane lost the first jewelry eye position of the duo-Uzi and Little Ming placed a ward in the triangular grass and river grass around 2 minutes and 30 seconds to prevent Little Tian Level 3 from catching under.

The Cooldown time of the jewelry eye in Early-Stage is around 150 seconds, and the retention time is only 60 seconds.

In other words, when Lin Ran is close to the node of Bottom Lane, the RNG duo has all the jewelry eyes disappeared, and the Cooldown has not yet been completed.

Currently in RNG's field of vision, the surrounding area of ​​Bottom Lane is completely dark.

"Galio appeared from the triangular grass of Bottom Lane, went around in a circle, and doubled up the RNG duo from behind!"

"Kill Uzi!" Lin Ran shouted loudly and operated Bring the wings together with the giant statue of justice.

W【Duran Shield】Start to accumulate power!

Liu Qiusong flashed forward, W[Whimsy] turned Uzi into a happy goat!

"Kalista jumped forward and inserted the spear to hit the damage, Galio's taunt was delayed!" Remember to speak very fast, "Ran doesn't want the controls to overlap!"

Galio One After going around, everyone with a discerning eye knows that Uzi is a certain death situation.

"Little Ming wants to sell Uzi to escape alone, but reality doesn't allow it!"

Because Lin Ran doubled around the back, his current position Still obliquely behind RNG Charo, the taunt radius of W [Duran's Shield] has reached the maximum-350 yards.

As everyone knows, Flash only has a displacement distance of 400 yards. If Little Ming wants to escape, he can’t go straight behind Flash, which will expose himself to the limit of taunt.

He quickly made a decision-handing over Flash to the lower line of grass. In this way, he just got rid of Galio's taunt range.

At this time, Lulu's change of sheep is about to end, Lin Ran sees it without the slightest hesitation, and casts Durang shield taunt to live 200 catties of Xia.

"Give me a shield!" he loudly shouted.

Liu Qiusong treats himself completely as a tool man who obeys the command, and the shield of E【Help, Pix】 is attached to Galio.

Lin Ran immediately handed over Flash to chase Luo after seeing this!

"Ran doesn't want to let Little Ming go, he is too greedy, right?" Mille watched Galio's movements and shouted in disbelief, "Can you really kill Luo?"

Galio’s 1.5-second taunt, making Jackey as easy as blowing off dust, filled Uzi with spears, and pulled out the head to harvest. Uzi surrendered the barrier from beginning to end. There is no chance.

Jackey then jabbed the creep line with lance, passively [martial arts posture] jumping forward to chase.

Little Ming originally wanted to wait for Lin Ran to hand over E [Justice Bash] before handing W [Grand Appearance] to escape.

But he soon realized that he had chosen a wrong escape route-the Bottom Lane of Summoners Rift was not straight, but had a turning arc.

This causes Galio, who is standing inside him, to be faster when he runs down the tower to RNG.

It's like a classic chase problem in the line test. Sooner or later, he will be caught up.

It should not be too late. Before Lin Ran chased him, Little Ming hurriedly handed over W [Grand Appearance] to move away.

"Galio moves down..." Seeing Lin Ran's operation, the doll couldn't help but exclaimed, "He actually used E [righteous blow] to knock Luo down!"

"This angle is too tricky!"

The audience and the doll reacted the same, and the audience screamed one after another one after another!

On the big screen at the scene, the cumbersome giant statue did not hand over E [Justice Bash] to drive on the way when he saw the landing point of Luo Sheng's debut.

Instead, he chose to hand over displacement skills to the bottom.

Galio squats down hard to provide motivation for him to sprint upwards.

And this crouching action just hit Luo who handed over the displacement forward and successfully interrupted his displacement!

"Lulu handed over Glitterlance, slow down again!"

The piercing missile was launched from Lulu and Pixar, and because Liu Qiusong just handed over the E skill to Lin Ran, The elf Pixar was lying on Galio's broad shoulders.

This missile with a slow effect hits successfully, Lin Ran then slapped a passive punch, reducing Little Ming's HP.

"Luo can't give up, I want to speed up the distance when I hand over Heal..." Mille said with excitement, "But Jackey's Q [Penetration] has already taken action!"

In the rush of commentary, Kalista, who uses the champion's spear Skin, shoots a long and fast light blue lance, bursting through the air, and the target is directed at Shi Senming.

Little Ming knows that he must not eat this lance, otherwise the slow effect of E [tear] by Jackey will not escape.

He saw clearly where lance was stab, and wanted to take a step back to avoid this lance.

But the strong body of the justice giant statue behind him was firmly against him, and he actually got stuck in his retreat position!

Shi Senming ran by with 10,000 Mothafuckers in his heart.

kill to the last one, right?

"Lance hits, Jackey pulls out the slow effect, Luo will definitely die!"

"Jackey, eat." Lin Ran also intends to be modest, after all, he is not playing this game. Galio is too economical, and there is no problem in giving heads to those who need it more.

"Can you give it to me, can you give it to me?" Liu Qiusong saw that team leader Lin Ran didn't want to eat this head, so he quickly asked, looking at Luo with only a trace of blood, he was a little greedy. Can't help licking his lips.

"You eat a hammer! With a key for three yuan and ten yuan for three, would you rather match it?" Jackey saw that Lulu was still some distance from Little Ming, so naturally he was no longer modest, two rounds The attack took away Little Ming's life and looked more like a team tyrant than Lin Ran.

[Level 3, it’s too strong, it’s almost classic! ]

[Sure enough, RNGBottom Lane will be on the line, so what can you do with 20 dollars? Don’t you just give it away once you die? ]

[This is too nasty, right? Uzi is not at all prepared? 】

"My mine," Meadhu knew that he had made a big mistake when he saw Lin Ran appear in Bottom Lane, "didn't expect he will go to Bottom Lane."


He discovered that Lin Ran had disappeared from Mid-Lane before. The first reaction was that Galio took Elise to grab Jungle's incense pot, so he just reminded his Jungle.

Li Yuanhao didn't expect Lin Ran. This guy is so horrible, he doesn't have a pair of boots of speed. Forcibly walked for 20 seconds to Bottom Lane to launch a surprise attack.

He wants to push the line quickly and try to make Lin Ran lose more pawns.

But the big Cannon Minion on the opposite Sixth Wave creep line is stuck there. The Mead Tiger abolished Strength of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers before pushing a large wave of creep lines into Lin Ran’s Defensive Turret.

But our Cannon Minion started to fight the tower again, this time Defensive Turret can't eat the rest of the ordinary minions at all!

The Big Cannon Minion sturdyly resisted the Defensive Turret's DPS for 7 times and delayed the Defensive Turret for 10 seconds.

Lin Ran rushed back to Mid-Lane after the death of Cannon Minion, Q [Winds of War] began to scratch the creep line under the tower.

"Galio's number of supplements rose back in an instant," remember to stare at the number of supplements on the data panel, "he is only 9 pawns behind Xiaohu!"

This also included the 6 dollars that Lin Ran missed when the incense pot was stuck.

In other words, when Lin Ran went to Bottom Lane this time, he only lost 3 pawns, and among which is included a large Cannon Minion.

And he earned two heads and four assists for YM.

"Jackey recall back to base just made up Berserker's Greaves, this Kalista is about to take off!" Mille noticed Jackey's equipment column.

The high movement speed bonus and the two-speed shoes increase the distance of Kalista's passive [martial arts posture]. Now Little Ming’s Luo can't touch Jackey at all. He stepped forward and tried to consume [Grand debut] , Kalista jumped and pulled away, and poked half a tube of blood with his backhand.

"With the help of first blood, Little Tian recalled back to base and made up the green Jungler knife in advance, and started to control his vision as soon as he went out." Remember to watch Elise crawling on eight feet and head to RNG front beak bird He and the stone armor insect camp made an eye each, "Huh?"

He was a little confused about the two eye positions that Little Tian inserted, "Will it be better to insert the eye position in the river channel? Some?"

I remember that both my colleagues and I don’t know the mystery of the spicy incense pot hunger strike now, and I can’t understand Little Tian's thoughts.

The two eye positions of the Garlic Head Bastard have just sealed the spicy incense pot and use the experience compensation mechanism to catch up with the Jungle camp of the level.

As long as the incense pot brushes these two groups of wild monsters to supplement the level, the movement will be exposed in YM's field of vision, and they can adjust their tactical strategies according to the position of Jungler.

Mid-Lane Lin Ran's level gradually grows. He tries to regain the leadership of the creep line, but if he presses forward, he will be consumed by the Mid-Lane Lin Ran.

Fortunately, there is a magic shield provided by W [Duran Shield], which helped Lin Ran share a lot of damage. When he knocked off three bottles of Corrupting Potion, he had successfully reached Level 6.

Xiao's two eye positions have made great achievements. When the stone armor insect camp was brushed in the incense pot, the movement was controlled by YM.

Then he rushed to Top Lane ahead of time and successfully squatted back to the incense pot that wanted to help Rumble relieve the pressure.

The combination of YMTop & Jungler Elise + Jarvan IV completed the crushing of RNG, letme handed over Flash and couldn't run away, and was bitten to death by Little Tian Flash, leaving only the spicy pot to escape. alive.

After Lin Ran and Xiaohu pushed down the ninth wave of creep line, they tacitly chose to synchronize the recall back to base supply equipment.

Meadhu found that the rhythm of the early game was not quite right, and abandoned Demon Sect's slower-formed item build, obediently and honestly supplemented the glare and boots of speed.

Online again, he saw Lin Ran's equipment.

"This hanging man is really disgusting..." Rao Xiaohu, a good-tempered person, was taken aback, "What did he give out?"

Mercury's Treads + Killing Ring + Magic Resistance Cloak.

With a magic resistance outfit and innate talent, Lin Ran's magic resistance is now close to 100!

100 magic resistance means that Lin Ran's magic damage reduction attribute is up to 50%.

And RNG is now the team composition with the most AP damage. Rumble, Gragas and Corki are basically all magical damage.

"Galio, the magic resistance attribute is too exaggerated, Corki won't lose blood at all if he clicks it!" The doll yelled familiarly.

Although in theory, Plated Steelcaps is more restrained against heroes like Corki who rely on basic attacks for DPS, this round of Mercury's Treads is also disgusting enough.

Luo’s Charm, Gragas’s dizziness, and Xia’s imprisonment will be controlled by the toughness reduction provided by Mercury's Treads.

With the magic resistance attribute provided by Mercury's Treads itself, Galio moved towards Routuozi will evolve.

"Galio has made a magical resistance. Corki can't control him at all. He can only watch Ran push the line." Mille saw that Lin Ran used a passive punch and left half of his HP. Corki’s long-range soldiers smashed to death, and Corki could only watch from a distance, and couldn’t help shaking his head again and again, “Corki doesn’t have three items, so the combat capability is still a bit worse.” Lin Ran pushed the line and started going up and down. Go, he has now made Mercury's Treads, and his movement speed is also guaranteed. On the basis of not losing troops, the range that he can wander has become wider.

Uzi of Bottom Lane is very uncomfortable. Although he is very capable of laning, he can't make up for the economic disadvantage caused by the two heads.

And as the line went on, he disco

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