Lin Ran bought the equipment, and while waiting for the Fountain door to open for 15 seconds, he scrolled the mouse wheel to zoom in and looked at the skin details of Karma of Lotus Order.

Apart from being a bit dark, everything is good, and the skills are also quite cool. When Q [Inner Flame] shoots out, there is a lotus effect.

"The five members of YM left the high ground in a group," Zeyuan had sharp eyes. He saw the signal from YM on the minimap, "They are going to invade!"

In Cho Under the leadership of'Gath, Lin Ran and the others ganged up to Jungle in the second half of WE.

The team composition of YM in this round is quite powerful to play Level 1, while WE is very embarrassed. Except for the group taunt of Galio, it is more useful. Xia + Janna are not very strong for the Bottom Lane combination Level 1 group. .

"WE is very aware of the shortcomings of their team composition. They didn't want to play Level 1 group. Condi chose to take 957 to the upper half of YM and exchange Jungle with his opponent." Su Xiaoyan's voice is as calm as ever. .

Lin Ran circled WE under Jungle under the personal protection of GimGoon. Without seeing Condi Sejuani's movement, he guessed the opponent's idea of ​​avoiding the battle and changing for Jungle.

Although the conflict failed to erupt, YM's goal has been achieved-to force the opponent Jungler to the upper half, so that Little Tian can threaten the safety of WEBottom Lane.

After Lin Ran went online, he turned on R【Mantra】to enhance Q【Inner Flame】, and a lotus flower shot out.

"SaeEleisaTeraVi (discover its meaning)!"

Karma is muttering, it sounds like "Sa and PDD", and YMClub's former Boss seems to have some kind The relationship is broken.

Under the operation of Lin Ran, the lotus subtly hits the minion from the side, the aura shines and the lotus blooms, forming a circle of fire on the surface, and after a delay of 1.5 seconds, the circle of fire erupts, and the lotus fragments float in the air.

All 6 minions have been damaged by this enhanced Q!

This is Karma's early line push speed, except for the happy wind man Mid-Lane can almost match her.

Xiye's Galio can only watch the play behind the creep line, trying to use Winds of War to scratch the creeps, but with little success.

After lowering the HP of the 6 soldiers, Lin Ran did not stop the action, but continued to use basic attacks to clean up the creeps, and waited for the Cooldown of Q [Inner Flame] to get better before using skills to eat the remaining creep lines. Drop.

The soldier entered the WEmid first turret smoothly, and the entire process Lin Ran only took 14 seconds.

Lin Ran left Mid-Lane for a walk while the next creep line had not yet arrived.

"Ran turned and walked up, it looks like he is going to his own Jungle..." Zeyuan blurted out without hesitation looking at the screen given by the director, "He wants to find Condi!"

Lin Ran spent 10 seconds crossing Jungle, and placed his eyes on the stone armor insect camp at the partition wall of his own red BUFF area. Besides the stone armor insect family, he was also spotted riding a billowing poro. Sejuani!

Condi is eating the stone armor bug with the freshly baked red buff. He didn't expect Lin Ran to push the line and come directly to him.

Inner Flame!

Lotus confided that two small stone armor bugs were captured by Lin Ran!

The light is rising, Karma successfully rises to Level 2 with the help of the experience of 6 soldiers and two small stone armor bugs!

"Sejuani has no melee skills, Condi has nothing to do with Ran!" Zeyuan still yelled.

Sejuani's first two levels must be E and W. In the absence of pigs leaping forward, Lin Ran can completely slip him away!

The Fuck guys who were laning on Top Lane also walked around at this time, forming an encirclement.

The director zoomed and zoomed the camera, and included the YMstone armor camp and 957 in Mid Lane's Xiye and Top Lane into the screen. Su Xiaoyan roughly estimated the distance and movement speed, and said:

"Galio and Maokai are still far away from here, teammate can't make it for the time being, Condi may have to retreat!"

But Condi is very stubborn and he doesn't want to leave yet-Little Tian's Elise is sure He wants to finish Jungle in the second half of WE. He leaves now and is equivalent to first round and has a group of wild monsters less.

He chooses to call teammate for assistance, and then he drags it by himself.

GimGoon, who is closer, has rushed over, Q [rupture] is placed at Sejuani's feet.

After the revision, the intensity of Cho'Gath E [Stab of Fear] is very high. Normally, the melee hero like Maokai on the line is the first to learn the E skill. GimGoon's Q is enough to prove that all these actions are obvious. YM had planned it a long time ago!

Condi watched as he was knocked into the air, and the two small stone armor bugs beside him fell into the enemy's mouth!

"Condi, who has been harassed by YM middle and upper class, has to finish the stone armor bug!" Zeyuan watched Sejuani riding a poro up and down, with a bit of taking pleasure in other people's tone hidden in his tone. misfortune, "After all, the skills have been eaten. If the monsters are released to the opponent, it will be a real loss!"

Condi now has no choice but to suffer in silence having unspeakable bitter suffering, this group Stone armor worms were eaten by the two disgusting guys in YM's bits and pieces, leaving him with some leftovers, and he had to open his mouth to eat all these wild monsters.

"957 came over and wanted to help teammate. The YM middle and upper two would accept it when they saw it!"

Lin Ran directed GimGoon to retreat when he saw 957 Maokai coming over, the two of them All of his skills have been handed over, and Sejuani can’t be killed if he is here, and the second wave creep line will be handed over in Mid-Lane soon. Now he will lose his troops if he doesn’t retreat.

Condi attacked the two of them and ate all the remaining wild monsters in the stone armor insect camp, and the HP had dropped to 30%.

Lin Ran Youzaiyouzai put on E【Inspire】, with the help of the acceleration effect, he returned to Mid-Lane and continued to push the line.

Due to the round trip and the time to harass Sejuani, Lin Ran lost the experience of a small soldier.

But it doesn't matter, he snatched two small stone armor bugs from Condi, and it was not a loss.

Xiye wanted to push the line quickly when Lin Ran was not online just now. Naturally, Lin Ran would not let him get his wish.

Because basic attacks and skills have damaged Sejuani several times, Karma's passive [Gathering Flame] takes effect, and the original 45-second Cooldown time of R [Mantra] is still shrinking.

The creep line supplement time is 30 seconds. With the reduced Cooldown, Lin Ran’s mantra has turned for the better.

The second wave creep line is still shot by RQ, and then wait for the Cooldown of Inner Flame to get better and then send a Q.

The creep line was pushed into the Galio Tower again, and Lin Ran turned his head and disappeared.

Just while the creep line was still in the center, Xiye inserted his jewelry eye and arranged a deeper thread eye.

This eye position successfully detected Lin Ran's movement.

Moving up again, it is clear that he still needs to find Sejuani.

"Still coming?" Zeyuan couldn't help it, "Ran, this must be disgusting Condi!"

Sejuani, who was brushing YM Sharpbeak Bird, was spotted by Lin Ran again. Fortunately, this time Lin Ran’s Q [Inner Flame] is still in Cooldown, so grab the monsters if they don’t come up.

But Condi is now in an extremely embarrassing situation. Because the stone armor bugs have been eaten by YM, he is now a bit behind in EXP. If you want to rise to Level 3 to learn pigs, you must take this group of front beaks. All the birds are eaten.

He has no choice but to endure Lin Ran's torture silently, swinging the chain yoke to eat the big bird.

"Xiye came here very fast this time, he wanted to protect his Sejuani," Zeyuan commentary loudly, "but this Karma is very flexible, he is still harassing WEMid & Jungler!"

Level 2 Galio can only choose between E [Justice Bash] and W [Duran Shield], and the close control ability is also limited.

Lin Ran relied on the acceleration effect of E [Inspire] to easily turn away, and the general attack received Q to infuse the damage on a small front beak bird with less than half blood.

Successfully killed!

The audience cheered continuously, and the audience substituting themselves into Karma's perspective, pleased them with the pleasure brought by constantly torturing Sejuani.

Condi looked at Lin Ran who was leaving, and hatred kept growing in his heart.

Why is this guy playing so cheap? Are you afraid of retribution?

"Condi was not up to Level 3, which had a great impact on Sejuani's early rhythm!" Zeyuan watched Sejuani clean up the front beak bird camp or Level 2 and finally realized that things were even more than he thought. Much more serious.

The 3 groups of wild monsters cannot be upgraded to Level 3, and the 6 groups of wild monsters cannot be upgraded to Level 4. Sejuani's early level has to be suppressed by Elise!

[I'm so miserable Sejuani! 】

【Jungler is later to Level 3 than online, I really didn't expect! ]

[Ran's Karma is a real showman, just go around in circles there, wait for you to kill the wild monsters and then collect them. 】

BlackEye's growth trend is moving closer to the maple. Condi can't see the barrage in the live broadcast room, but he can think about it and know how these people laugh at him.

He who was flustered and exasperated turned around and went to find his Blue Buff to blow his breath, and was going to educate the opponent later.

The first thing Condi focused on was Karma, who repeatedly came to disgust his own bitch.

This person is still pressing the line, Xiye's Galio was touched by Lin Ran constantly, and the tortured wish one were dead.

But Condi changed his mind and felt something was wrong.

This Karma has a flash and Cleanse, plus the life recovery effect provided by R【Mantra】attached to W【Perseverance】, he and Xiye may not be able to kill Lin Ran.

He turned his attention to Top Lane again.

Condi thinks that Cho'Gath is better to kill. Now GimGoon only has Dorans Shield equipment, and it is not frank enough, so it is easy to withdraw money.

Condi did not go directly to Top Lane after brushing the Blue Buff-he knows that most of Top Laner's first jewelry eye position is handed over around 2 minutes and 30 seconds, so as to prevent Jungler from getting on the Super 3 Gank .

So he played a time difference, and then ate a group of three wolves, counting the time when the eye position disappeared, and rushed to Top Lane while Cho'Gath had not yet risen to the level 4 node.

"Condi is riding a pig to get revenge," Zeyuan stared at Sejuani's movements, "He can't swallow this breath!"

The audience laughed.

The eye position disappeared, and GimGoon, who had no vision information, really didn't realize it. He was making up the pawn, and Maokai suddenly tied up and tied him in place with the roots of the tree.

Sejuani appeared from the triangular grass of Top Lane!

"GimGoon still wants to run, Maokai has already smashed it out!"

957 used Maokai's Q [thorny blow] to beat GimGoon away, not wanting him to return to Defensive Turret.

But GimGoon's desire to survive is very strong, he knocked down the HP Pots and forced to go back.

"Maokai and Sejuani's damage is not as high as imagined, GimGoon eats the damage Flash and retreats!"

Condi E [Permafrost Domain] is full, and the trigger will let Cho' Gath was dazed in place.

GimGoon only had his HP in his early 100s after eating this skill, but at this time he had retreated to the protection of Defensive Turret.

"There should be no chance..." Before Su Xiaoyan's words fell, he saw Sejuani Flash Anti-Tower and wanted to go in and kill!

957 people are stupid, he just saw GimGoon's residual blood Flash back to the tower and turned around to prepare for farming.

The HP of Cho'Gath requires at least two basic attacks to kill. He and Condi must hand over Flash to enter the tower at the same time, and GimGoon still holds Q [Broken] in his hand and has not handed it over.

Once they are not handled properly, they are likely to be replaced.

The steady 957 is ready to force GimGoon to recall back to base, and then let him hand over the Teleport, but now why does Condi flash in without saying anything?

Fortunately, Cho'Gath was fainted on the spot, 957 quickly stopped the pace of turning back, and Flash pulled closer and prepared to take the head away.

But at the moment when the two of them were unable to communicate smoothly, GimGoon had already recovered from the one-second dizziness.

"GimGoon stepped on Q[Broken] before he died!" Ze Yuan exaggeratedly shouted, "WeTop & Jungler were all shot into midair!"

The shelling energy of Defensive Turret was ruthless and poured into Sejuani's body severely.

The 1 second knock-up time has passed, and they still have the residual slow effect of "Broken"!

Condi, who was originally dissatisfied with HP, was shelled back to Fountain by the third Defensive Turret. 957 also fought the tower. Fortunately, the original state was maintained well. This shot did not send him to see Jungle. But HP is only 14 left.

"Blood loss, WE blood loss!" Zeyuan started to yell, "Condi gave away his double BUFF!"

"There are two more A Flash..." Su Xiaoyan had a soft spot for WE because of his close relationship with an ancient fossil ADC, but at this time he couldn't deceive himself to continue to learn other commentary and insisted that he did not lose.

"The HP recall back to base of 957 has to be handed over to Teleport to make up the line. It's a loss!"

[Turret kills Cho'Gath? ]

[Shi Lezhi has been in this Little Qing year, so did Condi dare to go? ]

[If I faint in 957, who does Sejuani want to gank? 】

Barrage is very puzzling about Condi’s first Flash anti-tower. The HP of this Cho'Gath even the new player of the game knows that there is no way to kill it. He has to resist the tower and send one.

Some viewers once suspected that Condi was eating Spinach, and they were preparing to fill their pockets at the end of the regular season.

Lin Ran cut the screen and took a look at Top Lane, and looked at the Turret from WETop & Jungler just now.

It's really outrageous. Condi guessed that he had been working hard day and night, and there was a problem with his thoughts.

Fortunately, Cho'Gath was killed. If GimGoon did not die, he would also take away the double BUFF. 957 was afraid that he would not directly wear a pain mask on his face.

Not long after, Lin Ran saw the recall back to base supply state and equipment 957 surrendering Teleport to the Top Lane creep line.

The time is 3 minutes and 50 seconds, and a wave of Cannon Minion creep line will reach Mid-Lane at 4 minutes and 08 seconds.

Because Lin Ran did not go to Jungle to torture Condi with nausea, he completely controlled the creep line.

Let’s kill the ranged soldiers first, and let the melee soldiers with skin is rough and flesh is thick stuck in the transition position of the creep line. Now Lin Ran has accumulated a large wave of slowly pushing the creep line.

Thinking he found the right opportunity, he sent the creep line under the Xiye Tower.

"Little Tian comes together Bottom Lane," Lin Ran said in a hurry, and pulled back the garlic bastard who wanted to recall back to the base after finishing 6 groups of wild monsters and river crabs, "Jackey, you guys quickly push the line. "

Jackey reacted and hurriedly responded.

He knew that this group fight mainly relied on his own DPS, and he engraved the word "stable" in his heart when aligning, so that the creep line handover position was always in front of his tower.

didn't expect At this time Lin Ran wanted to come to Bottom Lane to do the linkage, he quickly cleared the creep line with the help of Liu Qiusong.

Fortunately, the arrival time of the Bottom Lane creeps is 10 seconds later than Mid-Lane. There is still some time before the Cannon Minion of the Sixth Wave creep line arrives on the line.

They are all ordinary soldiers, and he can clean up very quickly.

Big Uncle and Ben saw the opposite Kog'Maw and Lulu pushing the creep line crazy. They were not stupid. They immediately realized that YM wanted to do something with them.

"Can you help me, Karma and Elise should be behind us!" Big Uncle increased his speed.

"I can't lose sight of the bushes, they must be there!" Ben's Chinese has become more distinctive after a spring exercise.

Now only Janna of Ben holds the jewelry eye position in his hand, but he dared not arrange his vision into the grass behind the next tower.

Once Elise is cocooned, YMMid & Jungler kills him this crispy Janna easily and without difficulty.

Be aware that the ADC is a barrier. Now as long as Support is under control, no one even Heal can help him, and he died on the spot.

"My creep line can't go to Bottom Lane. Just be careful not to die!" Xiye glanced at the creep line, and couldn't be cruel.

YM Fang has 8 minions under his Defensive Turret, even if he can clean them up, but the next wave of Cannon Minion pawns is coming, they will fight at close quarters under Xiye’s tower.

The creep line is handed over in front of the Xiye Tower. If it is allowed to develop without interference, it will become Lin Ran’s pushback creep line.

For this kind of creep line position, if Xiye goes to support it, the creeps with a larger number of WE side will eat up the YM side creep line without any suspense.

Be aware that this is a wave of Cannon Minion soldiers. If they are lost, they are worth close to 200 Gold Coin. With the loss of experience, it is almost the same as death once.

Xiye studied the development trend of creep line, and then decided not to go to Bottom Lane.

"Wait for me, wait for me." Condi just died recalling back to base and he took out the green Jungler knife. He originally wanted to brush his lower half and hurried to Bottom Lane.

"YM wants to launch an offensive against Bottom Lane, it seems to be a classic four pack two routine..." Zeyuan, who was watching the game from the perspective of God, suddenly realized that something was wrong.

He is frowned, "Ran and Little Tian are not aiming at Bottom Lane. The real goal of the two is Condi!"

From the perspective of God in the audience and commentary, Lin Ran and Little Tian did not squat in the grass behind the next tower of WE at all, but on the edge of the WEstone armor insect camp, close to the wall near Bottom Lane, and there is a garlic head on the Bottom Lane line. eye!

Little Tian specially took advantage of the arrival of the Bottom Lane creep line to insert the eye position first, so that WE, who did not have the field of vision provided by the creeps, didn’t even know that YM was eyeing here.

Elise and Karma stared at the other side of the wall, with a bit of killing intent in their greedy eyes.

Sejuani, confused and ignorant, rode in like this on a poro pig.

In Condi's perspective, a cloud of white, turbid, sticky substance slammed into his face.

It's Elise's cocoon!

Condi panicked the moment he saw this scene. He was originally just guarding against YMMid & Jungler that might appear in the grass behind the next tower.

But absolutely didn't expect, Lin Ran and Little Tian actually came to hit Zed halfway!

"First break his pigskin!" Lin Ran looked dizzy in the original Sejuani of the earth, not in a hurry to surrender his skills, but greeted Little Tian to use basic attacks to destroy Sejuani passively [Frost Armor].

This pigskin will provide Sejuani with a lot of double resistance. If you blindly punch out all the skill bursts immediately, then it is impossible to kill her.

"Condi’s pigskin duration is about to disappear, and Janna is already rushing here!"

But rushed to Condi from the position in front of the tower on Bottom Lane 1st Tower It will take at least 5 seconds here.

These 5 seconds are enough.

Lin Ran tied W's [unwavering] spirit chain to Condi and hit Sejuani with the enhanced Inner Flame of RQ at the moment the pigskin broke open!

The lotus floats away, and Sejuani HP drops a lot in an instant!

"Little Tian human form W [Volatile Spiderling] is cast in the open area behind him one after another, and then turned into Elise form to fly to Condi, and the two skills of QW give a desperate bite!"


Sejuani, who just got out of the cocoon, is tied up by Karma's spirit chain again, and continues to stand in place!

YMMid & Jungler is not well equipped now, but Condi’s Sejuani doesn’t have any resistance or HP equipment. With only a green Jungler knife, he can’t stand the collection of Lin Ran and Little Tian at all. fire!

When Janna arrived, Sejuani was left with only a layer of blood.

"Ben handed over the shields of Heal and E [eye of the storm] and wanted to help Condi get out," Su Xiaoyan focused on the center of the battlefield at Bottom Lane, "but it's useless, Sejuani's position I'm completely stuck!"

Taking advantage of the gap between Little Tian's cocoon and his spiritual chain's control of Condi, Lin Ran has bypassed the wall and came behind Condi, and firmly stuck him back to Second Turret. s position.

And the Garlic Bastard has been stuck in front of Condi since Fei Tian hung by his side, leaving no gaps!

The three of them looked like meat tongs, holding the pig firmly in the middle.

As everyone knows, Sejuani’s Q [Extreme Cold Raid] will stop moving after colliding with hero, YMMid & Jungler one after the other clamps him, completely just don’t want Sejuani to cross Q and escape!

"The location is stuck tightly. Condi without Flash is already a certain death situation. He can only hold off for a while!"

Xia Zi of Big Uncle rushed over. First open W [Death Feathers] to increase attack speed and accumulate passive feathers. A+Q [Double Blade] and then E [Barb] combos are very skilled. The feathers that Q has just landed are instantly recovered.

The three feathers were retracted one after another, and while hitting the damage, they also imprisoned Elise in place!

Immediately afterwards, Janna's Q [hurricane whistling] blew the garlic head into the air again!

"But this control and damage are not enough to kill Elise, Ran’s Karma put a shield on him!"

"Sejuani still can’t handle the damage and takes the lead Fall to the ground!"

The head was successfully taken away by Lin Ran. He was still dissatisfied, "Kill them Bottom Lane and force Galio Teleport out!"

"YMMid & Jungler is not leaving yet!" Zeyuan is frightened and flustered, "They will use this wave to enter the Defensive Turret Cannon Minion creep line to continue 4 pack 2!"

"WEBottom Lane has nowhere to go, theirs The skills are basically gone," Su Xiaoyan's tone is still very calm even in the face of such a situation, "If Xiye doesn't get down, Big Uncle and Ben will definitely explain here."

Janna handed over two small skills, Heal and QE, while Big Uncle handed over all the skills, leaving only Shuangzhao in his hands.

In this case, the two of them alone cannot stop YM's frenzied Turret behavior!

Xiye will see them all together. At this moment, he has just eaten the three melee soldiers of the Cannon Minion creep line.

He didn't hand in Teleport when Brother Condi died, but now he has to hand it in.

In this incense burner version, the development of Bottom Lane is very important, not to mention that their team composition in this round is 4 guarantees 1. If Xia’s equipment can’t keep up, no one will come to fight the group fight. DPS.

"My Teleport, don't be afraid!"

Xiye clenching one's teeth and said, Beijing is dripping blood.

Now the Mid-Lane creep line is advancing to the first tower of YM, and his Teleport to Bottom Lane means giving up three long-range soldiers and a large Cannon Minion.

"Let's go when he lands!" Lin Ran commanded the teammate loudly in the team voice.

He has only one strategy in this game-torturing WE to death.

In the first 3 minutes, he was disgusted with Condi, and now naturally he will not let go of the opportunity to torture Xiye.

Lin Ran stood there with the teammate, so Xiye couldn't cancel Teleport.

Xiye looked at the four YMs who were like door gods before and after they descended from the tower, and felt as disgusting as if they had eaten dead flies.

It's so cheap.

"Xiye's Galio finally landed on Teleport, YM decisively gave up Turret and left Bottom Lane separately," Zeyuan looked at the commentary on the screen, "Galio this Teleport helped Bottom Lane relieve the pressure, but he himself is true It's a loss."

Xiye didn't catch anything, and lost four soldiers.

Now the creep line has not yet entered the YM mid-tower. Even if it enters the tower, there is a large Cannon Minion from the WE side to help attract Defensive Turret bombardment. Lin Ran rushed back to Mid-Lane at this time. The high probability is that Lose 4 pawns.

But he accepted a head, and Mid Lane's counterpoint economic gap has been opened.

The rhythm of one after another finally came to an end, and the audience in the live broadcast room could not bear it for a long time.

[What happened to Condi today? Die twice in 4 minutes? ]

[This game is gone, the rhythm of the early stage of WE relies on Jungle to lead, now Condi 02, the other four members of the team are waiting to be passively beaten. ]

[Seriously, Condi's state is too fluctuating, right? When fishing, he is better than NM husband! 】

Since the establishment of WE2.0 last year, this team has relied on Jungle's rhythm to survive the early stage.

The arrival of the meritorious coach Redmi helped WE improve the early transitional ability and later operational capabilities, plentiful harvest, but this still cannot change the shortcomings of WE's early reliance on Jungle.

To be honest, all teams relied on Jungle in the early stage, but it is difficult to find a second team in the LPL for a team that eats Jungle's rhythm like WE.

Condi’s sudden misfire had too great an impact on the team. WE, who couldn’t find the rhythm, could only pursue the turtle shell strategy. All three routes were shrunk behind the midline, and they couldn’t easily pass the river, so they won’t catch Little Tian. Opportunity.

But the consequence of the tortoise is that Jungle falls completely. Lin Ran relied on Karma's unsolvable push speed in the early and mid-term to wander wildly to support Little Tian, ​​and YMJungler & Support linked up Condi’s Jungle and stirred Heaven and Earth turning upside. down.


"Ran and Little Tian, ​​the bandits are here to invade Jungle again, and Condi has to let this group of sharp-beaked birds out," Ze Yuan looked at the screen and used In an exaggerated tone, he said, "It hurts, he hasn't reached Level 6 for nearly 9 minutes!"

"Sejuani, Zac, this hero Level 6 is a dividing line, and he doesn’t even have Ultimate. How to catch people?" Su Xiaoyan's tone was pertinent.

Condi's face is as gray as death, and he witnessed Lin Ran Karma use the Inner Flame to collect the blood-remaining Sharpbeak into his bag.

This should be mine!

He still lacks the experience of a group of wild monsters to reach Level 6, but YM does not give a chance at all. They seize the opportunity of the WE three-way shrinking tower and keep walking in conjunction with each other and arrange them in Jungle. Under inescapable net.

Even Liu Qiusong, who was suppressed by his wandering nature, couldn't hold back, operating Lulu into WEJungle and disgusted Condi once.

And Condi found that YMMid & Jungler are particularly in love with the two groups of Jungle camps, the front beak bird and the stone armor bug.

F6 he can understand, not only the ghost feet seven, all Jungles like to eat big birds, no one can escape this fate.

What is the stone armor bug?

The last time WE played against the RNG in the same group was back to the second week of the regular season. At that time, the spicy pot had not brought to the point of perfection to practice the hunger strike.

At this time, in the different team competition, Redmi will study the teams of YM and IG in Group A, and there is no time to watch RNG videos.

In addition, WE has not had a training match with RNG in the past two weeks, and Condi naturally does not know that the spicy pot is now relying on the two groups of Jungle campsites, namely the front beak bird and the stone armor worm, to play the Major of the hunger strike. Perfection.

And under the guidance of the coaching staff, YMPlayer has been practicing how to deal with the hunger strike for the past week.

Since Jungle is behind Level 1, each monster will give it 30 extra experience. Therefore, the Jungle camp, which has a large number of monsters, the front beak bird and the stone armor bug, is their focus. area.

Now Condi is two levels behind Little Tian.

Although he was not an active hunger strike like spicy hot pot in this game, Lin Ran and Little Tian have made Condi passively play the hunger strike through practical actions.

Then this coping method is naturally applicable now.

Because WE three roads have been suppressed, they can't help Jungle. As a result, Condi can't eat these two groups of wild, so they have to give them all to YM.

The remaining Three Wolves and Gromp are simply not enough for him to quickly fill up the level gap!

"Condi finally reached Level 6 in 10 minutes, but YM is already preparing to play Rift Herald," said Yuan Lang, "WE has no ability to compete, they can only give up!"

Herald was successfully killed by Little Tian.

"Which way to push?" He cut the screen to watch the three-way Defensive Turret HP while also asking teammate.

"Push it, scrap this Galio," Lin Ran without the slightest hesitation, "This will make it easier for me to walk."

As time goes by, the level of Galio rises. , Skill damage is also increasing, and Xiye's line clearance speed is now very fast.

Mid-Lane was dragged down by Condi’s disadvantages. Xiye did not dare to push the line too deep, otherwise Lin Ran might not be able to push Galio’s creep line now.

Using this Rift Herald to break the central tower, Lin Ran is liberated, and the continuous creep line will hinder Xiye's pace of pushing and walking.

In 11 minutes, Little Tian seized Condi's gap in eating Gromp, decisively in the Mid-Lane summon Rift Herald, and smashed the Mid-Lane Tower, which had been ground to 70% HP!

"Galio alone did not dare to keep the line, so I could only let YM push the mid first turret away!"

The first blood tower bounty was divided among Lin Ran and Little Tian, The rhythm of the arena suddenly speeds up!

13 minutes, YM once again encircled WEBottom Lane and called GimGoon, who had been on a stand-alone machine.

5 pack 2!

WE reacted quickly, and Top Lane Teleport and Mid Laner Ultimate also fell in an instant.

But Condi is half a beat slower.

5 to 4, YM regards the enemy's next tower as nothing, Lin Ran uses the Mantra to strengthen the Ultimate, and E[Inspire]'s shield + movement speed amplification effect spreads to all teammates!

Now Lin Ran is the Holy Grail + Mercury's Treads + Dark Seal in hand. This group shield is used to resist Turret points and there is no problem!


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