EDG post-match lounge.

This place was enveloped by the pervasive low pressure, and all the team members sat in their respective chairs silently.

The big screen in the lounge, which has been set to silent mode, is still showing live events.

Lin Ran, who just cut Pentakill, won the MVP of the previous game with a +6934 matchup economy, 52.1% of the team's damage ratio, and 220.0% of the damage conversion rate.

On the screen, he is staring at the people of EDG with Merlin gunner Tristana.

"scout, don't be so fierce and always want to press the opponent, what you have to do is not to kill the opponent alone, but to limit him to Mid-Lane!"

Sticky voice When it sounded, iboy withdrew his gaze from Lin Ran's body on the screen.

Abu, who has ceased to hold the position of Head Coach, also ignored his identity. He squeezed his throat to emphasize the details that should be paid attention to in the game to several players. Head Coach nofe stood by and added a few words from time to time.

"You pay attention to the creep line, do you dare to go up where the creep line is?" Abu's voice became sharper, and he looked really anxious.

After a season of ups and downs, EDG finally appeared in the playoffs with a full body, and the management naturally didn't want to fall here.

According to the current situation, EDG can keep the spot in the bubbling match even if it loses the semifinals, but everyone knows the difficulty of qualifying in the bubbling match. If EDG does not enter the summer finals, they must be scored. Win 3 BO5 in a bubbling match to enter S7.

Unless compelled by circumstances, no one wants to bet on the unknown probability.

Scout took off his black-rimmed glasses, closed his eyes and kneaded the bridge of his nose with his slender fingers.

He remembered last year's summer finals, when he was also the first player to lose two games in a row.

At that time, there was a fat general who went into battle with injuries to wipe his ass. Although he lost the finals in the end, it also helped him attract some public opinion pressure.

But now, the Old Senior fat general has returned to his motherland, Smecta, and he is the only one left by Mid Laner of EDG.

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself." As the well-deserved leader of this team, Clearlove stood up, "It's not that we have no retreat. With our current strength, we can also enter the bubbling match. World game!"

Clearlove said this with confidence. This is the fourth year he has joined EDG. He has never missed a world game in the previous three years.

He believes that this year is no exception.

iboy glanced at the watch on the wall, be eager to have a try, very optimistic, "7pm, it’s our turn to perform!"

Rookie's play has eased The atmosphere of the lounge was full of gloom and tension, Guijiaoqi squinted at the ADC who looked like a flounder from his parent.

However, he is not a spoiler at this time. If playing with his own stalk can make the teammate state adjust, Clearlove doesn't mind doing this.

He called on the other four teammates to stack their palms together.

"EDG, come on!"

On the commentary stage, the doll Mille had just interrupted a sponsored advertisement and saw two Squad members appearing on the Player table.

"This is life and death for EDG," Wawa took the lead and pulled the topic back to the game. "A step away from the cliff, if they lose this game, they can only play against WE and IG. The encounter is in a bubbling match."

"For them, the situation is very serious," Mille nodded agreed. "However, everyone at EDG has adjusted their mentality very well, and it seems that they have not been affected by the loss of the previous game. "

On the big screen at the scene, I don’t know what good news I heard. The optimistic Aguang smiles in the sun, his facial expressions are extremely rich, and his long tongue sticks out to lick. The corners of the mouth are like cosplayTahm Kench.

[This smile is too classic. ]

[Laughing hammer? I just clicked in and saw A Guangxiao was so happy and thought it was EDG2:0YM. Can anyone who is going to be swept out smile? ]

[Do you want me to cry all the time? Sorry for not being able to do it. 】

The facial expressions of the YM people on the other side look a lot more serious than EDG, but they are just appearances.

"What shall we eat after get off work?" Jackey asked while shaking his legs.

Liu Qiusong put forward his own opinion, "How about oily noodles? I know there is a noodle shop in the business district around here..."

"No, I want to eat meat," Jackey vetoed it quite quickly. "The big one."

"Then what are you asking us for?" Liu Qiusong almost wanted to curse when he heard Jackey's words.

"It’s not right to tear it up. There are many ways to cut meat, such as steaming lamb, steaming bear paw, steaming deer tail, roasting duck..." Jackey shook his head and moved up. climb.

Liu Qiusong finally couldn't help but quarrel with Heimerdinger Shiba Inu, the team's voice was all silenced.

It wasn't until BP started that they shook hands and made peace. They plan to wait for the end of the game to have another contest.

"YM took the initiative to choose the Red Team in this round," Mille said softly, "This is a bit strange, nowadays few Squad will take the initiative to choose the red team."

The incense burner version has been playing for nearly a month, and all Professional Squads have understood that the Red Team must assume a Kalista ban.

Although it is possible to get Charo at the same time, it still cannot make up for the huge disadvantage of a fixed ban position.

But White Crescent did not consider BP alone, but focused on the overall situation.

Red Team is inferior to BP, but YM is very good at handling Red Team games, and their Jungle planning route will be more changeable.

And another key point, White Crescent wants to set up a game on BP.

As a defender on BP, the red side can't take the initiative to attack, but can set traps to disrupt the enemy's layout at the last counter.

"Blue Team EDG bans Taliyah first," Mille also wants to talk about his understanding of the red and blue team's choices, but the Squad on both sides has begun to ban people, "Red Team YM blocks Kalista as usual."


For the second-hand ban, EDG and YM chose to ban Elise and Rek'Sai respectively.

At the last ban of the first round, Nofe hesitated, thinking for a long time and finally decided to block Kennan.

"Huh?" The doll asked in astonishment, "Does EDG not ban Ran's hot Tristana?"

"If scout still wants to use Mid Laner Lucian, this Tristana It stands to reason that it should not be released..." Mille also felt unfathomable mystery, but on the commentary stage, he and the doll were the only ones on the commentary stage. The professional ethics that could not be cold made him have to pick up the doll. Naturally, there was no time to think about the reason.

The ball was kicked to White Crescent.

He is frowned and wants to understand the plan of the opposing coach.

If you want to use Mid Laner Tristana to deal with Lucian, now this Jungler, except for Elise, is a version that takes on the task of opening a group in the front row, and only Top Laner can supplement APDPS.

If Kennan is banned, Rumble will be the only one that is currently adapted to APTop Laner.

This is the crux of the problem. White Crescent does not want to give GimGoon Rumble.

Because this hero takes Top Laner and does not match YM's thinking.

The reason is also very simple. This hero has short legs without displacement and fast line pushing speed, which determines that Rumble needs the protection of teammate very much.

And Little Tian is impossible to abandon the middle and lower lanes, to help GimGoon mark the defense-he can help the Fuck man gank build at the right time, but Rumble needs Jungler to stay in the upper half of the area for defense. Otherwise, pushing the line to cross the river is a model of daring to catch and die.

Nofe is sure that White Crescent will not give GimGoon Rumble. Without Aphero, Lin Ran can't play ADMid Laner, and Tristana can't choose it.

He equivalent to banned two heroes with one ban bit.

I want to understand the general idea of ​​the opposing coach, White Crescent is confused.

He doesn't want to understand what evil EDG is in, so keen to give scout Lu Xian? Or even let Aguang take Rumble for this?

"I will release Rumble so they must still take Lucian Mid Laner," White Crescent communicated with the players, "I plan to let GimGoon continue to play single belt in this round, aiming at the weakness of Rumble. Lin Ran, are you okay with the line pressure?"

Lin Ran held the ice water to cool down his hot palm a little, and then put it down immediately-if the temperature of the palm is too cold and it freezes. Will affect the operation.

He was nodded, his expression did not fluctuate, "No problem, let the other side take it."

"The last ban of YMfirst round was given to Jarvan IV!" The doll eyebrow raised and found the clue, "The two teams released the Xia Luo combination. EDGimpossible allowed Red Team YM to get the two heroes. They have to get one first!"

Nofe is still considering whether to choose Xia Luo or Luo.

"Meiko, can you hold Janna in the third hand?" He communicated with his own Support through an interpreter, "Janna restrained Luo."

The mechanism of Luo's W [Grand debut] is Jump forward to the target location, and then knock the enemies within the range into the air after a 0.35 second pause.

If the jumping distance is short, it's okay to say, once the distance is a little far away, Janna can fully store Q [hurricane whistling] to interrupt Luo's W [grand debut].

And after Level 6, Janna's R [Recovery Monsoon] can blow all enemies around 725 yards away, theoretically it can counter the entry of Luo's Ultimate.

Although Luo who has left Xia has good strength, it is also the level of Support T1Goalkeeper. Janna is undoubtedly the strongest Support in the current version, and the team composition is versatile.

"No problem." Meiko is very confident.

"EDG got Xia in the first hand and gave Luo to YM!" Mille said loudly, "Look at what hero YM would choose with another hand?"

white Crescent Let GimGoon lock Luo down first, and let Little Tian take away Sejuani after he indulges for two seconds.

He is beating somebody at their own game, and plans to get a team composition that can be disgusting to EDG.

EDG decisively selected Janna +Gragas, and White Crescent gave Jackey away Varus at the end of the first round.

"YM's first three hands are too strong to open a group," Mille analyzed, "Although Xia selected by EDG is not afraid of strong face, but with so many advance skills, she can really Can you all guard it?"

"EDG had to take a protective hero in the end," the doll also said her own understanding, "or just use the same rush to open the team composition, and the two sides face each other in the back row. "

Starting the second round of BP, White Crescent actually already knows that EDG’s last two elections are most likely to be Rumble + Lucian. He also plans to let EDG get this set of team composition, and he has also thought out a coping strategy. .

However, the remaining two ban positions should not be wasted. He banned T1Mid Laner Galio, who is still likely to swing to Top Lane, and another strong version of Top Laner Cho'Gath.

And EDG is a single-point Gnar that bans the same strong Ap Carry Syndra and GimGoon in the early and mid-term.

"YM's fourth choice, I decided to buy Orianna first!" Doll frowned, thinking that something is not quite right, "I remember Ran's Orianna win rate is not high, right?"

"The main reason is that there are more games lost in the impression," Mille said while receiving Lin Ran's Orianna win rate data from the director. "Sure enough, 77% of the win rate is considered to be among the heroes that Ran has used for more than 10 games. The win rate is very low."

"Orianna has limited ability to fight in the early stage. Although it seems that the line is fast, but basically can’t get the line right, the line right is very important for Ran, no matter it is Pushing the line and walking, calling Jungler to help or playing a single kill requires the help of the cable right, but Orianna can hardly support him to do so." Mille said clear and logical.

The creep line is very important in the Professional arena.

Because Pro Players are not fools, the diligent training of thousands hammers, hundred refinements made them not only familiar with the hero's strengths and weaknesses, but also figured out which ones they are against in the day after day training competition. There is a gap in the Player.

Except for extreme figures like Top Laner, who is the best in the world, most of the Pro Players play the game firmly.

They know how to recognize the line, and they won’t fight if they don’t win. After all, once they are singled back and go back to the game, they will inevitably be scolded by the coach when they encounter certain harsh clubs. Deductions from wages.

Everyone playing Professional is nothing more than realizing your dreams + making money. Who can't live with the money? After just a few years of youth, you can’t work as a philanthropist for the Club, right?

In this case, the only way to kill the opponent is to use the creep line. The creep line is the only way for online heroes to obtain economic benefits other than participating in killing, dismantling towers, and paying wages to the system-idle and nothing to persecute Except Jungler's Player.

Use various means to control the creep line, induce or even force the Pro Player to come out and farm to spend money, so that there can be a single kill called Jungler gank and this kind of murderous intention.

The importance of the creep line gave birth to the concept of line right. It does not mean that you have the line right as soon as you simply push the line, but the control and initiative over the creep line-Orianna pushes the line faster than LeBlanc , But she didn't dare to clear the soldiers at will in front of LeBlanc's face-to-face skills. The line right is in LeBlanc's hands. LeBlanc pushes the line if he wants to, and controls the line if he wants to control the line.

Mid-Lane has no right of line. Jungle is always very uncomfortable. It is very difficult to fight alone to drive the rhythm of the audience. In the mid-term, he has to give up resources to Mid Laner to develop the big core. The whole process is to let Jungler eat grass and squeeze blood, no gaming experience.

If it is another Squad with a brush Mid Laner system, it doesn’t matter if Mid Laner takes Orianna wireless rights heroes. After all, the team system allows these Mid Laner to stand up and dominate the battlefield in the later stage-a typical case is Gao Dewei , The old godfather relied on Taobaoquan alone to take most of the rhythm in the early days, so that Gao Dewei could make the egg hat square and brush wild lines.

This tactical system is generally effective for YM, because they started with Mid & Jungler's linkage. Freeing Mid-Lane and then radiating other teammates is YM's special skill.

If the later big core is selected, it will be difficult for Lin Ran to link up with Little Tian. There is no doubt that this is giving the early pressure to the teammate.

Last year, including the beginning of the summer game this year, Lin Ran chose a lot of late-stage nuclei such as Vladimir, Azir, and Kassadin, allowing the right to qualify to develop desperately in Mid-Lane.

As a result, the team is easy to fall into a disadvantage in the early stage, dragging it to the middle and late stage, relying on the front to receive the team, and relying on Lin Ran's personal strength to operate the turnaround.

Lin Ran wouldn't say'YM is all I'm in C'when Lin Ran played such an outstanding performance-even though some commentary made him blow his head in this kind of comeback.

Because of heroes such as Azir, Vladimir, and Kassadin, the teammate is the same as 4 on 5 in the early stage. On the other hand, Mid Laner pushed the creep line to go crazy walking support, and his own Mid Laner still relies on the development of the online game. , This is sucking the blood of teammate.

In this way, teammate can drag the game into the middle and late stages without crashing, which is naturally a great achievement.

At the later stage group fight, the big core of the team’s resources will stand up and carry the game. Can it be called a person C? It’s just doing what’s all. The difference is that Mid Laner did something in the early stage. Lin Ran pulled the situation back later by himself.

"EDG got Rumble +Lucian in the last two selections," the doll's shocked voice echoed in the stadium, "scout this BO5 three selection Lucian, are you serious?"

Crazy word interaction in the live broadcast room.

【I vomited. Scout was poisoned by Lu Xian's poison? ]

[I dare to take it, Lucian sent EDG back to my hometown on Spirit Stone Road in three games? ]

[If this round is eaten by sheets again, the effect of the program will be full! ]

[Now at 7:15, I believe Dianbao, Guodian is invincible in the whole world at 7 o’clock! 】

"YM took out Camile in the last selection. This round is going to let GimGoon adopt the single belt system!"

White Crescent showed his fangs in the last hand——Top Laner Camile.

The best choice against Rumble.

Whether it is the early laning, the Jungler gank, or the mid-to-late side lane single belt, Camile has completely exploded Rumble.

The team composition of both parties is determined.

Blue Team EDG: Top Laner Rumble, Jungler Gragas, Mid Laner Lucian, Bottom Lane 霞+Janna.

Red Team YM: Top Laner Camile, Jungler Sejuani, Mid Laner Orianna Demon, Bottom Lane Varus + Luo.

The audience rang with deafening cheers. After the win streak two rounds, YM fans with black red cheering sticks seemed to dominate the entire stadium, and their imposing manner was completely overwhelmed by the vast amount of starch. Piglet.

Summoners Rift appears on the big screen!

"Little Tian, ​​you will help GimGoon in this game and let Brother Fuck enjoy an emperor service." Lin Ran bought Doran's Ring and left Fountain.

"No problem, promise to complete the task!" The technician Xiaoyan looked at Rumble on the opposite side and couldn't help but happily.

Marin, smeb and many other Rumble veteran players were defeated in YM's frenzied targeting tactics. The Garlic King didn't believe that A Guang, who played the scene of setting fire to the famous mountain, escaped his sanction.

Neither Jungle Level 1 invaded, Lin Ran, who started the game normally, took a step forward and wanted to use Q [Command: Attack] to consume Junior Brother while the creep line reached Mid Lane's cover.

But Lucian twisted his waist and easily avoided the ball.

Lin Ran is not in a hurry. Orianna's chances of winning against Lucian are already very low. He didn't even want to fight for the line right in the early stage, so he planned to take over the game with a three-piece suit in Ann's steady development.

Level 1 Lucian is relatively gentle on the line. Because the range is too short, the Junior Brother can only use Q [Piercing Light] to try to consume Lin Ran, but they have not succeeded.

Eating the first soldier on the second wave line, the Junior Brother rises to Level 2, sliding and riding on the face and hitting his face.

Lin Ran also ate the creeps to upgrade, turned around and gave a set of QW. Although he didn't play Thunderlord's Decree, he didn't lose much on HP.

The third wave creep line reached Mid-Lane, and Lin Ran continued to shrink back to wait for the creep line to come to his tower before enjoying it.

Everything seems calm and tranquil without any waves.

It's just undercurrents.

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