[Ran is strong! ]

[Tell a joke: Karma Level 3 was eaten by Ryze alone, hahahaha hiccups]

[10% off the level of the crown? Here's how to play Karma for you? 】

In addition to applause and cheers, the audience also burst into laughter.

They think that if Karma Level 3 can be killed by Ryze alone, it is Raby, it is a dish.

Coincidentally, everyone at Samsung thinks so too.

Ann Sect Master brows tightly knit and feels that the crown has several points of the style that he was singled out to the young Faker under the tower.

"Stay steady, don't die." He told his own Mid Laner.

The crown is boring and complied, he feels really stupid.

He only knows that Ryze Level 3 will explode very high, but he doesn't know that he will die if he wears E [Inspire] shield and 60% blood.

It's just driving R [Mantra] to clean up the creep line with Inner Flame, and I was actually riding my face by Flash.

Is there any reason?

Lin Ran, who completed Turret, cleaned up the creep line amidst the teammate's toast. He didn't eat all the creep lines, but only made up a ranged creep.

In this way, there are two long-range soldiers and a large Cannon Minion in front of the Lin Ran Tower, and he decisively counts down to recall back to base.

The remaining creeps cannot eat.

If Lin Ran eats all of it, it will take a lot of time—because he is Doran’s Ring going out, he doesn’t have a lot of blue. After Level 1 and Level 3 match the crown, it will be more There is very little left. It is difficult for him to quickly eat this Cannon Minion and the remaining 3 long-range soldiers with his skills.

The push line speed can’t keep up. Samsung’s fourth wave of creep line will rush to Mid-Lane to stop the YM creeps. This wave of creep line cannot enter the Crown Defensive Turret and will even be brought over by Teleport. Stuck in front of the tower.

Once the creep line position becomes like this, it is quite dangerous for Lin Ran to return to Mid-Lane again-Ryze without Flash presses the line too deep, and Ambition Jarvan IV dares to die if he dares to come.

Cannon Minion can’t be cleaned up. The solution of just eating 3 ranged soldiers is also not feasible, because YM’s Cannon Minion creep line still has some remnants. Lin Ran only left after eating 3 ranged soldiers. A Samsung Cannon Minion.

Because the location of the creep line was originally in front of the Lin Ran Tower, if it was just a Cannon Minion, the remnants of the creep line of YM and the fourth wave of soldiers who arrived at the junction early would push the creep line across the river. .

In this way, waiting for Lin Ran to go online again, the location of the creep line facing him is the same as the previous plan. It is still Jarvan IV who comes once and he died.

So he can only eat a little pawn, not more.

Two bins will not work; one soldier will work!

In this way, the remaining two long-range soldiers + a Cannon Minion can perfectly jam the creep line in front of the YM tower. Even if Lin Ran recall back to base goes online again, the creep line position will not move. .

He arranged the creep line perfectly, like a chess player, returning to Fountain to supply equipment, waiting for the next move of the crown.

Karma’s approach after launch was simple and rude. Although the economy of two waves of creep lines + 4 minions allowed him to only produce a pair of boots of speed, Crown still tried his best to clean up the creep line quickly.

The fourth wave of creep line has arrived, but after all, there are no Cannon Minion soldiers with skin is rough and flesh is thick in the way. Karma's RQ with the basic attack is very easy to push the creep line into Lin Ran's. Defensive Turret.

The Cannon Minion soldiers left by Lin Ran played a role. It helped withstand several shelling from Defensive Turret, so that he lost only one Cannon Minion when he returned to Mid-Lane.

Now he has an extra Goddess' Tears in his backpack, two important attributes for Ryze-movement speed and blue volume, Lin Ran already has one of them.

For Lin Ran, the creep line under the tower is a gift of money. It is easily cleaned up with the interweaving of basic attacks and skills. Lin Ran followed the 5th wave of the creep line two steps forward. 5 waves of creep lines collide together.

The chess player Crown’s problem-solving idea was correct. He created a wave of pushback creep line by quickly pushing the line into the tower. If nothing happens, wait for the 6th wave of Cannon Minion pawns to reach Mid- Lane, the creep line will irreversibly push to Samsung Defensive Turret.

Lin Ran is still forced to cross the river, facing the risk of being gank by Jarvan IV.

The arrangement of the crown does not seem to be a problem, but the disadvantage is that the intention is too obvious.

No brains at all, Lin Ran knew that the crown was going to shake Gank himself.

His response method is also to shake people, but shake in advance.

Little Tian rushed to Mid-Lane after brushing a circle of Jungle, and used Q【Barrel Roll】in conjunction with Lin Ran to help Lin Ran push the 5th wave of creep line into the Crown’s Defensive Turret.

Ann Sect Master did not come.

He previously harassed Little Tian at YMJungle. Although he snatched a few wild monsters, the problem was also obvious, that is, his own Jungle was very slow.

After the death of the Crown, Ann Sect Master evacuated YM Jungle. He had to reset Jungle as soon as possible. When Little Tian first arrived in Mid-Lane, he was still eating stone armor bugs, and the journey was too far away. past.

I can only watch Lin Ran and the garlic king push the creep line into the SSGDefensive Turret, dissolving their attempt to launch an offensive against Mid-Lane.

"Ran left Mid-Lane after clearing the creep line, and entered Jungle with Xiao Yao. The goal was directed at Ann Sect Master!" I remember watching YM's attacking rhythm slowly unfolding in an orderly manner, and his tone of voice was mixed. A bit of excitement.

Ze Yuan on the side pursed his mouth without saying a word.

Lin Ran took Xiao Wangba into the upper half of Samsung, and immediately saw a group of surviving sharp-beaked birds.

"Give me to eat!" The garlic head was very excited.

Lin Ran saw this group of surviving sharp-beaked birds and immediately marked the signal at Samsung's stone armor insect camp to remind GimGoon of Top Lane to be careful of ganks.

"This group of wild monsters must be yours, how could I steal your growth?" Lin Ran said in a straightforward manner, and silently wrote down this group of wild monsters in his heart.

In the early stage, we must give priority to ensuring the development of Jungle. Lin Ran intends to fatten up Little Tian and then start sucking Jungle’s blood. He now lets out a set of F6, when the time comes, he can harvest 10 sets of wild monsters. It's roughly the same principle as growing vegetables.

As Lin Ran Goddess’ tears are stacked higher and higher, he gradually grasps the Mid-Lane line right. The crown can no longer restrict him, so he can only clear the line as soon as possible in an attempt to use this method. Put pressure on Lin Ran.

"Ann Sect Master has experienced the confusion of the first two minutes, and now plans a perfect route to clear the wild, minimizing his loss!"

Ze Yuan’s voice appeared again In the official live broadcast room, the joy that can’t be hidden even went through the screen, "As expected of Sect Master, the experience of fighting invasion is very sophisticated!"

To a certain extent, Sect Master It's a bit like TheJungleBengi before. Their understanding of operations, or the entire game, has reached an extreme. They are very clear about what should be done at what point in time, and they are very good at planning their own routes. Every time they strike, they will have a harvest.

This superb game understanding and insight allows Ann Sect Master to still be able to handle inferior games.

Little Tian and Lin Ran bundled together and wandered for three waves. Except for the front-beaked birds harvested at first, the other two waves did not catch anything valuable.

"You're *, is this person a fish?" Garlic Wang Bakong ran twice and couldn't help cursing, "The slippery can't touch the position at all!"

Jungle's invasion can't get any profit. Little Tian himself is a pure loss-because he wasted the advantage of online Lin Ran and his own development time.

"The suppression force you gave is too weak." Lin Ran frowns returned to Mid-Lane to clean up the creep line. After the two waves of wandering, he had pinched the time and basically did not lose the creep line, but he did not suppress it anymore. Crown, now Crown's compensation knife has caught up.

"To deal with this kind of Jungle, you have to follow the tail line all the time, so that he can't do anything else."

The method Lin Ran said is actually spicy hot pot. During the hunger strike, as long as the trail of Jungler on the opposite side is found, the incense pot will bite the opponent's ass fiercely.

This is the simplest and rude style of play, and it's also the best style to use against Ann Sect Master and Bengi Jungle.

Following hard behind your ass, the vision provided by hero makes all Jungler's brainpower planning go into vain.

But Little Tian doesn't use the hunger strike, this is his knowledge blind zone, he prefers to eat resources in the early and mid-term to gain economic and experience advantages, and then feed back this advantage to teammate.

At the beginning of the game, even if the grass is not eaten and directly squeezed blood, Little Tian can't change this kind of thinking.

The Garlic King is not too afraid that his opponent will be able to challenge his rhythm ability. After all, even if he can't win, there is Lin Ran behind him as a helper.

This is also the capital that he could suppress Jungle's carnivorous rhythm like Peanut last year, but when he encounters Jungles like Bengi and Ann Sect Master, his advantage is very limited.

"Little Tian’s offensive rhythm has slowed down..." Zeyuan looked at the game on the screen and found that the economic gap between the two sides was gradually narrowing. He couldn’t help but raise his head. He was also a Samsung fan. I have not forgotten my identity as LPLcommentary, by the way, I would like to say a few words for YM,

"It is advantageous to continue dragging to group fight Samsung, YM must come up with a solution as soon as possible!"

YM quickly met Zeyuan's request.

Little Tian saw that he hadn't gained any advantage, and changed his mind decisively. Jungle, you can walk around the map, but you can't run around on the three routes.

He focused on Samsung's weakest link-the Mid Laner crown.

After the death sent first blood, Lin Ran has mastered the online initiative, and Little Tian just finds an opportunity to withdraw money.

At 6 minutes, Little Tian seized the opportunity to hit the crown with an E flash, and cooperated with Lin Ran's EW confinement to kill the crown with a set of combos.

The tactical thinking of suddenly changing from Jungle to online really hit Samsung completely unprepared. Lin Ran and Little Tian grind out half of the HP of the Crown Tower before retreating.

Zawamoto on the stage stopped talking. He found that YM could slap himself in the face every time, and every time he was unlucky, it was the idol crown.

"Karma, 0-2 in 6 minutes, can basically announce that he has left the game!" I remembered smiling and giving Ze Yuan a knife.

"Originally, the crown can make use of its first large item [Athena’s Evil Holy Grail], which is cheaper than Ran [Archangel's Staff], and make the first large item in advance, and the utilization rate will arrive first During the strong period, build some advantages for himself and teammate."

"But his current Great Saint Cup synthesis speed is actually much slower than Ran brother's Archangel's Staff!" I remember that Le's face is blooming. "Guan brother, what do you want to do?"

Zeyuan took a deep breath, pursing his mouth to watch his partner perform.

After that, Ann Sect Master tried to help Cuvee build an advantage, intending to make Cho'Gath take shape as soon as possible to create sufficient deterrence for everyone in YM.

But GimGoon's Maokai is extremely stable, he just stays under the tower and can't come out, just waiting for the creep line to come in front of him.

Unable to find any way, Ann Sect Master wants to go to Bottom Lane again, but YMBottom Lane Kasumi and Lulu have reached Level 6, their life-saving ability is quite good; and Samsung’s only Jungler with Bottom Lane’s damage is not enough. Kill the duo of Heal + barrier.

According to the original routine, Ann Sect Master should call the crown or cuvee to Bottom Lane for Turret, which can make up for the lack of control and DPS.

But now Samsung has two single lines that are impossible to attend to other things, and there is no way to help.

And Lin Ran is now holding Ultimate [Realm Warp], once the Sect Master Turret is too far away, Ryze will definitely rush to the front battlefield immediately!

"An Sect Master can't drive the rhythm at all. He can only take into account his own development and then try to make anti-squats," remember to become more excited, "In this way, Samsung is completely passively beaten!"

Samsung's aligning capabilities are exposed at a glance.

Except for Top Laner cuvee, it is even difficult for them to find a Player with the top laning ability. Bottom Lane's ruler and corejj are both first-line Goalkeepers. Crown’s current laning ability is even worse.

The laning can't open the situation, and Jungle can't drive the rhythm. They can only try to lay out the defense line to withstand YM's next stormy attack.

9 minutes, Lin Ran moved forward with the converted Flash, EW restrained Karma under the tower, and then Little Tian Ultimate blasted the crown into his arms, pressing him under his belly and began to ravage him .

An Sect Master’s support is a step slower. Although the EQ connection to Ultimate covers YMMid & Jungler, Lin Ran opens R [Realm Warp], and Teleport successfully brought himself and the Garlic Turret out of Defensive Turret!

In 10 minutes, YM successfully took down Rift Herald and used it to dismantle the SSGmid first turret, and then Lin Ran was liberated and went to the side to put pressure on the side with the garlic.

In 14 minutes, the SSG three-way outer tower was completely broken, and the economic backwardness was as high as 5K!

The enthusiasm of the audience is getting higher and higher. In their opinion, YM is only one step away from locking the top spot of the group in advance!

Ze Yuan looked at the Samsung people who were retreating on the screen, and his mouth suddenly became dry.

He felt that Samsung really had no chance of a comeback. He hesitated for a while before he said, "YM has obtained a very large economic advantage. With their tactical play, it is estimated that this game can be ended soon... "

It looks like someone is doing gong in the dark, Jackey will be on his head after two minutes.

His Turret, who just made Essence Reaver + Yellow Cross + Berserker's Greaves, was too far forward, and was silenced by the cuveeCho'Gath WFlash in the grass, and then a mouthful of R [Feast].

Shiba Inu Ultimate Flash couldn't be delivered, so he was killed on the spot!

Then SSG took advantage of the victory and pursued it, Karma +Janna's double acceleration ability was terrifying. Even though the YM people scattered and fled immediately, they were still caught up and killed two people!

In a sudden wave of 0 for 3, Samsung pushed out the YMmid first turret, and took advantage of the situation to plunder Jungle resources, and the economic gap instantly shrank to 2200 Gold Coin!

"Ah, this..." Zeyuan opened his mouth wide and his face was unbelievable. How could he not understand the trend of the game?

If you are optimistic about Samsung, the crown will be military training; if you are optimistic about YM, Jackey will start sending it again?

Not only him, but the audience in the live broadcast room also found clues.

[Qiuqiu, you are holding back, how can you be so milky? ]

[You can say it, Zeyuan, please read a hundred sentences quickly, Samsung will win! ]

[I drop a boy, the LOL world is immortal? 】

"My mine," Jackey looked at the black and white screen with annoyance, "Why did my hands shake?"

"Do you want time-out?" Liu Qiusong asked timely Tao.

"No need..." Jackey shook his head, "Let’s hold off for a while?"

"I'm ready, GimGoon, how are you?" Lin Ran recall back who survived to base supplies equipment.

Fuck people swallowed their Jungle Gromp, opened the store and counted the number of Gold Coins, "The difference is 600, wait about two minutes."

"Continue after YM is resurrected Troops line up, but the offensive has slowed down a lot," I remember worried, "If it continues to be dragged on, it is really not easy to fight. Samsung's Janna and Karma's group fight ability will become stronger and stronger."

Zeyuan stood in a dilemma.

Neither did he say it, nor did he say it.

Zeyuan didn’t know what evil he had fallen into today, who was unlucky for milk, what should I do if I lose milk to Samsung or YM?

But remembering to look at him eagerly, Zeyuan could only speak with a thoughtful sentence.

"I think YM continues to fight, the game is still very suspenseful, Samsung is known for its group fight and later operations..."

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