Huni smiled happily at the bottom of the Player’s camera on the screen. Insta-burst in the domestic live broadcast.

【? ? ? Huni, you started again? ]

[Top Laner Yasuo? Huni’s new job, right? ]

[SKTHuni? SKTShowmaker! The whole work is the meaning of Huni's game! 】

At the same time, a group of foreigners are also sending out various emoticons in the chat rooms of various tourism events on Twitch.

The emoticon myriad, but the meaning is roughly the same-it can also be rowing.

It is considered an accident that Yasuo appears in the current version, let alone a Top Laner Yasuo!

The LPLcommentary seat responded very quickly, Mille quickly analyzed: "Top Laner Yasuo is indeed an unconventional choice, but he played Gnar is a miraculous effect."

"Mainly the wind wall "," standing next to remember that nodded agreed with the partner, "it can confiscate Gnar's Q skill, and once Gnar does not receive the return sign, the cooldown time of this skill will be very long."

"And Even if Gnar gets bigger, it’s hard to catch up with the agile Yasuo,” Mille said quickly, “It can be said that Top Lane Yasuo’s game against Gnar is a completely counter match.”

The doll still wants to speak. But I found that I had nothing to add. I could only nodded and said solemnly: "Yes, that's it."

The ten players on both sides exchanged heroes, and the team composition was completely settled.

Blue Team YM: Top Laner Gnar, Jungler Jarvan IV, Mid Laner Rumble, Bottom Lane Kasumi + Leona.

Red Team SKT: Top Laner Yasuo, Jungler Zac, Mid Laner Taliyah, Bottom Lane Tristana + Luo.

GimGoon on the seat twisted his body nervously, took a sip of ice water from the paper cup to make himself awake.

"Fuck brother, first click Level 3 W and then Q, so that the alignment will be more comfortable."

The commentary can see things that can be understood, and the white crescent is naturally also very clear. , He reminded him by tapping his Top Laner on the shoulder.

"I understand I understand." GimGoon took a deep breath.

"Just wait for Brother Ran and Little Tian to come to support, you work hard to stabilize." White Crescent knew that he could not force his team members to win the line even when they were countered.

GimGoon nodded agreed and changed a set of rune. The blue glyph brings 5 ​​0.64% attack speed, which is 3.2% on the surface, but with 3 big essences of 4.5% attack speed, the total is 16.7%, rounding to the nearest 0.3% of the attack speed.

The attack speed is increased, and Gnar will be more comfortable on the line with the help of W[Xianxian]'s three-ring percentage damage.

On the other side, kkoma is also telling Peanuts. This Jungle matchup is Zac vs. Jarvan IV. In the current version, the strength is completely out of balance. It can be said that the current offensive ability is the strongest Jungler and the most Collision between weak Jungles.

Little Peanut’s task in this round is very difficult.

“It’s okay, both upper and middle push lines can protect Jungle,” Leehom let his Jungle relax, “as long as you don’t die immediately.”

Anyway, Zac does. Passive [Cell Division] will not die immediately, and there is no Jayce on the opposite side, and the famous scene that was once a shot in the past is also impossible to reproduce.

When the coaches of both sides urged their players, the South Korean commentary who came to the scene was also analyzing the team composition of both sides.

"One side is Yasuo Top Laner, the other side is non-incense burner team composition," Roaring Emperor laughed, "It doesn't look like the mainstream version."

CloudTemplar help Fu glasses, "In our common understanding, the incense burner is really strong, but also not necessary. If I remember correctly, in the MSF vs. RNG match, the rabbit team chose the non-incense burner team composition."

The loading time of the game was fast. The camera lens swept across the stands of the Shanghai Oriental Sports Center, allowing online viewers who watched the live broadcast through the Internet to see the extremely hot atmosphere on the scene, and then cut into the Summoners Rift .

Amidst the audience’s deafening cheers, CloudTemplar speeded up his speech and continued, “Compared to Rumble, Karma is a good choice against Taliyah, because it doesn’t suffer a lot when it comes to the right Kasumi produces a hot incense burner; but Ran’s reason for choosing Rumble when Lulu and Karma are outside is also obvious-to put the heavy injection on the group fight."

"Leona and Jarvan IV’s pioneers , With Rumble and Gnar’s Ultimate, the YM team composition’s impact is extremely strong, making it easy to create a perfect group fight."

"We can see that SKTTristana’s double carry carries Cleanse, which is obviously Beware of YM’s strong start-up."

Madlife, who was also invited to be a commentary guest, holds a microphone. He and CloudTemplar, who were previously called the “God of Support” by fans, are old teammates and have a close relationship. The understanding of the game is also very good. He held the microphone nodded and said:

"The current version of the incense burner soft assistant is very afraid of starting a team, whether it is a line or a group fight, because of their countermeasures. Relatively scarce, body is more fragile," he said, "This SKTgroup fight is not without fighting back, Luo's backhand control and Tristana's self-protection ability are quite strong."

Madlife analyzed in-depth and simple, and finally concluded: "Of course, team composition is dead and people are alive. We analyzed for a long time, and finally it depends on the performance of the 10 players on the scene."


Lin Ran operated Rumble to the edge of the river, cutting the screen while shaking the baby while there was no fighting, making the fingers warmer, so that the operation would not be too much later. stiff.

Baby Warm not only heats his fingers, but also a fire in his heart.

He most annoys the person who chooses Yasuo in the Professional arena.

Because Yasuo himself is a good cook, he has no affection for this happy man who comes and goes.

Huni is so happy, Lin Ran is naturally happy does not raise.

This game does not make Huni really happy, I am sorry that he chose Yasuo!

Level 1 both sides are still very cautious, no one wants to fight this Level 1 group fight, after all, the risk is too great.

"Help me look at Zac's wild route," Little Tian stood in the grass on the upper river, "I plan to go in and go in Level 2."

"Come and come." Lin Ran pulled up GimGoon, and the three of them walked directly to SKTJungle at the time of 1:25.

"SKT doesn't want YM to come in to see what he is going to do, but Rumble will force his vision to the red zone even if he loses HP!"

Lin Ran cut his eyes down the wall He was also beaten out of Thunderlord's Decree by Taliyah one after another's Q [Stone Chuan], and his HP dropped by nearly 30%.

"This eye position time card is just right," Madlife, who stood in the perspective of God, showed his approval. "The eye position will disappear after 2 minutes and 30 seconds, even if Zac Blue Buff -F6 and red BUFF's three groups of wild monsters can't escape the detection of this eye position."

CloudTemplar took the topic, "Moreover, the lower field of vision is arranged in 1 minute and 30 seconds, and Peanut has no scanning. Yes, if he excludes Jungle's vision, it will also expose his own movement-after all, the monsters refresh in 1 minute and 40 seconds, and the remaining time is not enough for him to cross the entire Jungle to another BUFF camp."

"That is to say, Peanut's early game movement was firmly locked by YM's eye position."

This is the difference between the commentary of the division, after all, from the perspective of God The information resources that can be obtained are quite huge, and the content that can be analyzed is more than that of the Pro Players on the field. However, the commentary in the LPL competition area will only recite the hero skills like the name of the dish, even if the next one is not to use Ocean Drake. do not understand.

SKT also not to be outdone. Relying on the flexible Luo of the wolf, they also arranged their vision in the YM red zone.

Now that the two sides open the wild route equivalent to streaking, it depends on which Jungle is played by Little Tian and Xiao Peanut, which will determine the trend of the game in the early stage of the two sides.

At 1 minute and 40 seconds, all the red and blue buffs are refreshed. The eye position Lin Ran placed in the SKT red zone previously did not see Zac's silhouette!

"F6 or start blue, you can directly cross the river at Level 2 to invade." Lin Ran came to Mid-Lane and started aligning.

After hearing Xiaoyan's response, he clicked E【Electro Harpoon】Standing a little further away from the creep line, waited for the little soldier to turn into residual blood before making it up.

Level 1 Rumble obviously does not have the capital to grab the line rights with Taliyah, and Lin Ran does not intend to do anything with the flow.

Lee Sang-hyeok decisively used Q [Stone Chuan] to push the line. As in the previous round, he did not plan to stock up soldiers and wait for the arrival of the Cannon Minion creep line and then advance Lin Ran’s Defensive Turret. .

Because in Wolf’s field of vision in the red zone opposite, the location of Jarvan IV was also not found.

This means that Jarvan IV is very likely to open the Blue Buff in the upper half, and Level 2 is also likely to cross the river and invade the SKT red zone!

Jungler rises to 2 very quickly, and Lee Sang-hyeok doesn’t have much time left. He has to push the line quickly so that he can be the first step to support his own Jungle.

Plus HuniYasuo, who also holds the line right in Top Lane......

Lee Sang-hyeok felt cruel in his heart, when the time comes, he must let Jarvan IV come back and forth!

The progress of Mid Lane's push line is quite smooth. The HP who lost a bit of Rumble didn't mean to hinder him at all, but obediently and honestly shrank behind and used two Electro Harpoon to make up two bins, and then went up again. Use an electric drill to attack another melee soldier.

It looks harmless to humans and animals.

Lee Sang-hyeok frowned. If it weren't for the five people on the opposite side wearing headphones, he wondered if the opponent had even communicated with Mai.

My intention to push the line is so obvious that I definitely want to support Jungle. Don't you stop it?

But he didn't think too much, Jarvan IV would go to support as long as he entered Jungle. In the early stage, the two single lines in the middle of YM could not give Xiaosao any help on Jungle.

The first wave of creep line successfully advanced Lin Ran’s Defensive Turret. He directed a drill to the remote soldiers, and then the Defensive Turret shelled the remote soldiers into residual blood, and then supplemented the basic attack of the drill. hurt.

The tower knives are quite perfect, without missing one.

Faker took advantage of his own Jungle to stroll around at this time, and by the way placed a jewelry eye outside the wall of the Red BUFF camp.

He didn't set up his vision to the river, because Jarvan IV has EQ two companies that can cross the wall from Dragon's Pit, and it is difficult for the river eye to accurately see the movement of Little Tian.

And the Red BUFF camp must be the end of the goal of the Garlic King. Anyway, if you look around here, you can catch the position of Jarvan IV.

But in this way, the time for them to see the movement of Jarvan IV must be much slower than if they were in the river.

2 minutes and 03 seconds, Lin Ran inserted the eye position of the SKT red zone camp and successfully saw the position of Zac. He pressed the tab key and found that Peanut's brushing number was 6.

This is obviously the start of the Fengbeak Camp, and then he came directly to red buff.

At this time, Little Tian is on the way to the SKT red zone.

He also deliberately stood there and waited for a while before breaking into SKTJungle.

2 minutes and 07 seconds, Demacia Jarvan IV carrying long halberd appeared in Lee Sang-hyeok's previously inserted field of vision.

"Come and help me!" Little Peanut is trying to make a big hit. For a hero who is very weak in the early stage like Zac, Jungle will definitely not be better in the early stage, but he must work hard to ensure his own development. Eating a group of double BUFFs will have a huge negative impact on Zac level promotion.

"The two single lines in SKT had early warnings. They rushed to Jungle to help Peanut protect the red BUFF!"

From the perspective of God in the commentary, Yasuo The two and Taliyah rushed to the red zone resolutely.

"Okay, is it okay?" The voice of the YM team was filled with Xiaoyu's screams, "You guys hurry up!"

"Now, don't you smelly dog Called!" Lin Ran watched Lee Sang-hyeok disappear into Mid-Lane, and instead of chasing forward, he walked forward two steps.

At this time, it reached Mid Lane's second wave creep line at 2 minutes and 08 seconds and it was handed over. Lin Ran's forward kite attracted the hatred of the creeps.

Then he pulled the creep line into what he wanted-because the SKT minions launched a round of attacks on Rumble, took the lead in the formation, and successfully launched a focus on the first melee soldier of the YM side. .

The fire on the creep line caused the melee soldiers to die in an instant, and then the SKT side soldiers formed 6-on-5; plus Lin Ran's forward kite attracted the hatred of the creeps, and at the same time moved the creep line's handover position forward. The third wave creep line coming to SKT will be the first to rush to the battlefield for one more round of attacks.

The combination of the two factors has formed a backtracking line belonging to Lin Ran.

"It's done!"

"Give me some more time!" GimGoon's voice came from the headset at the same time.

I just poke Zac with a general attack with [Rhythm of War], and Little Tian retreats decisively without a trace of nostalgia.

Little Peanut:? ? ?

What do you mean?

Thousands of miles across the river just to touch me?

But he has nothing to do with the Level 2 Jarvan IV. In order to ensure that the level 2 Zac is cleared, he must learn W [Unstable Substance], so that the remaining skill points can only learn QE. one.

Without any control skills, Little Peanut can't keep the garlic king.

Lee Sang-hyeok and Huni are also embarrassed. Are you going to run as soon as we two get here? Stay a while longer!

Little Tian seems to have heard the words of the SKT middle and upper class, he has never heard such an outrageous request, stopped and stepped on Faker's previously arranged eye position and danced!

There were bursts of laughter from the audience, and Jarvan IV's ghost gesture of waving long halberd looked very funny.

"Little Tian relies on his own EQ to play Dragon's Pit, and his style of play is very arrogant!"

In this way, Faker and Huni did not dare to withdraw back to the line. Once Jarvan IV Killing another sudden thrust peanut will definitely suffer a lot.

Zac, a hero that focuses on group damage, is already very hurt when hitting a single monster. In addition, Q [Extended Strike] has doubled the life value consumption. Peanut is now in very unhealthy condition. There is even a risk of being single killed in Jungle.

The upper and middle two of SKT can only move forward and use their skills to trick Jarvan IV’s EQ out. They both Level 1 without displacement skills watched Little Tian jump off Dragon's Pit, but did not continue to pursue them. Ability.

But they seem to have forgotten something...

What about Jarvan IV’s teammate?

They watched the minimap all the time and clearly saw that YMRumble and Gnar were on their respective lines.

Why don't you come to support?

Lee Sang-hyeok, who is good at cutting screens, habitually cuts his perspective to Mid-Lane at this time, but with a glimpse, he couldn't control himself and cursed in a low voice.

"Brother Ran and GimGoon have no idea of ​​going to Jungle to support, what are they doing?" The surprised emotion that the doll deliberately reverberated in the Oriental Sports Center.

S2runner up AZFJungler & Support in the commentary seat of South Korea hissed slightly, "YM will use Tian’s invasion to create an advantage for itself."

"Now SKT is in the upper two The condition of all lines is very bad, they have already lost a bit!"

Mid-Lane was attracted by Lin Ran Kite and turned into SKT’s slow push line; and Top Lane’s creep line was still in It's different.

Because the creep line on the side roads arrived 10 seconds slower than Mid-Lane, Huni cleared the first wave of the top lane creep lines before supporting Jungle.

The remaining 4 minions of their own advance towards the GimGoon Tower.

But at first, I made up my mind not to walk the Fuck who supported Jungle two steps forward, use my own fleshy body to absorb all the hatred of the 4 minions, and prevent them from entering the Defensive Turret range. .

When the second wave creep line arrives, GimGoon only opens the distance, but in this way, the top lane creep line transfer position is in front of the GimGoon tower.

10 SKT soldiers surrounded the 6 soldiers of YM. If GimGoon made up his mind only to make up the last hit, the creep line position would not move at all!

The layout of this creep line is perfect, and it is also the basic skill of every Pro Player. Without the interference of opponents, they can make the creep line what they want.

By the time Huni and Lee Sang-hyeok returned to their respective lines, Mid-Lane had already lost two bins. Although Top Lane had a slow creep line, it could not bear Yasuo’s movement speed. Taliyah with passive [Pumice Rush] is fast, and the difference in the strength of the Top Lane creep line is more obvious, causing Huni to still lose pawns when he goes online.

Everything is clearly captured by the director. The chatting winds in the live broadcast rooms of each tournament event are all due to SKT's loss, but not many people know exactly how bad it is.

The impact of the previous loss experience of the single line is very large.

The second wave creep line grabs the first soldier 2, the third wave Cannon Minion line grabs the third melee soldier 3, finishes the Fourth Wave creep line grabs 4...

3 A time node, one step behind, step by step backward!

Lee Sang-hyeok is pretty good, so he kept silent after a mutter, and Huni was already swearing in the team's voice.

Originally, if all 4 people on both sides support Jungle, they won’t lose their troops even if they rush back, but whoever wants YM to play lured the tiger away from the mountain and holds SKT the right to the line All of Shangzhong transferred to Jungle, and started to use various methods to pull the creep line and let them both lose experience?

"YM abacus is very loud," CloudTemplar analyzed, "This equivalent to Jarvan IV uses his early Jungle invasion advantage to give himself a line advantage for the two lanes."

"In this way, the ownership of the two strong lanes on SKT may have to be changed." Madlife said:

"Single lanes are very important for level grabbing. , Even if Taliyah and Yasuo Early-Stage have a strong line pushing ability, they do not have the ability to leapfrog to kill. If YM upper and middle use the level advantage to force them to suppress, they will also be impossible to get the line right..."

tone barely fell, in the Summoners Rift, Demacia Jarvan IV of Dragon's Pit under EQ waited for a while, and now he fought long halberd and headed straight to Top Lane!

"Is this Little Tian going on a hunger strike? He didn't even brush the monsters, and went directly to Top Lane to initiate a gank!" Mille glanced at the Top Lane creep line provided by the director, "Hunicreep The line can’t be pushed into GimGoon’s Defensive Turret, it’s very hard for him!" Huni wanted to scold his mother in angrily. The creep line is now firmly stuck out of the firing range in front of the YM tower. Although Yasuo clears the line quickly, But he doesn't have long hands. If he insists on pushing the line, he will fight the tower.

How can Level 1 Yasuo resist the tower? No matter how happy he is, he will never go up to send it.

Just when he was unable to do anything, Little Tian rushed to Top Lane, clearly not wanting to give him a way out!

"What about teammate, what about teammate? Save it!" Huni glanced at Jungle. Peanut rushed here after finishing the red buff, but the Top Lane line was too long and Huni's position was too dependent. It will take a while for Zac to get here.

Huni kept moving while shaking the teammate. He stepped forward with Gnar's general attack and used AQ to kill the remaining melee creeps, finally reaching Level 2.

Learning E [Sweeping Blade] in seconds, turned around and wanted to use Jarvan IV for displacement.

"Little Tian reacted very quickly. He took a step backward when he saw Yasuo's 2nd promotion, and Yasuo's Sweeping Blade hit his face directly!"

Happy Wind The displacement distance of the male Sweeping Blade is fixed. This is naturally very clear to the garlic king. He doesn't even think that Yasuo in front of him is an EQ second company.

But Huni successfully handed over Flash at the crucial moment, avoiding the giant dragon impact on the face of Jarvan IV. This reaction drew full exclamations!

"Hiss..." The doll exclaimed, "This reaction speed is a bit faster!"

Little Tian gave a sigh, and couldn't help but feel a little upset when he rushed to Top Lane by himself. In the field of vision under the triangular grass, he saw Xiao Peanut rushing to the battlefield, and did not choose to continue chasing, and went back to brush his Gromp.

Lin Ran naturally saw Xiao Peanut's movements, he decisively stepped forward to grill and exchange blood, Fakernot to be outdone flew back with a stone piercing.

Previously, Lin Ran Level 1 actually lost a lot of HP in order to pierce in Jungle, but relying on Dorans Shield's recovery from the skin, it slowly increased.

Now he has the capital to exchange blood with faker, so he will not retreat.

Lin Ran controlled the temperature while pulling the creep line. After releasing the Electro Harpoon, the temperature was just breakthrough 50, Q[Flamespitter] damage has been increased by 50%, and Taliyah's HP is constantly increasing Decline.

But Lee Sang-hyeok didn’t want to admit the counsel, he also knew that Little Tian’s impossible teleport to Mid-Lane at this time to catch himself, E [Stone Array] laid under Lin Ran’s feet and hit the damage by the way. The creep line is pushed.

"Mid-Lane's exchange of blood is very intense, but it should be difficult for these two heroes to hit Top Laner to kill." Remember to see that the HP of Rumble and Taliyah have dropped by more than half, but it is not very worry.

Taliyah made a little profit in the end of this wave of exchanges. The Q skills of Rumble and Taliyah do not attract the hatred of the creeps, but the innate talent brought by Lin Ran is [Netherfire Touch], so there is naturally no damage in the early burst. Thunderlord's Decree of faker is high.

The third wave creep line reaches Mid-Lane, and Lin Ran continues to drive the Q barbecue creep.

Faker frowned and could only step back a little.

Because of the loss of two Bin’s experience just now, he must not be able to grab 3 smoothly. Now his HP is just in his early 40s. Once he is linked to Electro Harpoon by Huang Wen Rumble Flash, he is likely to be beaten all the way home. .

Lee Sang-hyeok stepped back, and Lin Ran continued to walk forward. Rumble's arrogant posture made it clear that he was unsatisfied.

"How much fish!" Faker was anxious. "Are you not afraid of my Jungle?"

Of course this is not his original language, but it is wide-ranging in Korean. and profound, that's what it means.

Lin Ran is certainly not afraid of Xiao Peanut, although he does not know the location of Zac, but SKT does not know the location of Little Tian?

If you have the ability to play 2V2, see if Rumble + Jarvan IV is better or Taliyah + Zac is better?

"YM actually got the line advantage in the early stage of the upper mid-level!" The doll looked at the screen and raised her brows, "Is this a bit outrageous?"

He didn't understand the creep line, but The two world runner ups on the South Korean commentary were very thorough.

"The negative impact of the two minutes support for Jungle has appeared..." Madlife's treasured sword is not old, and watching the game from the perspective of God can almost achieve the effect of predicting the future.

"The Top Lane counter is in position, but now the creep line is firmly stuck in front of the tower by Gnar, and the Flash is also caught; Mid-Lane also has a key level difference, which is estimated to be two minutes YM is about to launch a new round of offensive."

He sees it very clearly that YM will not wait until faker rises to 6.

Time quickly came to four and a half minutes. During this time, Little Tian went to Bottom Lane and crouched on the grass, and cooperated with the sunshine girl to play wolf's Flash.

While Mid-Lane has been updated to the sixth wave of creep line, Lin Ran once again seized the opportunity to exchange a wave of blood with Lee Sang-hyeok, but this time, it was unfortunate that Peanut was just brushing F6, E [Rubber Band Slingshot] jumped out and successfully forced out Lin Ran Flash.

Mille took a look at Mid-Lane, "Although Ran brother was beaten home, but fortunately the creep line was processed, this wave of return lines should save a Teleport..."

Without the voice, Lin Ran staying in Fountain successfully bought a Blasting Wand with the help of 6 waves of creep line and system salary.

Then Rumble's body suddenly burst into blue light!

The director quickly pulled the camera, and successfully found Teleport's eye position using the delay of the Player game and the live broadcast.

The line grass in the middle of Top Lane, this is the ambush set by GimGoon early!

Although Huni was born in South Korea, he didn't play that many interstellar, and his eyes were better, so he naturally saw the resonant shine of Teleport behind him.

But the problem is that he is now not far in front of the Top Lane YM Tower, which is very embarrassing.

Previously, he was consumed by Gnar 40% HP before fully pushing the previous wave of creep line into YMDefensive Turret. Now he is waiting for the creep line to slowly push back.

didn't expect Lin Ran to go around Teleport directly to cover his ass!

More importantly, there is no teammate to help him. Peanut has only finished catching Lin Ran. It is unrealistic to get to Top Lane, and Lee Sang-hyeok has not yet reached Level 6, and He has no Teleport yet.

This is a trap previously planted by YM. kkoma, who was watching the game in the Squad lounge, finally realized White Crescent’s previous BP intention.

Besides the version answer Galio, why did YM disable Ryze, which has a general version performance, instead of the stronger Taliyah?

Because of this version, Ryze has a high probability of bringing Teleport to 131 points.

As for Taliyah this hero, due to the passive movement speed provided by [Pumice Chong] and the support ability of R [Wall Mantle], few Taliyah will choose to bring Teleport, especially in this Teleport time of 4.5 seconds In the eyes of Taliyah, Teleport is even more tasteless.

Some people choose to bring Heal to protect the Mid & Jungler joint action ability, and some choose to bring Cleanse to create a group fight DPS environment-such as Faker in this round.

While White Crescent released Taliyah to ban Ryze, he deliberately prevented him from bringing Teleport to support teammate.

In this way, Lin Ran's Rumble can use this summoner skill gap to successfully support Top Lane!

"Little Gnar used the creep line to jump twice and hit Yasuo's face directly!"

Huni looked like an old happy man, first launched the wind wall and then E【 Sweeping Blade] Pass through Gnar's body and separate himself from Gnar. The wind wall successfully blocked Gnar's return to strength!

Then, with the help of the front YMcreep line, all the way to the front, the wonderful seamless E operation makes many Yasuo Players enjoyable!

"It's still on show, HuniPlayer is still on show!" Roaring emperor subconsciously shouted in the South Korean commentary seat.

Madlife was silent for a moment, "But the direction he ran away was YM's house..."

Lin Ran Teleport came down and stood there for two seconds.

Is this your escape route?

He cursed a few words before turning on W【Scrap Shield】and rushed to the river. Now Yasuo is a thousand yards away from him, and he is destined to be unable to catch up.

GimGoon reacted very quickly, throwing a basic attack in immediately Flash to deal damage, and then was unable to continue to stop it, and could only watch Yasuo happy.

"Huni entered YM all the way to Second Turret!" The doll loudly shouted, "He is sending this HP!"

Now there is no creep line for him to continue E Going down, Huni, who was already above, wanted to rely on Yasuo's crisp body to bear the Defensive Turret shelling, which was simply wishful thinking.

3 rounds of shelling Yasuo fell immediately, and the first blood was successfully accepted by GimGoon!

【So handsome Yasuo! ]

[I wish Huni to continue E, Pro Player is so attractive even if it is given away]

[I heard that Yasuo counterGnar? I wonder if this has no effect? 】

"I'm so bad..." Lin Ran, who had already walked to the river channel, saw that Yasuo was killed before cutting the screen back. "A Teleport didn't get anything."

"It's okay," GimGoon, who ate Hunifirst blood, saw Lin Ran didn't charge his gank toll, and his tone of excitement went up, "Come on and burn the pot, he will Flash in 7 minutes and 25 seconds!"

Lin Ran returned to Mid-Lane and continued to line up. After buying the Blasting Wand, the gap in pushing line speed between him and Faker has not been so big, and both sides are clearing the creep line quite fast.

"Come and help me?" Huni now feels that he has entered the sage mode, and it is so cool just to bring the pleasure of chasing the wind in the wind.

He urgently needs development!

In the first wave of recall back to base Huni did not buy Berserker's Greaves. He used 6 waves of pawns and lost a lot because GimGoon stuck the line in front of the tower.

Without money, he can only buy two attack speed daggers and a Vision Ward to put in the triangle grass of Top Lane.

"No, you have to wait until you reach 6," Peanut refused simply and neatly, "Otherwise, even if I squat back, we won't be able to beat the opponent."

Huni also knows that his own Jungler said nothing wrong, but he himself is really uncomfortable now!

Gnar, which has been upgraded to Level 5, touched Level 3 W in the early stage, and the percentage damage was painful. The high attack speed brought by rune and the attack power brought by the net loss made the little Gnar battle Strength rises sharply!

In this case, the wind wall can only block one general attack that's all.

Furthermore, there was a wave of pushback lines when Huni was killed just now, and it happened to be pushed under his tower at this time.

Taking advantage of the gap in Yasuo farming, GimGoon was unreasonable and triggered the third ring twice, HUNI lost half of the blood directly!

In the next 45 seconds, conflict bro

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