"Blue Team YM first disable Azir and send this Mid-Lane brush to the ban position." Mille looked at the BP pictures on the screen and quickly entered the working state. "This hero The Junior Brother is very good at it, and it fits their tactical rhythm very well."

Azir passively [Shurima’s inheritance] can build a sun disc, acting as a Defensive Turret to hinder the opponent’s advancement; and Azir is in In the mid-term, the ability to hold the group and defend the tower is too strong, and the Ultimate with strong backhand defense is also very disgusting. Redmi does not want to give this version of the strong Mid-Lane Ap Carry to the opponent.

EDG coach NoFe also knows YM. Since the S6world game, he coached Squad and YM played against YM several times.

Even though he has never won once, he sometimes gains a lesson from losing. He now glances at YM's game video to know what the group is going to do next.

"Zoe, ban Zoe." He spoke Korean to Ray Gulu.

Ray squeezed a pig's liver face and looked glum.

He previously signed a long-term contract with EDG, and then was bought by Baidu Cloud C9. He played well in North America and waited for his death. He played two BO1 games a week and had two rest days a week. Living in the Big House can also open a party.

Isn't this fragrant?

Didn't expect EDG's original top Laner, A Guang to leave the team, the Squad manager can only look for alternatives everywhere.

It turned out that they like to play Korean double carry. Although they were criticized by many viewers, Qiang is really strong. Now ADC has become iboy, which just vacated a Korean Aid spot.

In line with the principle of saving money, EDG bought Ray's contract back, and the first South Korean debut of the team, Top Laner, is here.

Ray is not very happy. I stayed in C9 last year as a substitute for Teacher Mu. This year, Teacher Mu went to TL, and he has to sit firmly in the starting position. Fear] Just drag it back to LPL.

It's fine to come to LPL, but you still play Top Laner in EDG, how annoying?

He still remembers the first words Abu, who came to inspect after he came to EDGBase, said to himself:

"Will you play Maokai?"

Although NoFe later developed two sets of push tactics for himself, let him try to use Gnar to exert his personal strength, but whenever the night falls, Ray will echo this sentence in his mind, and he, who is already sensitive, shrinks in the bed. In shiver coldly.

Too scary.

The two words Maokai are about to become Ray’s Nocturne. He sat on the E-sports chair and clicked Maokai subconsciously.

"en?" The four teammates and coaches were all dumbfounded. They all swept their heads sideways and looked towards their Top Laner, their actions were extremely consistent.

Little brother, what's the matter with you?

It's ban Zoe... Besides, when does EDG need banMaokai? Look down on people, right?

The cameraman did not connect to the voice of the EDG team. He did not know what happened, but it did not prevent him from filming this scene and keeping it as a famous scene.

"The point is wrong and the point is wrong." Rayspirit slowly recovers and hastened to apologize.

Fortunately, it was not locked just now. At this time, there is still a chance to make up. Ray quickly sent Zoe to the ban position.

All of this, the audience and commentary watching the OB perspective are not clear.

Mille is still obediently and honestly analyzing, "YM gave Tahm Kench the second ban position. It can be seen that they are quite ample in the Ban position of the Blue Team."

NoFe hands With his chin supported, Redmi’s BP is almost a bright card-BanTahm Kench, a protective hero, and then snatched Thresh in the Blue Team.

This is one of Liu Qiusong's unique heroes, and it can also be matched with Mid & Jungler, and it is also a good hand to walk with rhythm.

With Tahm Kench disabled, it is difficult for them to limit Thresh's rhythm.

This is no way. When facing YM, once you are on the red side, it is very difficult for BP to do it.

"EDG chose to block Aoun, although the hero has been weakened. Once, but now it's still a big BUG..." Wawa was not surprised by this.

At this time, the director gives the update details of Aoun in version 8.2, W[Blower Breath] The unstoppable state when casting spells is removed, and R[summon of the God of Forge] Cooldown time is increased Increased.

But as long as the shield provided by W Bellows Flame Breath does not cut, the sheep Uncle is the god of blood exchange in the Top Laner position, and the batch of meat DPS is still high, and the teammate can be equipped in the middle and late stages.

Redmi’s third ban is given to Braum, and it is still limited to meiko.

For him, the four positions of Mid & Jungler on EDG are not YM's opponents, only the support position is relatively close.

Limiting meiko's hero pool is the top priority of Redmi in this game.

NoFe paced back and forth behind the Player's seat, and finally decided to release Jarvan IV and Thresh.

If YM wants to choose Thresh, then they will take Jarvan IV and exchange for a strong hero. They can still grab another version of the hero in the second choice, which is not a loss.

"Take Jarvan IV," Redmi had been prepared for a while, and there were still pits waiting for NoFe to jump. He said to Little Tian, ​​"Just keep invading in this game."

The king of garlic stretched out his long fingers and pushed the drooping long bangs to the sides-otherwise the hair would block his eyes and obstruct his vision.

But now Little Tian's forehead bangs are evenly moved to the sideburns, revealing a section of his forehead, which looks like a Japanese hairstyle.

Lin Ran looked very uncomfortable, "Can you come back and cut your hair?"

"Hey..." Little Tian sighed slightly, and habitually stroked it. Stroking the hair, "The main reason is that I feel insecure after cutting it short. Hair is long and I feel more comfortable."

"Why is there a sense of security when I grow my hair?" Looking at the opposite, Miss Fortune and Thresh were taken. Jackey began to shake his legs again, "Are you afraid of others smashing your head?"

Little Tian didn't say a word, still thinking about whether he could win this round without catching Bottom Lane. He planned to let Shiba Inu experience IGBottom Lane. Treatment.

"Take Gangplank, then...Lin Ran, can you go out first?" Redmi couldn't understand the communication of several team members, and was still doing BP each minding their own business.

Lin Ran thought for a while, anyway, they are in the Blue Team, EDG will leave the counter position to Junior Brother anyway, there is no difference between his early election and late election.

"Yes...Corki, how about it?" This hero doesn't have to worry about going out first, except that Kassadin is uncomfortable, everything else is pretty good.

Redmi has no objection, let Lin Ran choose hero, and EDG made up Kha'Zix in the last hand.

Currently, among the Mid & Jungler trio exposed by YM, only Jarvan IV has its own control, and EQ II is not stable in front of Kha'Zix.

Assassin hero likes to face the sparsely controlled team composition. The second Crown Prince Haro stage is very large and can be played at will.

"Second round Ban people, the two sides are still aiming at the position that the opponent has not yet selected..."

Redmi sent the ancestral Maokai of Gnar and EDG that Ray used very smoothly before. Ban bit, avoid any setback.

NoFe has banned Alistar and Luo.

These two heroes are Liu Qiusong's good roles, and they have certain initial skills, which are quite compatible with Mid & Jungler on YM.

And NoFe knows that the team composition of YM lacks hard control, and Alistar and Luo are both very suitable choices.

"EDG will take Ryze first...Don't you choose Kasadin?" The doll started again, "I think if Junior Brother takes Kasadin, the developmental environment will be very smooth in this game, a few from YM. Hero can't give him pressure to enter the game."

Mille clamored on the sidelines, "It's mainly because EDG takes Kasadin, Mid & Jungler is too difficult to cooperate, Kasadin and Kha'Zix are not good to match. To win YM, the two points of Mid & Jungler must be pressed to death in the early stage."

"Ryze has control after all, and it is not difficult to play Corki on the line."

On one side, Redmi was still communicating with the Bottom Lane duo. Liu Qiusong was very excited and nodded. Shiba Inu's eyes were full of distrust.

"YM took Varus to Jackey, leaving Liu Qiusong's Support..." Mille's tone suddenly rose.


The audience was in an uproar.

[Here comes, Liu Qiusong! ]

[Hooks must be used to defeat the hooks]

[Blitzcrank counterThresh, EDGdouble carry has no displacement yet, some look at it]

"This support control Very unstable," Mille entered the sage mode after a short period of excitement, carefully thinking about the team composition of both sides, "If Blitzcrank's hook hit rate is not high, the group fight is definitely not as good as EDG!"

" Liu Qiusong, don’t do it," Jackey kept muttering, "You can hook the line if you are sure of it, otherwise it would be too uncomfortable for me if the hook is empty..."

"Don’t bark the smelly dog , Are you teaching me to do things?" The tear wound was very impatient, "I don't know if I play Support, am I?"

Shiba Inu was very embarrassed and shrank his head and stopped talking.

The main reason is that his mouth is no more than Liu Qiusong, and it is too cruel to tear the wound and curse, which is completely different from Xiao Yan's eccentric lethality.

"EDG finally took care to make up for the team's control!" Mille thought slightly, "I think I like the EDG team composition better."

He said his own Thought, "It's too stable, it can even be said that there is no weak spot. It is dragged to the group fight period. As long as you stand your field of vision and are not caught by the Blitzcrank sneak attack, you will lose if you hit 5V5 head-on."

The audience followed his words. Think about the team composition of both parties again.

Blue Team YM: Top Laner Gangplank, Jungler Jarvan IV, Mid Laner Corki, Bottom Lane Varus + Blitzcrank.

Red Team EDG: Top Laner Shen, Jungler Kha'Zix, Mid Laner Ryze, Bottom Lane Miss Fortune +Thresh.

It seems that the team composition of Guodian is indeed much better. After all, it is very stable, with three-way full control, and Kha'Zix is ​​easy to catch anywhere.

But Redmi and YMPlayer are very satisfied, and Jackey is just not worried about Liu Qiusong's hook hit rate.

Because this set of team composition can perfectly display their early offensive ability.

This is the first game of the LPL after a three-week vacation. The audience can't contain their excitement. After all the ten heroes from both sides descended on the Summoners Rift, they exhausted all their strength for Squad, which you support, cheer!

Lin Ran had already figured out the options for going out during the loading stage. He did not choose to extract, but bought Doran's Blade.

"Walk, go to the lower half of them!" The moment Fountain opened the door, Liu Qiusong rushed out.

The five members of YM lined up in a line and went straight to the opposite Jungle.

"YMSupport brought a scan..." The doll saw Blitzcrank in the canyon rushing forward, "EDG has to retreat, their Level 1 regiment is not very capable!"

Meiko cursed secretly in his heart. The jewelry eye he had placed in the Blue Buff camp in the lower half was directly photographed by two scans by YM, and it was immediately emptied.

"How many people share the experience?" Ray and Junior Brother all asked in the voice channel.

Only one in Korean and one in Mandarin with a Wuhan accent.

But Wusuowei, meiko Korean still passed the test, and I don’t understand the complexity, this kind of short sentence is very simple and understandable.

"...I don't know." He spoke frankly, "I saw Corki and Blitzcrank when I removed the eyes."

The experience acquisition range is 1,600 yards. When the false eye is removed, it is basically impossible to provide such a distant Jungle field of vision.


If the three people are divided into eye position experience, Lin Ran and GimGoon will be able to rise to Level 2 in a single wave.

They couldn't get this key information. Everyone in EDG didn't even dare to look at Jungle, for fear of being caught by Blitzcrank and sending out first blood.

"Let's talk, don't push the line for Level 1." Junior Brother Ji Ligu lu said to Ray in Korean.

If the opponent grabs 2 by a wave of pawns when pushing the line, you must lose a lot of HP, which may cause a chain reaction.

In the face of unknown information, their two single lines can only choose to stay with them temporarily.

Ray was very aggrieved. He played Shen against Gangplank in the early stage, and he played well in the early stage. When both sides got up, Shen didn't dare to go up and exchange blood with Gangplank.

Being hit by a barrel, the Gangplank Blaze Blade Technique was really hurt, and Shen's body couldn't hold it.

"YM seized the Jungle in the second half of EDG. Haro was prepared to go to the Blue Buff in the opposite half to open the field..."

At the same time, the equipment data panel of both parties When the OB perspective rose, Mille immediately noticed something wrong with the YM equipment bar.

"Why are all..."

Perfect timing!

All five of them are stopwatch innate talents!

There was also a rustling discussion in the audience. The stopwatch innate talent has been around for a while, but the attention has not been high. Many people like [Somewhat magical boots].

After all, although the stopwatch can provide a golden body effect, it can only be used after the synthesis of Zhonya's Hourglass and Resurrection Armor.

It doesn’t look as good as the 300 RMB for shoes.

At present, except for the Mid Laner Ap Carry of Zhonya's Hourglass and the warrior that makes the resurrection armor, the rest of the Players are like King Ning-prefer shoes.

"What is this going to do?" Wawa was stunned.

The EDG people on the line with YM also saw the opponent's equipment, and felt uneasy.

Intuition tells them that this matter is definitely not that simple.

Little Junior Brother looked at Lin Ran who swaggered forward and pushed forward, with a vague guess in his heart--YM definitely had no more than 3 people in his eye position experience. Corki obviously knew that he could grab the second place!

He didn't dare to make times and could only continue to retreat. The Junior Brother operated Ryze in this round and brought the strengthened Teleport, so he chose the Blue Inhibitor to install the third wave creep. Line went back to synthesize Goddess tears.

Lin Ran looked at Ryze, who was hiding behind the wretched development, and could only turn his head in anguish to deal with the creep line.

If it is S7, Lin Ran will definitely carry the creep line forward to exchange blood, and fire the E Green machine gun to easily trigger Thunderlord's Decree.

But it doesn't work anymore. Although the electrocution after the rune revision is also triggered by 3 damages, the precondition adds the word'independent'.

This caused continuous damage such as Corki EMiss Fortune E and Morgana W to fail to trigger electrocution, and the ability to exchange blood on the line was much worse than before.

Lin Ran can only bring the mainstream [Swift Pace], equivalent to the original [Warlord’s Bloodthirsty], and the main line-up response.

He first clicked on the opposite creep line, which caused the EDG minions to become remnants of blood first. After operating Corki to make up for them, the HP of the three melee soldiers of YM only became remnant.

In this way, once the Junior Brother stepped forward and wanted to farm, Lin Ran could consume it without worrying about missing a knife.

Scout resisted two basic attacks and E [Green Machine Gun], cleared the three melee soldiers, and then immediately retreated.

He is not too afraid of this kind of small friction. After all, he has reusable Potion, and the recovery item plus his own HP will support the Cannon Minion soldier to recall back to base. There is no problem.

The little Junior Brother was afraid that Lin Ran on the other side would become a reckless man, so he grabbed the second and went straight up to do it, so the HP was definitely not enough.

The long-range soldiers of the two sides began to attack, Lin Ran was just in front of him glare like a tiger watching his prey, the team positioning was extremely arrogant, and the little Junior Brother did not dare to step forward.

He feels more and more that his guess is correct. Lin Ran is obviously going to grab 2!

There is no way, he can only take two steps back, giving up farming and only intending to gain experience.

At this time, the second wave creep line came to Mid-Lane and converged and collided. The Junior Brother watched three of his own long-range soldiers die one after another...

Be the first wave of creeps When all were killed, the opposite Colonel Kutcher was no different from before, and the light that symbolized the upgrade did not rise at all!

Fake, all fake!

YM is obviously a bunch of people who have got the experience of eye position!

Scout's face instantly flushed like Uzi, and he was usually gentle and easygoing with 10,000 swear words in his heart.

Burn (R) burn (S) your (N) (D) dream (M), put it here with me?

He looked at Lin Ran, who was retreating contentedly, and was furious.

However, because Lin Ran attracted the hatred of the small soldiers during the exchange of blood before, the three long-range soldiers of YM suffered one less round of fire. At this time, there was still a little HP left and not killed.

Little Junior Brother subconsciously moves forward Kite, wanting to make up for these three little soldiers.

The moment he stepped forward and raised his hand to surrender his skills, Demacian Standard fell from the sky!

Giant dragon hit!

"Little Tian Level 2 came to Mid-Lane directly to catch..." The doll's high-pitched voice stopped abruptly as soon as it got out of its throat, "but the little Junior Brother reacted so fast!"

Amidst the screams of fans in the audience, appeared in Mid Lane's with Jarvan IV, and there was a golden light!

Scoutthrew away E [spell surging] and immediately handed over Flash, and he almost avoided Jarvan IV's EQ Second Link!

When he fled to a safe position, he moved his wrists, and the muscles on his back that had just tightened suddenly relax.

If Jarvan IV was picked up just now, his blue Inhibitor's crisp body will definitely turn into residual blood after eating YMMid & Jungler's set of damage. It is estimated that if you hand in Flash, you will also be killed by a blitz.

"Tsk," Little Tian carried the long halberd to help push the line, and his mouth was broken with thoughts, "This person is a bit quicker."

Lin Ran also feels a little regretful, It was an opportunity he created deliberately just now, pretending to grab the disgusting opposite side of 2, and after the trick was seen through, he stepped back and coaxed the hot-headed Junior Brother to come forward and farm.

As long as you dare to leave the scope of Defensive Turret, Little Tian can do it.

But he didn't expect that this wave of murderous intention that is bound to win will be evaded by Junior Brother using fast as lightning Flash!

Lin Ran wrote down '6.58MIDF' in the chat channel, and easily made up the second wave creep line by the way, and walked behind Little Tian to the upper half of EDG.

"What is this for?" The doll yelled, "YMMid & Jungler want to grab this red BUFF!"

The second Crown Prince Haro is stunned, now YMMid & Jungler Baotuan invaded, and he was unable to return to defend.

Level 2 Kha'Zix has no battle strength at all, and Mid Laner Junior Brother still has a large creep line under the tower at this time; Top Lane Ray also adopts a line-up strategy for fear of being snatched for second place.

GimGoon also knows that Level 2 Kha'Zix is ​​impossible to catch him, and the creep line is very high.

The creep line positions of the upper and middle lanes are very poor. Even if he wants to defend, the teammate can't stand the pressure of the creep line.

"I let it go," Junior Brother’s Wuhan accent is a bit happy, "I don’t have Flash!"

Ryze without Flash will only be connected by the opposite Jarvan IV EQ Provoking is a mortal situation, and the Junior Brother will naturally not go to Jungle.

"I'll go to the other side to red," Haro made a decisive decision and came up with a stop loss method, otherwise he would have to open a single BUFF, "You Bottom Lane, help take a look."

Miss Fortune and Thresh are both long-range, so the line pushing speed must be faster than the YM duo.

"Kha'Zix was upgraded to Level 3 after the three wolves, and jumped directly from YMMid-Lane to Second Turret!"

Haro ate Defensive Turret shelling, HP Dropped a bit.

"Jackey learned about haro's movements, and went straight to Jungle!"

Shiba Inu took advantage of the creep line before entering the tower, operating Varus and ran to the stone armor insect camp , A jewelry eye was inserted into the red BUFF grass on the partition wall.

"Haro's Kha'Zix did not scan, his stealing action is within YM's control!"

In order to avoid being hooked by Blitzcrank, the second Crown Prince moved the red BUFF upwards Pull, but only a little bit, otherwise the monster's hatred value will be lost.

"Liu Qiusong is here!"

In the commentary's slightly excited commentary, Blitzcrank shook his body and turned on W [overload operation], speeding up the red zone!

With the blessing of the Land Challenger 4WD Skin, Britz’s accelerating horn kept blaring and came to the battlefield before the EDG duo!

Two Crown Prince absolutely didn't expect Liu Qiusong to be so cheap, Blitzcrank Level 2 does not learn uppercuts, learn to speed up and come over disgusting!

He wanted to stand between the red BUFF and Blitzcrank, blocking the hook with his body, but his HP was not much at this time.

Starting from YMJungle's single-player Blue Buff, he himself was very injured. He was bombarded by Defensive Turret. At this time, he was hit by the red BUFF a few more times, and his HP was less than half.

The key to the problem is that the second Smite that can recover blood will not get better in 3 minutes, and now it is still 10 seconds away!

"HaroSmite is not good, he is in a dilemma!"

Mille also saw Kha'Zix's embarrassment.

Liu Qiusong also knows that this is an opportunity, and he decisively takes the bait!

The Britz gloves stretched out and harosubconsciously hid to the side. As a result, the sturdy body of the red BUFF was hooked to Liu Qiusong's side.

He just rushed over to collect the red BUFF, but in the shadow area in the distance, a corrosive Piercing Arrow straddled the space and shot the scarred Red Seal tree monster!

"Got it!" The doll's exclamation voice even overwhelmed the deafening screams of the audience.

A red circle with rune lines appeared under Jackey Varus!

"beat, beat, beat!" Lin Ran's voice resounded in the team's voice, "We will be there soon!"

At this moment, he and Little Tian with double BUFF Clearing the previous 2 minutes and 27 seconds to reach Mid Lane's Cannon Minion creep line,

The little Junior Brother without Flash can only watch as a large group of small soldiers rush to him again under the protection of Defensive Turret.

"Jackey turned on Heal to accelerate, Liu Qiusong's basic attack took Ignite and hung on Kha'Zix, directly forcing Haro to hand over Flash!"

Meiko brought the flounder Shanshan to come late, although iboyimmediately handed over the Heal technique, but the effect is not good under Ignite!

As everyone knows, when the Bottom Lane duo splits the experience equally, the first three melee pawns of the second wave pawn are required for the second wave, and the first three melee pawns of the fourth wave pawn are required for the third level.

It's less than 3 minutes at this time, where can I eat Fourth Wave creeps?

iboy only has Level 2, and the basic recovery of Heal is 105. After being seriously injured, it can only recover HP of 50 points. At most, it can resist Varus's basic attack!

"I don't have Lantern, withdraw and withdraw!" Meiko yelled. The Thresh he operates only has two skills, QE, and he can't give a shield. Haro is in no combat state at all!

"Meiko goes out of the hook..." Another golden light flashed by, "Jackey dodged!"

Varus of Shiba Inu saw that the hook did not go back at all, Flash went Directly hit the face of the EDG trio!

Old gambler.

"Varus Ping A+E [Evil Spirit Arrow Rain], and another general attack, the red BUFF burning effect takes away the Kha'Zix head!"

Jackey is very irritable , "Come on, there is something to kill me!"

"meikoFlay brushed Jackey away, but he has been hung up to slow down!"

Evil Spirit Arrow Rain Shop It caused a slowdown on the ground, and the Shiba Inu successively killed the red BUFF and Kha'Zix, triggering the passive [Living Vengeance], and the attack speed kept increasing!

The arrow with the red BUFF hits the iboy, and YMMid & Jungler has appeared in the sight of Heimerdinger fish!

"My Teleport is useless, you guys get out!" Ray was talking in Korean, and he needed a Junior Brother to translate.

He finally found the Teleport position, but even if he rushed to the battlefield, it was 3 to 4-Junior Brother was fighting Mid-Lane and Cannon Minion. It was a while. Not coming.

Besides, Varus still carries double BUFF, the comparison of battle strength between the two sides is completely out of balance, even if he goes on, he will die.

"Jarvan IV EQ II even stepped forward... directly played the Flash of Thresh and Miss Fortune!"

Blood earned!

Xiao Si returned to the lower half with the opportunity. With Smite and double BUFF, he can take away all the three EDG wolves and Gromp that he did not eat before.

Counting down, HaroKha'Zix first round only brushed 3 groups of wild monsters in the upper half of YM, and a group of campsites with their own stone armor bugs were not brushed.

And the Garlic King has finished brushing EDGJungle, as well as the stone armor bugs and front beak birds in the lower half of his house, he can brush 8 groups of first round wild monsters!

Once and again, 4 groups of monsters bring Level 1 experience gap, and there is an economy of 400 yuan!

"It's a bit of a crash..." Mille was tactful.

Actually, in his opinion, this game of haro is over.

Kha'Zix this kind of assassin is very economical. The undeveloped Kha'Zix is ​​a tool man on the flanking Poke after the evolution W [Void Spike] in the Professional arena.

The young piglets are still fantasizing the team to make a beautiful turnaround, and the old piglets have already begun to split the pot.

[Kha'Zix: Is this still a tick? ff! ]

[Jungler is blown up, the gap is too big]

[This has something to do with Jungler? Not Midgap? ]

[This pot can also be thrown to Mid-Lane? What was Kha'Zix doing when Jarvan IV was arresting people and pushing the line in Mid-Lane? 】

The audience supporting YM elated with barrage, mingled with pigskins, and kept arguing with fire to provoke discord and watch the piglets kill each other.

And Lin Ran finally returned to Mid-Lane. The two cooperations between him and Little Tian perfectly liberated himself and gave his opponent enough pressure, but he himself did not make much money.

Little Tian pushed the line twice, and had eaten a lot of his experience, and even accidentally ate two bins.

Currently, Lin Ran is still a lot behind Junior Brother.

But he doesn't worry about anything—the Junior Brother has not yet recalled back to base. There is only a blue Inhibitor on him, which will not pose much threat to him.

Lin Ran knows that scout obviously wants to do a slow push line, and when the Sixth Wave Cannon Minion pawn arrives, he will push the creep line into his Defensive Turret.

In this way, he will create an excellent opportunity to recall back to base, and because the creep line enters the tower, the Junior Brother does not even need to hand in Teleport, so he can save to support other routes.

Lin Ran knew this well. He didn't stop his opponent either. Instead, he went up the river and stuck an eye in the grass before the creep line was pushed.

He knows that Haro’s Kha'Zix only has the option of using stone armor bugs in the upper half of his house, and the little Junior Brother who does not have Flash dares to push the line like this. Jungler will definitely come to protect it, and he can do it by the way. Experience, so that oneself will not fall behind too much.

Sure enough, after 5 seconds, Haro's Kha'Zix appeared in the sight of the river grass.

"Xiaoyan, you steal the Dragon directly, and Bottom Lane will help him take a look!" Lin Ran commanded.

Xiao Xi just finished brushing EDG's Gromp and found that the Kha'Zix position appeared in the upper half. He decisively followed the advice and came to the little Dragon's Pit and started stealing the dragon.

"YM's first dragon opened very early," Mille glanced at the mini map, "Bottom Lane Jackey and Liu Qiusong are still pressing the line, EDG dare not look at Dragon at all!"

Shiba Inu vividly and thoroughly played the double BUFF advantage, with Haro at the top and Little Tian at the bottom, he was even more repressive and unscrupulous.

What is The Dog acts fierce when his Master is present?

iboy's face resembling a flounder is full of suffocation. He is really disgusted. The guy who plays with the cup on the other side can't wait to face him more than the creep line.

Infernal Drake let out an unwilling roar and died in Little Tian's hands!

"Haro tried to go to Top Lane, but found nothing," Mille was impressed by YM's rigor, "GimGoon doesn't give a chance at all!"

"He can only wait for YMGromp to refresh!"

Gromp, who was killed in the early two minutes, will reset at exactly four and a half minutes according to the monster refresh time of 150 seconds.

But Haro just stole Gromp, and Little Tian, ​​who had supplied the equipment, came carrying long halberd!

"Shua can't help the Three Wolves, Kha'Zix is ​​really uncomfortable, I was driven away in Jungle!"

Lin Ran looked at the Sixth Wave creep line advancing under the tower, It does not clean up quickly, but only fills up the last hit, and allows a large number of soldiers to attack their Defensive Turret.

In this way, the 7th wave line must converge under the Lin Ran Tower.

Due to the existence of Defensive Turret, all the seventh wave of EDG minions will be killed, and then the YMcreep line will gather, constantly snowballing with more and less...

In short, Lin Ran also wants to create a wave of pushback lines.

Everything is a deliberate conspiracy.

"Prepare to freeze your hands, prepare to freeze your hands!" He shouted in the voice of the team.

"Here is coming!" Liu Qiusong helped Jackey push the creep line under the EDG tower, and then he was going to Mid-Lane.

In this way, Jackey will also have a wave of Cannon Minion pushback lines later. The EDGBottom Lane duo will not advance very quickly. He can rest assured to walk around and wait for the creep line to go back under the tower. Accomp

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