Xiang Kun lay on the ground for more than ten minutes. After his body had basically recovered, he crawled up endlessly.

In the sky, rain and snow floated slowly, and the temperature dropped a lot, but compared to the lightning storm that just raged, now the rain and snow have some kind of warmth?

The corner of Xiang Kun’s mouth still has a smile that has not yet been smoothed.

The “flying” that just took more than a minute in the air can be said that he mutated … No, it was an adult … Not right, it should be the most enjoyable and joyful experience of his life.

After the lightning storm was triggered, he flew through the thunder and lightning, was on the verge of losing control in the high air, concentrated his attention, and reacted in an instant. He let him live and die in Extremely Dangerous, who conquered the sky and lightning. In the sense of accomplishment, the ultimate pleasure was obtained.

Whether it is a man or a woman, or an old man or a child, Xiang Kun feels that the urge to fly is engraved into the gene.

Even before the mutation, Xiang Kun, who had fear of heights, had dreamed of flying.

Xiang Kun had never thought that it would be so cool to be able to fly directly into the air without relying on a foreign object.

In addition to flying, just over a minute later, he also regained his long-awaited “hair”. Of course, Xiang Kun knows that in the strict sense, the thing is actually not the same as ordinary hair.

Compared to “hair”, they are more like a functional organization that can help him to gather and control the charges around the body to control the direction and speed of flight.

However, it is clear that they need to be driven by a specific electric field environment and sufficient electrical energy. When they appear, Xiang Kun can clearly sense them and use them to control the charge of the body to a certain extent. To control the direction slightly.

But when the large-scale cloud discharge was over and the “electricity” of the whole body was exhausted, those hairs disappeared directly.

Now Xiang Kun can’t perceive their existence, they are not “shrinked” into the brain, but they are directly annihilated.

During the last “test flight”, the light group gathered around him was like his shadow, completely unable to control and perceive. The layer of faint light just now can be influenced and controlled to a certain extent through the “hair”. This should be through the recent blood-drinking mutation, combined with training to guide the “requirements”, in order to achieve the “power flight” capabilities, the functional organization evolved by the body.

Xiang Kun touched his still-smooth head, and couldn’t help but feel a little regretful. He couldn’t think about it in the air, and couldn’t even think about it, but now he can’t help YY. Is there any way to keep that hair? One meter is not too long, just a 2 or 3 cm is fine.

In the snow and rain, Xiang Kun, barefoot, was thinking and walking back.

Now that we have completed the test objectives, there is no need to continue.

Walking in the forest, watching the fire slowly extinguishing in the rain and snow in the distance, thinking about the lightning storm that was destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth just now, Xiang Kun was also very frowned.

Obviously, this sudden lightning storm and large-scale explosive discharges between clouds and grounds were caused by him.

But honestly, he hasn’t even figured out how he did it.

The only operation he can know is to sense the changes in the atmospheric electric field and the movement trend of the charge between the cloud and the ground, and then hit the right time to throw himself into the air with all his strength.

The subsequent “charge” is a bit like a mobile phone just thrown on a wireless charging stand. He just passively accepts and collects charges. As for how to gather, he doesn’t understand.

A bare-ass surfer stepped on the waves and rushed towards them, and suddenly found that the waves had turned into a tsunami.

He is also aggressive!

In summary, Xiang Kun believes that this is due to his insufficient understanding of the ability and insufficient control.

After returning, I still have to find more relevant articles and information to see why I will cause this short-term high-intensity thunderstorm phenomenon, and then infer the role and impact it may play in accordance with its principle.

He was also fortunate. Fortunately, he chose to test in this uninhabited mountainous area. Otherwise, not to mention the middle of the city, even in the suburbs, it may affect innocent people.

Without first figuring out how to ignite such a large-scale lightning storm, Xiang Kun is afraid to fly in someone’s place for the time being.

He didn’t worry that people who noticed the vision came to find him. In such deep mountains and old forests, especially in the night, his advantages were too great. Super vision, plus night vision mode and infrared thermal imaging mode switching, As well as other powerful senses, he can keep the “map full” effect, always discover other creatures first, and even the machines can’t escape his senses.

For example, a passenger plane just flew in the distance. Although the distance was very long, he also noticed, and quickly evaluated the possibility that someone on the plane found him.

From the perspective and the situation at the time, although Xiang Kun had a faint halo around his body when he was in the air, and it was also bright and dark, but because the distance was too far and the height was different, the cumulonimbus cloud covered that direction. Most of the field of vision was lightning at that time, so it was difficult for naked eye to notice him in flight.

Even if I noticed it, I couldn’t see what it was.

Unless someone happens to take a picture with the right equipment, look back and zoom in carefully to find it.

But at most, I saw a weirdly shaped “flying object” that’s all. After all, the “long hair” at the back of his head was stretched and stretched out. If he was really photographed and found, it is estimated that the “flying squid” is better than Guessing is more likely.

When rushing in the middle of the night, Xiang Kun sensed the position of the bone that established the super-sensory connection by the way, and it was still in the Qinling uninhabited area. Compared with the previous direction of movement, it was still going out, but the speed was really slow. It is speculated that there may be too many things brought out in the mountains, and carrying fast speeds does not raise. After all, many places over there are very difficult, not everyone can ignore the terrain like Xiang Kun and open the way than wild boars, than Monkeys can climb trees.

After sensing the rabbit woodcarving again, there was still no feedback. Obviously, those people still firmly implemented the strategy of staying away from woodcarving while sleeping.

Xiang Kun didn’t worry about what they could do after the woodcarving was taken back.

Even if there are vampires with similar abilities in Shenxing Technology, according to Xiang Kun’s research on these items that establish various connections, it is very unlikely that they want to try to perceive him backwards through these items-in fact, he It is hoped that the other party will do so, because according to his understanding, he has absolute authority in the induction system established by various “super-sensory connections” and “emotion injections” items. If the other party has a similar perception ability, and passed the test of his item, instead, Xiang Kun will be given the opportunity of reverse exploration. The first exposed party must be the other party.

Compared to woodcarvings and bones, Xiang Kun is more worried about people who know the truth about mutant creatures and vampires behind “Shenxing Technology”. After judging that the mutant creatures in the Qinling Mountains were killed by another human society vampire, they will pass other social characteristics. Way to find related information.

So he also recalled and retrieved his journey to the Qinling uninhabited area and when he left.

The car to the town is a private car temporarily found near the station, and the payment is also cash, and it is unlikely to leave any clues;

When arriving in that small town, not at all overnight, so no identity registration will be left;

He went to a hotel in the town, deliberately went to the toilet, and collected various information through his super strong senses. In the process, he kept his front face from being monitored by the camera;

When he entered the mountain, he walked directly, did not pass through the entrance of any scenic area, and was not seen by anyone;

Because of his physical characteristics, he will not leave any body tissues for human acquisition;

The clothes that were damaged in the mountains were also brought back. The footprints left, the traces of the fight with the mutant spiders, etc., should be almost destroyed after a few days of heavy rain.

Of course, “a fish that escaped the net” cannot be ruled out. After all, he did not at all one by one to deal with it. That is impossible.

Broken clothing may also have small fragments or fibers remaining, but the possibility of being found is too small.

And even if you find these, it is still difficult to locate him, unless you already have doubts about him, you can verify it with the auxiliary evidence.

However, the style of Shenxing Technology he observed during this period of time is still not careless.

Maybe they have other unconventional methods to investigate “suspected targets”. Without knowing their methods, Xiang Kun’s thoughts are so meticulous that it is impossible to guess what they will do and how well they can do it.

So after the “bones” left the Qinling uninhabited area, arrived at the final destination, and finally confirmed their location, Xiang Kun would find a way to investigate and see if there was a way to “infiltrate” it, know yourself and know your enemy, To fight every battle without defeat.

Of course, it must be on the premise of ensuring their own safety.

Xiang Kun, who ran fast on the mountain road at night, suddenly stopped, seemed to feel something, looked up towards the night sky.


Star city.

Liu Shiling drew pictures in his room. This is the homework assigned by the Kindergarten Teacher today, asking them to paint the winter in mind.

Liu Shiling started painting after dinner. Five pictures have been drawn, but all of them were dissatisfied. In the end, they were painted in a ball, torn off and thrown in the trash.

She really couldn’t focus on the painting. It wasn’t that she was playful and didn’t want to finish the homework properly, but at this time in the living room of the family, father who hadn’t seen it for almost a month, had just returned home and was working with Mother quarrels, and the louder and louder, the louder and louder.

Although mother asked her to stay in the room to paint, and she was not allowed to go out after painting, she really couldn’t continue painting. Even if the door was closed, the sound of quarrel outside still passed into her ears clearly.

On the other hand that didn’t hold the brush, the coins quickly fluttered between the fingers, but without the usual stability, it seemed that they would fall off the finger and fall to the ground at any time.

“You silly girl!” With a yell, the sound of a broken glass sounded in the living room.

Shocked by this voice, Liu Shiling finally couldn’t help, she held the coin, opened the door and rushed out, standing in front of the anger and preparing to scold and so on father, with open arms, loudly said “You are not allowed to scold mother!”

The dark-skinned, sullen-looking middle-aged man was going to blurt out the swear words after seeing the daughter, and finally hesitated.

Shiling mother scolded angrily, “Who told you to come out? Go back to the house! It’s nothing to do with your master! You don’t care about it!” The voice was choked.

Liu Shiling looked up at the flushed and angry mother, bit his lower lip, and finally returned to the room with her head down.

The quarrel continued outside, but the voice was a little quieter. Liu Shiling knew that it wasn’t that father and mother were fighting less fiercely, but that they went to the balcony.

She sat in the room for a while and still couldn’t do anything, except she flipped the coins subconsciously.

Then it seemed to make a decision. She held the coin and started to pick up her red small school bag to pack things, stuffed a few clothes, a few origami papers, a small red flashlight, and a small long box with her special chopsticks. Leaving the room carrying a schoolbag.

Father and mother quarreled on the balcony. Not at all, when she saw her, she stood at the door of the room for a while, then lowered her head and carried a schoolbag to open the door and walk out of the house.

Taking the elevator down the stairs, left the community, walked several hundred meters, and stood on the sidewalk, which was extremely deserted and half-many in the middle of the night, but Liu Shiling stopped slowly.

The first reaction she had just had in mind was to leave the house temporarily to avoid the quarrel of father mother. The only place she thought of was to go to the bald Uncle.

But after coming here, she suddenly remembered that she forgot to bring money, how to get a taxi without money, how to get to the city where the bald Uncle was without a car?

And she does n’t have a cell phone, so she ca n’t contact Uncle.

This season, at this point in time, the temperature of Star City is close to zero. A cold wind blows at night, which makes people want to shrink their necks and toes. Liu Shiling now only wears a thin red sweater and red khaki, even a jacket. I forgot to wear them.

I just went downstairs with an emotion, but I didn’t feel anything. Now I stood still, but I couldn’t help shaking and my nose was going to blow out.

After sucking her nose, the pretty girl turned back and looked towards the distant community, hesitating whether to go home. Now sneaking back, father mother may still be quarreling on the balcony, but did not find that she had just “run away from home”, she Can quietly return to the room as if nothing happened.

Hey? When I came out, it seemed like the door was locked? And the access control downstairs must be swiped to open.

The fatty girl scratched her head, struggling for a moment.

While hesitating, she suddenly noticed that a stray uncle wearing a ragged cotton jacket with a full beard in the bus station diagonally across her was staring at her with staring eyes.

Liu Shiling’s heart jumped up suddenly, thinking of the story that mother had told her little child to be taken away by the bad guy in order to prevent her from running around by herself, her feet were a little soft.

Just when she wanted to move, she suddenly heard a faint thunder sound, she looked up in surprise, the night sky above her head not changed at all, she could even see the moon, didn’t it rain?

Before Liu Shiling heard thunder, she would be afraid, she could’t be considered a brave child.

But today, when she heard the thunder, she didn’t feel a little scared. Instead, she had an inexplicable curiosity and wanted to hear more clearly.

The sound of thunder was distant and near, and it kept on feeling inexplicable for a while, and then when she looked at the wandering uncle across the street, she was no longer afraid.

And I don’t know why, she saw that uncle’s eyes staring at her, as if it was not intentional, but fear?

What is uncle afraid of?

The rumble of thunder stopped, and Liu Shiling suddenly looked down at the coin that she had been holding. She shook her fist with her fist up, put her thumb under the coin, and then bounced it.

She often does this action. She bounces the coin two or thirty centimeters down and pats it on the back of her hand, letting other children guess the pros and cons. This is a game she often plays with people in kindergarten, and she always wins.

But this time, after the coin bounced, it went straight up into the air, and it even went higher and higher.

Liu Shiling lifts the head, squinting his eyes, looking at the higher and higher flying, and finally almost seeing the coins hovering, showing a happy smile.

She looked away and looked towards the street uncle across the street, pointing overhead, loudly shouted: “uncle! Uncle! Look!”

“Ah!? … Ah !!!” What surprised Liu Shiling, however, was that when Uncle cast her gaze, she screamed and ran away, stumbled all the way, as if she had seen something terrifying. ?

Liu Shiling, who had been paying attention to the coin just now, not at all noticed that at the moment she bounced the coin, the surrounding street lights were constantly changing in brightness, and the street lights closer to her changed more.

The tramp uncle who drank a lot of wine was at that distance, she could n’t see the coins in her hand, she only saw the little girl in a red-clothed carrying a red schoolbag, making a flash of light to him in a street lamp. He made a weird gesture of thumbs, then looked up at the sky, and looked at him with a smile.

Thinking of the “real story” that people had heard when they were young, the uncle could not suppress his fear and ran away.

When Liu Shiling looked at the back that disappeared at the corner of the street in doubt, and looked up at the coin hovering in the air, the coin had fallen in front of her.

When he leaned over to pick up the coin, Liu Shiling heard the hissing sound behind him and shouted, “Liu Shiling !!!”

Liu Shiling subconsciously narrowed his neck, got up and turned his head, lowered his head, and closed his legs, like a quail just picked up from the water, thinking about how to admit it, in order to ease the thunderbolt anger of mother.

But Shiling mother, who ran over at an athlete-like speed of 100 meters, directly one-knee kneels on the ground, held her fiercely in her arms, crying and said, “Baby, sorry, mother is wrong, you do n’t want to leave mother, mother won’t kill you anymore … “

Liu Shiling, who was struggling to think of a solution, burst into tears and wow shouted, “mother, I’m sorry, I’m not daring anymore … yeah … I have a snot, mother, I’m so cold …”

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