What It’s Like Being a Vampire

Vol 3 Chapter 235: Throw the theory and prove

During dinner, Xiang Kun naturally relied on two stones that had established a "super-sensory connection" to suppress the vomiting feeling. However, compared to only two or three people dining together, the current situation of multi-person dining, after he has been able to rely on the new cognitive model to build a cognitive model for multiple people, there are actually many ways to do it under everyone’s eyes. Eat or even not eat.

For example, do more chewing, even if there is nothing in your mouth; occasionally pick up a bowl to drink soup, of course, you don’t actually drink it; when someone notices you, talk more, don’t let people notice that you are in a daze and have nothing to do , Otherwise others will naturally persuade you to eat food and even use public chopsticks to hold it for you.

  If Xiang Kun is a person who is easily overlooked, he naturally doesn't need to be so troublesome, but it is a pity that even if he is low-key at this table now, he is still the most concerned person, especially for the four of Zhang Qian.

So at the dinner table, Xiang Kun took the initiative to introduce the cooperation between him and Zhang Qian’s company to others. On the one hand, he helped Zhang Qian explain her attitude just now and by the way explain why she has not answered the phone. Of course, it involves him. Naturally, I won’t talk about my own privacy and the confidential details of company projects;

On the other hand, I also took the opportunity to guide the topic and let everyone talk about company operations, the status quo of various industries, business management, market development, and entrepreneurial opportunities. The posts of Zicheng, Chang Bin, and Chang Bin were all dragged into Zhang Qian’s During the chat, he slowly faded out himself, letting their attention focus on each other.

   But Xiang Kun also knows that since Zhang Qian and the others came to eat together, there are some problems, no matter how he guides them, they will inevitably be brought up.

Sure enough, when Chang Bin mentioned what Zhang Qian meant by "fortune-telling expertise" in the tailor-made suit shop, Zhang Qian immediately "taken advantage of the situation" and talked about the first time she and Yang Jie had "encountered" Xiang Kun in a bar. , Liu Chuang's situation. Of course, the initial "talking up" process was omitted.

   After listening to Zhang Qian talking about Xiang Kun’s "a4 paper magic", Chang Bin and his hairpin who heard it for the first time looked at Xiang Kun with surprise.

"Do you know how to do magic?" Chang Bin couldn't help asking, not knowing that Xiang Kun was so good at cooking before, it made him feel like a fake friend, but he didn't expect to find that Xiang Kun could do magic again. And it's a magic that sounds very awkward. Since losing his job and becoming a bald head, this good friend who has stayed at the university for four years has constantly refreshed his knowledge.

   "It's just a trivial trick." Xiang Kun said with a smile, "Zicheng has also seen it."

   said since the establishment: "That's not a trick, to be honest, I was dumbfounded at that time, it was really awkward!"

Yang Jie, who was sitting next to Zhang Qian, smiled and said, "Xiang Daxian, my brother is your idol. After listening to me talking about the'magic' you changed, I kept talking about it. Since everyone is so interested, Can we open our eyes tonight?"

Yang Zhuo next to    looked at Xiang Kun, and in response to his sister's words, he nodded vigorously, indicating that he was indeed a "fan".

   After Zicheng agreed to Zhang Qian's invitation to have dinner together, Xiang Kun has already given a number of solutions to possible problems.

   He knew that Zhang Qian or Yang Jie would definitely find the opportunity to mention the "magic" on a4 paper again, and would ask him to perform it again.

   Of course, he has many ways to reject it naturally, and it doesn't make people feel unpleasant. But he knew that once they said the a4 paper magic, they would definitely arouse the interest and attention of other people. No matter how good the reason he found, their interest would not be completely wiped out, and they would always remember this matter. , I'll probably mention it next time I meet.

   So, Xiang Kun decided to choose a plan that directly gave the answer they wanted.

   Xiangkun said with a smile: "The last time Chang Bin and I ran into you in a bar, we actually said that there is no fortune telling, just relying on observation, reasoning and a little luck."

  Yang Jie shook her head: "I can see the relationship between our two brothers and sisters, and you can directly guess what I wrote on the a4 paper. It is not a level of difficulty."

   "The difficulty is indeed different, but the truth is actually the same."

"What's the reason? Xiaojie went to the entrance of the bar when she was writing. You can't see it. If you can't see it, how do you reason? And you can guess that she is not writing Arabic numerals, but Chinese characters. "Zhang Qian frowned and asked.

Xiang Kun’s original a4 paper "magic", she and Yang Jie didn’t know how many times she discussed, guessed, and analyzed in private, but they couldn’t give a completely reasonable explanation. That’s why they saw Xiang Kun, I can't help but mention the reason for that "magic". I'm so curious, I can't figure it out! Unscientific!

   Seeing that everyone's attention is on him, Xiang Kun wiped his mouth with a paper towel, deliberately acting as if he had just finished eating.

   "Remember the expression and reaction when I asked you to write a number on the a4 paper?" Xiang Kun said.

  Yang Jie was stunned, frowned for a moment, and wondered: "What expression and reaction do I have?"

   Xiangkun helped her glasses down, and made an exaggerated expression of squinting her eyes and raising her eyebrows, which drew laughter from everyone.

   Yang Jie also smiled and said, "How can I be like this."

"It's not so obvious, but you do have a very obvious reaction, especially after you talked to Mr. Zhang in a low voice, and looked back at the expressions of Liu Chuang and I. It was as proud of it as if you were determined to think we couldn't guess. "Xiang Kun said slowly, "But why do we think we can't guess?"

Seeing Zhang Qian and Yang Jie both recalling the situation at the time, Xiang Kun continued: "After you go to the entrance hallway and finish writing, fold the paper and take it back. Remember that I played a guess with you first. Is the game in which hand is the paper hidden? In fact, in that game, guessing which hand the paper is in is not the goal. The real goal is to test your personality and analyze your behavior habits.

"Do you remember what you said? What you said was:'Guess the number, what do you guess I wrote?', on the word'number', you carry a trace of accent, which is a bit joking Taste. In the word'ji', the ending sound is also slightly raised, with the feeling of pride and delight.

"If you normally write an integer within ten, then no matter what, I will have a chance to get caught. You should not be so sure. So I guess that you are not writing Arabic numbers, but Chinese characters. digital."

  Yang Jie widened her eyes to look at Zhang Qian next to her: "What kind of joking, triumphant, hilarious, is my expression so rich?"

   To be honest, three months have passed. How can they remember so many details, and the expressions and eyes at the time? But when Xiang Kun repeated what she said, Yang Jie got the impression again, as if she did say that at the time. Xiang Kun even remembered those words so clearly, so these expressions and so on, are they really as obvious as he said?

   Zhang Qian frowned and said: "Even if you guessed that she wrote a number in Chinese, how can you guess that it is six?"

Xiang Kun said: "According to my judgment of her character when she guessed which hand she was hiding the paper in, since she chose Chinese numbers, she would not choose the strokes and structures of'one, two, three' too. Simple numbers, but the aisle wall over there is not flat, and a piece of a4 paper is not easy to write, so the long strokes like'four, five, seven, nine' are also not suitable, so the most left Appropriately, it’s six. Of course, there is still a lot of luck, but it seems that I’m lucky.”

After Xiang Kun finished speaking, the people in the box were all dumbfounded and staring at each other. Zhang Qian said more obviously in disbelief, "Your statement is too unconvincing, right? Even people who fudge are so insincere. What about our three-year-old child?"

   It's not just her. Although Chang Bin and Zicheng didn't speak, they obviously had the same attitude. They didn't quite believe his explanation which sounded a little far-fetched.

Xiang Kun still calmly said with an expression: “Indeed, it’s hard to understand just by listening to me. Let’s try it on the spot. Mr. Zhang and Classmate Yang, it seems that both of you are here. Yes, you can quietly say a number to the person next to you, from one to nine, and let me guess."

   So Zhang Qian leaned to Yang Jie's ear, put her hands together to cover her ears, and said a number gently.

   In her voice, it is impossible to hear Yang Zhuo sitting on the other side of Yang Jie, let alone the other people in the box.

   Of course, these others will not include Xiang Kun.

   With his hearing, he can still penetrate Zhang Qian's hands, receive the vibration of sound waves, and even directly hear the vibration of Zhang Qian's vocal cords, knowing clearly that she said "Nine".

   "Let's guess." After Zhang Qian bit her ears with Yang Jie, she sat down and looked at Xiang Kun across the table.

"With your personality, you shouldn't choose'six' like Student Yang. You are not the kind of person who'follows the trend'." Xiang Kun did not directly say the correct answer, but "analyzed" in a soothing voice: "Phase Compared to classmate Yang, your personality will be stronger. When you get along with classmate Yang, you also treat yourself as your sister, so the number you choose should be larger than the one chosen by classmate Yang. Choose from nine or three numbers. Judging from your mobile phone number, if you choose your own mobile phone number, then you should prefer the number'nine', so I guess it should be nine."

   Zhang Qian and Yang Jie looked at each other, the shock in their eyes had already let other people in the box know the result.

   "You really guessed it?" Chang Bin also confirmed to Yang Jie in astonishment.

   When Yang Jie nodded, Zhang Qian had already said, "One more time." With that, she pulled Yang Jie up, and the two moved to the corner of the box far away from Xiangkun to talk.

   This box is more than 30 square meters, and the space is naturally quite abundant.

   After only a few seconds, Zhang Qian and Yang Jie returned to the table and sat down together: "Well, you can guess again this time. If you still guess correctly, I will believe your explanation!"

Of course Xiang Kun heard that the number she said to Yang Jie was "one", but still pretended to analyze: "As I said just now, Mr. Zhang, your personality is very strong, so you should respond to what I just said. You care about it, and you care about your relationship with classmate Yang. You will definitely not choose a number above'six', and you will most likely choose a number below'six'. Since it is already the opposite, Then based on your personality, you will simply do it to the extreme and choose the easiest one, which is the least you can usually choose. I wonder if I guessed it this time."

   Zhang Qian's expression is complicated, her eyes change, she seems to be really reminiscing about the psychology of choosing this number just now, wondering if she is really the same as Xiang Kun said.

   Yang Jie helped her glasses and said in surprise: "Why do I have the feeling of encountering open players while playing games? You seem to have a mind-reading skill!"

Just when Zhang Qian was pulling her in the corner to determine the number quietly, her eyes were locked and observing Xiang Kun, but there was nothing special about it. It seemed that he really relied on the information. The correct answer was analyzed.

"Guess right again? Yes, Atu! You really feel like a fortune teller!" Zicheng said with excitement. He witnessed Xiang Kun's "magic" with a4 paper at the bar last time, always thinking It may be that the a4 paper is tricky, or some other magic method was used to know the numbers written by Yang Jie on the paper. But today, I saw Xiang Kun directly guessing the number chosen by Zhang Qian twice on the spot, and also explained the analysis process. I really feel like watching a movie.

   Zhang Qian frowned and thought for a while, and said: "I want to try again, the last time."

   Yang Jie was about to get up and go to the corner to listen to the numbers from her friend, but Zhang Qian directly called the waiter and asked her to bring a pen and paper.

   So Zhang Qian went out of the box alone, and after writing the numbers on the paper, she returned to the box with the folded paper.

   "What number did I write on the paper?" Zhang Qian asked after returning to her seat and sitting down, deliberately laying her face on the floor, controlling her expression.

Compared with their previous bar, the environment of the restaurant is actually not much quieter, especially when Zhang Qian is writing, she is still outside the box with the door closed. Under the influence of various noises nearby, Xiang Kun is not. The paper with the "super-sensing connection" is used to anchor the sound waves, so the details heard are rather vague, and it is impossible to determine which number she wrote. However, she could hear that she tore off the piece of paper and crumpled it up and threw it away after she just started to write a number, and then wrote another number.

   Obviously, this woman, who has always been determined in character and style, has also begun to hesitate.

Even if he couldn't directly open the "perspective hang", Xiang Kun still didn't panic. He now has a lot of methods and information that he can use to make judgments, especially after the two previous guessing games, he has further improved the comparison of Zhang. Qian's cognitive model. Of course, if it is to judge Zhang Qian's choices in other aspects, it may not be very accurate, but in the single item of "guessing number game", based on real-time sensory information changes, Xiang Kun is not small.

   "You should choose an integer within ten?" Xiang Kun said.

   "That's right." Zhang Qian nodded without change.

  "Arabic numerals or Chinese numerals?"

   "Guess." Zhang Qian continued to grimacing.

   Although there is no change in the expression, the heartbeat, breathing, pupils, etc. are not without feedback information. Xiang Kun has come to a judgment through this information: she writes Chinese numbers.

   "Will it be the same as classmate Yang, who wrote ‘Six’?" Xiang Kun said.

   "Who knows?" Zhang Qian was expressionless.

   Xiangkun can judge her emotions from her various body information feedback, it should be a little nervous and a little bit lucky. It is inferred from this that, on the paper she tore off after she first finished writing outside, it should be the same Chinese number "six" as Yang Jie last time.

Under the gaze of the other seven people in a box, Xiang Kun continued to "seriously" "analyze" the numbers that Zhang Qian might choose: "With Mr. Zhang's personality, even if he wants to be surprised, he should not choose six. Then from one From five, seven to nine, which one will it be? Will it be deliberately repeated, choosing the one that was previously selected, or nine? Or two, three, four, or five?"

   When he said these numbers, his speech speed was very slow, so he used a cognitive model to analyze Zhang Qian's information feedback.

   "Does Mr. Zhang have any opinion on the number seven?"

   Zhang Qian became a little impatient: "Why are you so wordy, hurry up and say the numbers I wrote."

"I'm not using supernatural powers and mind-reading techniques. Doesn't this require an analysis process?" Xiang Kun said with a smile: "Since Mr. Zhang's reactions to one to seven and nine are normal and open, it seems that all The selected word should be eight."

   Zhang Qian looked at him: "Are you sure? It's ‘eight’?"

   Xiangkun nodded and said, "Yes, it is'eight', and it is the Chinese number eight." In fact, it was Zhang Qian's last question that made him come to a completely positive judgment.

"Take it!" Zhang Qian threw the piece of paper in her hand on the dining table. The expression on her face couldn't help but she said to Xiang Kun in surprise, frustration and helplessness: "How did you push it out? ?"

"In fact, it's not that mysterious, it's just a little bit of psychological knowledge and luck. I have been talking to Mr. Zhang non-stop just now, just trying and observing. Although Mr. Zhang has been deliberately maintaining his composure, in the end it was revealed. Of course, I also have the element of gambling, and I dare not be 100% sure. As for the specific analysis, I will not talk nonsense, otherwise you will feel that I am showing off metaphysics and fooling people." Xiang Kun Said with a smile.

   "Xiang Kun, when did you become an expert in psychology?" Chang Bin asked very puzzled.

"What an expert, I just read a few books, and a friend gave me some tips on some skills. To say it is great, my friend is really great, but they have successively obtained psychiatry, mental hygiene, and applied psychology. A super student with a master’s degree and an IQ of more than 140, that’s a professional, and I’m still a long way from it. I’m just playing tricks and gambling for luck.” Xiang Kun explained.

Sure enough, as soon as he said this, everyone's attention was naturally attracted to the "real professional" in his mouth, and it didn't take long for him to build a spirit in everyone's hearts in his endless descriptions. Genius and superior image of science and psychology.

By the time everyone left the Hunan restaurant and went to a coffee shop to meet Wang Han and the others, everyone basically accepted his explanation of "a4 paper magic", even Zhang Qian and Yang Jie, who had been thinking about it before, did not. exception.

In fact, he has used this routine several times before. For example, when explaining to Yang Jie and brothers in a bar how to infer the relationship between them, for example, when I saw Zhang Qian for the second time, he explained to her how the first time I met in the bar. Calculate when she and Yang Jie constellations.

It’s just that a few more steps were added this time. First, an explanation and a theory are thrown out. No matter how unreliable it seems, then use other methods to prove the explanation and theory. When the proof is completed, UU Read www.uukanshu . After com persuaded everyone, it threw a stronger person to attract attention and explain the reason for the proof process.

   Anyway, in the box tonight, no one but him knew Lao Xia. Even Chang Bin, at best, may have heard about Lao Xia before, and seen Lao Xia's video on Christmas Eve, and has no other understanding.

As for a little later, when everyone went to the coffee shop to meet, someone mentioned what happened in the box. Nana and Yang Zhener did not see him guessing the number in the box, and they would not think what he said was anything. It's an exaggeration because what he said is basically the truth. Lao Xia does have those two degrees, and he is indeed a genius with an IQ of over 140. He also often asked Lao Xia about psychology and mental illness.

   And tonight’s performance can also allow Xiang Kun to re-establish his cognition and judgment for Chang Bin and Zicheng, so that in the future, he can also express his "specialties" more.

   More than half an hour later, Xiang Kun and the others met with Wang Han's bridesmaid group and Yang Zhen'er in the cafe.

   Thirteen people gathered together, and naturally they introduced each other.

   The biggest and unforgettable question before has been answered by Xiang Kun in the restaurant. Zhang Qian and Yang Jie did not put their attention on Xiang Kun anymore, but had a speculative chat with Wang Han and Tang Baoting.

   Instead, Yang Zhuo, who didn't speak much in the box before, approached Xiang Kun and whispered, "Brother Kun...Uh, Brother Xiang, can you add a WeChat?"

   Recommend the new work "Han Que" by the historical gods in July's new show. It's super good-looking, and it doesn't look good to chop me~!

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