What It’s Like Being a Vampire

Vol 3 Chapter 279: Ant lovers

Looking at the middle-aged man with a medium build, rough appearance and a moustache who just walked out of the entrance of the scenic spot, Ji Hang was puzzled:

Why is he here?

The middle-aged man was named Li Shizheng, and he was in the same unit as Ji Hang before, so he was a comrade-in-arms.

When Ji Hang started a business as a security company, he naturally contacted his old comrades in arms. He knows who has strong business ability and professional skills. And this Li Shizheng was one of the first people he contacted. Because he knows very well that Li Shiying has a lot of small team leadership and command experience.

In their line of business, there is actually no very high requirement for personal physical fitness and strength. As time goes by and age increases, it is bound to be inferior to young people. In comparison, experience and other professional abilities are the real ones. The priceless treasure is something that most people have nowhere to learn when they spend money and time.

But at that time, Li Shizheng not only declined him, but also recruited him in turn, saying that there was a big company that wanted to recruit people. The salary was very good, the annual income might reach seven figures, and all kinds of insurance and benefits were the best.

Yes, the one he told President Chu and President Liu last night that he had found a "suitable job", and his seven-figure comrade-in-arms was Li Shizheng.

To be honest, he was also very interested at the time and asked about it, but Li Shiying said that for more specific situations, someone needs to come to talk with him, and he needs to sign some confidentiality agreements.

After thinking about it, Ji Hang chose to continue his own entrepreneurial path.

One is that he has already pulled some old brothers, and the funding is almost the same, it is impossible to leave the stall like this; second, according to Li Shiying's description, what the company wants them to do is probably not easy, and the big money is sure It's not a free profit. Illegal crimes may not be necessary, but either they will be on business for a long time, or they will be on standby 24 hours a day, plus a complicated confidentiality agreement. He is not young anymore, and he still hopes to have some normal life.

Seeing his old comrades-in-arms, Ji Hang didn't say hello. He noticed that there were two women, three men and five people around Li Shizheng, and they were probably working.

Li Shizheng, who walked out of the scenic spot, also maintained a good observation habit, and soon noticed the dark man leaning on the side of a GL8 in the parking lot. He didn't stop his sight too much, but just nodded slightly, which was regarded as a greeting.

Ji Hang also nodded slightly in response.

It seems that he is really at work now.

Ji Hang couldn't help but guessed Li Shizheng's work. Looking at the people he accompanied, in terms of attire, dressing, things to carry, and staffing, it didn't look like a wealthy person wandering in the mountains.

If you are not traveling, what do you do in Wushu Mountain?

From the position of Li Shiying when he was walking, and the state of the other people, it can be inferred that among those people, the two women have the highest status, or the most important.

The expressions of the two of them were rather severe at this time, they were talking in a low voice, and they seemed to have encountered some problems.

But curiosity returns to curiosity, and Ji Hang also knows that if he ventures to investigate when there is no relevant interest involved, it is equivalent to provoking Li Shizheng and affecting his work.

After half a minute, looking at Xiang Kun and his party who came out of the scenic spot, Ji Hang suddenly thought:

Xiang Kun came to Wu Shushan today, wouldn't it have something to do with Li Shizheng?

But he quickly threw this idea out of his mind, it shouldn't be such a coincidence.

Naturally, he would not know that when he and Li Shizheng quietly and tacitly greeted them in a small amount, not far from Li Shizheng's group and Xiang Kun who was also out of the scenic spot, he had already noticed the difference between them." "Communication" connects them instantly.

Xiang Kun did not think that Ji Hang was a person of "Shenxing Technology", because he could obviously feel that the person in the group of "Shenxing Technology" who nodded to Ji Hang, when he saw Ji Hang, was There was a moment of surprise or surprise. And based on the content of the conversation between Ji Hang and Xu Kai just after they entered the scenic spot, it can also be determined that the reason for the two of them coming to drive today is Liu Feibao, which has nothing to do with "Shenxing Technology".

As for the acquaintance between the person in "Shenxing Technology" and Ji Hang, it is actually easy to understand-they may have served in the same unit before.


A few hours ago, when they were still in the car and before they arrived at the scenic spot, Xiang Kun had already found out that she was connected to the "Shen Xing Technology" by sensing the piece of paper next to Mi Qiao that had established a "super-sense connection". People are already in Wushu Mountain Scenic Area.

Therefore, Xiang Kun was not surprised when he met Mi Qiao, Fang Pingfang and others in Wu Shushan, and even expected it.

Although they had speculated about their purpose of coming to the vicinity of Wu Shu Mountain, it was not until this time that it was completely certain that they were indeed directed at the mutant creatures that might appear on Wu Shu Mountain.

Xiang Kun is also very curious as to how they will conduct exploration, and what role Mi Qiao and that Doctor Fang will play.

Compared with the whereabouts of "mutant ants" or "mutant birds", "Shenxing Technology" is more concerned about the investigation mode of such things.

When Xiang Kun and the others went up the mountain, Mi Qiao and others were already on the mountain, and their location was the area where the accident happened the day before yesterday. That area has been sealed off and isolated. The staff of the scenic spot watched and refused to let them. Ordinary tourists enter.

When tourists go up the mountain, they can see Mi Qiao from a distance on the mountainside. Some tourists want to go there too. When they are stopped by the staff, they point to the side and say: "How are they? Can you go there?"

The staff's answer was: "They are not tourists."

Xiang Kun estimated that the staff in the scenic spot should only know that they are not tourists, but what they are doing, it is estimated that the person above may not tell them.

Although the distance is far away, there is Xiangkun’s "super-contact" item in Miqiao's back bag, which can help him lock the position so that his super hearing sense can accurately collect sound information.

So while Xiang Kun accompanied Tang Baona and others climbing the mountain, he also paid attention to the information from Mi Qiao and Dr. Fang, as well as the conversation between Ji Hang and Xu Kai in the parking lot.

Although his brain can process a variety of information at the same time, most of them are subconscious instincts that have been mutated through a lot of training. It is like when he walks into a certain building or a certain area, the brain will automatically collect various sounds and smells. Information, and preliminary preprocessing, if there are details that he should pay attention to, will he be aware of it.

But like now, he needs to consciously concentrate his hearing ability to collect sound information from two very far apart locations. Even if he does it now, it is still a bit difficult, so when climbing the mountain, he looks a little trance and loses concentration. Look like.

"Xiang Kun, are you uncomfortable?" Tang Baona, who was walking in front, noticed his abnormality, turned back and helped him, and asked with concern.

Xiang Kun then withdrew his attention to Ji Hang and Xu Kai in the parking lot. On the one hand, they had stopped chatting, and on the other hand, they were too far apart. Under the situation of "one mind and two purposes", he wanted to hear the voice. It's very difficult.

"It may be due to lack of sleep, a little sleepy." Xiang Kun explained with a smile.

"Insufficient sleep? I'll go, you don't have enough sleep and go for a run early in the morning?" Zicheng, who was walking a little earlier, turned his head and stared and asked, "I don't know when you go out!" Yesterday morning, too, I went for a run early in the morning, such a cold day... Why bother, why bother? Is it uncomfortable under the covers?"

Yang Zhuo smiled and said, "Brother Liu, look at Brother Xiang's figure. There is no strong will, but there is no way to train it in a few months." He had seen Xiang Kun on social media before when he was still working. Photos, know the changes in body shape before and after Xiang Kun exercises.

Zicheng nodded, and sighed: "It looks like I can't lose weight in my life. I can't live up to my lazy sleep and good food!"

Yang Jie couldn't help but complain: "Hey, why do you express laziness as if you love life?"

Xiang Kun signaled to Tang Baona that he was fine, and pointed to the small pavilion on the lower half of the mountain: "I'll go there and rest for a while, you can keep going up."

"Xiaojie and I are also a little tired from crawling. Let's take a break together." Zhang Qian also said, and then took the lead to go to the small pavilion with Yang Jie and Xiao Min.

So a group of eleven people all entered the small pavilion at once, and the whole small pavilion was packed.

While everyone was drinking, eating, taking pictures, and chatting, it was also very lively.

While Xiang Kun sat in the corner of the pavilion, pretending to rest, he could just watch Mi Qiao and Dr. Fang intently.

However, according to what he heard, although Mi Qiao and the others have many investigation channels and sources, they have collected some related videos shot around at that time, and there are a large number of witnesses describing the scene of the accident, but The specific investigation direction is still unclear, and the truth of the investigation is even far worse than Xiang Kun.

Listening to them analyzing and guessing the situation when the accident occurred on the morning of the 18th, Xiang Kun couldn't help but anxious for them, trying to guide them to the right path and let them realize what they were investigating.

He wanted to see what kind of processing mechanism the people of "Shen Xing Technology" would have after determining the existence of mutant creatures, how to carry out follow-up actions, and how to mobilize resources.

Although they might end up in the right direction of the investigation, at most it would take more time, but Xiang Kun couldn’t stay long in Tongshi Town. He had already booked a flight ticket to go back tomorrow. He hoped that Miqiao and the others The investigation can make progress as soon as possible, and it is best to make a breakthrough today.

But he could not go directly and tell them: "What you are looking for are two mutant creatures! One may be mutated by ants! One may be some kind of big bird! They should fight each other and kill ordinary tourists! There are no more peaks near Wushu Mountain now, you can try to search deep mountains!"

However, after Xiang Kun discovered that among the people with Mi Qiao and Dr. Fang, one of them was Zhou Rui, a "Shenxing Technology" researcher who had previously confirmed his identity with the help of Alice, and he had an idea to try.

Sitting next to the pillars of the pavilion, Xiang Kun closed his eyes and looked like he was sleeping in a false sleep, thus entering a "super-sensing state."

Through the positioning of the "black circle graffiti" in Miqiao's backpack in the soft leather notebook, Xiang Kun's perception fell around them.

In the "super-sensing state", Xiang Kun is already very familiar with the body perception information of Mi Qiao and Dr. Fang, and he knows which information represents which person.

Previously, Little Apple relied on Xiang Kun’s control over multiple "emotional injection" items that Xiang Kun gave her, and "developed" a concretized set of emotions that could call "emotional injection" items, so that it had an emotional impact on the target. The corresponding illusion projection appears.

Through Xiang Kun's attempts and experiments, using it in a "super-sensing state" can also produce corresponding emotional projection illusions. The principle of this illusion is the same as that of dreams.

Because of this, Xiang Kun came up with an idea, can he apply the method of editing dreams to this, directly causing people to have similar illusions in reality?

According to his deduction, this method is still feasible, especially now that there is an opportunity for this experiment, there is the "black circle graffiti" in the bag that Mi Qiao is carrying, and Zhou Rui is within the scope of influence.

So after Xiang Kun called the emotional concretization collection of "black circle graffiti" and put it into Zhou Rui's perceptual information, he began to concretize a certain image in Zhou Rui's sensory information.

The illusion of the waking state is naturally much more difficult to create than in the dream state, and it is still under the influence of the "super-sensing state".

Previously, the other doctor's influence caused her to see "cut rabbit meat" in the laboratory, relying on the emotional concretization of the rabbit woodcarving, but now, he wants to "edit" the illusion on his own.

Naturally, he can't make up whatever he wants, because there is no corresponding "code". Fortunately, Xiang Kun had perceived Zhou Rui's dreams before, so he could try to edit some elements that had appeared in the dreams so that they could be present in Zhou Rui's visual senses.

It's like a simple "painting editor", without any brushes, only a predetermined pattern can be "placed" by him.

The pattern Xiang Kun chose to place was-ants.

This was the most impressive element that I had seen in Zhou Rui's dream. He and Alice found Zhou Rui's exact identity through the ant box seen in the dream.

And now, ants are the best hint to them.

So, under the influence of Xiang Kun, Zhou Rui, who was taking pictures by Fang Pingfang's request, suddenly saw an ant the size of a little fingernail, quickly digging into the mud.

Zhou Rui's expression was dumbfounded.

If someone else sees this ant, there should be nothing unusual. After all, this is the most common insect, and it is normal to see it in the mountains.

But Zhou Rui is a veteran or even avid ant lover. He knows the habits of many ants very well. Knowing that this season, there should be no ants outside. The ants basically stay in their nests for the winter.

Moreover, the big worker ant he saw just now happened to be the species he was raising now, and this ant was not distributed in Haixi Province.

The intense curiosity drove him to lie on the ground and carefully observe the place where the big worker ant disappeared. After a while, he began to take out a tool to dig up the soil.

His unusual behavior quickly attracted the attention of Fang Pingfang, Mi Qiao and others, who came to ask.

But Zhou Rui didn't say anything, just digging the ground vigorously. After digging, he observed it, and then began to look elsewhere.

In the distance, in the small pavilion on the mountainside, Xiang Kun had already left his "super-sensing state."

He only created a short-lived illusion of ants for Zhou Rui, and even the reality of the illusion itself was very limited. Fortunately, it was taken from Zhou Rui's own dream, otherwise he might not recognize it.

But no matter what, the effect is already achieved.

Xiang Kun believes that with Zhou Rui's familiarity with ants, he will soon be able to discover the lack of the ant population on this mountain, and this will trigger more targeted investigations and actions by Mi Qiao, Dr. Fang and others.

"Xiang Kun, let's go back soon. You really have to make up for sleep and take a good rest." Tang Baona, who was sitting next to her, said worriedly when she saw Xiang Kun "waking up".

Xiang Kun jumped up, stretched his arms drastically, and said vigorously: "I'm OK! I took a little doze, and now it has become a living dragon again, let's climb the mountain!" Now, first climb up the mountain.

Seeing his appearance, Tang Baona, You Meng and others also let go of their worry, and then returned to the mountain trail.

Xiang Kun didn't walk a few steps ahead, and he felt the vibration of the phone in his pocket. He picked it up and saw that it was Xia Libing's WeChat message: "Are you worried about the two drivers?"

Xiang Kun was taken aback, and looked back at Xia Libing who was walking up the middle of the team with her mobile phone behind her. She was a little surprised. Lao Xia actually saw that Ji Hang and Xu Kai had problems? There should be no flaws in the performance of Ji and Xu? Lao Xia doesn't have so many ways to perceive information like him.

"What's the problem with them?" Xiang Kun quickly replied to WeChat.

After a while, Xia Libing replied: "Although they are very skilled in driving, they are not like professional drivers. Ji Hang talks too much, you deal with it too deliberately, you are playing his words."

Xiang Kun then came across~www.novelmtl.com~ It turns out that Lao Xia used his observation to draw inferences backwards.

"It's okay, they are not malicious, I am thinking about other things, don't worry." Xiang Kun quickly replied.

Lao Xia replied with an OK expression.

When going down the mountain, Xiang Kun actually didn't deliberately want to get together with Mi Qiao and Dr. Fang, it was just a coincidence.

However, Mi Qiao and the others rushed ahead and did not notice Xiang Kun and others behind.

According to the information that Xiang Kunqi heard, they were still confirming the situation of the ants, but they suddenly got the news. They found traces of the big bird elsewhere, and they needed to rush over immediately.

After returning to the car with his friends, Xiang Kun built a "map" of the surroundings in his brain to determine the possible trajectory of the big bird.


Recommend an infinite stream of "What is the experience of being called to be a giant", very interesting.

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