Some feelings will not exist without experiencing the test of life and death, but once they are experienced, they will be indestructible.

Life and death, friendship is now, life and death, friendship is now.

For everyone in the A-Character Division, in such a dangerous situation today, except for Zhao Zongzhen, who was nearly fifty years old, he had encountered it once before, and the others were unique.

After all, Guan Yaotai has never been wrong before, and it is impossible to assign them so many tasks that are beyond their capabilities. It is only this time that the fairy spirits suddenly appeared in the demon domain, which is an accident.

But luckily, they survived.

If it is said that the A-type department only accepted Qin Yuan before, then after this life and death, Qin Yuan has been recognized by everyone from the bottom of his heart, and is already an indispensable member of the A-type department.

In Qin Yuan's eyes, at the time of life and death, Zhao Dangtou chose to feed the snake with his body without hesitation in order to keep his subordinates alive, Stump Deng chose to sacrifice himself for others in order to let them go first, and the one-eyed strong choice was It is indomitable.

Not to mention Su Ruoyi...

These people are worthy of the word "friends".

In Qin Yuan, the word "friend" is not easy to use, and there are not many people who can make him consider a friend in his heart. Before, Xizi was counted as one, but now there are three more A-characters.

Su Ruoyi does not count, she is a girlfriend and belongs to another subject.


Zhao Dangtou, One-Eyed Qiang, and Stumped Foot Deng were all injured, and everyone had a lot of luck on them.

After careful inquiries, I found out that the three of them later got together again, fighting the snake demon, and the fight was dark and dark.

If it wasn't for Stump Deng's luck, he accidentally led the snake demon to the other big demon's lair, and the two fought, and they would have been cold by now.

"Thanks to the lame this time, if it wasn't for his blind cat hitting the dead mouse, the three of us would be cold now!" One-eyed forcefully patted Stump's shoulder and said earnestly, "crimp, I won't do it in the future. scolded you."

The big sole of Stump Deng's foot was caught between two wooden boards. It was obviously a serious injury. Facing the repeated praise from Zhao Zongzhen and One-eyed Qiang, he just smiled and said nothing.

Zhao Zongzhen breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "You little brats, do you know how to write dead characters today? Okay, you've already died once. From now on, our A-character division will be auspicious and beneficial!"

"Big stall, should you invite everyone to have a meal when you go back?" Su Ruoyi smiled.

Zhao Zongzhen patted his chest and said with great pride, "That's natural, when did the head of this stall lose to you?"

One-eyed Qiang smiled and said, "Stall, can we go to a high-end restaurant this time? Everyone else invites brothers to go to the brothel, we... We have a junior sister, so if you don't go, we won't go, but we can't go back. A small restaurant that can be eaten in three or five, right?"

"Hmm..." Zhao Zongzhen's face became a little unnatural, and his tone was not as bold as before, and he said with a guilty conscience, "What's so difficult, wait for me to go home... Just talk to Mrs. and bring some money. ."

"Hey, I say that every time."

One-eyed sighed.

Stump Deng shook his head directly.

Su Ruoyi said curiously, "That's not right, big boss, last time when little Qin Zi made a contribution, didn't you take 32 taels from your private house and give it to him? !"

"Ah?" One-eyed Qiang answered immediately, "Isn't that thirty taels just for the adults to reward the little Qin Zi, how could it be the private money of the stall's head?"

Swish, four eyes suddenly focused on Zhao Zongzhen.

Zhao Zongzhen's face was red and white, and then he glared, "What nonsense, when did the lord pass the sentence to reward the little Qinzi? Then... there is indeed the private house money of the owner, it is true! "

Indeed, Master Tongju did not reward Qin Yuan thirty taels, but only twenty-five taels.

The other five taels were indeed put on by Zhao Dangtou himself.

It was only when he was reporting to his wife that Zhao Dangtou had a clever idea and reported it to thirty-two. At that time, the wife also knew that the case was related to his future, so when he heard that the case was solved, he was very happy, and he was right.

As for the twenty-five taels he deducted... the conscience of heaven and earth was all lost by these stinky brats who wanted to drink all day long!

Hey, it's hard for men, it's even harder for men with a wife, these bachelors know shit!

But at this moment, Qin Yuan smiled and said, "Big stall, I think we really have to go to a better restaurant for a drink this time, you see..."

Qin Yuan waved his hand, only to see Ah Da flying over with the corpse of the leopard demon.

Zhao Zongzhen, One-eyed Qiang, and Stump Deng all suddenly widened their eyes and couldn't speak for a while.

"This, this is the leopard demon?" One-eyed Qiang almost didn't jump up, "You still have the strength to capture this leopard demon?!"

"This demon leopard is very powerful, how did the two of you capture it?" Stump Deng couldn't help limping over and asked.

Zhao Zongzhen swallowed his saliva and slammed down Gu Yun's chest again. He said loudly, "How did the two of you do it, tell me quickly!"

This time, entering this demon realm by mistake was caused by Guan Yaotai's mistake. Just now, he also received a sound transmission from a brother of the Water Demon Division a hundred miles away, saying that Guan Yaotai had found a mistake and asked them to withdraw immediately.

It can be said that as long as everyone can go back alive this time, it will be considered a merit.

As for catching the leopard demon, he never thought about it at all. After all, everyone was injured like this, so how could they catch it?

But he never imagined that Qin Yuan and Su Ruoyi, the two with the lowest cultivation, could not only escape from Shekou, but also catch the leopard demon? !

Thinking of this, Zhao Zongzhen was a little excited and couldn't help himself.

This time, the Armored Character Division went deep into the third-grade demon realm, not only did it hold on, but it still completed the task. What is this called?

This is an earth-shattering move!

Based on this alone, in the future, which **** would dare to speak ill of A-characters behind his back?

Especially the people of the B-letter class. Those **** threatened to replace the A-letter class. I don't know what to expect when I go back this time?


Under the urging of the three of Su Ruoyi explained the process roughly again.

From the escape from Shekou to the attack of the leopard demon, and then to Fang and Wu to kill the killer, and how Qin Yuan resolved them one by one with wit and courage, the ups and downs of the journey made Zhao Zongzhen three people shocked and angry.

It's just that Qin Yuan didn't mention the matter of killing the snake demon, because Qin Yuan told her that the snake demon ran away because of pain in the mouth.

After all, it's better to hide some abilities. It's too shocking and easy to attract attention, and he is afraid to say it. The shocked expressions of these three people are not enough.

After the three listened, they were furious that Qingyun Pavilion dared to violate the Qingzheng Division. Zhao Zongzhen said that he would definitely report the matter to the Qingzheng Division, and make sure that Qingyun Pavilion handed over the escaped second Wu Er, otherwise blood debts would be repaid.

Qin Yuan pondered, the Qingyun Pavilion was troublesome this time. After all, the second Wu Er was buried deep, and the vegetation on the top was well paved. If the Qing Yun Pavilion wanted to challenge Ah Da's natal skills and find the second Wu, he should be able to Very difficult.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly found Zhao Zongzhen three people looking at him with green eyes.

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