In good conscience, Qin Yuan doesn't mind about feeling like sisters or something.

Anyone who has gone to school knows that many relationships start from calling each other elder sister, elder brother, younger brother, and younger sister.

If you insist on entanglement that the other party just treats you as a "sister" instead of treating you as a man, then the road is narrowed.

As everyone knows, how many "boyfriends" eventually enter the house and occupy the magpie's nest?

So since Su Ruoyi dared to give him such a "role", the old artist Qin Yuan dared to accept it calmly. After all, acting was his life.

After confirming that Su Ruoyi was not fishing for law enforcement, he gently hugged her waist.

Now, this is your first move!

Then he said, "Miss Su, thank you. In fact, in my heart, I have long regarded you as my sister, but I have always had those obsessions in my heart... Now, I will slowly try to let it go."

At this point, what the **** is Su Ruoyi's "obsession"? Qin Yuan is too lazy to study it. He just wants to give her a "positive feedback" and encourage her to continue to do so...

It was the first time that Su Ruoyi was hugged like this, and she was a little uncomfortable, but Qin Yuan's words made her very happy.

Of course, in addition to being gratified, she also has a special feeling, which is not easy to describe, but just for no reason... very warm and comfortable.

At this moment, Aunt Qi's voice came from outside the house.

"Miss, the water has been boiled."


Su Ruoyi wanted to gently push Qin Yuan away, but found that he seemed to be immersed in his emotions, hugging himself and refusing to let go, so he had no choice but to let him hold him, and then said to Aunt Qi, "Pour the water in the In the tub, add some cold water, don't be too hot."

"Yes, miss."

Aunt Qi responded and went back to prepare.

Su Ruoyi patted Qin Yuan's back and said, "Okay, I'll help you adjust the powder first, you'll be here later."

Qin Yuan then let go of Su Ruoyi reluctantly.


The bathroom is next to Su Ruoyi's room.

Behind the zigzag-shaped screen, there is a wooden bathtub about five feet long and three feet wide.

Qin Yuan has already taken off his long shirt, leaving only a white sweater, waiting for Su Ruoyi to take a medicine bath.

Su Ruoyi poured a few packets of medicinal powder into the water, then raised her sleeves to reveal her white arms, put her hands into the water, and stirred the water gently.

Because her clothes were stained with blood before, she just changed into a set of clothes.

What is rare is that she is not wearing an official uniform, but a light yellow small open gauze, which makes her fair skin softer and softer, and a plain blue ribbon is tied around her waist, which perfectly complements her exquisite figure. .

It's a pity that she still wears a manly bun and still refuses to put on red makeup.

Qin Yuan thought to himself, if Su Ruoyi had red makeup and thrush, it would be like the peach red in early spring, fresh and charming, and the intertwined feeling of the two might not be able to match the peach blossoms in ten miles.

Even if she refuses to wear red makeup, the opening of her gauze is also a little bit wider, so that no one can appreciate more style.

Qin Yuan once saw Concubine Yan wearing a light gauze dress with a large opening in Qinfang Palace. The opening can reveal a part of the bosom, which is very wonderful and makes people think twice.

Seventeen-year-old Su Ruoyi is like a freshly blooming lotus flower, with white and red inside, but it is dazzling and not demonic.

When will you be able to show off?

"Okay, you can go in and take a dip."

When Su Ruoyi was done, she smiled at Qin Yuan.

Qin Yuan nodded and walked slowly towards the wooden barrel, but after only taking three steps, he suddenly gasped, holding his waist again, in pain.

"What's the matter, does the injury still hurt?"

"Well, it still hurts when I walk."

Without thinking much, Su Ruoyi helped Qin Yuan to the tub until he stepped on the stool and entered the water.

Sitting in the water, Qin Yuan asked, "Sister Su, do I need to... take off my clothes?"

Su Ruoyi nodded, "Yes, take it off slowly, I'll go out first."

"Okay..." Qin Yuan responded, and immediately "hiss" again. He tried to lift his hands to remove his clothes, but gritted his teeth and couldn't lift them up.

Su Ruoyi turned around again and asked, "Why are you so serious all of a sudden?"

Qin Yuan shook his head and said, "It's okay, I-I won't take it off, it shouldn't affect the efficacy of the medicine."

Su Ruoyi frowned, hesitated, and finally gritted her teeth and said, "Forget it, let me help you."

Qin Yuan's brows became tighter and tighter, and he said quickly, "Ah, Sister Su, is this okay?"

"Why are you a mother-in-law again? We agreed to treat each other as sisters. Besides, you are an eunuch, what's the problem?"

Su Ruoyi said, closed the door, walked to the tub, and helped Qin Yuan remove his clothes.

Qin Yuan's strong chest was immediately displayed in front of Su Ruoyi.

Su Ruoyi suddenly felt a little hot on her face.

This... the water is so hot.

"When you soak this medicine, you need to keep rubbing your skin so that the medicine can penetrate."

Su Ruoyi said lightly, then took a bath towel, soaked it, wrapped it in her hand, and started rubbing Qin Yuan's skin.

Now that this is the case, Su Ruoyi plans to be a good person to the end.

Anyway, everyone agreed to get along as sisters.

Qin Yuan only felt that the blood vessels in his body were spinning and expanding rapidly.

He never imagined that some of the scenes in his dreams could be staged in advance...

Su Ruoyi was too gentle, after all, she was the woman who killed the five-year-old demon in the Qingzheng Division.

But even so, when the water in the bucket reflected the candlelight and reflected on her delicate it embellished her with a touch of tenderness, even a touch of charm.

The house is quiet.

Su Ruoyi raised her sleeves high and rubbed Qin Yuan's hands without distraction, her two fair and tender arms dangling in front of Qin Yuan's eyes.

Qin Yuan didn't know what Su Ruoyi was thinking about now, but he himself was sure that he was already thinking about it.

This kind of uneasy feeling is completely different from the past. If it was just a fantasy in the past, then this time it seems to be a bit substantial... the surging of blood?

Wait a minute, I'm just a eunuch, isn't it a bit wrong to have such a concrete impulse?

It's actually very close to when you were on the Blue Star?

The bottom was empty before, no matter how you imagined it, I had never felt this way before!

Qin Yuan was shocked in his heart!

Under the wound somewhere, something seems to be surging and stirring!

No, those are vaguely two... two vital things are forming and expanding!

That's right, it was something that disappeared once, that man's indispensable thing!

Qin Yuan was both surprised and delighted!

It turns out that this kind of stimulation can greatly speed up the process of rejuvenation!

At this moment, not only the two treasures, but also the section of the other wound began to make a big move.

Qin Yuan's surprise couldn't be further increased, and his whole body even trembled slightly.

Me, are you going to stand up from now on?

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