In good conscience, before the old artist Qin came to the back garden, he hadn't even thought about soloing the guqin.

As far as the fireflies in the darkness belong, they are so vivid and outstanding wherever they go.

But is that the end of it?

No, for veteran performance artists, this is just the beginning of a real performance.

Putting things in place, he stood up, and walked aside with a deep sense of merit and fame, and then humbly rushed to the dignified man in front of him and cupped his hands, saying, "This lord, good swordsmanship!"

This person can enter the palace of Concubine Min, and dance with excellent swordsmanship. He must have an extraordinary identity. If you guess correctly, he should be Concubine Min's brother.

If it's not... Then it's a prostitute, and report it to Zhong Jinyi, Nima, a normal man who is not a relative or a deceased person, comes to the imperial concubine's palace, isn't it with ulterior motives and evil intentions?

Don't ask him how he knew it!

Jiang Yingtai put away the sword, walked quickly to Qin Yuan, and then cupped his hands at him, and said with a smile, "Brother Qin, good piano technique! I haven't danced the sword so happily for a long time, and today is really happy."

With such an identity as Jiang Yingtai, he can hand over a little **** and call him a "brother", which shows how much he admires Qin Yuan.

"Brother Qin is a master apprentice of the Yinjia? Seeing today, the Governor's impression of the Yinjia has changed a lot!"

Qin Yuan smiled slightly and said, "To tell the truth, this slave is a descendant of the Mo family, not a disciple of the Yin family."

Jiang Yingtai was even more shocked, and said, "You are actually a descendant of the Mo family? What about these piano scores?"

He originally thought that these piano scores must be from Yinjia's secret biography, so he naturally thought that Qin Yuan was a Yinjia person.

But seeing Qin Yuan deny it, he became more and more unbelievable. Could it be that these musical scores, which are comparable to the handed down works of Yinjia, were created by him?

He just heard Qin Yuan indifferently say, "These piano scores were not made by slaves... They were obtained by pure coincidence. When I saw this piano today, I felt itchy for a while, so I made an axe."

Jiang Yingtai frowned slightly, thinking that he could get two piano scores in a row that were comparable to the handed down works. This "opportunity" must be too big, right?

There are only three music scores that need bosom friend to truly be called "handed down", and these are all made by the sages thousands of years ago!

When Jiang Yingtai was shocked, Concubine Min finally recovered from the lingering voice just now.

At this time, her bright eyes fell on Qin Yuan, and the same look was incredible.

This little **** has almost broken through all her cognition of "juvenile". He is a rank six at a young age. He can be described as a genius among monks. In addition, he is proficient in poetry and rhythm, so talented... According to her understanding, he is called the world. Unparalleled is not an exaggeration.

Because she had never seen such a young man before.

Because she likes piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, she has seen some talented sons before entering the palace.

It's just that these people are either arrogant and arrogant, but have the image of a frog at the bottom of the well, or they are obsessed with fame and fortune, chasing power and wealth, and have the heart to turn talent into a stepping stone.

These people are not only Confucian talents who claim to be the best in the world in poetry, but also talented musicians who are known as the best in the world, but in her eyes, they are just mediocre.

She was born in Xiangmen and became a concubine at the age of sixteen, and her vision was naturally higher than that of ordinary people.

In her eyes, Qin Yuan was the only person who could be called a "great talent".

Not only because his talent is several boundaries higher than those of the young masters, but also because he is low-key and modest, neither arguing nor flattering, this sentiment has the legacy of the sages.

What's even more rare is that he has excellent talents. At the beginning, he said that "the grace of dripping water is reciprocated by the spring", but when he was in trouble, he really gave his life to help.

Whether it was King Qing or other people in the palace, they all praised him when they mentioned him, and the palace even passed on him the title of "Qin Dashanren".

Isn't this little girl Su Qinqin one of his most loyal followers? I thought others couldn't see it.

Concubine Min is now twenty-one years old. Before she was sixteen, she spent time in the Prime Minister's Mansion, and after she was sixteen, she was in the palace again. Although she had always been dressed in brocade and jade, she asked herself that she had never seen such a person as Qin Yuan.

In a life that was as boring as stagnant water, suddenly a stone was thrown into it, and suddenly there was a lot of interest in life.

Therefore, apart from shock and admiration, when she looked at Qin Yuan again, she always felt a faint mood. This kind of mood was hard to describe, but it was something she had never experienced before in her 21-year career.

She thinks that this is probably the heart of cherishing talent.

Concubine Min returned to her place in a gentle step, and after she sat down, she asked Su Qinqin to withdraw the guqin, and then screened another palace maid.

"Little Qinzi, come and sit too."

While talking, Concubine Min jumped on the tea set and made tea for the two of them in person. This treatment is not something ordinary people can enjoy, but Concubine Min has done it for Qin Yuan for the second time.

The first time was to attract people's hearts, but the second time was more willing. After all, how could such a talented person not be worthy of a cup of tea?

Qin Yuan is also looking for the best way to get along with Concubine Min. Like Zhong Jinyi, he must first eliminate the gap in identity, so of course you are welcome.

"Thank you, Concubine Min."

After all, he sat down calmly.

At this time, Jiang Yingtai asked again, "Brother Qin, how did you get this score? Can you tell me in detail? The Governor always believes that the person who gave you the score is not an ordinary person."

When Concubine Min heard this, she couldn't help but smile.

This smile is like a faint cloud in the sky, so clear and bright that it brightens the whole garden.

Then he said lightly, "Brother, this piano score was created by him, where did the person who gave it come from?"

Hearing this, Jiang Yingtai couldn't help but widen his eyes and said to Qin Yuan in a daze, "Really? Is this sheet music really created by you? Good boy, tell the truth to Ben Governor!"

Qin Yuan was stunned for a moment, wondering how Concubine Min could see it, could it be because he was handsome?

Concubine Min looked at Qin Yuan again, and said lightly, "Little Qinzi, this is the elder brother of this palace, the commander of the ten battalions of the Imperial Army and the admiral of the nine So there are no outsiders here, so you don't have to worry. "

Qin Yuan was slightly startled, thinking that this buddy turned out to be the Admiral of the Nine Sects plus the boss of the Imperial Army... Good guy, looking at the entire imperial city, Concubine Min's brother should have more power than Zhong Jinyi.

My brother is the commander of the capital's garrison, and my father is the prime minister. No wonder Concubine Min always looked calm even when she was on trial at the Zhenfu Division.

If she didn't have herself, she probably wouldn't have had much of a problem. At most, she would just admit her mistakes and make some political exchanges.

Of course, this doesn't mean that he has no credit. His biggest credit is to let them save face, stabilize people's hearts, and even fight back, removing a vicious dog from the Yuwang camp.

Having said that, it would not be bad if I could have a relationship with him... ahem, a relationship.

Concubine Min has a good eldest brother, and Zhong Jinyi also has a good eldest brother. If she can become her own good eldest brother in the end... Then you will be afraid of birds when you walk around the palace and outside the palace?

Is this a "nepotism" relationship?

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