Latest website: Although Chen Jiaju suspected that Wen Jianren was an insider, he didn't have any evidence, so he had to silently guard against this person while collecting evidence.

Boss, if we don't buy any more, all the customers will really be lost. Charlie Cao said with a sad face, Why don't we choose the trading location in the downtown area, fast in and fast out, and don't give me a chance to respond.

These are still small problems. Just now Lin Tai called and asked us if we have shit on us. If there is shit on us, we can clean it up before trading. Don't drag him into trouble. Another subordinate of Zhu Tao said : I'm worried that Lin Tai will stop doing business with us if we delay the time.

Zhu Tao yelled violently: Now those dead cops are staring at me 24 hours a day like dog moss. You teach me how to trade?

I thought of an excellent trading place. Charlie Cao said suddenly.

Where? Zhu Tao asked quickly.

In the slums of Fei'e Mountain, it's easy to go downhill and difficult to go uphill, and it's condescending. We can stand on the commanding heights and keep an eye on a few roads, and we can find them as soon as we get them. Charlie Cao smiled proudly.

What if the mountain is surrounded by Tiaozi? one of Zhu Tao's subordinates retorted.

Wei Shan, you don't really think there are 30,000 tiaozi on Hong Kong Island, do you? Charlie Cao sneered.

Zhu Tao nodded: Okay! Let's choose Fei'e Mountain. The soldiers are precious and fast. Let Lin Tai know that the transaction will be made this afternoon. By the time Tiaozi realizes it, we have already completed the transaction.

The inertia of history is so strong, Zhu Tao made a big circle, but still returned to the original trading place.

It's just a pity that all their conversations were monitored by Li Xianying and Ma Jun.

Li Xianying immediately reported to Li Er.

Jia Kui, it's not convenient to answer the phone right now, I have the latest news! Li Er said.

Chen Jiaju picked up the phone and walked outside.

Li Er, the inner ghost may have appeared on my side, but I don't have enough evidence. Now I am passive. As soon as I leave, he may notify Zhu Tao of our actions. Chen Jiaju said unluckily.

Li Er smiled.

That's fine,

You help me cover at your police station, and I can take this case down.

No! Chen Jiaju objected: This time we are jointly handling the case, not to mention that Zhu Tao's case was investigated by our Central District Police Station from the beginning, and you joined in the middle, Li Er, let me tell you, this case can never leave us alone.

Then figure it out yourself! Zhu Tao will start trading again soon. Li Er said with a nonchalant smile.

Chen Jiaju hung up the phone angrily.

Chen Jiaju called a few of his trustworthy subordinates together and asked everyone to think of a way together. Wu Feifei whimsically came up with a plan full of poisonous points.

Big mouth, what do you mean by rushing to the street? I pay for every meal and accommodation. I have a little trouble now. If I want to borrow a thousand yuan from you, you will hesitate. This action, if it is not because of You have a big mouth, I will be weak, you look down on me now, don't you?

Why do I have a big mouth, I hate others to talk about things with my mouth, if you make a mistake, don't blame me if you don't want to take the blame.

Chen Jiaju and Zhang Dazui suddenly quarreled for some unknown reason.

Li Wenbin and others persuaded the fight one after another, and they didn't know who pushed who first, so they fought for no reason.

Hey, Jia Kui, what are you doing? This is the police station, what are you doing? Wen Jianren yelled pretendingly.

Ah! Chen Jiaju, you bastard, you actually made a move. I'll never end with you. Opened his mouth and shouted loudly.

Uncle Biao appeared suddenly, called both parties in the fight into the office, and scolded them. Wen Jianren peeked at Uncle Biao's office in the case handling hall. Ten minutes later, Chen Jiaju, Zhang Dazui and five or six other serious crime team policemen All the staff members walked out of Uncle Biao's office in despair.

Wen Jianren faintly heard Uncle Biao angrily reprimanding Chen Jiaju and the others for not being in a suitable mood to handle the case, and asked Chen Jiaju and the others to hand over their guns and police IDs, rest for a week and reflect on themselves, and then return to work. Zhu Tao's case is temporarily handed over to the Group B is in charge.

Wen Jianren was overjoyed.

Chen Jiaju was also overjoyed.

Drive quickly, go to Tsim Sha Tsui to meet Li Er.

A major feature of Fei'e Mountain is that the gap between the rich and the poor is very glaring. To the south is a rich area of ​​villas and mansions, and to the north is a large area of ​​densely packed shacks and slums.

Zhu Tao's trading location was chosen in the slums of slums, where the population is dense, and even if the police want to chase people, it is very troublesome.

The sudden appearance of a few cars in the slums must be very dazzling.

Li Er deliberately borrowed a truck from the transportation team. The passenger compartment of the truck has four seats in total. Li Er quickly squeezed into it with his four beauties. The staff could only squat inside the container.

Li Er, is your information accurate? Why did Zhu Tao choose such a tricky place to trade? Chen Jiaju asked painfully.

The mountain road on the side of Fei'e Mountain slums is naturally not so flat, Chen Jiaju and others squatted in the cargo compartment and were very uncomfortable being epileptic.

You have to ask Zhu Tao about this. Anyway, the information that the eagle monitors is Fei'e Mountain. It is condescending here. We must arrive at the trading location one step earlier than Zhu Tao. The mountain road is unobstructed.”

Chen Jiaju and others were in great pain, and Li Er was also in great pain. On his left was Bai Anni, on his right was Instructor Hu, and in front was Chen Yalun. This carriage was just right for four people, but it was really too crowded for five people. Li Er was so crowded. Shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat.

The car finally arrived at the shed area.

I don't know if it was because the carriage was too hot, but after Bai Anni and Instructor Hu got off the car, their faces were flushed.

Press, it must be that the carriage is too hot, and the jackets of Chen Jiaju and the guys squatting in the rear cargo compartment are all drenched with sweat.

Huh! Didn't you drive? Chen Jiaju asked Li Er.

No, this is a guy from the transportation team. I don't know how to drive a big car. Li Er said honestly.

Say it earlier! I know how to drive a container truck! Chen Jiaju gave Li Er a hard look.

Brother Tao, you drive the truck to the intersection and pretend to be repairing the car. After receiving my order, turn the car across to block the intersection, and then you can run away after pulling out the car key. This time, the target gangster has a gun. Yes, don't try to be brave. Li Er told the traffic police officer who was driving.

Hehe! Don't worry! Li sir, I have an old man and a young man, so I must be running fast! the traffic police officer laughed.

After Li Er and Chen Jiaju requisitioned a wooden house, they began to arrange an action plan.

Annie and I have met Zhu Tao, so we cannot participate in the latent operations on the front line. Li Er stated beforehand.

Chen Jiaju nodded, and eliminated Li Er and Bai Anni, the manpower was still sufficient.

My idea is to divide all the buddies into groups of two and disperse, and then report and summarize after blindly bumping into Zhu Tao's alley. Chen Jiaju put forward his own idea.

Li Er has no objection.

How do you disguise yourself? Li Er looked at Instructor Hu and the others worriedly. They were all white and incompatible with the working women in the squatter area, and they could be seen through at a glance.

Instructor Hu smiled confidently: Disguise is one of the compulsory courses for our women's SWAT team.

Ten minutes later, the three beauties turned into simple village girls. As for Wu Feifei who had been staring at Li Er coldly, don't worry about her, she is already a village girl without dressing up.

The pig hunting operation has officially begun.

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